do you feel pain in your dreams?

My wife did not find the previous post funny either.

I personally fly and am able to know that once asleep I have knowingly pulled myself out of my body and have looked at my hands once and they were flaming and golden color.

I have also fell asleep in my dream and started dreaming again and new I was doing it and at the same time started talking to my wife about what I was doing.

Cool huh!!!
To: Frieda

It sounds like a dream from God but in a metaphorically way. Most dreams about war "most" are from God. If you want to know more, message me :]
Ive never felt pain in my dreams but I do feel pleasure :)

Has any one had a falling dream and hit the bottom before waking up?

Ive always awaken, like micro seconds before hitting the bottom, which I imagine I do wake up becasue I dont want to die.
My dreams are scaring realistic. I sometimes mix up dreams with real memories I feel everything, taste everything it's cool but in rare cases I feel pain. And it sucks sometimes its mild and sometimes it really hurts when the pain wakes me up I Quickly check the spot were it still hurts to make sure I didn't just hurt myself in my sleep there's no wound no swelling no redness nothing it's completely in my head

PS:it's good to no they're people like me out there I though I was crazy or had so mental problems :D
I have never felt pane in a dream that wasnt associated wit real pane my body was actualy experencin.!!!

I have fallen out of a tree an gone air-born in a car... ect... while dreamin an had the "butterflys in the stomache" feelin tho.!!!
If numbing indescribable horror is classified as pain, then yes.

But I also have dreams that are fun and indescribably entertaining. lol

I guess I'm a dreamer.
I can't remember ever feeling pain in lucid dream but I have experienced dying in dreams and it was just a very calm painless experience. I do remember having a sensation of being raped one time during a bout of hypnagogia however and that was horrible but I know what it was so I tried to stay calm.
Despite the fact that this thread is over five years old it has been very helpful and i hope it stays open for other people who experience it.

Recently after having a dream in which a tenyear old tried to stab me in the knee cap which i could feel physically feel i was stunned. I knew i was dreaming, i always do, i woke a few seconds after this in shock to find my knee was still stinging (not from some lousy bedside table either) and almost didn't wanna go back to sleep it scared me so much

thankfully logic ruled out that pain is a reaction in the brain caused by well messages sent from nerves to the brain then back to the nerve saying oh! you're in pain. plus i knew the kid was going to stab me so i was expecting pain?
intense... owell at least i can rest easy(er) knowing its not some strange bizarre occurance.
i have nightmares almost every night, and in these nightmares i usually die in several different ways. sounds weird, but one night i get shot, the next i fall from a building, then i drown.

the weird thing is, it all seems so real! i even feel pain! and that's REAL pain weird enough..

does anyone recognize this?

Yea.......Especially if I have a toothache.
I don't recall ever feeling pain in a dream, but I feel emotions--yet a while ago I had a dream about making my way through a catacomb that was absolutely overflowing with dead bodies in various states of falling to bits; now that would normally be a nightmare, and it was a very real dream to me, yet I felt no fear, oddly enough; can't think why :shrug:
For some reason I was driving on an running track with my car, but when I came out of
the last curve there where people (the people that watched the race before) and hurdles
on the track. So I slowly and cautiously drove around the hurdles and the people to get to
the exit at the finish line. But when I was almost there a small dog on a low trolley (or a
skateboard) rolled in front of my car and I was to slow to brake, so I hit the doggy. I
heard it squeal, but it seemed alright. Then I heard the owners say: "Perhaps we should
have gotten a cat instead."

That's it. It's all I remember.

Ok I admit, I just needed a place to tell the story :D

But uhm.. the doggy obviously felt pain.. lol

It has been 6 months since I have been having Nightmares with pain.
'Every' time I sleep, I wake up within at least 10 minutes with intense pain in my lower back and all the way below. This is 'always' accompanied in a Nightmareish, Scary & Very debilitating dreams. Can you imagine, EVERY TIME!!? Every single time (within every 10 minutes of sleep) for the past 6 months? I think I have lost it. I think I hove gone beyond any point of return. The Doctors prescribe pain killers & Sleeping pills, sometimes mood elevators. Except for the pain killers, the other two have absolutely no effect. But the pain is real. I wake up & still feel it until I fall asleep waiting in fear. As days go by, I have been needing more & more of dosage for the Pain killers to work.

Is there a way out of the pain/bad Dreams?

P.S : Pain can be felt for real in dreams. Pain can be remembered purely mentally & experienced physically. I remember a person I knew who was very famous for his memory. He could remember every detail of events, sounds & settings of any time in his past -crystal clear. But he had also this problem of feeling the pain while remembering something painful. Something like this has also been mentioned in a book "The Einstein Factor".

Thank you 'nyceddie' for the "I will always confront and conquer danger in my dreams" tip.

Peace to all.
'Every' time I sleep, I wake up within at least 10 minutes with intense pain in my lower back and all the way below.

Is there a way out of the pain/bad Dreams?

So this pane only begins when you are asleep an wit-in 10 minutes.!!!

Sinse it happens that often you mus dose off durin the day... does the pane occur wit-in 10 minutes if you fall asleep while in a recliner... ect... or does this only happen when you sleep in you'r bed.???

I thank you need to be observed (wit the covers off) while you are asleep jus to see if ther are any psychical clues as to the cause of the pane.!!!

Ask you'r doctor about gettin you into a sleep disorder clinic.!!!
It mite be som good clues for you'r vital signs/brane waves to be monitered befor an durin the occurance of the pane.!!!

In the meantime you coud set up a video camera to see if thers any obvous movments you'r makin that coud be causin the pane.!!!


Get the pane fixed an the bad dreams will go away.!!!

Welcom to this grate groop :)
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Last night I had a dream that about 30 people were holding me down and beating me up and one guy was biting the end of my dick off.
My answer to the question posed in the OP is an emphatic yes.
I don't recall ever feeling pain in a dream, but I feel emotions--yet a while ago I had a dream about making my way through a catacomb that was absolutely overflowing with dead bodies in various states of falling to bits; now that would normally be a nightmare, and it was a very real dream to me, yet I felt no fear, oddly enough; can't think why :shrug:

I've never felt pain either, but have felt short of breath, intense fear, needing to scream but couldn't, sadness, woke up in tears, sexual feelings, needing to run but couldn't, flying or floating, but never actual pain.
I started smoking the MJ at night and ALL my nightmares seemed to have stopped. It's a relief to not feel afraid to close my eyes anymore or be woken at strange hours by terrible nightmares.