Do you dream in color?

Some dreams are in color, and some are in black/white. Sometimes, the two together(one time I dreamt about my little brother, in b/w, and he had bright yellow pollen on his face).
I do hear sound, and I also smell and taste(another dream involved me eating raw shrimp with the shell still on, I woke up with the worst taste in my mouth).
dreams are strange, like when you jerk yourself awake. I dream in both black and white and colour. Ive only had really truly vivid bright colours a few times thou. As for touching and smelling and feeling; i've felt high a couple nights later, after partying, ive felt sumones hair before. There's a strange thing about the way I dream, im quite the insominac myself, and i find if i actually sleep for few days i have fukked up dreams.
Does anyone here ever have dreams when it feels just like real life. You might actually have to ask a person you had a conversation with in your dream if you actually had that conversation.
I dream in White, and black, sometimes gray.
I think that the human lifeforms i see in my dreams are just shapes, becase when imagining a dream that seems better correct.
I have always dreamed in colors so vibrant as to suggest schizophrenia. (I read in an old issue of Psychology Today that most schizophrenics dream in impossibly vibrant colors.) As an added bit, I have things that recur in my dreams so regularly that I use them as landmarks of a sort. A specific graveyard, an open field, a certain pier, a particular house, when they appear in my dream, they are always the same ones from other dreams. The skies are always stormy, the wind is often strong, and when I see the ocean, it's always calm from a distance but raging angrily when I get up close, and there's always a bunch of people who are too stupid to back away from the waves and they get washed right off the dock.
First time poster here and would love to add my experiences to this great topic. For one to say one way of dreaming is the way and not the other (black and white over color) is quite silly. Some people do some people dont period. I for one have always dreamed in color and no it wasnt a after thought addition. One dream I had was of sudddenly realizing i was dead at the local mall and when I asked someone who was also apperently dead he stated I had just been hit by a bus and lead me to a hallway going to heaven where the first thing I saw was the most insanly blue vase I have ever set my eyes one, how do I know I didnt imagine this after I woke up, well In my dream I actualy said holy s*** thats one blue vase and my companion stated yes isnt death lovely. I have felt touch ( I held some womans hand in a dream and said to myself if I ever hold a hand like this again as it is now in life I will marry her on the spot) I have sensed smell (for some reason I was hiding a rotten body in a bag under my bed, I dunno dreams are odd arent they, boy did it smell bad) emmotions (typical I think) motion (swaying in a tree house) talked to jesus once ( he handed me a phone and it was my boss and he fired me) dream alot of dying in world war II (alot of infantry related dreams) and one realy funny thing is everytime I go to shoot a gun in a dream whether it was when I wa a kid or yesterday IT NEVER WORKS sometimes it shoots little discs like those toy guns or it jams, but NEVER do they work, kinda sucks. and I dont know about you but everytime I go to get my grove on I wake up im 32 and never scored in a dream answer me that one :( thanx for your time :D
Do People Still Report Dreaming in Black and White? An Attempt to Replicate a Questionnaire from 1942

Eric Schwitzgebel
Perceptual & Motor Skills, 96 (2003), 25-29.


In the 1940’s and 1950’s, many people in the United States appear to have thought they dreamed in black and white. For example, Middleton (1942) found 70.7% of college sophomores reported "rarely" or "never" seeing colors in their dreams. The present student replicated Middleton’s questionnaire and found that students in 2001 reported a significantly greater rate of colored dreaming than the earlier sample, with only 17.7% saying that they "rarely" or "never" see colors in their dreams. Assuming that dreams themselves have not changed over this time period, it appears that one or the other (or both) groups of students must be profoundly mistaken about a basic feature of their dream experiences.

thought id throw this in
I've also heard that one can't "read" in their dreams, but I can see and read text, signs, or other characters in mine.

Who knows, maybe all of this color dreaming and reading is part of our evolution. Get outta here ya B&W dreamers! :p

- N
Since someone has already bumped this thread, I'll post.
I dream in colour, and remember dreams when I wake up. If I can be bothered and I write them down, then the next day I will remember dreams much more vividly.
Also, one of my friends claims to remember his dreams vividly every single night. Dunno if that's true or not.
Neildo said:
I've also heard that one can't "read" in their dreams, but I can see and read text, signs, or other characters in mine.

Try reading the same sign twice, and see what happens, .....

Most people will find that the text has changed, or becomes nonsensical the second time around. This is because the content of your dream is very fluid, genrated quite randomly on the fly. So if you try and re-read a sign you already read, it will most likely have changed, and you will kinda know it's different.

This is a technique a lot of people use to get into lucid dreaming. If you can somehow discover you are dreaming (and the reading thing works for me, mostly) you can then control your dreams to some extent. Although I get very little time once I realise I'm dreaming, and start to wake.
Communist Hamster said:
If I can be bothered and I write them down, then the next day I will remember dreams much more vividly.
Also, one of my friends claims to remember his dreams vividly every single night. Dunno if that's true or not.

That's a technique to help you remember dreams. If you write them down every day they become easier to remember over time. I've tried it for a week or so.

I'm pretty sure I dream in colour - I read that the black and white thing had to do with the TVs of the time. I've certainly read in dreams, but often if I try to concentrate on a visual detail in the dream my mind comes up with an excuse like 'the room is too dark' or something ... quite irritating.

I wonder how closely this relates to visualisation ability. Does anyone here have a visually oriented memory, or even a photographic memory? I'd be interested to hear how they dream ;)

One dream I had, a cellist was playing something and I thought "that's soandso's concerto". Then I woke up and thought "drat, no, that's whatsisname's concerto..." So I can definitely hear music in dreams, but piece identification was impaired!
It wasn't impaired in one dream which I remember to me, I very clearly was once listening in dream to Caprices No. 24 in A minor, Op. 1 for solo violin by Niccolo Paganini.
I very like that piece, so I recognized it even in dream and the melody was still in my head when I woke up.

p.s. sorry for the horrible grammar, but I'm just back from lectures, am tired and no desire to write something right
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p.s. I avoid lucid dreaming, it sucks, takes away "magic" from the dream experience, imo.
I can "lucid dream" while daydreaming, there is no use of doing that while asleep, only spoils the dream.
Zephyr said:
One dream I had, a cellist was playing something and I thought "that's soandso's concerto". Then I woke up and thought "drat, no, that's whatsisname's concerto..." So I can definitely hear music in dreams, but piece identification was impaired!

I love it when I listen to music in my dreams; I can only remember it happening twice in my lifetine, the last time was 3 weeks ago and it was me playing a new original piece on my guitar, but I can't remember the tune.
I can read in my dreams as well as reading in the waking world. I have no problems with music. Sometimes I play instruments that I have no skill with (clarinet, saxophone, mostly woodwinds). My forte is stringed instruments, and in my dreams I play far better than I do in the waking world. I can't read sheet music very well in either world.

I can also dance well when I'm dreaming, but when awake I have all the style and grace of a drugged elephant. (Actually, I'm being modest. A friend who's into ballroom dancing says I don't do half-bad. Still, in my dreams I'm like Gene Kelly, Mikhail Baryshnikov (sp?), Ginger Rogers and Fred Astaire rolled into one.)

I had a dream one night where all I did was watch my cat while she was sleeping. In my dream I wrote a poem about her which I remembered on waking. I wrote it down and stuck it into my file of wierd things from my dreams.
I normally dream solutions to complex problems of our time that I have watched during the day in TV or talking to friends....for example I dreamed of a process that knocks off electrons from a large scale alloy (like solar cells) that produces mega watts of electricity by exposing it to somekind of fluid at high pressure....