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Coffee, if you really believe that it's ANYONE's business what people do in their private life. You are just as bad as people like Dr Laura. My only advice, get a life and stop trying to think that anyone has any right to discriminate anyone because of their PRIVATE life.

Don't rag Coffee, he's one of the most tolerent people I know. He doesn't hate anyone for their sexuality or nationality, which is more than you and Asguard can say for yourselves.

who here is scared of walking down a street and yelling "I LIKE GIRLS"?

I'm not, and a good two thirds of my sexual practices could end up with either I or my partner being arrested.

Whinge, whinge, whinge.
that doent bother u?

that someone else wants to stick there nose into what 2 concenting ADULTS do

(unless ur saying ur BF is 12 in which case u SHOULD be locked up)

i think i will open a bar where no people who have ever given or recived head can work
that someone else wants to stick there nose into what 2 concenting ADULTS do

Well I think I'm being discriminated against too. I think all assault and battery laws should be taken off the books, and I should be compensated for my time with a nice strawberry daquiri and a Porsche.

I'm attracted to women. I'm sure that if I walked down the street yelling this tomorrow, I'd get more applause than I would censure. Which is really why I don't make a big thing about my bisexuality. If you aren't hated for your deviance, what's the bloody point of it? :)

So quit whining, because life could be worse. You could be infected by Guinea worms.

(unless ur saying ur BF is 12 in which case u SHOULD be locked up)

Irrelevent attempt at personal attack ignored.

i think i will open a bar where no people who have ever given or recived head can work

Go ahead. Watch it picketed. Watch nobody come. Watch yourself lose money.

It's called capitolism.
What does your friend's abusive father have to do with free market capitolism?

Oh hardly. I've declared eternal war against the obscene, slavish prejudices that inspire discrimination because of irrelevent things like sexual orientation. However, I've yet to see a reason why we should fuck with the free market. All I see are various appeals to emotion.

Well boo-hoo! You don't like the consequences of 2000 years of this absurdity? Do something about it. (Besides whinge). Sitting around insulting Americans and whining about how heavy your chains are won't change the fact that you're wearing them.
Now, the US will have to send all their military off to get killed, leaving only gay people in America. Imagine gays running the US, it will be all love and peace.

How do you know that? That statement is insulting to straight people. To say that all straight people are the cause of war and crime.... Now that's racist Richard.

I think the one thing worse than prejudice, is those that accept it, sit back and do nothing.

I agree. That's why people boycott and such. Like Xev said. No one will come to your business, no one will buy anything from you, and everyone would flock to where your business is and yell at you. That's capitalism.
RichardJA – NZ doesn’t sound like a free country if people there aren’t free to form truly private groups. Mind answering my questions about men’s clubs and churches there? I see lots of NZ men’s clubs online. Are they really unisex?
How do you know that? That statement is insulting to straight people. To say that all straight people are the cause of war and crime.... Now that's racist Richard.

No, he's got a point. They'd be too busy making sure that the upholstery of their couches didn't clash with their drapes that there wouldn't be time to kill each other. :D
Some U.S. states are filled with hicks itching to give gays a beating. In Seattle, couples hold hands in public whether gay or not. Businesses here dare not discriminate for fear of bankruptcy.
I find gays more accepting and peaceful than a bunch of homophobic people harassing, beating up, spitting on people because of their sexuality.

Like I said Zanket, come to NZ and you will find a free place. People don't give a stuff about the sort of things you have there. We are far too busy being laid back. Maybe in America having one gender places is a big thing, but here no one gives a stuff. different kind of cultures I guess

Gay business do very well. It's only natural, gays have more disposable money than their counterparts who have families and kids. It's called pink money, big business here.

I'm glad I insulted you coffee, maybe now you know what half the stuff you wrote in this post was like for Asguard and myself to read
Some U.S. states are filled with hicks itching to give gays a beating. In Seattle, couples hold hands in public whether gay or not. Businesses here dare not discriminate for fear of bankruptcy.

Which states are these Zanket? And how would you know? Your generalizing.
forget it

they arnt worth it

i gave up on xev AGES ago

all i can say is HAHHAHAHAHA yes everyone envys american "freedom" or should we say slavery to the $$


thats all it is people

the root of all evil is apathy, ignorance and greed
I'm glad I insulted you coffee, maybe now you know what half the stuff you wrote in this post was like for Asguard and myself to read

Oh cry me a river. You and Asguard have insulted every American on this board in the Politics forum and now you're complaining about your hurt widdle feelings?

Coffee is incredibly cool, and obviously has no problem with deviant forms of sexuality. You, on the other hand, are overly emotional and should take care not to insult your betters.

You as well, Anthony, are hardly in a position to attack Coffee after all the nasty things you've said.

The two of you ought to remember that bullying Coffee just shows how weak you are.
Coffee, when you hit a guy covered by mud, your fist gets dirty. Don't even dignify that with a response.
RichardJA – So the NZ men’s clubs may not bar women, and the Mormons there may not excommunicate a member who declares Mormonism is crap? These are not rhetorical questions. Can you answer?

i hate all americans


i DARE u to say i hate pine_net xev

as for MY tolerance

IM THE MOD, i could have removed ANY of ur posts if i wanted
but i dont BECAUSE u have the right to be STUPID if u so desire
Anthony, you will not edit my un-offensive posts because Dave would remove your moderater status if you abused it. I'm quite aware that you don't like me, but you will not harass me because you are not allowed to.

It's not a favor, it's your duty as a moderater.

Of course, half of my posts are worthy of editing for language, but then, you'd just look like a fool. :D

I didn't say you hated all Americans, I said that you and your friend have insulted all of us. And you have.
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