Do you dream in color?

[color=adc4c5]I've always dreamt in color, to dream in black and white seems absurd to me.I also hear music,and when the dream is lucid I can create it in the dream.These types of dreams help me with art,be it color symbolism or musical arrangements,and there is sort of a feedback between waking consciousness and sleeping consciousness for me.[/color]
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The oldest nightmare I remember was one I had when I was four. I was standing in the backyard staring at a giant 3 ft candle, it was brown with dried wax drips from where it had been lit before. I stared at it for what at least in dream time seemed hours, then large orange cat like eyes appeared in the front of it and a slit like mouth on its body chanted "dee dee da dee dee da" over and over. It grew legs with cat paws and after every chant it would stop take a step and start the chant over again "dee dee da dee dee da". Slowly but shurely getting closer what would it do when it got close enough to touch me, it may have met me no harm who knows it might have enlightened me with some great knowledge, but it looked evil and that was enough for me. I tried to run but my mother appeared behind me blocking my exit i begged and pleaded with her to pick me up and help me excape but she refused. I fell to my knees put my head between my legs closed my eyes and when the chanting was directly behind me i woke up. All these years later the thought of that dream still scares me.
Originally posted by Gil_W
A Canadian, researches have proved that all our senses are taking part in our dreams.
Even the smell.

How could they have possibly proven that??
How could they have verifiable scientific evidence of this?
I would love to read an article about this.
Any links?

Originally posted by Avatar
btw- hasn't anybody thought that black and white are also colours:bugeye:

Ummmm, no they aren't.

Originally posted by moonman
I am a great dreamer I guess, I remember tons of deams, so far that I can even say that my favourite dream-state is where I realize that I am dreaming and are then able to steer the course of my dream how ever i want to. So in a sense i am able to project a little world of my own in my head! I used to be much better at this when i was a kid. I haven't dreamt that way in a while. And this happens mostly soon before I am about to wake up, so that damned clock always interupts me- Grr!

It is called Lucid Dreaming.
There are methods of controlling it.
This theory would explain all of this business of whether (and why) people "dream in color" or not.
Also sounds, smells, and all other aspects of the dream state.

If it is true.

Click me to see the thread
well, last night had a dream about something that could happen. very clear dream. it was one of the ones you really think re real, een after you wake up for a minute. kinda hope it doesn't happen, it was sad. but it would be neat if it did. lol.
I dream in color but the color of things are rarely what they should be, the sky will be a weird orange or something like that although while dreaming I never notice and it seems irrelevant. Also I have never dreamt in black and white but I often dream in shades of a single color and white, like remember that greenday filmclip "brainstew"? thats the best example I can think of.
I have no problem forming a colorful pepperoni pizza in my mind right now and I can't imagine what it would be like if I couldn't do that.
I have died in dreams a few times and usually it feels terrible at first like while I'm being killed but as I die it always feels extremely blissfull like my brain is releasing all its endorphins right before it shuts down.
Sometimes I have dreams that are visually mundane but have a disturbing feel for some reason or the opposite like something horrible is happening but the dream feels great.
I definately have all the senses in my dreams and sometimes they are even heightened. Although they are rare for me, the few sex dreams I have had make real sex seem boring in comparison, no shit.
I have never had a real "wet dream" where I woke up with a wad in my pants but I have had intense orgasmic feelings during dreams.
Dreams are awesome, but the other night I had a horrible dream where all I was doing was replying to posts at the sciforums, seriously, and for some reason it had that disturbing feel I mentioned earlier, I don't know why, my replies were awesome! I wish you guys saw them:cool:
I usually dream in color (or atleast remember the dream in color). The wierd thing is that my lucid dreams are usually in black and white.
uhh... my problem is trying to discern which of these dreams is reality... I got HD widescreen and THX surround sound, along with all my other senses. I Just take the now as reality so I dont go insane :eek:

Damn whered I put that remote.
only once I dreamed in black and white and that was scary because the dream came true. But, I always dream in color.
Just the other night I wrote a beautifull song in my dream, when I woke up, nothing. I have also written poetry in my dreams that has sung with every word and again when I wake up, nothing. The problem is I don't know if they every realy existed I just have and overwhelming sense that they have. I've heard that in dreams most people can't read, I beleive it's only an old wives tale, I can read many things.
i wrote a shakespearean (is that a word?) pom once in my sleep.. i woke myself up kinda and i was able to write down a couple lines, but there were alot of blank spots, and when i tried to fill them in, it just didnt flow like it did before......
I always dream in colour, and with sound, not sure about touch and smell, but usually my dreams are very weird, and sometimes a few of them come true.
Just mundane ones, though
Originally posted by levimyst
only once I dreamed in black and white and that was scary because the dream came true.

When it came true was it in black and white?
That would be pretty freaky.
Dreaming is an amazing thing. It is also, to me anyway, completely baffling. I don't think argumentation about whether we dream in color is at all necessary, because honestly I don't think we know. The leading hypothesis in general psychology right now is that our brain is sending flashes of events at a rapid pace and another part of the brain is having to decode them as sensical. I think this is just proof that science, at the present moment has no way of explaining what a dream is, the same way in which they cannot disprove the existance of the soul. I don't know what dreams are, and though I have very clear remembrances of certain dreams they were experienced in such a way where I can not tell you with one hundred percent certainty whether they were black and white or color. I can explain the stories that took place in detail, I have a journal beside my bed that I write in as I wake up. Everyone seems to exxplain what happens to them when they sleep in a similar way, "I had this dream ______" but when a discussion like "do we dream in color" comes into play it seems that we are all experiencing something completely different when we shut our eyes. It's that old existential problem that comes with conciousness, our own is ours alone, and no matter what studies say, we'll probobly never agree on a true objective reality.

i Dream every night in clor but the the same instinc. I always dream of tornado's and whipping around and it seems when i see one im a magnet and it comes to me i try to run but i stay put. But it likes gets to me and it passes right through me like a ghost.??????/ wierd i know:eek:
I never or rarely remember my dreams. I think I know why though: :m:

Sometimes I have a vague recollection of them in the morning but it generally fades after a few minutes of being awake.

When I do remember them they are in colour*

*Please note correct spelling of color (I'm Scottish)
:p :eek:
Can you Read when you dream

I also have dreamt in Color. But reading things in your dreams is suppose to be impossible since it involves the other side of your brain (sorry, I can't remember which side does what). But I have definatly remembered reading things in dreams, so what does that say? Maybe there is an outside connection... via pineal gland? (Yeah, I know, funny name, but look it up, it resks where your third eye could be, and this gland in fact has Rods and Cons!)
how about "hearing" can you hear in your dreams?
Hearing is a lot harder than seeing color , but Ive always seen in color :)
How about good or bad dreams which are you able to remember the easiest?
^ woo damn. good question.

i very often bring in outside sounds.. radio. cat. alarm clock ect. but seldom does my dream have their own. and when they do it is significant. i hd a dream while ago, that is kinda hard to explain, but i was an undercover agent for something. and i lived in this blue buiding with other people like me... it was a very cold feeling place. anyhow. i met someone there. and later he defended me in an argument, and i can picture him talking, and i remember knowing what was said, but i didn't ever hear anything i dont think. i just know what sounds shoud be where, and my brain fills in the blanks to go with the pictures i think.

oh, and as far as good/bad goes. i dont really have good and bad dreams.. i have odd, detailed, and vivid dreams. so i pretty much remember most of them. the ones that would be considered "nightmares" or the like, usually ne up being lucid dreams, and so i remember those about the same. Although when you can control a dream, it kinda takes away the effect.
LOL when I hear someone speak to me in dreams, they are always very important, sometimes I have dreams where I see nothing but hear things. usually I hear things of some kind of future even or some kind of teaching.
Like I had a dream where someone was talking a language you never ever heard of before and it sounded like chanting but my head was interpreting it... she was talking about some kind of destruction. LOL if I told the whole dream and the research I found about the dream.... LOL it was totally freaky when I realized it.

yes nightmares are always easier to become lucid in cuz fear brings consciousness.
For me good dreams are always harder to remember than the bad ones.
And whatever is inbetween is the odd wierdo dreams that have no meaning it seems. like you said i have odd, detailed, and vivid dreams.
I dont think it a good idea to "control" dreams , it is a good mind power exercisse but dreams always have messages in them.