do you feel pain in your dreams?

Pretty silly asking a question of someone who last posted 3 years ago, neh?
I am not big on having nightmares . I do feel pain in my dreams , but it seems to be more mental anguish instead of real pain . Now if I have pain in my awake hours it will typically manifest in the dream as some other type of pain than that is causing it in awake hours . Like if my back hurts it might be and object restricting Me. The last dream that was disturbing was that I lived in a huge mcmansion at the top of a mountain that was only assessable by helicopter. I was the only one that lived there and I was locked in a room held like a prisoner . Once in a while a person would helicopter in and bring supplies and let Me out of the room . They would say something , but it was hard to understand what was being said , but I got the feeling they where going to let Me out of my prison soon and that was the jest of what they were trying to say
Pretty silly asking a question of someone who last posted 3 years ago, neh?
I am like that . I would think you had a clue now as quick of thinker you are . Me I am a slow thinker . You have to give a phone number to Me real slow before I forget . When I was young my peers would say Dude you are burnt , What kind of drugs you been doing, we want some and I would say " I don't take drugs . They would say You lie give Me some
it hurts so bad!

its true. i dreamt i was stabbed in sainsburys, it hurt when the shard of glass he was using entered just behind my shoulder blade.
I had a dream I was in a plane crash. Somehow, despite hitting the ground at what in the dream looked like hundreds of miles an hour, everyone survived that trip to London. I felt a freefall sensation in my stomach, but not in my head. When I ride a roller coaster, something in my head, inner ear pressure, who knows what, hurts a fair amount. In the dream it just felt like a REALLY strong fan blowing on my stomach.