do you feel pain in your dreams?

When I dream, I tend to see myself in the 3rd person. At least, that's how I remember most of mine. I never feel any pain, but dying...feels weird. it's as if I was being lifted up really quickly.
ive never died in a dream... or even had terrify nightmares. my dreams always including something exciting or new which i havnt tryed in real life, except when i was a kid, most my dreams where mostly nonsense. ive had dreams that switch perpectives too, from 1st person to 3rd person view....
and why do i always have dreams in which i can remeber them, when i had a night of drinking...
I rarely have dreams in any perspective. My dreams kinda come to me in essence... Like when I remember a dream, I remember the idea of what happened, not it actually happening...:bugeye:
I die in dreams sometimes, and feel physical pain, but even when my dreams are horrible they are fantastic. I don't know what that is, but really horriffic things can happen in my dreams and I feel euphoric. The physical pain I feel will be a kind of satisfying burning or something to that effect.
I haven't had a really bad dream that actually felt bad since I was a kid.

I think it does have something to do with you as a person, once you aren't confused by anything, once you're an adult with an established mind, dreams simply can't be bad. But children always have nightmares because the world is a strange scary place that they don't understand. On the flipside they can also have more fun for the same reason.

Originally posted by bbcboy
During REM sleep when dreams occur the body is paralysed so you don't jump off of anything high. You might get the odd twitch but all this thrashing about in the bed is for Holywood (Unless you're awake of course )

Unless you have a condition called... Can't recall, don't have my psych textbook here with all the names and such. But for some people, REM paralysis doesn't work.
I don't know the condition but I remember a dream where I was involved in a minor car accident, I got into an argument with the other driver and ended up head butting his bonnet about half a dozen times(the weird shit you do in dreams!). This didn't get the response I was looking for so I gave the other driver the biggest head butt I could muster and I woke up in immense pain just after impact. It turned out I was head butting the corner of my bedside chest, I was left with a massive bleeding bruise in the middle of my forehead which was quite real :mad:

I'm not sure that adds much but it was the most pain a dream ever caused me :D
Cris said:
Note that is impossible for the brain to recall actual pain.

All you can do is remember that you were in pain but you cannot re-experience the pain through memory. The same is true within dreams, you can only imagine painful situations but you cannot experience the pain under those conditions.

Let me add:
When I was younger, I once had (yes, a classic dream) in which I was falling, when I hit the ground, I woke up and was breathless, like something had winded me.

And No, I did not fall off my bed, my brother did not come in and punch me in the stomach and no, my cat did not just jump on my bed somehow knocking the "wind" out of me...
Not in my dreams, as far as I can tell (it's entirely possible that I suffer a lot in other peoples' dreams, though).
only when i can remember my dreams. theyd have to be PRETTY vivid for me to remember them. Hell, two months ago i had this dream where there was a piece of glass logged in the back of my head, seriously like. And then when I woke up I still had a dull pain in the back of my head. Happy??
Killr Carrot said:
only when i can remember my dreams. theyd have to be PRETTY vivid for me to remember them. Hell, two months ago i had this dream where there was a piece of glass logged in the back of my head, seriously like. And then when I woke up I still had a dull pain in the back of my head. Happy??

You probably hit your head on something while you were asleep,that jogged you back into rem sleep and your brain produced a scenerio where you had hurt your head.
wow i know this topic hasnt been visited in while but anyway here i go. Lately i have been having a pretty high volume of vivid dreams where i feel alot of strong emotionial and physical feelings. Over the last 2 months of the dreams i remember i have been in a fight and felt me hit the other guy as well as him hit me and ive been shot and felt an extreme pain on the left side of my stomach. I also have other dreams where i do not feel pain but i feel for example my father passed away a few years ago and i dreamed i was in the same room as him and he was sleeping so i kinda grabed and tugged on his arm i swear it was as real as me touching my key board right now also felt the warmth from his arm.

I really am posting this because i had what i perceive as my weirdest scariest dream yet (forgive the random location and crazy plot i have no idea why it starts the way it does but its fresh in my mind so i remember most all of it)

So im in some kinda of tropical place and i see the ocean its sunny and im standing by a palm tree with a male and a female that i dont recognize. Anyway apparently im hanging out with them or atleast talking to them and they say something up make me angry so i turn around and walk away. I get about 20 feet from them and there is this bridge and cliff and hear a yell i turn around and get hit by a tidal wave and pushed off the cliff into the water below ( i swear i felt the push like was accually getting hit by the wave). Its grey outside not sunny like it used to be and im being pushed by the waves in the water toward this bleek shore while struggling to stay above water ( was physically having trouble breathing). Then i wake up
*stRgrL* said:
Anything with water is usually an indicator that your pregnant/ or someone close to you is pregnant:eek: Dont know about the getting shot dream. Ill look it up when I get home.

Textbook dream interpretations are rubbish. What a particular symbol means to one person can mean an entirely different thing to someone else. For example, my sister is arachnophobic so if she had a dream with spiders in it, it probably means she's afraid of something etc. etc. However, if a man who is a spider wrangler by profession has a dream about spiders it probably means something good or something he likes is happening.

Symbol interpretation is an individual psychological thing. No "dreambook" can tell anyone what their dreams mean or what specific things in their dreams symbolise.
this obv. has not been written in 4 a while but i find it v. interesting as i have been in some pretty crazy dream scenarios.

i was shot in the heart in a dream by a man that chased me and i felt it it hurts, A LOT! i even felt the energy leave me and felt myself get weaker, i just had no strength

i realised of course that i was dying and felt myself being dragged or pulled in two pieces, it felt like I was fading away, not disappearing just moving somewhere else. The pain was still really intense.

Just as i thought this is it, I suddenly realised I didn't want to die, so i said so in my dream over and over I then got a serge of energy from nowhere and woke up

although it didn't hurt anymore i could still feel where i had been shot, very strongly.

crazy huh!?
Weird dreams

k ive had a few dreams now that ive felt real pain. one dream was i got shot 10 times in the legs, felt the blood going down my legs and on the sheets, my whole body went numb and warm and tingley, felt my eyes roll back in my head like i was actually dying. my breathing got really low like i couldn;t breath and i heard my grandfather (thats dead) call out my name to walk in the light... this whole time i couldnl;t wake up as much as i wanted to open my eyes it wouldn;t let me.... and the one i had last nite.. i was getting chased by someone and when i got out side on the street. i got shot in the leg. fell down with the pain of my knee being shot, it was raining outside and i could fell the rain hitting me getting soaked.. then whoe ever it was couldnlt see their face. shot me 5 times in the chest.. felt every shot and when i coughed up the blood i could taste it in my mouth... and like my last dream my body went numb and warm and tingley like i was really dying but this time i couldn't breath at all. i fought it until my eyes starting to shut and roll back but i had to force my eyes open to awake from the dream..... anyone else have very detailed like u feel everything in ur dream...
I feel pain a lot in dreams, but I normally just wake up soon after, although sometimes I continue dreaming.

A lot of the time when I should feel pain in a dream I just feel unimaginable fear instead.

But the strangest thing which I hate even more than pain in a dream is needing a shit in a dream. Sometimes when I'm having a good dream I'll suddenly need a shit and have to try and find a toilet. This normally turns into a long quest and as soon as I do find a toilet I usually wake up.

Strange thing is I still have the feeling of needing a shit, so I go to the toilet, and surely enough there is nothing there.
I've had recurring dreams about flying, and then falling sometimes. I know I'm falling out of the sky and that I'm going to hit the ground at speed (terminal v).

I always wake up just as I hit the ground. There is a definite feeling of bones breaking, and my body smashing up as I hit--possibly this is why I wake up; it's pretty lucid and unpleasant.
There's a sensation of having cheated death, that I get with dreams like that.
Falling and crashing are quite short dreams, and I guess are like nightmares--haven't had many actual nightmares or bad dreams that I recall; I've had a lot of other dreams about flying or floating along, quite different--and I don't wake up, but I can recall such dreams easily.

Haven't had any for a fair while, though. And the ones where I've hit the ground are the only ones I recall about being seriously hurt, but there's no actual memory of pain itself after I woke up from it.
i have nightmares almost every night, and in these nightmares i usually die in several different ways. sounds weird, but one night i get shot, the next i fall from a building, then i drown.

the weird thing is, it all seems so real! i even feel pain! and that's REAL pain weird enough..

does anyone recognize this?

yeah, mostly this one time when i got my intestines pulled out of my stomach by this huge diablo monster. ;[