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ur right

they just arnt alowed a job

GREAT i will swap

at least women could work
Originally posted by Asguard
ur right

they just arnt alowed a job

GREAT i will swap

at least women could work
Yes, they are allowed a job, but a private company has a right to employ who they want also. Just like we have the right to boycott and protest a company that discriminates.

im INTILED to be protected from discrimination by the GOVERMENT

thats my RIGHT
ok discriminate all u like

but then DONT complaine when i have to live off the dole
Originally posted by Asguard

im INTILED to be protected from discrimination by the GOVERMENT

thats my RIGHT
The govenment won't get involved with this, it's up to individual states and cities to decided what their communities want.

"Gay men and lesbians have historically been subjected to painful measures that would legalize discrimination: initiatives barring them from teaching in public schools, local ordinances allowing private clubs to bar them from their doors, loud and heavy lobbying against same-sex marriage laws. On the job, the discrimination often continues -- with homophobic comments and jokes, lectures about upholding The Company Image, promotions denied and jobs lost.

Although women, minorities, people older than 40 and people with disabilities now enjoy an umbrella of state and federal protections from discrimination in the workplace, gays and lesbians have, for the most part, been left out in the rain, at least at the national level. There is no federal law that specifically outlaws workplace discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation -- in either the public or the private sector.

At the state level, however, there is more cause for hope, depending on whether the workplace is public or private. Seven states have laws prohibiting sexual orientation discrimination in public employment: Illinois, Iowa, Maryland, New Mexico, New York, Pennsylvania and Washington. Eleven states have laws prohibiting sexual orientation discrimination in both private and public jobs: California, Connecticut, Hawaii, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Rhode Island, Vermont and Wisconsin. The District of Columbia prohibits sexual orientation discrimination in both the public and private sectors.

If you are gay or lesbian and your state does not have a law that protects you from workplace discrimination, you may still be protected by city and county ordinances. There are 124 cities and counties that prohibit sexual orientation in the workplace -- from Albany, NY, to Ypsilanti, MI. In addition, some enlightened companies have adopted their own policies prohibiting such discrimination."

As I said before, local communities will decide what they want. Our government is much more de-centralized than Australia's.
so tell me why what i do on my own time has to do with my work?????????

u and i work together and i see u kissing a guy and i tell everyone at work u would be ok being fired cause of that????
Originally posted by Asguard
so tell me why what i do on my own time has to do with my work?????????
I personally have no problem working with gay people. The question isn't what I feel, but whether is supersedes what others do.
This is the last time that Im going to say any of this.

so tell me why what i do on my own time has to do with my work?????????

Its wrong I know. But when its a PRIVATE organization or company then they have the right to do as they wish and fire whomever they want.

u and i work together and i see u kissing a guy and i tell everyone at work u would be ok being fired cause of that???

Look. If a woman came into work and kissed you then you could be fired for that, some office/working place rules are that no affection is allowed to be shown. That's only in certain companies though. In a different company you and another man could kiss and no one would give a damn. But if it was a PRIVATE company and they didn't like the fact that your gay then they could fire you.
RichardJA – I’m incredulous that your country (NZ right?) doesn’t allow private groups to bar people based on gender or religion. Are the men’s clubs there forced by law to allow women? Is the Mormon Church there barred by law from excommunicating a member who claims Mormonism is a load of crap?

Anyone - I think the U.S. has it right on private groups. They can discriminate, and they can be sued. For example, a men’s group that conducts business will soon be forced to hand over its assets to the group of women who claim they were deprived of economic opportunity. Consequently, men and women, or gays and straights, or Catholics and Mormons can still enjoy the exclusive company of their own kind as long as they harm nothing more than the sensibility of others.

Here is the U.S. law: Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, prohibits discrimination ... on the basis of race, color, religion, sex or national origin. The law covers applicants to and employees of state and local governments, public or private educational institutions, and most private employers.

Sexual orientation could be added to the list, but then why not add every other non-job related differentiation, like hobbies and favorite ice cream? Where would it stop? I would change the law to “on the basis of anything unrelated to the job” and let the lawyers fight the profitable claims. It works that way now despite how the law reads.
Asguard, what about Positive Discrimination. This is unfair and wrong, but it is encouraged by most governments INCLUDING the Austrailian

For those who don't know what PD is, here's a hypothetical scenario

Two men are running for the same job, one white, one black. The white man is more qualified and has proven that he can do the job better than the black man. The black man gets hired.

This has happened alot with my mum, she has been looking for a decent job for years now and because of many companies Positive Discrimination approach, she is losing out, I am losing out.
It is unfair, unjust and pisses me off.

Also, Asguard I have a small request. Could you please stop typing like a 5 year old, it took me 15 minutes to read all of your stuff when it should only take me 5. Thank you
your right thor (not about me typing like a 5 year old, that hurt my friend:()

dad used to work at the department of defence surport (which now no longer exists) in recruitment and if a guy and a girl were going for the job with the same qualifacations ect then the girl got the job

it IS wrong

and if ur talking about spelling mesakes I CANT HELP IT

as for saying "u" who cares everyone knows that u means u and its a HELL of a lot faster to write when ur talking to 4 people and they are complaining your ignoring them
Discrimination rules.

Discriminating against people who made certain decisions, or whose ancestors made certain decisions, is our only way of effecting society as a whole as companies and individuals with money. We should be able to hire/not hire and use/not use any companies or individuals we like!

I've changed my mind. I now agree with discrimination against gays in the military.

It's very easy. Think about it. The US is bullying a number of countries, sooner or latter these countries will get together and go after the US. The easiest way is when America attacks Iraq, is for the Arabs to attack Israel, The Chinese to attack Taiwan, North Korea to Attack South Korea.

Now, the US will have to send all their military off to get killed, leaving only gay people in America. Imagine gays running the US, it will be all love and peace.

Hey, it works for me :D
hey i just realised something

i could never be called for millatary service

I can :mad: damn my military for being gay friendly :mad: Oh well, I can still run

Oh, Zanket, you might learn something if you ever came here. what it's like to live in a free country :D

I wonder how many people here realise how high the rate of suicide is amongst homosexual youth and adults because of the shit they have to put up with for being who they are.
dont worrie ur too little to be bothered:p
after all who would want NZ:p

anyway try this:

untill recently i was to scared to admit i even LIKED guys

i used to day dream about kissing whoever was in the room but i was scared that is wrong

mainly because of a friend of mine at school

he has matured now and we r great friends (and yes he knows)

HOW DARE SOCIATY make me scared of ME

a friend of mine is scared of telling his parents cause he knows they r homphobes and his dad already tried to kill him WITHOUT knowing

who here is scared of walking down a street and yelling "I LIKE GIRLS"?

ok everyone would LOOK at u like a nut if u did it but they would be like so what

if it was guys however u have to fear for ur life
That's the best part of being a kiwi, we are safe here :D I think we have closer ties with China now than with the US

:( that's awful about the father trying to kill your friend. Sigh, It always pisses me off the amount of people who has a parent disown them. If I was him, I would just not bother with his parents, I gather he isn't close to them anyway?

I used to do some online support for gay youth, four years, haven't done it the past year, it was just too much on me. I still help people, but not as much as I used to. Must get back to it, just needed a break from all pain that people were going through.

A friend in the US put it perfectly. He wants to walk down the street holding his boyfriends hand without the fear of being killed.
Asguard, prepare to be pissed off.

It's alright to ban gays from the military in peace times, but wait, what if America goes to war?

After two Democratic congressmen proposed this week a reinstatement of the national draft for military service, the primary architect of the Pentagon's "don't ask, don't tell" policy said it should be scrapped in the event of a draft.

what happened to gays being a destabalising force?
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