do you feel pain in your dreams?


most times i have good dreams, and many times dream with anything water-related, me and my sister, dream many times that my brothe die in a disaster, wich is related to water, either a, you know, that big wave, and stuff, or die underwater, i think the water is drawn, :p
some times i laugh when i'm sleep, well, many times, i laugh with the highest voice i can, heheheh, well, that's weird. does any one here laugh, laugh to death while he's sleeping?
I just found this forum googling for real pain in dreams.
It just happened to me, I dreamt I was feeling really bad back pains, the kind you can barely move; and when I woke up, I could still feel as if they were really there. Not the pain itself, but some kind of soreness, bt doesn't hurt. I can't really explain the sensation... :X
I woke up about an hour ago and still feel this "discomfort" in my back.

I found this really interesting, I was looking for some sort of explanation beyond the obvious "pain is only felt 'cause your brain gets that information, so even if you're asleep, you can 'imagine' it".

Anywho, nice forum...Think I'll stick around.:)
It seems to me that tactile perception and pain in dream experience are heavily filtered, even in lucid dreams. I suspect that there are several physical defenses normally operational when dreaming: The voluntary motor system is heavily suppressed, but actual pain reception is not (doubtless these are ancient survival traits). The "pinch test" that we speak of in the context of ambiguity over altered consciousness is well-known, I think, because it is actually scientific: In dreams it is difficult to self-inflict pain, not only because we are mostly (normally) paralyzed in the dream state and have difficulty actually moving voluntary muscles to pinch ourselves- also, our perceived pain is lower when we actually do experience "pinching" ourselves in more lucid dreams, moving our dream forms.

One distraction or curiousity I often experience in dreams is a noticeable reduction of tactile sensation. Sometimes dreaming activities that involve a lot of tactile feedback (lovingly flying special airplanes, for example- not what you were imagining) it's noticeable and sometimes problematic to my experiences, that I can't quite adequately feel what I'm doing in a dream, which can be a frustraton.

Occasionally, I've experienced brief powerful sensations of pleasure or pain- usually to an awakening degree in those rare cases. So although I can feel pain in dreams, it's very rare, and my dreaming experiences are most often tactile-inhibited in perception which is too bad really, because I know the pleasures would far exceed the pain.

I have never injured myself dreaming, or had any pain of dream origin persist into waking life. I do recall actual physical discomforts being expressed in dreams, so I wonder if you were sleeping in an awkward position. Like cluelesshusband, waking up laughing does also happen for me now and then. Pleasant dreams, and welcome to Sciforums, Subutex.
I never feel real pain in dreams, but sometimes I get the impression that something I did was painful. It's like a plot point that my character has to acknowledge without actually going through it.
its all a dream to me... and yes it hurts.

If i cut myself I bleed

if I cut myself in a dream I feel emotional pain.

needles and pointy objects I fear.

but when it happens I embrace It(=
I have felt extreme discomfort that felt intense but yet different from real actual pain, it felt stinging sort of but not like stinging physical pain and I really don't know the answer to as why this occurs, perhaps someone could provide some info on the matter as to why and how this psychic discomfort/pain occurs?
I never feel real pain in dreams, but sometimes I get the impression that something I did was painful. It's like a plot point that my character has to acknowledge without actually going through it.

No, I have to take that back. One time I was very sick and I had what I call the Big Bang Dream. It was very abstract, and I have never had one like it since. I felt like I was pierced by a very sharp needle through my abdomen, not actually pierced, but balanced there, with all my weight on it, in the midst of a large area of what I can only call softness. In the course of the dream, I experienced the same contrasting image in different ways. It was a high pitched sound in the center of a very low tone. It was the mast of a ship in the middle of a swimming pool. It was the very small in the middle of the very large. The contrast of these two elements was the most striking thing. The smallest, sharpest, highest pitch thing you can imagine balanced by the largest, softest, lowest thing. The tension between these two was almost to much to bear. I realized later it was a perfect metaphor for the Big Bang.

When I woke up, I was actually doubled over in pain from my stomach, so the pain was real.
that sounds like what I think of every time I write (∞/0) spidergoat.... especially the very small in very large part. my mind just does all kinds of circles. I even wrote everything and nothing out on it upside down with equals signs in front of my old high school psychology teacher. Never written upside down before then...
usually the only sensation you can feel in your dreams is mental/emotionally inspired such as produced from a thought producing a physical visceral reaction. also your physical state of being can influence what is conceptually experienced in dreams.

as for scenarios as dreaming that you were run over by a car, the sensation would only be up to your imagination and would produce feelings of shock but not experience the actual physical pain of the impact unless it was already imprinted somewhere in memory from actual previous life experience.
No. My dreams are quite detailed as if I were watching a movie, except I am in the dream. When watching a move I can become tense, or sad etc. but never feel pain - Same as when dreaming.

I have occasionally told myself a complex story in a dream that turns out to be a joke / has a supprise "punch line" ending or other things that show some part of my brain is creating concepts, stories and actions that I am only experiencing unfold later.

By edit later:
Post 173 speaks of nightmares. I should note that I never have any. I enjoy my dreams, especially the sexually explicit ones. My female partner in these dreams is usually an amalgam of the two women I have been married to. These sexual theme dreams are about 10% of all.
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Originally Posted by Frieda
i have nightmares almost every night, and in these nightmares i usually die in several ways. Sounds weird, but one night i get shot, the next night i fall from a building, then i drown. The weird thing is, it all seems so real! I even feel pain! And that's REAL pain weird enough .. does anyone recognize this?
Frieda, it seems you no longer post of this forum but I've made it a habbit to reply to the OP before jumping in on the natural conversations that stem from its topic. To answer your question yes, I do feel pain in my dreams along with many other sensations such as moisture, dryness, heat, cold, acceleration, weightlessness, heaviness, sleepiness and many others. My dreams are in full color and extremely vivid in detail (I can read words and numbers). Personally, I don't perscribe to the "dreams can be interpreted" mentality mainly because of our individuality. One size does not fit all in the dream realm and anyone who believes that there is a common cause behind such dreams may as well believe in astrology or numerology. I just wanted to tell you that I too suffer from nightmares. If I had to put a number on it I'd say that at least eight out of every ten dreams that I can remember are nightmares. The first dream I can remember (I was younger than four years of age) is a nightmare. To counter this disturbing trend I've taught myself how to lucid dream. In othet words, I can recognize when I'm dreaming and alter my actions or wake myself up. That being said, this attribute does not allow me to fully control my dreams. The most disturbing dream I have ever had has to do with me being executed. I was shot in the back of the head at point blank range and felt everything. I could hear my executors taunts as my 'life' began to slip away and a tingling feeling came over me as my brain slipped out of 'consciousness' only to awake in my bed. You are not alone and there is more than one way to coupe with it.

i laugh while i'm sleeping, and i feel happy while i'm sleeping.a few times i dreamed that i'm falling from bed, and another falling from a roof, and i was like, feeling how it would feel when you are falling :p (but not when you scawsh on floor)

I do not feel pain.

nightmare of my life

well right now i just woke up from i guess u can say nightmare. there was so much going on in my dream i don't know where to start. it started with me watching a scary movie and then i went to my room to go to sleep but my room was in my back yard outside. so i fell asleep when i looked at a mirror and saw someone staring back at me like an older lady. as i went close she reach out to me and her arm came out of the mirror but it look like a dead body. i got scared and ran for my door n it felt like someone was holding it from the other end until it open and my mom was there.
then it switch to a different scene where i was walking around with a bunch of old high school friends and my boyfriend it was really late but there was so many ppl trying to catch a bus home but was so weird is that everytime i saw a bus i would have a vision of it route and wen are stop would come up it would blow up and everyone dies but me. so i figure im tripping out ill call my parents to pick me up. so i tell them meet me at the shopping center so as we walk there it starts to pouring first its rain then blood but no one else notice but me and i told my bf look its blood and he's like ur trippin so im like w/e. so we finally get there n i the center looks fimilar to me like in real like but the names are werid. we finally get in this building just chilling and waiting until it starts raining again but little fire balls then a wave comes and im holding the door so it wont come in and then we are underwater and im telling everyone dont go out there, thers sharks but to them it pitch black and me i can see everything then all of a sudden that lady form the beginning of the dream grabs the door and is trying to open it and grabs my arm and pulls me away well she is digging her nails into my skin peel my flesh from my body.

i dont know what the hell this mean but wen i woke up i had a red mark on my hand like someone grab me....can anyone explain this im super freaked out.
If you have a nighmtre about "terrorized by homosexualls", "hanted by Norwegian homosexual policemen" "psycho terrorized by Bosnien conc. camp guard" ,than is all that telepathy sended out of my head.