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The basis for people not hiring homo-sexuals is that those people beleive that homo-sexuality is wrong (moraly, or ethicaly, or whatever...). This is their beleif.
Furthermore, there is nothing wrong with this beleif. There are people who beleive it is wrong and those who beleive it is right.
We are assuming, when saying that sexual discrimination is illegal, that everyone has determined homo-sexuality good. The law can not take the view-point of one people (those who beleive for or against it) if it is truly democratic (for all people).
Originally posted by RichardJA
No group, private or public should have any right to ban someone on any prejudice, and thankfully in my country the sort of crap that happens in America, does not happen here.
So should the Boy Scouts be FORCED to allow girls? Should a female strip club be FORCED to allow men? Should a skydiving company be FORCED to allow handicap employees?
*colapes on the floor laughing*

u do know that the BOY scouts DO alow girls????????
you might want to rephrase that to should the American Boy Scouts, because there are girls in the boy Scouts down here.

You are stupid aren't you? Really, I think you are. A person not hired based on their sexuality can do the job a handicapped person obviously can't take sky diving lessons.

God the lengths you people go to trying to hold on to your disgusting prejudice.
anyway i dont care about clubs, yes the melborune club still doesnt alow females and there is a chain of gyms that doesnt alow guys

what we r talking about is a WORK PLACE

i should be able to work ANYWHERE without discrimination baised on race, skin color, sex, sexual preferance, religion or disability that doesnt efect my job

hell i wear glasses and i can get a job in the army but cause im bi i cant get a job in private industry?????

if ANYONE if for it its UR responcability to provide for me when i CANT get a job because u surport the system that put me like that

(ie no complaining about people on the dole)
Originally posted by Asguard
*colapes on the floor laughing*

u do know that the BOY scouts DO alow girls????????

Yes, I know this. I remeber the trials for it and the numerous others on whether gays should be allowed. I just wanted to know what exactly Rich had a problem with.
Originally posted by RichardJA
you might want to rephrase that to should the American Boy Scouts, because there are girls in the boy Scouts down here.

You are stupid aren't you? Really, I think you are. A person not hired based on their sexuality can do the job a handicapped person obviously can't take sky diving lessons.

God the lengths you people go to trying to hold on to your disgusting prejudice.
*Yawn*... Both you and Asguard are missing the point.

ALL of the things I just pointed out ARE happening in the US. A guy sued a gentlemen's club and won for sexual discrimination a few years ago. I remember a case in San Diego where a handicap women sued for not getting a job at a sky diving company.

The question is whether this is a good thing or not.
OMG U missed the point

being a guy in a female stripers means u cant do the job (the job being arousing straight males and bi\gay females), same with someone severly handycaped

if wearing glasses doesnt exsulde me from the army (i aplied as a gun number B\W) then why in gods name would my sexual preferance effect how i COOK
Originally posted by Asguard
OMG U missed the point

being a guy in a female stripers means u cant do the job (the job being arousing straight males and bi\gay females), same with someone severly handycaped

if wearing glasses doesnt exsulde me from the army (i aplied as a gun number B\W) then why in gods name would my sexual preferance effect how i COOK

NO, your proving my point.

The reason I posted those three examples is because they have happened in the US.
being a guy in a female stripers means u cant do the job (the job being arousing straight males and bi\gay females), same with someone severly handycaped
I agree, but when you have a blanket policy that doesn't allow for discrimination of any kind, these must be allowed.
if wearing glasses doesnt exsulde me from the army (i aplied as a gun number B\W) then why in gods name would my sexual preferance effect how i COOK
It has nothing to do with it, and the Army (as a public institution) should allow you in its ranks.

I don't disagree that those who discriminate based on sexuality are wrong, the question is HOW do we inact a law on this so the examples above don't happen.

That's the problem we have in the US right now.
u set laws as the ground rules then APLIE for an exsemption

THAT is the way it works here

there r girl only schools and they have to have exseptions from the equal opitunity comission (not that i think the girls WANT that from those ive talked too)
Yeah, and that is the difference between NZ and America. We don't have the legal bullshit problem you have up there of people suing just so they can get money. We have a policy of no discrimination, a person can't be refused a job on the grounds of their sexuality, ethnic group, religious beliefs, physical disabilities, etc, and we don't have people looking at it to abuse to get money.

I think the problem in America is people want easy money and sue over anything.
Originally posted by Asguard
u set laws as the ground rules then APLIE for an exsemption

THAT is the way it works here

there r girl only schools and they have to have exseptions from the equal opitunity comission (not that i think the girls WANT that from those ive talked too)
Good answer. But that system wouldn't work very well here in the US. More than likely, counties would be given the power to control who gets exemptions and who doesn't. With the lawyers that we have here, it would be a mess...:(
Originally posted by Asguard


the goverment IS controling who has the exemptions
The Federal government would make a mess of a system like this. My guess is that it would be up to either a state, county, or city board, to handle such a law.

the fedral goverment runs the equal opotunity comission and the state of victoria turned there juristiction over to the feds for it because they didnt want to make ANOTHER comission
Originally posted by Asguard

the fedral goverment runs the equal opotunity comission and the state of victoria turned there juristiction over to the feds for it because they didnt want to make ANOTHER comission
America is bigger and much more complex in its make up though. The Repubicans will argue for power to be given to local commisions(state, county, city), while the Democrats will agrue for a national system. Of course, Bush is the president, and the House and Senate are controlled by the Republicans, so you can guess who would win out.

NOTHING, is ever simple here. That's why I asked HOW, with the fighting between parties and the overflow of lawyers and activists, going this route would be a tall order.
Originally posted by prozak
The Klan isn't illegal.
And they shouldn't be, they're a private its fun to laugh at thier stupidity and clownish uniforms.:D
well then its time for a change

once apon a time women couldnt vote

can now
Originally posted by Asguard
well then its time for a change

once apon a time women couldnt vote

can now
Apples and Oranges. People are allowed to vote if they're gay.
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