Did Jesus Suffer Enough?

Originally Posted by cluelusshusbund
Are you suportive of Gods plan which makes it inevitable that children will be raped.???

What will this communion you talk about be like.???

no pain, no fear, no suffering, no sickness, no hate, NO RAPE, no violence, no lust, no greed, no sloth, no envy, no vanity, no gluttony, no anger, no waste, no death, no loneliness, no shame, no disappointment, no tears, no boundaries, and no lies.
no pain, no fear, no suffering, no sickness, no hate, NO RAPE, no violence, no lust, no greed, no sloth, no envy, no vanity, no gluttony, no anger, no waste, no death, no loneliness, no shame, no disappointment, no tears, no boundaries, and no lies.

So, what's left?:shrug:
you're kidding right? :bugeye:

Actually no, I'm not kidding.

In this perfect world of yours, what are we supposed to do?

We all just love one another,and dance?

Nothing to debate about?

Just a bunch of shiny happy people?

I'm serious, I just don't get it.
no pain, no fear, no suffering, no sickness, no hate, NO RAPE, no violence, no lust, no greed, no sloth, no envy, no vanity, no gluttony, no anger, no waste, no death, no loneliness, no shame, no disappointment, no tears, no boundaries, and no lies.

Why didnt God jus create humans that way to begin wit... an skip all the horrors of life as we know it on earf.???
Actually no, I'm not kidding.

In this perfect world of yours, what are we supposed to do?

We all just love one another,and dance?

Nothing to debate about?

Just a bunch of shiny happy people?

I'm serious, I just don't get it.

sorry. :(

Don't be sorry.. You have a right to your opinion(s)

I am just curious as to how this "perfect" world would be.

Personally, it sounds very dull and mundane.

Everyone on the same page, in perfect harmony.

Seems to me, there wouldn't really be much reason to exist.

No conflicting thoughts or opinions.

Just an eternity, of boredom.

Just my opinion.:)
Originally Posted by cluelusshusbund
Why didnt God jus create humans that way to begin wit... an skip all the horrors of life as we know it on earf.???

if i had to guess, i'd say it's because you can't have knowledge without experience.

So God dont have human knowledge sinse hes never esperienced bein human.???
Originally Posted by cluelusshusbund
Why didnt God jus create humans that way to begin wit... an skip all the horrors of life as we know it on earf.???

So God dont have human knowledge sinse hes never esperienced bein human.???

have you ever heard of a man named jesus?
Don't be sorry.. You have a right to your opinion(s)

I am just curious as to how this "perfect" world would be.

Personally, it sounds very dull and mundane.

Everyone on the same page, in perfect harmony.

Seems to me, there wouldn't really be much reason to exist.

No conflicting thoughts or opinions.

Just an eternity, of boredom.

Just my opinion.:)

i think you're just stuck in a paradigm. replacing conflict with harmony doesn't have to lead to boredom. quite the opposite actually. when communion with god is restored we will have the opportunity to be far more enlightened. we'll have an infinite number of new things to learn and discover, together. instead of taking this new knowledge and using it to destroy each other, or enslave each other, and trying to own it, we'll share it, and use it for the benefit of all.

right now i feel like the human race is retarded. think about that for a minute.

and who knows what our new bodies will be capable of. i think our instincts will definitely change, our capabilities will change. who knows...maybe we'll be able to fly!

i know that we'll appreciate a beautiful world and a joyful, peaceful existence.

we'll be free. completely free, to be ourselves, and to enjoy our world and our lives, and each other. there is an abundant wealth of good things in all of us that are currently squelched by sin, and the oppression and suffering it causes. how can you not see that?

i'd be interested to know what clueless thinks about your response.
Why didnt God jus create humans that way to begin wit... an skip all the horrors of life as we know it on earf.???

Originally Posted by Lori_7
if i had to guess, i'd say it's because you can't have knowledge without experience. ”

So God dont have human knowledge sinse hes never esperienced bein human.???

have you ever heard of a man named jesus?

Because ive herd of a man named Jesus... God has knolwedge of what its like to be raped/tortured an murdered as a child.???
Originally Posted by Gremmie

I am just curious as to how this "perfect" world would be.

Personally, it sounds very dull and mundane.

Everyone on the same page, in perfect harmony.

Seems to me, there wouldn't really be much reason to exist.

No conflicting thoughts or opinions.

Just an eternity, of boredom.

i'd be interested to know what clueless thinks about your response.

I thank a all-knowin all-powerful God coud turn us into door-knobs wit the knowledge/ability to preceive ourselfs as bein happy.!!!

Which begs the queston... why did God create the universe the way he did which unnecesarly makes human sufferin inevitable... unless this God is a monster.???
Why didnt God jus create humans that way to begin wit... an skip all the horrors of life as we know it on earf.???

So God dont have human knowledge sinse hes never esperienced bein human.???

Because ive herd of a man named Jesus... God has knolwedge of what its like to be raped/tortured an murdered as a child.???

clueless, god IS knowledge. god IS the laws that govern the universe. what would that mean in regards to his perspective?
I thank a all-knowin all-powerful God coud turn us into door-knobs wit the knowledge/ability to preceive ourselfs as bein happy.!!!

Which begs the queston... why did God create the universe the way he did which unnecesarly makes human sufferin inevitable... unless this God is a monster.???

i have no desire to be a door knob.

and suffering is NOT inevitable. that happens to be the very message of christ.
I thank a all-knowin all-powerful God coud turn us into door-knobs wit the knowledge/ability to preceive ourselfs as bein happy.!!!

Which begs the queston... why did God create the universe the way he did which unnecesarly makes human sufferin inevitable... unless this God is a monster.???

i wondered what you thought of his response because he doesn't want to be a door knob either, but he is also quite content living in a world where children are raped.