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ratial and reglious discrimination is

If its a private organization or a private company then they have that right. Why? Because its privately owned and operated. I can't force the KKK to accept black members because its the KKK! And its a private organization.

so if ur at my house i can murder, rape anything i like to u because ur on my private property?
oh freedom, running around with a white sheet on over you screaming vulgar comments at blacks. Almost as good as hate groups going to gay funerals to spread their hate, God I am so glad I don't live there. If that is freedom, you can keep it. I think I prefer living in a small country where people are laid back and accepting of people for who they are, than having to put up with the hatred groups in the US.

Asguard you do have those scum there, what are they called, black shirts?

yes the black shirts

you should see the letter our atorny genral of victoria wrote to them on behalf of the premior

They were on 20/20 here, wanted to set up in NZ. Funny how that never happened. Personally I believe freedom is living ones life how they want with the freedom to be who they are, what they are without prejudice. I don't think Americans have worked out freedom isn't having metal detectors in the schools, or putting other people down, screaming insults at them. That's repression isn't it? Very different from freedom.
so if ur at my house i can murder, rape anything i like to u because ur on my private property?

No, you cant. Murder is illegal no matter where it is committed. So is rape. But if you only want bald people on your property then you can do that, kick all the bald people off of your property.

oh freedom, running around with a white sheet on over you screaming vulgar comments at blacks. Almost as good as hate groups going to gay funerals to spread their hate, God I am so glad I don't live there.

They aren't allowed to do that, it's illegal. That's why they do it on their own property. Now if a KKK member walked up to a black woman and started smacking her and stuff then that's the members fault, not the organizations fault. Even though its possible that they influenced him to do so.

If that is freedom, you can keep it. I think I prefer living in a small country where people are laid back and accepting of people for who they are, than having to put up with the hatred groups in the US.

Yes, that's why I like Australia. But if hate groups didn't exist here then what's to stop them from calling the NAACP racist? I never see a white NAACP member, so there racist right? They only give scholarships to poor black students, isn't that right? So they must be racist. Even though they aren't.
i cant find the artical on it cause it was so long ago and i am not going to pay for it:(

but the letter went something like this

"the goverment of victoria will not tolerate this sort of prediduce in our state and if it does not cease IMEDIATLY we will be prociquing ur organisation to the full exstent of the crimes act"

I LOVE the goverment:D
can i claim to be a member of al kider in the US????????????

i rest my case
can i claim to be a member of al kider in the US????????????

No you can't. Sorta like how if I went downtown and claimed to be part of the KKK then I would be beaten to a bloody pulp. If you claim to be a member of a terroristic organization then your going to get arrested. Why? Because your organization has taken responsibility for what its has done. Asguard, also notice that your making me defend the KKK because its a free organization. Your trying to make me sound racist to, I say goodbye to you sir.
im MAKING u?

no im trying to make u see them for what they r

if u were the sort of person i THOUGHT u were u would be on MY side
no im trying to make u see them for what they r

I see them for what they are, racist, pig headed, bastards. I never said that I liked the KKK. Only that I cant stop them from hating, they can hate whomever they want, its their right.

if u were the sort of person i THOUGHT u were u would be on MY side

I am on your side. Your just taking things the wrong way. You cant comprehend the fact that the USA is so free that we allow people to walk around and say "I hate black people and gay people." Being able to hate whomever you want is your right, I don't hate anyone. But if you take away the KKK's right to walk around and say those things then we would have lost more freedom, because its an opinion and your allowed to have them here.

The right to hate anyone for anything is a freedom.
i can hate u but i cant haras u BECAUSE hate u

verbal assult is still asault
so harasment is bad but firing someone cause of what they do in there own home with a CONCENTING ADULT isnt?

let me see if i can get this straight

if u get blown at work and someone walks in they laugh about it cause its a girl but if u walk in on me kissing someone in a bar and tell everyone at my work and i get fired thats ok????????

great country
so harasment is bad but firing someone cause of what they do in there own home with a CONCENTING ADULT isnt?

For SOME private organizations it is. For most its not.

if u get blown at work and someone walks in they laugh about it cause its a girl

Nope. If your getting blown at work by a male or female your pretty much going to loose your job.

but if u walk in on me kissing someone in a bar and tell everyone at my work and i get fired thats ok????????

No its not okay. But for some clubs or organizations its not. If I joined a club for people with red hair (Meaning only people with red hair can join) and it turns out that Im wearing a wig, then I can be kicked out because I dont have real red hair. People like to be in clubs where everyone is the same.
read what i said again

clubs for guys, girls, gays only rnt illegal (as much as the feminists have tried to close the melborune club)
I agree with most of what CounslerCoffee has said in this thread.

The U.S. has a ways to go on preventing discrimination by law. I don’t think the Klan discriminates when they disallow blacks from joining. People who accept people for who they are accept people who do not accept people for who they are.

Coffee, if you really believe that it's ANYONE's business what people do in their private life. You are just as bad as people like Dr Laura. My only advice, get a life and stop trying to think that anyone has any right to discriminate anyone because of their PRIVATE life.
Coffee, if you really believe that it's ANYONE's business what people do in their private life. You are just as bad as people like Dr Laura. My only advice, get a life and stop trying to think that anyone has any right to discriminate anyone because of their PRIVATE life.


It's obvious that you have not read the entire thread. So to make it easy on you I put the important parts in bold.

I have said time and time again that I do not condone these things. I think its wrong and that it shouldn't be allowed. But it is a private organizations right to not allow whom they want in their club/business.

If you take away that right then anyone could join any club, some people dont like gays, so what? Screw them. You dont need to be around people like that in the first place. But it's their private organization and they are allowed to do that.
no, I have read this entire thread, and your attitude, however you try to justify it is disgusting. No group, private or public should have any right to ban someone on any prejudice, and thankfully in my country the sort of crap that happens in America, does not happen here. And I don't for one minute believe that you would sit and try to justify peoples right to be discriminate if you didn't believe it as well. people like you make me sick, I think it is time for me to take a break from this forum cause honestly, you repulse me.

I hope that some day you come up across the prejudice that your country allows. I hope some day you learn what it is like to be fired or refused something on the grounds of who you are.
no, I have read this entire thread, and your attitude, however you try to justify it is disgusting. No group, private or public should have any right to ban someone on any prejudice, and thankfully in my country the sort of crap that happens in America, does not happen here. And I don't for one minute believe that you would sit and try to justify peoples right to be discriminate if you didn't believe it as well. people like you make me sick, I think it is time for me to take a break from this forum cause honestly, you repulse me.

I never said that it was right. My point is that in America people can do what they want when its their private organization. Im sorry that I repulse you but you've misunderstood everything that Ive said.

I also never said that it was right to discriminate, but it's a persons right to hate someone for color/sex/sexual preferences.

I hope that someday you come up across the prejudice that your country allows. I hope some day you learn what it is like to be fired or refused something on the grounds of who you are.

Argh! Prejudices are allowed to a point, people have the right to hate whomever they want. Do you understand that? I don't hate anyone. And Im going to say this one last time to. It is a private organizations or private company's right not to hire anyone because of sex or race. That's why it's PRIVATE.
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