do you feel pain in your dreams?

I know wwhat you talking about, dreams are a reflection on your inner self, but it is mostly harmlos. There is sth. you obviously need to deal with, hypnosis can help, too. I studied dreams in sleeping labatority, mostly people afler traumas or people with a locked- in syndrom, you want to know more, I love to hepl you.
i have nightmares almost every night, and in these nightmares i usually die in several different ways. sounds weird, but one night i get shot, the next i fall from a building, then i drown.

the weird thing is, it all seems so real! i even feel pain! and that's REAL pain weird enough..

does anyone recognize this?

yes, i can help you if you like, I worked in a sleepimg-labatority with people who had traumas or having the so called locked-in syndrom.

I dream sometimes that i am being lifted up by my neck but i have no idea what is doing it, then all of a sudden its like a rubber band it pulled hard and fast in my calf muscle. The werid thing is i can feel were the pain in my leg was all day after the dream.
I once dreamed that I'd been impaled, and yes, I felt it. That was fucking sketchy.

During REM sleep when dreams occur the body is paralysed so you don't jump off of anything high. You might get the odd twitch but all this thrashing about in the bed is for Holywood (Unless you're awake of course :D )
I think I'm abnormal, I always thrash around in my sleep.
I feel the lizards crawling on me and if I were dreaming those critters would arose my inner thoughts ver quickly.;)
I never have nightmares. Never. Is that weird? Am I storing up some psychotic, underlying, repressed inner demon that I'm not purging in my dreamstate? I dream of flying. A lot. I can almost fly in waking life but my body doesn't believe it can do it. Damn naysayer. Are nightmares useful?
I fell asleep in a half-reclined chair yesterday, after being awake for about 43 of the past 48 hours. I'm usually a light sleeper, but this was one of those "dead sleeps". I had a very vivid dream, and in it I was carrying several bags of groceries out to a van from inside some house I didn't recognize. (Typical types of things to be found in dreams.) Well, it had snowed while I was in the house (in summer...) and apparently, the people who owned the house had a child who had dug a rather large hole in the ground. I couldn't see the hole because of all the snow, and I fell right into it. I was surrounded by groceries and snow, and I couldn't get out and I began to drown in the snow...which was weird. I felt an intense physical pain, more than just "dream pain." I was choking and freaking out, and that woke me up. Here's the gross, but still scary (to me) part. I don't know if it was the way I was laying, or how out I was, but I had apparently not swallowed at all, and my mouth was full of saliva and I was literally choking! The front of my shirt was soaked, and I had drool running all down my face, and I was actually drowning on my own spit! It was so strange, I mean, I'm not even a drooler. My throat is still sore as hell today. I have never had an experience of actual physical pain in a dream before, and it was so strange to me, but I guess it was only because my body was in pain...?
Salazar92..... If you are feeling pain in your dreams and are suffering painful after effects could it be that you are having massive cramps in your limbs, and your dreams could be interperating that in a severe way.

Toolzombie.... it could be like you say were you sleeping with your head back or tilted sideways and back, if your head was sideways then the saliva would have built up in your cheek if you then tilted you head backwards sightly the saliva would go to the throat and could account for the choking and the mouthfull of saliva this could make it difficult to breathe. its happened to me before on long coach and train journeys.
During REM sleep when dreams occur the body is paralysed so you don't jump off of anything high. You might get the odd twitch but all this thrashing about in the bed is for Holywood (Unless you're awake of course :D )

what about the people who have hit they're spouses while they both slept, there have been sleep expierments that people do thrash about and one man even beat his partner up in his sleep!

i know some one who goes into the kitchen and makes a sandwhich, and clears everythign away, but the only way we know he has made a sandwhich is because he is sleeping with it in his bed! all in his sleep this is!
Emotional pain has got to be the worst. Though in a few dreams I have had legs or arms blasted away in combat dreams. By the way, I have read about all types of dreams except one. How about the wet dream. Common for both girls and boys of all ages....mmmm.
This is the type of lizard that I have thousands of all over this island. They get inside by crawling under a door jam that isn't perfectly sealed or an open door.

I feel the need to go to the bathroom in my dreams. Just had that dream this morning. I dreamt I was at a big amphitheater and couldn't find the bathroom despite the fact that I really had to go. Then my alarm went off and I realized that I did really need to use the restroom. So I did.
Can you get an adrenaline rush while under REM sleep? 'Cause I think I did that the other night...I dreamed I was driving way too fast and almost crashed..
i have nightmares almost every night, and in these nightmares i usually die in several different ways. sounds weird, but one night i get shot, the next i fall from a building, then i drown.

the weird thing is, it all seems so real! i even feel pain! and that's REAL pain weird enough..

does anyone recognize this?

I get shot in my dreams nearly every night, I expect it on a regular basis. My dreams are always violent and full of war and battles, sometimes ancient battles with swords and bows, but usualy nowdays of street violence and gang violence. I usualy can feel the bullets entering my skin and I get sharp pains where im shot or stabbed. I don't usualy die though but I do get hurt all the time.

I got stabbed in the heart in a dream once. It did hurt, now that I think about it. But I woke up immediately.
The things I know are painful in real life, are pleasurable in my dreams.
I've never felt pain in my dreams
I've felt emotional pain in my dreams but not physical it has in the past made me cry in my sleep which was weird.
Durring any nightmares I have, the pain seams real, but when I wake up, I realize it was a dumbed down version of real pain.

The other night I had a dream I was running barefoot across a field of glass. My brain said "Oh, painful" but when I woke up, it seamed more like running across a field of glass on some major pain killers, so it felt real, but not truly, otherwise I would have awaken. :shrug:

I have had dreams where stress, and or pain, start to become so real that I inevitably wake up before it becomes too intense.

Durring those kinds of dreams, my brain is saying "ok ok, gotta make this real" then my subconscious says "ok ok, too uncomfortable to stay asleep"

I wager that if the brain didn't have the subconscious to wake it up that the pain could become quite intense. Good thing that doesn't happen!
what about the people who have hit they're spouses while they both slept, there have been sleep expierments that people do thrash about and one man even beat his partner up in his sleep!

So let me get this straight. I can use this in a court of law? Right... Oh boy I cannot wait till I go to bed tonight...LOL :)