Did Jesus Suffer Enough?

God given, no. But we do have purpose, purpose is to be all we can be..

NB. God given presumes the pre-existence of god before man, that is a creator god. I.E. god was there first and gave man a purpose. I do not believe this, so No, there can never be any god given purpose.


Whats ya point with all the 'purpose' questioning?
My purpose is not god given. It is me-given.

My purpose is to sit on a comfortable lounger overlooking the sea on a lovely summer's day, sipping a cold beer, and chatting to a good friend. I cannot think of any better purpose.
Originally Posted by cluelusshusbund
Is ther a "God" which created this continuation of existence after death.???

I think there is a god (I am a theist if you like), but a pantheistic god, an all encompassing god, something like a greater consciousness, or an intelligence to the universe itself. ”

Do you thank this "God" has a purpos for humans.???

The purpose is to realise god, or become god realised, in other words to realise that we are god. ”

Do you realize you are God... an if so... what effect does it have on you.???

God given, no. But we do have purpose, purpose is to be all we can be..

NB. God given presumes the pre-existence of god before man, that is a creator god. I.E. god was there first and gave man a purpose. I do not believe this, so No, there can never be any god given purpose.


Whats ya point with all the 'purpose' questioning?

Educatin myself about you'r God beleifs.!!!

even with things being exactly the way they are, and especially given the prospect that they could change, what do you think the purpose of humanity is? ”

As far as i know... any propos we have is ones we make up.!!!

Do you thank we have a God-givin purpos.???

yes, i think it's communion.

Are you certan its God givin an that its communion.???
Originally Posted by cluelusshusbund
Are you certan its God givin an that its communion.???

that's what he told me.

I will take that as a yes.!!!

Did God know esactly how his communion plan woud turn out even befor he put that plan into action.???
Originally Posted by cluelusshusbund
Are you certan its God givin an that its communion.???

I will take that as a yes.!!!

Did God know esactly how his communion plan woud turn out even befor he put that plan into action.???

yeah. time is not a constraint for god.
Originally Posted by cluelusshusbund
Did God know esactly how his communion plan woud turn out even befor he put that plan into action.???

yeah. time is not a constraint for god.

So he knew it was inevitable that chidren woud be raped if he put his plan into action... but he did it anyway.???
Originally Posted by cluelusshusbund
Did God know esactly how his communion plan woud turn out even befor he put that plan into action.???

So he knew it was inevitable that chidren woud be raped if he put his plan into action... but he did it anyway.???

you have asked me this so many times. yes.
Originally Posted by cluelusshusbund
So he knew it was inevitable that chidren woud be raped if he put his plan into action... but he did it anyway.???


Coud God have acheived his gole of communion if he had eliminated the specific desire (that som people have) to rape children.???
Originally Posted by cluelusshusbund
So he knew it was inevitable that chidren woud be raped if he put his plan into action... but he did it anyway.???

Coud God have acheived his gole of communion if he had eliminated the specific desire (that som people have) to rape children.???

apparently not.
Originally Posted by cluelusshusbund
Coud God have acheived his gole of communion if he had eliminated the specific desire (that som people have) to rape children.???

apparently not.

So God is all-knowin but not all-powerful.???
Originally Posted by cluelusshusbund
Coud God have acheived his gole of communion if he had eliminated the specific desire (that som people have) to rape children.???

So God is all-knowin but not all-powerful.???

it seems to me he wishes to commune with those who know the consequence of sin.
Originally Posted by cluelusshusbund
Coud God have acheived his gole of communion if he had eliminated the specific desire (that som people have) to rape children.???

apparently not. ”

So God is all-knowin but not all-powerful.???

it seems to me he wishes to commune with those who know the consequence of sin.

So children bein raped teeches 'em the consequence of sin.???
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Originally Posted by cluelusshusbund
Coud God have acheived his gole of communion if he had eliminated the specific desire (that som people have) to rape children.???

So God is all-knowin but not all-powerful.???

So children bein raped teeches 'em the consequence of sin.???

it teaches those who are willing to learn. rape, and a host of other horrible things.
Originally Posted by cluelusshusbund
So children bein raped teeches 'em the consequence of sin.???

it teaches those who are willing to learn. rape, and a host of other horrible things.

Yes i supose som children are jus that stubborn... an need to be tortured an murdered along wit the rape befor they learn the consequence of sin.!!!

Here in Indina a 12 year old girl was raped... an later the guys duck taped her arms to her body... an put tape over her mouth... an taped her legs together an tossed her in a (40 degree) creek... they said she managed to breath thru her noise for about 20 minutes befor she finaly drowned... souns like she was 1 of the stubborn children... you reckin she learned the consequence of sin :shrug:
Originally Posted by cluelusshusbund
So children bein raped teeches 'em the consequence of sin.???

Yes i supose som children are jus that stubborn... an need to be tortured an murdered along wit the rape befor they learn the consequence of sin.!!!

Here in Indina a 12 year old girl was raped... an later the guys duck taped her arms to her body... an put tape over her mouth... an taped her legs together an tossed her in a (40 degree) creek... they said she managed to breath thru her noise for about 20 minutes befor she finaly drowned... souns like she was 1 of the stubborn children... you reckin she learned the consequence of sin :shrug:

have you learned? can you believe that things like that happen every single day and some people deny that there's anything wrong with the human race that can't be solved with some new religion, or lack of religion, or a new politician, or new drug? it's crazy isn't it?
clueless, do you (want to) realize that the effects of sin are cumulative and pandemic? do you realize that there are enough nuclear weapons in the world right now to virtually extinguish the human race? do you realize that atrocities just as horrible as the rape of a child go on all over the world every day on a massive scale? do you realize that just the way the majority of us live our lives every day (when we think things are going well) is an atrocity? driving through traffic, to get to a job you hate, and sitting behind a desk for 8 hours, so you can pay your taxes and have a roof over your head and feed your family?

clueless, the human race is FUCKED UP.

i believe it's because of sin, and that jesus will fix me.