Do you dream in color?

I suppose it all depends on what mental graphics card you have. I'm equipped with a Geforce 2297345795 pro. I get all the colours, all the sounds, everything. :D

Now think about it for a second..... Black is all colours combined. To achieve black you must be able to achieve every variation of colour before that.

Most dreams are a story told from things we've already seen... To use an example: I am now looking at a bright red tea cup. Somewhere in my dreams this tea cup might appear, and because my brain has that image stored in its memory banks it will be able to accurately reproduce that with it's exact colour match in my dreams.

I had this dream where im lying on my sofa and i get shot many times. It was so shocking i awoke instantly. I was in fact physically paralysed for about 1 minute and the places where i had been shot did actually sting in my concious state. I can attribute the paralysis to the drugs that the body emits during the sleeping phase. Some people lack the hormonal drug emissions and end up sleep walking. The drug is released into your system to avoid that very thing. The stinging from the bullets are nerve responses.

I also had this dream while snoozing in the car that an old friend of mine was choking me to death for letting him die. He'd actually phoned me up in real life but before my arrival at his house he'd killed himself. This was many years before the dream. It was so real and so shocking. When i awoke, on the bring of dreamstate death, i found my necklace was strangling me. The mind is fully aware of external influences and translates them into a dream state story.
"I heard somewhere that only a few poeple dream in color and others in black in white.
i myself have had only one black and white dream that im aware of. "

Well, I've always been dreaming in color, and I don't know anyone who dreams black and white........:confused: :confused:
My thoughts...

I think color in our world has almost become a sixth sense in the way that through our pulsating neon metroploitain centers adn obsession with the bright and bold.

Therefore... possibly making dreams in color a more frequent occurance than in the past beacuse color acts as a specific stimulant to our brains, triggered or triggering specific emoitions just like 'the smell of grandma's house' or the 'texture of your baby blanket'..... Do any of you see where I'm going with this?

Some of my most vivid dreams, specifically nightmares and been in black and white with only touches of color like the green leaves on a tree n'such. Comparable to the filming tecnique used in 'Schindlers List' with the girl in the red coat.

In dreams I believe all over senses can be stimulated. A nerve impulse is a nerve impulse weather connected to reality or not. I'm sure many a people have wakened to the sensation of a dreamed up kiss on there lips, or from a cry of terror escaping thier lungs... I love to dream.
I dream in color =)

How do you all fly in your dreams?

when i fly, i start out by kinda flapping! but its tough to get into the air. Once im in the air i kinda swoop and its hard as hell to stay up but then i can glide really easily and its way fun.

I've died a lot in my dreams, when i die i end up immobile but able to sense whats going on....does that mean something?

Funny story(at least to me): I was dreaming about a smoothie, a gorgeous strawberry-kiwi-banana smootie, and i was about to drink it, the cold glass touching my lips, i couldnt wait for that smoothie. And i wake up with my hand in my face with my fingers holding an imaginary glass, I was thirsty as hell, thats the funniest thing thats ever happened to me at 4 AM =)
I dream in color all the time. Just like im actually there. But have you guys ever had one of those 'just-into-sleep' dreams where you think you are falling and then wake up all of the sudden? :m:
Originally posted by Carnuth
I dream in color =)

when i fly, i start out by kinda flapping! but its tough to get into the air. Once im in the air i kinda swoop and its hard as hell to stay up but then i can glide really easily and its way fun.

Yeah, you try to fly the first time, and you are like wow this is easy. And then you try the second time, not so easy. And then when you go to show someone, they look at you like you are retarded.

I have had dreams where I am both dieing and I am dead. The dead ones are always immobile body dreams, but somehow things happen to you and it means something. Maybe that can have a meaning with real life, I think when I die, I will not get cremated. I want to become a skeleton, would a cool dream that would be! :eek:

To fly in dreams

To fly, first you have to become concious of the fact that you are dreaming, there is a huge difference between waking conciousness and lucid dreaming conciousness. Most of the time when dreaming and you become aware of the dream you will wake. But sometimes it is possible to become aware of the simple fact that you can do anything. You guide your awarenss from this perspective yet confine your mind to the world of the dream.
When you accheive this, you can 'will' yourself to fly. I suspect that not everyone can do this.
Color and so much more here

Not only do I sleep in color but I also have touch, taste, smell, and can hear very vividly. I'm a lucid dreamer above it all and have been since I was younger. My dreams are great for the most part, I've only had one night terror in like eight years. My dreams can be as real as my everyday life or as wild as the telatubbies on acid at a rave. Only problem for me is I'm always sleepy, it seems I'm so awake in my dreams that it feels like I haven't gotten any sleep all night.


Definatly black & white... the biggest problem is that your mind automatically assumes that if you have a red car and it appears in your dream, it is red. Your mind simply will not be convinced that it isn't red.

But then, I don't claim to have dreams of the future, as it is, I have relativly few dreams.
Color remebered

I have a notion that one can remember dreams in color or B&W. Alot of times a dream fades so quickly it is hard to get the all the details. I believe this is because our dreams are not in our memory, save but the likes of a few , the rest like alot of memory is kept off line if you will.
Re: Color remebered

Originally posted by passive observer
I have a notion that one can remember dreams in color or B&W. Alot of times a dream fades so quickly it is hard to get the all the details. I believe this is because our dreams are not in our memory, save but the likes of a few , the rest like alot of memory is kept off line if you will.

I have read a few studies that have noticed a pattern in brain activity, something like when you are a mid-asleep you can remember your dreams (like when you are first going to sleep or waking up). There are also some peaks in the middle of your sleep cycle that get up in the mid range, versus lower range (deep sleep) and high range (almost awake). The problem with remembering dreams is the problem with the human brain. If you dream in color and react a certain way but only remember in B&W and react differently to the recollection, what is the reality of the dream to you? At that point you start getting away from just dreams and asking yourself what is the difference between dreams and real life? I think a lot of life influences dreams, but on more than one occasion I have made notes of details in a dream about a likely event, and when it happens I experience the dejavou (sp) in expectance. Or maybe I am just clinically trying to seisure. Which ever, I think humans need to do question the state they are in -in life as well as dreams, as mentioned earlier in the post. Life maybe an offshoot of a larger dream, and who knows what could happen if we start pinching ourselves.
every one to their own.

:bugeye: every one dreams in different ways. i myself can controll my dreams. Ie two nights ago I had this dream i was trapped in a barn and zombies (yes the undead) surrounded it i got up in the loft when they started coming in and i was freaked i could actually smell the rotting flesh and hay along with the felling of the cool night air. in my mind i thought it was real and then i realized. !!! why am i running from these bastards its a dream then all of a sudden i had an assault rifle and the dream became this fun whack a mole scenario. i can also wake myself up if the dream is too scary. but like i said earlier every one dreams in different ways. my color blind friend actually described red to me from a dream he had so some people dream in color others in only purple and others in black and white so does it matter?
I dream in color as well and all my senses are involved in the dream. I have very weird dreams, i don't get nightmares ever since i was a little girl though.
"when i fly, i start out by kinda flapping! but its tough to get into the air. Once im in the air i kinda swoop and its hard as hell to stay up but then i can glide really easily and its way fun." - Carnuth

That's exactly the way I get myself to fly :). I do it often, too.

"But have you guys ever had one of those 'just-into-sleep' dreams where you think you are falling and then wake up all of
the sudden?"

Yes, that happens often as well.

  • Basics of my dreams:
  • I retain my ability to feel (though only for 'erotic activity'), see, and hear. I've never had a dream where I've tasted or smelt something. I've eaten in my dreams, but there's no actual taste... just the fact that I know what it tastes like and am happy something that's supposed to be tasty is filling my stomach.
  • I dream in colour. Things are easily visually perceived, though there've been times when some bits were blurry.
  • I fly, exist in 1st, 2nd, and 3rd person, walk, swim, run at accelerated speeds, fight, kill, and get killed.... more often the prey than the predator, I'm afraid. Whenever I'm killed, my 'spirit', it seems, goes into 3rd-person-mode and then finds a new body. I constantly switch between 1st, 2nd, and 3rd person throughout the dream though. Also, when I wake up there's always pain right where my wound(s) was/were.

I have to ask this. I've never found anyone else who's had these abilities. 1) Has anyone ever began a dream while still being conscious? 2) Can any of you wake yourselves up using physical mobility?

For the first one, I don't mean lucid-dreaming or thinking about something and then dreaming about it. When I close my eyes, it's like the dream is pulling me in. It's like I'm in the middle of reality and entering my dream.

It's when that happens that I try and wake myself up (most of 'those' dreams are nightmares). It doesn't happen within the dream. When I was younger, I would have to spin around really fast (in the dream) in order to get out of a dream. Nowadays though (only with nightmares, mind you), in order to get myself out of that state (of being in the middle), I must shake my head, try wiggling my fingers, or move my hand. It sort of feels like my whole body is numb, and I have to shake off the feeling. It's quite difficult, nothing compared to when you're conscious.
hmm I don't fly much. I hava had this recurrent dream when the water from the sea takes away sand from the shore. I feel extremely awkard after I have had it. I have been able to smell like for example I smelt roses nad dreamt of an angel. Does anyone know what dolphins mean?
i always seem to dream in color, but with no sound. but i am aware that people are talking to me and i understand them but ...i guess i dont hear them? its like i hear their voice in my head as i see their mouth move. weird.