Do you dream in color?


this may sound stupid but maybe because thats when tv was in black and white, unless that theory came before tv
Do you hear music in your dreams?

Yes, I dream in color. I believe it is all 3-D, but of course the "feel" of the dream is much different than real life.

I've also heard music in my dreams - as if it was the accompainment of a sad movie. And it was usually toward the end of the dream...however, it was not coming from my radio alarm.

A couple nights ago, I believe somebody in my dream had a bunch of knives. And although it wasn't painful when they stabbed me (I can't even be confident that I was stabbed - you know dreams get fuzzy), I did feel a tingle, or something of the sort. I guess this goes to show that sensation really is part psychological.
Well, I don't know if I ever heard music in my dreams before...
But I know that I can imagine the music really in a good detail if I heard it a few ttimes whit full attention...
Not only that, I could seperate some of the things in the music...

But I do remember that I had a weird thing waking up...
I did respond to sounds outside of my sleep, just before waking up, but I was still in the dream itself too...

while emotional pain is often present, physical pain is rare. im sure it was somewhere, but i can't think of any right now.
in a cartoon like way getting slatterd on the ground after a collision...
oh, there was no collision there. i was too skinny, and i was on my way to a hospital, and i slipped out the window... lol:)
I always dream in color, and sometimes have the sensation of touch and definitely taste--i had this great dream i was eating cookie dough. I believe I hear sound, as people talk to me and I can understand them.
I dream in color, listen to music, it is all 3D and I feel things really perfectly. I had dreams where I would feel things like swords going through my heart, dogs eating me alive, snakes trying to eat me alive (and I felt pretty tired...:eek: )... But they are always pretty surrealistic. Very strange. Sometimes lots of light too. I can also feel the heat of the sun, and the temperature... It is crazy... it's like real life...:bugeye: :eek:
dogs eating me alive,

ohh!! ohh!! i did feel pain in a dream once!!!!... wow.. this was a loooooooooong time ago.. like.. 7th grade maybe? and i dreamed a dog bit off my hand, and i had to ride around Kmart in a shopping cart to find it (my hand). but i remember it really hurt when the dog bit my hand off.... but it wasnt messy.. no blood pouring out or anything....

and as for missing body parts.. i sleep-walked once in my life, and, according to my dad, i was having a crying screaming fit becuase i lost my shoulders and couldn't find them anywhere. he says, he finally convinced me to lay down, and we would look for them in the morning. now THATS a dream i would have liked to have remembered!

Thats one good thing about KMart they always have the upper hand (oops) at having spare body parts. I hope there was a blue light on that....

I remember I got shot twice in two separate dreams (years apart)
and I didnt feel pain just a bunch of warm blood gushing over my head before I faded to awake....

and then once when I was around 12? I dreamed it was Halloween and I went as Dracula and went into a convenience store (with a 70's orange and brown astroturf!) and someone behind me stuck a something like a fireplace poker through my lower back and out of my stomach and it just felt like an itch...yeah I dont remember pain...

How do you all fly in your dreams?

I use to fly kind of unintenionally when I was younger strangely...
My position would be like that when Im reclined in a seat. So Id be laying back while loosely controlling my flight. Now I just stand there and levitate by will even though I have to control the stability by concentrating subconsciously (yes, like I have to keep it in the back of my mind) They say flying in your dreams is about your control in Life, so if youre flying, youve been accomplishing goals, I guess
How do you all fly in your dreams?
i wonder the same thing. ive never been able to fly i dont think... not that i remember anyway.. maybe its because im afraid of heights?
I dream in color and sound.
In most of my dreams, I'm either falling or running.
sheesh....wonders what am I running from... what is my subconscience trying to tell me and of course I'm not listening.
Is he identifiable?
maybe it's a precognetive dream...
or warning you to look out for that person or something...

I did come across a thought about dreams...
Ever had you woke up from a dream and in reality finished it or something?
I had this weird thing when I was about the age of 5 or 6...

I fell from a high place in myt dream, and before I smacked into the ground, I woke up and fell from the middle of nowhere between ceiling and bed, onto my bed...

so, in short...
I fell from high, I woke up, I fell on my bed...
really a puzzling thought though...
Originally posted by Psy-learner
Is he identifiable?
maybe it's a precognetive dream...
or warning you to look out for that person or something...

I did come across a thought about dreams...
Ever had you woke up from a dream and in reality finished it or something?
I had this weird thing when I was about the age of 5 or 6...

I fell from a high place in myt dream, and before I smacked into the ground, I woke up and fell from the middle of nowhere between ceiling and bed, onto my bed...

so, in short...
I fell from high, I woke up, I fell on my bed...
really a puzzling thought though...


yeah I do know him but the really strange thing is that I dreamed about him before I ever met him IRL
I dream in color, and usually I am hiding or running from some thing.. one time it had a big yellow sunflower head.. that why I don't do yellow sunFlowers. they are hard to avoid all your life, trust me, they are ...Everywhere*
I dream in color, sound, feeling...but usually the senses are...muffled? virtual? There have been a few times I've fallen a few feet in a dream and felt the sensation of landing, and I really felt it. Sometimes in unclear dreams something will happen that will cause me to shake or jump and wake up. I often have a 'choice' of what to do it dreams...but it's virtual like the senses. And occasionally I'll be in a dream, and something will cause me to come to realize I'm dreaming, at which point I'll wake up.
whenever I dream it's with colour and senses.

also, in my dreams I am always myself in 1st person. Kinda like adventures of myself. ;)