Did Jesus Suffer Enough?

i prefer my version 'human race is messed up' but just because i don't like that word..but it is accurate.

i like that word; it's one of my faves. it's so emphatic and versatile.

um..your belief in jesus will fix you..

yeah, that's the whole point of christianity. :confused: you didn't know that?
oh wait, i understand what you're saying now! yes, i have to believe in the possibility of being fixed, and even understand that i need to be fixed, to be fixed.
i like that word; it's one of my faves. it's so emphatic and versatile.
thats the main reason i don't like it..it doesn't communicate anything if it means everything..

yeah, that's the whole point of christianity. :confused: you didn't know that?

oh wait, i understand what you're saying now! yes, i have to believe in the possibility of being fixed, and even understand that i need to be fixed, to be fixed.


now..do you let man fix you or god?
who do you trust more...
god can speak through ppl, but ppl can not speak for god..
thats the main reason i don't like it..it doesn't communicate anything if it means everything..

well i never thought about it that way.


now..do you let man fix you or god?
who do you trust more...
god can speak through ppl, but ppl can not speak for god..

god of course. it's hard to believe you're asking me that. :confused:
clueless, the human race is FUCKED UP.

i believe it's because of sin, and that jesus will fix me.

One of the mor FUGGED-UP thangs about the human race to me is... that somone woud put trust in a "God" who intentionaly chose a creation plan which makes such horrors as children bein raped... inevitable.!!!
One of the mor FUGGED-UP thangs about the human race to me is... that somone woud put trust in a "God" who intentionaly chose a creation plan which makes such horrors as children bein raped... inevitable.!!!

you would rather have a god that keeps us ignorant?

where does your propensity to love someone come from? is it just some mystical or emotional feeling that you're led by, or is it the knowledge you posses through your experience that leads you to believe that loving someone is the right thing to do? if your answer is knowledge, then can you describe for me the experience that allows you to attain it? would you agree that experiencing the absence of love would drive home a realization of it's value and importance?
to become god like we must teach ourselves right from wrong.

How is knowledge imparted?

Learning from all past experiences and showing ourselves the error in our ways.

a negative is a positive for the future.
Originally Posted by cluelusshusbund
One of the mor FUGGED-UP thangs about the human race to me is... that somone woud put trust in a "God" who intentionaly chose a creation plan which makes such horrors as children bein raped... inevitable.!!!

you would rather have a god that keeps us ignorant?

Id prefer a God who didnt screw wit my mind in such a way that i woud try an rationalize children bein raped as a good thang.!!!
Originally Posted by cluelusshusbund
One of the mor FUGGED-UP thangs about the human race to me is... that somone woud put trust in a "God" who intentionaly chose a creation plan which makes such horrors as children bein raped... inevitable.!!!

Id prefer a God who didnt screw wit my mind in such a way that i woud try an rationalize children bein raped as a good thang.!!!

it's not a good thing. that's the whole point. and yet some people are just fine with the world the way it is. they justify things like lust, and violence, and hate.

you know clueless, you and i can try like hell to be "good people", and perhaps i'll even commend our efforts, but i am NOT satisfied with the results.
Originally Posted by cluelusshusbund
Id prefer a God who didnt screw wit my mind in such a way that i woud try an rationalize children bein raped as a good thang.!!!

it's not a good thing.

Which... God screwin wit you'r mind or children bein raped... or both.???
I totally disagree with the statement that the human species is fekked up.

This is, in fact a relative statment, and you ahve to say , fekked up compared to what?

I believe, in fact, that the human species is, on the whole, rather a good lot. I gained a bit of insight by following the revelations of those who study chimpanzee behaviour in the wild. Those little beggers have pretty much all the human vices, only more so. They assault, mug, murder, rape and go to war. More often than humans do, and a much higher percentage of their populations are victims.

Thinking about this, I wondered what would happen if an outsider (the proverbial little grey man from outer space) studies the human race, but could only view two or three of us at a time. They could study us for a century and never see a single rape, murder, or act of war. I think they would go away thinking humans are pretty nice creatures.

Of course, evil does exist. I am just pointing out that it is the exception. No-one is perfect, but overall, most of us are not too bad.
Originally Posted by cluelusshusbund
Id prefer a God who didnt screw wit my mind in such a way that i woud try an rationalize children bein raped as a good thang.!!!

Which... God screwin wit you'r mind or children bein raped... or both.???

children being raped. i've actually had very beneficial results from god screwing with my mind.
I totally disagree with the statement that the human species is fekked up.

This is, in fact a relative statment, and you ahve to say , fekked up compared to what?

I believe, in fact, that the human species is, on the whole, rather a good lot. I gained a bit of insight by following the revelations of those who study chimpanzee behaviour in the wild. Those little beggers have pretty much all the human vices, only more so. They assault, mug, murder, rape and go to war. More often than humans do, and a much higher percentage of their populations are victims.

Thinking about this, I wondered what would happen if an outsider (the proverbial little grey man from outer space) studies the human race, but could only view two or three of us at a time. They could study us for a century and never see a single rape, murder, or act of war. I think they would go away thinking humans are pretty nice creatures.

Of course, evil does exist. I am just pointing out that it is the exception. No-one is perfect, but overall, most of us are not too bad.

i want perfect. i want no suffering of any kind.
Originally Posted by cluelusshusbund
Id prefer a God who didnt screw wit my mind in such a way that i woud try an rationalize children bein raped as a good thang.!!!

it's not a good thing.

Which... God screwin wit you'r mind or children bein raped... or both.???

children being raped.

Are you suportive of Gods plan which makes it inevitable that children will be raped.???

You want perfect. Nothing wrong there. Fine. How do you intend to achieve that, apart from superstitious beliefs in deity that might or might not exist, but is almost certainly immensely different from what you believe, even if he/she/it actually exists?

Personally, there are times when I would like to see the 10% or so of the human species who are capable of evil, being eliminated with no chance at breeding. After a few generations of this, simple evolution will result in a much better Homo sapiens. Of course, we cannot do that, more is the pity.

In the mean time, we live with about 10% of our fellows acting in a way that is detremental to the other 90%. Hopefully, we can find techniques that will diminish their nasty impact.
Originally Posted by cluelusshusbund
Id prefer a God who didnt screw wit my mind in such a way that i woud try an rationalize children bein raped as a good thang.!!!

Which... God screwin wit you'r mind or children bein raped... or both.???

Are you suportive of Gods plan which makes it inevitable that children will be raped.???

yes i am. although i am not supportive of those who rape children, and i do not rape children myself.

You want perfect. Nothing wrong there. Fine. How do you intend to achieve that, apart from superstitious beliefs in deity that might or might not exist, but is almost certainly immensely different from what you believe, even if he/she/it actually exists?

Personally, there are times when I would like to see the 10% or so of the human species who are capable of evil, being eliminated with no chance at breeding. After a few generations of this, simple evolution will result in a much better Homo sapiens. Of course, we cannot do that, more is the pity.

In the mean time, we live with about 10% of our fellows acting in a way that is detremental to the other 90%. Hopefully, we can find techniques that will diminish their nasty impact.

to me it's not superstition. while i don't claim to be able to define god, i know that the spirit has impacted me in such a way that i realize we are all very flawed. i think sin is a genetic flaw that will be eliminated, the old fashioned way. that is cataclysmic events that bring the human race to near extinction, and intervention.

We have a different view of human imperfection. You call it original sin. I think of it simply as an inevitable outcome of human genetic variability. We have a special mechanism called sex, which results in offspring that are all a bit different from each other. The randomness of that difference means that some will be nicer and some nastier than the rest.

Explaining this difference through a myth centred on apples and snakes is kind of cute, but also ridiculous.

We have a different view of human imperfection. You call it original sin. I think of it simply as an inevitable outcome of human genetic variability. We have a special mechanism called sex, which results in offspring that are all a bit different from each other. The randomness of that difference means that some will be nicer and some nastier than the rest.

Explaining this difference through a myth centred on apples and snakes is kind of cute, but also ridiculous.

you really think it has to do with apples and snakes? :confused: come on now.

we could have the desire to sin bred out of us, and restored communion with god bred into us, and still have an infinite variety of wonderful, fulfilled human beings.