Do you dream in color?

I dream in vivid colours, hear sounds.
I once heard two beautiful poems , but didn't remember a word after, just remembered how I was amazed of them.

Tonight I saw two sexually beautiful/provoking naked faeries :p
I too dream in colors.But i think thats quite obvious because you know our brains corresponds to all five senses when it sleeps...

the black and white myth probably originated at the time where there were black and white tv's only
May be :p

I think lot of tele-Series attribute to this notion,Take for example that old 60s Series Bewitched or may be this series where Bruce Wilis Became an actual star...they all used to show dreams or flsh back thoughts in black and white,isnt it?

I cant even recolect my dreams

I for one find it very difficult to recolect man of my dreams . Sure there are 4 or 5 i can remember to high detail, but most i do not remember.

I also cannot remember seeing colour. The concept that most people dream in black and white is not proposterous....its quite possible. I am sure many people on this forum cannot remember any colours they saw on specific objects in their dreams...and the colours added may have been added once full conciousness was resumed. Many people will say they saw an object of a certain colour, when in fact they saw the object and are just quoting the colour commonly associated with that object, such as a black taxi etc. (not the best object i know, since we are discussing colour :) )

Anyway, thats my thought


Out of curiosity Mog... can you picture a large pepperoni pizza
in your head? Can you see the color distinctions between the
pepperoni and the cheese?

i agree with Mog that we might be adding the colours when we remember the dreams. Honestly if i think of my dreams that i remember there's colour but i dont know if i'm just adding that colour. as for sounds i can remember hearing things, but once again am i just adding that now?
who knows... cant think of a way to test it
no- I think we drea in colour. After I imediately wake up I remember a lot of my dream and all of it in colour.
btw- hasn't anybody thought that black and white are also colours:bugeye:
I think it's really just an old myth that the majority dreams in black and white
IT is highly unlikely that the vividness of a peperoni pizza will occur in anyones dream. While concious now, i cannot picture the different colours of the pizza (mainly because i dont like cheese)... and if i can i only associated res, browns, greys and yellows with it.
Its very strange how it is proven that more people dream in black and white, yet most people say they dream in colour. At the moment, i cannot actually remember any dreams i have had where colour was a part of the whole "experience"

I think i may dream in black and white.


Last night I dreamt about eating chocolate. And I am pretty convinced that I tasted it to the full extent since i had several types of chocolate, some that I don't even like and haven't eaten in years. I think I may have dreamed about tasting the chocolate because my tummy was rumbling before I fell asleep:D.

Anyways dreams are tricky because once you try and focus on anything in them, you slip into conciousness. Well i do anyway.

I am a great dreamer I guess, I remember tons of deams, so far that I can even say that my favourite dream-state is where I realize that I am dreaming and are then able to steer the course of my dream how ever i want to. So in a sense i am able to project a little world of my own in my head! I used to be much better at this when i was a kid. I haven't dreamt that way in a while. And this happens mostly soon before I am about to wake up, so that damned clock always interupts me- Grr!
last night i dreamed that my boyfirend went gocery shopping and bought white and choclate milk. this morning i went ot the fridge to get some. lol. oops.
my dreams are very relistic. i use all of my senses. and i know it must be in color, becuase i once had a dream that was in the stlye of a cartoon. the colors were very bold. it was a dream that i died in.. but that was only the beginning...
I sometimes dream and can't tell it from reality. I usualy ask my mother or just conclude it was a dream.

I can vision a pepperoni pizza as a whole in my head, but if I think to hard about the colors in a certain spot, when I "look" at it, I can't tell.

Your answer may have provided a link to b&w dreamers vs.
color dreamers. Just to reiterate:

Q[CC]: Can you picture a large pepperoni pizza in your head?
Can you see the color distinctions between the pepperoni
and the cheese?

A[MOG]: No

And you are a b&w dreamer. I suspect most b&w dreamers would
not be able to visualize that pepperoni pizza when they are
concious. On the other hand I am an in-color dreamer and when I
am concious I can easily picture a pepperoni pizza with all the
color distinctions (something I suspect most color dreamers can
do with relative ease). In fact I can change the colors of the pizza
if I want (purple cheese looks pretty goofy FYI).

On a sidenote, one of my dreams last night was one where I was
body-surfing. I explicitly remember light blue skys, dark blue
waters, yellow-ish sands, flesh color, etc... In addition I
remember the nasty taste of ocean water, the sounds of waves
rising and crashing, and the feeling of increased motion (from

have you ever been surfing before, or tasted ocean water? just curious cuz if someone has a dream like that before experiencing something and then actually goes and tastes or smells or tries something and it feels the same or w/e that would be pretty neat and might give more evidence to this rather than possibly your brain just substituting it for something it has already recieved before. did that make much sense :)
hmm.. i kill people alot in my dreams.. or get killed.. let me find someone.. tehehhe..
me also - kill or get killed
I usually have a weird feeling when dying :eek:
especially unpleasant was once when my stomach was cut open with a sword
hmm.. mine usually get kinda digusting..

in one dream i got rally skinny and flew out of the car window and splattered on the ground.. that was the one that was in all cartoon stuff.. and i died.. and i wa trapped in this forest, and i coudn'tget out, and all the other dead girls made fun of me. so my mom came and yelled at them and took me home.
whoever has felt what dying feels like, read the thread called "Strange Dreams Last Night" and my post. I want to see how similar the feeling is of dying. because Avatar's description of the feeling is one that almost helps me remember the feeling, it might be the same with all of us. :D

heres the thread incase you cant find it for some reason:
Strange Dreams Last Night