Do you dream in color?

usually th epople i kill i dont know, and the people others kill are people im close to.
i'm trying to key in on the feeling tho, when you do die. Who's to say that isnt what it really feels like in some circumstances... unfortunately you'd have to die to know and then you couldnt tell us so not much we can do but pool ideas and descriptions
Originally posted by NightFall
usually th epople i kill i dont know, and the people others kill are people im close to.
I have never met people I know in my dreams!!! :eek:

(well- there was one case, but it's an old dream I remember since I was about 3.5)
I have a few times, usually someone i'm interested in or some close friends. I wonder why you've never met anyone you know in a dream? or maybe you just dont remember it
i have alot of people that change... like it will start out im waling downa road with "bob". havlfway down the road, i look over and now im walking wtih "tom". i get to the end and its bob again.. later its becomes joe.. and so on and so on.
I remember many dreams and I am sure that atleast for 3 years I haven't seen someone I know...

it's just that when Night said about her mother- it was like a realisation moment- I've never met anyone from my family in my dreams.

okok- I have seen my grandma, but she's a witch and I usually had nightmares about her

but not my mother or father
or someone I like in the "real" world

now that I think - yes. perhaps sometimes I see people I KNOW, but it's exceptionally rare
about the feeling of dying Lephtshew, i dont feel it. is just an event. its not attatched to enmotion unless it is someone i know who dies.
for example. i have these teddy bears ive had all of my life. and they were sitting in my room. well, i was in my room half of the wall was missing and it was like.. hot hot summer outside, and all of these people were running around killing other people. and they kept shooting in my room. and i was using these teddy bears to hide behind with my b/f and my best friend. well, was running across my room to get a better shoton this one guy when another guy come runing across and killes my b.f and my b.f.f.,. and then the rest of my dream was like a slow motion ten minute movie of me picking up these teddy bears from under their bodies and dragging them from my room to the washer, leaving a treail of their blood through my house.. it was like.. a loooooong walk.. in fact... i dont t hink i actually made it to the washer.. it was just on my way to the washer.. walkin and walking really slow and numb-like with the teddy bears dragging behind me.
okay so technically you yourself have never died in these dreams?

i find this confusing because i am completely sure that i have died in dreams, yet i've also been told many times that if you die in a dream it's such a shock to your brain (because it doesnt know the difference) that you would actually die in real life. i dont know if thats true ?
Anywayz... i think this one may have been a lucid dream, and in turn i wouldnt have been as shocked, but i did feel the bullets hit me, and everything fade until i re-appeared. It almost seemed like an apocalyptic seen aswell. maybe i just knew it couldnt be happening.
LephtShew... on the mark

Yep, I have tasted ocean water & been body surfing. So, my
RL memories definately influence my senses in a dream. Now,
when you mentioned substitution... thats exactly what happens
to me when I am subject to an experience that simply has never
happened before in RL. Just an example. I recently had a dream
where I was a werewolf. Naturally, I decided to play the role and
hunted down someone, pinned them to the ground, and began
eating them. I have never tasted human flesh before (although
I heard a rumor it tastes like pork) and in my dream this persons
body tasted like meatballs and spaghetti and the bones like bread
sticks. Essentially my brain substituted a taste for which I have
had no RL memory of.

I find that really interesting, so far i dont remember that happening to me...yet, It would be weird though to have something taste that way when you really know it wouldnt :D
Some dreams I see in color, some not. Oddly my dreams become more realistic the longer they go on. I can have some really long dreams at times.
I have full color, sound , and sometimes touch. Lucid dreaming that involves a "roll in the hay" well lets just that this is what I look like all day.:D
SweetDreams:D Momma
This is total nonsense. I've read literally thousands of stories and descriptions of dreams and psychological experiences and I've never once heard of a principle stating that we can't dream in colors.. unless the person is colorblind of course.

Just last night I dreamed of fire. Hot, red, orange, fire, from a flamethrower... a riot policeman was using it, and I was caught in a mob and had it used on me (which left me bit miffed, I'd say) Incidentally another policeman was using a hose that sprayed water. I remember it being light blue, much like how it would be animated in cartoon or comic.

What.. just because people dream with their eyes closed they can't remember color? Just absurd.
i happen to be a very lucid dreamer. i see and experience colour (feeling of it also)...i have all of my senses available, i also can read and write in my dreams...anyone had experience with that???
My dream is usually very boring, like a snapshot of what usually happens to my normal life. Yes it's in color and in English too. Even Mexicans I know who don't speak English in real life speaks English in my dream.
hm. id never thought of that. different languages. i think i always dream is english... but.. it seems like i have dreams whee someone poke french. but it would be important that french was what was being spoken. it wasn't normal.
Man, want wacky dreams NightFall has...
Kill or get killed, in a cartoon like way getting slatterd on the ground after a collision...

Man, this is weird :D
Though dreams tend to be surprisingly extra ordinary...
MOG, You just ruined my apotite for my fave, the Pepperoni perfection...

Thanx for the purple cheese bit, I tried to visualize it and my apotite was sickening...

Well, pizza parlor was closed anyway...

I dream in full color, and natural lighting effects...
I do know that the enviroment is acting really weird, by walking a few meters into the other direction, I'm totally somewhere else...

Like, I'm in a ground-level only building, waling trough it, and turn around, and there is a stairway that can lead a few levels up...

Or I'm in a mall kind of place, walking around, talking a bit, and hey, where in a damn sub way...

Also if I'm in a forest kind of thing and I wanna go home just to check something or whatever, I take 2 steps and I'm in the middle of my living room...

That's what I do clearly remember...
So I dream in full color, probably the original ones...
Natural lights, although some times quite a dark ceiling...
Shifting enviroments...
And full sound...

One more thing, I know a technique that qould help remembering a dream, but I don't apply it...
Every time I wake up, I can remember what I dreamed sometimes, and if fades quickly...
And when I vizualize, I have a hard time keeping the picture...

That's all, sorry for the long time...