do you feel pain in your dreams?

Always. That is, I always feel pain. It can range from electrical sensations to a stretching feeling to actually blows being dealt to my torso.
The mind is able to reproduce many things, such as pain, so that could be an explanation for the pain. Of course, occultists would argue that it's caused by your etheric body reflecting injuries dealt to it to the more gross and dense physical body resulting in unexplained scratches and bruises on your skin when you wake up.
Origionaly posted by cluelusshusbund
Do you have a theory as to why feelin "dream-pane" is so rare.???

Yeah, it felt real. And yes, it was gone when I woke up, but my heart was racing and I was sweating. As to why it's rare, I"d say because when you feel anything very intense in a dream you tend to wake up; as I did. The arousal induced by the intense feeling awakens you from your slumber.

So you thank the reason its rare to feel intense pane in a dream is because the intense pane wakes you up... an yet... the 1 time you did feel intense pane in a dream you woke up but remenbered the pane... thats seems contradictory to you'r theory as to why feelin pane in a dream is rare.!!!

...I always feel pain. It can range from electrical sensations to a stretching feeling to actually blows being dealt to my torso.

The mind is able to reproduce many things, such as pain, so that could be an explanation for the pain.

Do you dread the thout of dreamin sinse you always feel pane.???

One time i dreamed that i fell out of a tree an perty much did a swan dive onto the ground... an it didnt hurt... however... i did have a "butter-flys-in-the-stomache" sinsiation when i contacted the ground... an then i thout in my dream... well... it ant so... you dont dye if you hit the ground when you fall in a dream an then i chuckled at that silly superstition (which i had herd befor).!!!

The only "pane" ive felt in a dream has been dew to actual psychical causes... such as a belly-ake... needin to "P" real bad... ect.!!!
I find that I associate things going on around me into my dreams, on a subconcious level. For instance, I hear the alarm going off, so it is a part of my dream, but I don't realize that it is really occurring until I eventually wake up. I think that this is the cause of true physical pain in your dreams, you are in pain and so your mind makes up an image in your dreams to go along with it. Does that make any sense?
I find that I associate things going on around me into my dreams, on a subconcious level.
For instance, I hear the alarm going off, so it is a part of my dream, but I don't realize that it is really occurring until I eventually wake up. I think that this is the cause of true physical pain in your dreams, you are in pain and so your mind makes up an image in your dreams to go along with it. Does that make any sense?

O sure... i asume that mos everbody at times associates into ther dreams what ther sinses pick up... includin pane/touch an sounds/hearin... ect... but what a nite-mare to have to suffer the actual pane associated wit you'r dreams.!!!

I once dreamed that my hand was severed from my arm... i was a bit concerned but i figered it woud re-attaach if i held it in place for awhile... an another time my little toe seemed to be cut off... it was a bit of a bloody mess but i wasnt concerned about it... i jus wraped it up in a rag an went on about my bidness.!!!

Welcom to the groop new person:)
Same thing...

I find that I associate things going on around me into my dreams, on a subconcious level. For instance, I hear the alarm going off, so it is a part of my dream, but I don't realize that it is really occurring until I eventually wake up. I think that this is the cause of true physical pain in your dreams, you are in pain and so your mind makes up an image in your dreams to go along with it. Does that make any sense?

Same thing happened to me once or twice (or thrice or more than five times), in which my sister was in my room looking at Barbie and Swan Lake, and in my dream I was in a classroom and everybody was singing some queer song, and I woke up out of the dream to find out that was what she was watching. Another thing like it happened, in which my brother was looking at Star Wars Clone Wars on T.V., and I guess all of the collected memories of my playing star wars video games and watching SW movies were triggered by this being on TV and my subconscious was able to conjure up the right images to reenact a battle between the rebels and the empire in space (I was a rebel... but strangely, shortly afterwards, I became a Jedi).
So you thank the reason its rare to feel intense pane in a dream is because the intense pane wakes you up... an yet... the 1 time you did feel intense pane in a dream you woke up but remenbered the pane... thats seems contradictory to you'r theory as to why feelin pane in a dream is rare.!!!
It's not just the pain that awakens you, it's the arousal induced by the situation you're in. So if you dream you're falling off a cliff, the arousal of that experience usually awakens you before you hit the bottom. Wh en I dreamt about being stabbed in the heart, the stab came out of nowhere. I wasn't dreaming about being in a fight. It was one of those dreams where I dreamt about lying in bed and then suddenly I was stabbed in the heart. So there was no increased arousal until I got stabbed.
It's not just the pain that awakens you, it's the arousal induced by the situation you're in. So if you dream you're falling off a cliff, the arousal of that experience usually awakens you before you hit the bottom. Wh en I dreamt about being stabbed in the heart, the stab came out of nowhere. I wasn't dreaming about being in a fight. It was one of those dreams where I dreamt about lying in bed and then suddenly I was stabbed in the heart. So there was no increased arousal until I got stabbed.

ONe time i dreamed this "dead" woman was floatin about a foot off the floor toward me an no dout ment to do me harm... i suddenly had this big fork in my hand an i stabbed at her but she wasnt fased... she kep on comin an i was then baked up agans the wall... i jumped up an took a big bite at her face... an then the dam alarm clock went off an woke me up... i sure woud have loved to finished that dream.!!!

So you thank the reason feelin pane in a dream is rare... is cause people tend to wake up (dew to the arrousal of the dream) befor the pane occurs... well such arrousal/fright/excitment surly does wake people up (somtmes) jus befor the paneful paart of the dream occurs... but not always for sure... cause i felt no pane when i dreamed my hand an toe was freshly severed from my body.!!!

Well strange thangs hapen durin sleep/dreams... you'r lucky the dream pane only hapened that 1 time.!!!
you'r lucky the dream pane only hapened that 1 time.!!!
More recently I've had spider dreams (aka night terrors). I'd suddenly jump out of bed in the middle of the night convinced there was a giant spider crawling around somewhere. One time I was so agitated I jumped out of bed and threw my nightstand (which is pretty heavy) across the room. I do this all while still asleep and wake up feeling stupid and confused.

Fortunately, I've not had one of those episodes for a couple years.
More recently I've had spider dreams (aka night terrors). I'd suddenly jump out of bed in the middle of the night convinced there was a giant spider crawling around somewhere. One time I was so agitated I jumped out of bed and threw my nightstand (which is pretty heavy) across the room. I do this all while still asleep and wake up feeling stupid and confused.

Fortunately, I've not had one of those episodes for a couple years.

Did the night terrors always involve scary-spider type dreams.???
I believe the "falling" in a dream means that you feel hopeless in some aspect of your life. Anything with water is usually an indicator that your pregnant/ or someone close to you is pregnant:eek: Dont know about the getting shot dream. Ill look it up when I get home.

Do you really place stock in the belief that dreams do indeed have meanings? If so, why? [Curiousity].

My question is, do you feel the pain in your dream? Or when you wake up? If its in your dream, its all in your mind. Just like when your being chased, you feel really scared and wake up in a cold sweat. Your mind is tricking you to feel the pain.

I don't know that it is really possible to have pain from simply dreaming. Possibly one could be having headaches or tension through the night and the residual effect is being felt the following morning?
I don't know that it is really possible to have pain from simply dreaming.

sure it is. remember also, that pain is not real either. it is the brain sending you messages like "dont touch that, its hot". you cannot put pain in a bottle.
I think the closest thing to something like pain from a dream that I have ever experienced would be waking up with tears. It happens from time to time, but I can't say that I've ever had a painful dream per se.
I think the closest thing to something like pain from a dream that I have ever experienced would be waking up with tears. It happens from time to time, but I can't say that I've ever had a painful dream per se.

Ive had pane in a dream but it was dew to actual pane my body was havin such as needin to "P"... i wake myself up laffin ever now an then... about a week ago my wife thout i was cryin but then she coud tell it was laffter an she ask me what was so funy... i tolt her the dream i was havin an it was still crackin me up... but later on when i thout about the dream it wasnt funy at all... somtimes i get "buttterflys" in my stomache in such dreams as when im fallin... or when im in a car which gets air-born... but jus like ther are all sorts of sleep abnormalities... i suspect that som people may esperience "pane" that the particular dream ther havin woud indicate they shud be esperiencin.???
I totally understand how the mind can play tricks upon people that way, it's just never happened to me that way, so I have no experience with this issue.
I remember one dream very well from many years back while I was in the Army. Well, I remember the end very well.

All of a sudden, I find myself outside and it is raining hard. I hear some thunder, but it transforms to someone laughing. I look up and there is a giant man pouring water on me from a pitcher. The image transforms again and the giant is now pissing on me & still laughing.

I wake up, throw the covers off me and come flying out of bed. And, when I did this, I scared the shit out of the guy standing at my bedside with a half empty bucket of water.

So, I'd say pain in real life could influence, or be felt in, a dream.
deaths in dream

i have nightmares almost every night, and in these nightmares i usually die in several different ways. sounds weird, but one night i get shot, the next i fall from a building, then i drown.

the weird thing is, it all seems so real! i even feel pain! and that's REAL pain weird enough..

does anyone recognize this?

From puberty, I was an outrageously lucid dreamer, often not being able to determine if it was real or not after I woke. After college, for about 4 years I had dreams about 4x/week of being murdered. It was always different and highly inventive. From machetes to electrocutions, drownings, guns, even tied up and eaten by baby alligators. They would occur while I was falling asleep and sometimes I would wander in and out of them, but they always hurt, in the extreme. I would wake fully before I could fall asleep.

Finally, one AM I woke and said, "I don't want this anymore"!!!, and went to a Jungian dream therapist. It worked. Now, though, I hardly dream at all and miss it. A Jungian will have you create chairs for all the main elements of your dream and ask you to dialogue between them. Sounds nuts, but created amazing insights. You might try that. And I do dream, but rarely, still in epic form with layers of interesting meanings.

good luck!
I've never felt pain in a dream before. Although, I remember on one occasion (for a brief moment) It felt like I was having sex with someone during a steamy dream that took place in the backseat of my car. Sadly, I've never experienced any physical sensations since.
Ive been having the same dream in which i feel pain. the same thing everytime but it always ends different. ill be doing some everyday thing and ill look up in the sky and there looks to be sparkles around the sun but they start to get closer. well to make it short, the sun explodes and everything incenerates and i feel myself start to catch on fire and i cant breathe. very intense. i now know how the world is going to end :eek:
Ive been having the same dream in which i feel pain. the same thing everytime but it always ends different. ill be doing some everyday thing and ill look up in the sky and there looks to be sparkles around the sun but they start to get closer. well to make it short, the sun explodes and everything incenerates and i feel myself start to catch on fire and i cant breathe. very intense. i now know how the world is going to end :eek:

Well that's obviously not how it happens, after all there are people out there that dream of comet impacts, floods, earthquakes, ice ages and volcanoes. They can't possibly all be right (unless they are watching "2012" before bed again.)

On a more concise note, if you keep having a repetitive dream like this, then you are obviously seeing more significance in it than you probably should, this will likely cause you to continue having the same dream, adding details every time you repeat it. What you need to do is think to yourself that the destruction of the world like that is currently fiction and therefore it's not really happening, if you are crafty you can actually reason that your in a dream and if you think about it hard enough you can actually start to change the path of the dream you are in. After all it's your dream, why have a catastrophe? Why not press a button and make the sun normalise, perhaps jump on a spaceship and fly to some unexplored location or swim into the depths of a crystal blue sea to look for pearls etc.

Just take control of the situation.