do you feel pain in your dreams?

Oh, and it should be mentioned that REM sleep paralysis only occurs during the relatively short pderiods of REM sleep. During deep sleep, we are free to move about, which is when we get such things as somnambulism and night terrors.
Somnambulism = sleepwalking. Somnas = sleep. Ambulism = walking.

Generally you get nightmares during REM sleep, and you're paralysed for safety. I look at them as the conscious mind sorting itself out.

However, in deep sleep, you are not paralysed. Sometimes in this period people have sleepwalking, sleeptalking, and night terrors. These are rooted firmly in the subconscious mind.

Night terrors differ from nighmares in that:
- There is no paralysis.
- They stem directly from your subconscious.
- People experiencing night terrors can be seen, in bad cases, moving about with looks of sheer terror on their faces, perhaps screaming and such.
- People in them might sweat, have very high pulse rate, and basically be very panicked.

I've read that it's dangerous to wake people from night terrors, but I'm not sure why.
well i woke up screaming once, totally not knowing where i was or who i was for a couple of minutes.. i can imagine it can be dangerous.
oh dearie me!!

i get paralysed so its not nightterrors
i swear if i catch that monster that lurks next to me while i am paralysed i will
put my boot up his stinking ass!!!
Ah well, I should add that you could be paralysed by fear from night terrors. Some people do that. And some people aren't paralysed during REM sleep as they should be.
what's vicodin?

Its a pain killer, very addictive. I only take them once in a while but every time, I get horrid nightmares. They do the same to my grandma.

Hey dont you guys hate it when your JUST about to fall asleep and then BAM! your body jumps! I friggin hate that!:D - What the hell is that?
Againa, I can't remember the name of it, but it is very common in dogs. I get it too. It's a build up of charge (from the charge carrying transmitters in your body, can't recall their names either) in your lower spine and hips area, that is suddenly released.
for me a pindrop sounds like an earthquake. i am not sure when but i think it when i am just about to doze off. bad bad way to wake up!
in or out of controll???????????????????

i know for a fact yo that you are obviously not in controll of your dreams which brings this question to mind {how do you know your also not in controll of your pain and suffering,,,, speak to a shamon or somthing but somthing should be done with your control and lucidity................................................ciao
Originally posted by *stRgrL*
Hey dont you guys hate it when your JUST about to fall asleep and then BAM! your body jumps! I friggin hate that!:D - What the hell is that?
I think I've posted this somewhere else on this site, but I've heard that it's either

- To do with evolution; when we were apes etc, we used to sleep in trees, the falling thing is somehow connected with the intuition or subconscious feeling that we're about to fall out of a tree, so we kinda jolt instinctively.

- When we sleep, the heart rate slows, so the jolt can be when it's so slow it skips a beat?

Though Adam's explanation is just as likely.

And the waking people up from night terror - might cause them to have a heart attack or something similar?
Originally posted by Adam
I fell over, down, smack at the bottom, painful impact, and dead.

You died in your dream? What did you feel like, or what was your experience with death once you realized (In your dream) that you passed away? I don't recall ever having a dream where I've felt real physical pain, but of course I've felt sadness, fear, happiness, excitement and so forth.. never outside pain..
Welcome Krystina 661. Sorry, I don't recall what happened in the dream after that.

I had this weird dream too Adam. It was extremelyscary because I have not dreamt anything like this in a while. I was with my friends and suddenly this weird guy came up to us and asked some really retarted question. I told him I didnt know he juist smiled however and asked me if I ws sure. Then he turned around or so I thought, but he had two faces and he seemed to brab me and my friend. Except when he grabbed us I felt like I had been forced into a black box with no walls if that makes any damn sense at all. The next weirdest thing is that I couldnt breath, see, move, scream, anything. The worst part is I felt all of thislike I was actually living it and for a few moments after I had awakened the feeling persisted. so yes sometimes I believe you do, because that definitely was not pleasurable.

My favorite dream was technically a nightmare. I was an FBI agent and we were all storming an old abbandoned mansion with a T-REX :bugeye: loose in it!!!!! Very exciting!!!!! :D
To all of you having less than ideal dreams: start now to improve your dreams. No special equipment needed just your self determination to control your dreams. As with learning a language, it is slow at the beginning but, eventually, you'll speak fluently. So, the first thing you want to do with write down some positive instructions that you will give yourself as you are waiting to fall asleep. "I wil always confront and conquer danger in my dreams." Do that for a while until you wake up with dreams where you took control of whatever situation.

I don't have bad dreams. I don't fall and hurt myself. I don't have nightmares. I have fun in my dreams. I am a flyer. I've read that in order to be as I am you have to have an integrated personality and this depends on the way you see life and the way you think. For the record I'm also an open-minded skeptic and atheist. This removes mental garbage from my life especially with religion. Free your mind and your dreams will follow.

Even when there's a shooting as in an old dreams we couldn't hurt each other and we just laughed about THAT. Pay attention to your dreams and write down anything you can remember. You can go bananas with this as I did when I used to have a tape recorder handy. Eventually, it got ridiculous as I awakened after every dream and dictated what I dreamt until it got to be almost every few minutes apart. THAT can take its toll on your sleep.

But the best thing you can do for your peace of mind and sound sleep with good, happy dreams is to start controlling them. Use my phrase above and expand on it. I cannot post here the whole page of suggestions I used to use as I don't know where it is, but get away from stuff like "white" (or any color)) lights, metaphysical b.s., etc. Stick to reality.
