do you feel pain in your dreams?

Note that is impossible for the brain to recall actual pain.

All you can do is remember that you were in pain but you cannot re-experience the pain through memory. The same is true within dreams, you can only imagine painful situations but you cannot experience the pain under those conditions.
There are different types or grades of photographics/eidetic memory. The most extreme involves the person actually being able to recall all sensations and emotions attached to an event.

All you can do is remember that you were in pain but you cannot re-experience the pain through memory. The same is true within dreams, you can only imagine painful situations but you cannot experience the pain under those conditions.

Sorry Chris, but this statement is not true. You can fully
experience pain in dreams (much as you can experience taste,
touch, and smell). I know this from first hand experience.

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Are you sure don't just remember screaming in pain in your dream? Going through all the actions and emotions that go with pain?

I'm 100% sure. In fact when I feel pain in dreams, I usually
don't have much of an emotional reaction to it other than
annoyance. Just an example... say there is a porcupine attacking
me (biting... quilling... etc). I would feel pain and be annoyed
at this arrogant little porcupine. I would pick it up with my hands
(more pain) and dispose of it somehow (possibly by making it
someone elses problem). No screaming, no fear, but definatly

Originally posted by notme2000
Are you sure don't just remember screaming in pain in your dream? Going through all the actions and emotions that go with pain?

I cannot speak from experience as I've never had those kind of unsettling dreams and nothing in my physical life could translate to such in a dream. However, the dream figure in a painful situation may experience the pain but it could never translate to the sleeping body.

Pain is physical. Dreams are not.

Using hypnosis you can have a person relive a painful experience with real pain MENTALLY but, again, this is in the physical world where the person may not be fully conscious but they definitely are not fully un-conscious as in dreaming.
Originally posted by nyceddie
...they definitely are not fully un-conscious as in dreaming.

What are you saying here? That people who are dreaming are un-conscious?

Just curious...
do you feel pain in your dreams

Originally posted by Banshee
What are you saying here? That people who are dreaming are un-conscious?

Just curious...

el: "Yes! You are either unconscious, i.e., dreaming, knocked out, etc., or conscious, i.e., awake in physical reality. I don't see how you can question this. Look both words up in a dictionary."
Speaking of dictionaries...

Originally posted by nyceddie
el: "Yes! You are either unconscious, i.e., dreaming, knocked out, etc., or conscious, i.e., awake in physical reality. I don't see how you can question this. Look both words up in a dictionary."
You got your words wrong. Unconscious means you have shut down, to avoid pain or repair injuries and such. The SUBconscious is where your dreams live, it is the realm which rules when you sleep. SUBconscious and UNconscious are very different things.
Thank you Adam, :) you beat me to it. That is exactly what is happening when dreaming.

Your subconscious is active during dreaming. Nobody, dreaming, is unconscious.

Nyceddie, I think you should look it up in the dictionary, for you are definately wrong here. Or do a little more research on dreaming.

There is a big difference between being unconscious and subconscious.

Further more, it is very well possible to feel pain in dreams. In fact, a person can wake up and still feel the pain, experienced in the dream.
The worst dreams do not involve physical pain imo, but emotional pain. Like being cheated on and getting your heart broken, that hurts.
That is true what you are saying. It might be emotional pain.

Once stabbed to death in a dream, I really felt the knife, saw myself dying and woke up with feeling it still for quite some time, while being awake.

It could be that it is not really physical pain, it felt pretty real though. And I can assure you that it was not funny either.

This kind of dreams are bad to have. Fortunately, they are rare. :)
Oh, but I was not saying that feeling physical pain in dreams is impossible, quite the contrary, they can be very real. I was just saying that emotional pain is WORSE. :eek: Then the feeling can stick with you all day...
Apologies for getting you wrong Bebelina. :) I see what you mean. Sometimes dreams stick with you for a long time yes. Very true. They linger on without being able to get rid of the feeling they gave you.

Emotional pain is worse. That sticks with you much, much longer and can get you down for days.

I know...
My dream

i had a dream as a kid in which i was playing in my basement and i fell off a later, the fall took a good 30 seconds for some reason and when i hit the ground, i woke up and i was winded

with all the eltrolites flying around in our body we can imagin pain...

some poeple can metaly supress pain, why cant we create it as well?
I used to have a reoccurring dream where my mouth would just be open so wide that all of my teeth would break off. Naturally I would wake up panicked.

Ive also woken up hitting myself in the leg. I dont know what thats all about.

Yes, that's true, but if we mentally create pain, then we can also feel it.

I dont think that it would happen in normal dreams. I think that its only possible for that to happen in a REM like state.