Darwin's Theory is False

Ophiolite said:
A very magnanimous perspective, Cranch. I look at again at the tenor of his opening post and conclude that he simply wished to smugly sneer at those whom he believe are condemned to eternal hell for believing in evolution. If this assessment is accurate he is a decidedly unpleasant person. If it is inaccurate, and his opening post was the result of thoughtlessness, then he is a thoroughly pitiable person for such disregard of his fellows. If the opening post was simply foolish, because he is mentally challenged, then there is nothing more to be said.
Hah, well said. :)
Darwin didn't have the tech whe have today.
Give the guy a chance damnit, your making him sad :p

Ophiolite said:
A very magnanimous perspective, Cranch. I look at again at the tenor of his opening post and conclude that he simply wished to smugly sneer at those whom he believe are condemned to eternal hell for believing in evolution. If this assessment is accurate he is a decidedly unpleasant person. If it is inaccurate, and his opening post was the result of thoughtlessness, then he is a thoroughly pitiable person for such disregard of his fellows. If the opening post was simply foolish, because he is mentally challenged, then there is nothing more to be said.

Ophi, it really amazes me how you come to some conclusions. before you make your final assessment of me consider these facts:

As for "smugly sneering" about an eternity in hell -- not so. I have spent many years of my life trying to help others including 8 years of voluntary assistance in a rest home, and several other benevolent church functions. I do care about humanity, because I believe there is an afterlife. An eternity in hell is no laughing matter, and the God I believe in says He takes no pleasure in sending someone there.

The tenor of my opening statement invited plenty of negative response which I would have gotten anyway, regardless of what a "nice guy" I could try to be. I see what happens to others that even hint at having faith. This forum is a cozy place for the unbelievers, and they do not want someone challenging them about God -- that is the solid impression I get here. If I would say "There is no good side to religion" I would probably get a standing applause on this forum.


On the intellectual assessment, I am not mentally challenged, and you should know that. I am a registered professional mechanical engineer, which means I sat for the most rigorous exam in my life and passed it the first time. The majority of my peers could not accomplish this.

Secondly, I graduated magna cum laude with a BSME at the top of my class.

I made a 735 on the math portion of my GRE which would qualify me for any graduate mathematics program in the USA including Cal Tech and MIT ( in case you don't know these are world class universities). I was considered a serious candidate for the NASA program with George Washington University.

my professional web-site:

I am also a six sigma black belt, which means I am well versed in the statistics field as well. Knowledgeable enough to sit for that exam and pass it too.

sig sigma body of knowledge

I have spent a goodly portion of my professional engineering life as a financial analyst because I also have a 4-1/4 year accounting degree.

I am now pursuing the music field because it is enjoyable and intellectually challenging.

I could continue, but I think you get the gist. Logic and mathematics are not a problem.

So when you or anyone else says I'm stupid or someone else is stupid, it basically gives you no credibility at all with me. Why should I believe anything else you have to say? My immediate impression is a mental deficiency from the source of the remark. I do not hear intelligent people calling other people stupid. If they were smart they wouldn't say it even if it were true -- because a person that does this can't communicate at even at the most basic level. In short -- it sounds like something a child would say. Why should I or anyone else take them seriously?

This seems to be a common theme on the forum, and I can't say the "new" forum is much better. It's a problem that much of humanity has, which shows a lack of true wisdom on their part.
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Woody said:
An eternity in hell is no laughing matter, and the God I believe in says He takes no pleasure in sending someone there.

Can you help me here, where in any of the testaments does god actually mention that Hell is a punishment?

Because Judaism, which also relies on the OT, doesn't have a belief in Heaven or Hell per se. So please, explain where you get your belief in 'hell' from, with sources, and references.
I read the first few lines of your post Woody and I'm wondering:

How can someone who believes in god be objective about theories of evolution?
woodys resume taken from woody's post


Your post is inappropriate regardless of the content of it. It is my own personal information, and you have made me highly vulnerable to some very undersireable elements on the internet that constantly peruse web-sites like this for their unscrupulous activities.

I recommend that you immediately delete your post. I have also contacted the web-site administrator. I assume this is carelessness on your part, and not intended for real harm. I think you also owe me an apology. I wouldn't do this to you regardless of what I think about you.

I will immediately delete the link to my personal web-site to prevent apish antics from others. I make myself vulnerable, by trusting others will use good judgment, and this is what happens. The communication here is terrible.

I will also delete my first post since others find it offensive.
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Woody, I for one am not calling you stupid, and I am not underrating your statistical abilities. I took similar courses, although now I use REML all the time, which only goes to prove there is a Devil after all.

Nor am I anti-religion: far from it. I see religion as a (potentially, but not uniformly) good thing - it tends to be the weight of interpretation that determines the nature of its usage, regrettably. (Regrettably also, humans are basically monkeys and don't exhibit that genuine soulful spark as often as one would really like.)

But I don't see any conceptual or practical problems with evolution, macro or micro, and working in this field I'd like to think I'd be honest enough to admit any overt problems.

Lay out your counter-arguments and we'll discuss them.

Woody said:
I will also delete my first post since others find it offensive.

Offensive in its stupidity and arrogance.

Better get used to the fact that you are not anonymous on the net. Because you aren't. Neither am I.
a true follower of judaism (which i still consider christianity to be a rogue branch of) should be absolutely accepting of what science has to offer us. scientific thought is one of the most intense studies a human can engage in, as it utilizes all of the mental processes.

i am a very devout religious person, and i absolutely accept a scientific fact when it is proven. evolution has not been absolutely proven, but i have no problem seeing it as a very viable scenario. adaptation, on the other hand, has been proven without a shadow of a doubt. the adrenal glands of 1800's era americans was over twice the size of the gland we have today. why? adaptation to a less "survivalist" environment, thats why.

woody, your religious platform has no feet, and it sits on a very very slippery slope.
regarding your comments about "hell".......nowhere in the Torah is hell described as punishment for those who think differently than G-d. in fact, the only mention of anything even remotely resembling "hell" is the word "sheol", which means "grave" or "death". i speak, read, and write biblical hebrew, so i know this to be a fact.

Devil Inside,

Out of curiosity, why do you choose this name?

Your interpretation of hell from the torahs agrees with the Jehovah's Witnesses' interpretation. So I'll answer you the same way I answer them. I'm not going there so why should I worry about what hell is like? It's not my problem, but I don't want others to go there either.
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my name refers to a particular belief of mine. "the only devil i know lies inside of myself."
it is also a cool INXS song.

and no, jehovah's witnesses believe in hell. therefore, my interpretation bears little to NO resemblance to what they believe.
when i was 10, jehovahs witnesses came to my house and made me cry because of a 30 minute tirade they gave me about how i was going to hell.
i believe almost nothing similar to what they say, do, or preach.
you have no idea if you are going to hell or not, as the almighty is the judge of that, not you. dont be so pompous.
DI said:

jehovah's witnesses believe in hell.

But they refuse to believe that God punishes people in hell. They believe that God annihilates people in hell, and they no longer continue to exist.
you need to do a bit more research on the subject, woody.
fire, brimstone, and eternal punishment are all doctrines of the JW faith. my aunt is a JW. i know these things to be fact.
quick edit:
i apologize, i was wrong. there is no "everlasting hell" in the standard JW belief. my aunt must belong to a fringe group.
continue, woody.

Woody said:
I'm not going there so why should I worry about what hell is like? It's not my problem.
woody how do you know your not going to hell, infact, can you show us your not going to hell, was'nt it your jesus who said "Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly are ravening wolves." Matt 7:15

"Then if any man shall say to you Lo, here is the Christ, or, Here, believe it not. For there shall arise false Christs and false prophets and shall show great signs and wonders, so as to lead astray, if possible, even the very elect." Matt. 24:23-24
and did'nt john say "Beloved, believe not every spirit, but prove the spirits, whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world." 1st John 4:1

are you a false prophet, how do we know.
you believe yourself to be a true christian, am I right?

isn't it said "Therefore by their fruits shall you know them. Not everyone who says to me Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven. Many will say to me in that day Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy by your name and by your name cast out demons, and by your name do many mighty works? And I will profess to them, I never knew you. Go away from me you who work evil." Matt 7:22-23

what are your fruits?

not everybody woody will make it to heaven as you can see.

are you a true christian? Do you love Jesus? Is Jesus your personal lord and savior?
are you spirit filled? Do you display any of the fruits, love, joy, peace, happiness, etc. of the Spirit as described in Gal. 5:22-23?

do you believe that the bible is the word of god? is it infallible?

if your worst enemy, ask for your money, or he robbed you what would you do?
if your best friend, ask for your money, or borrowed but never returned, what would you do?.

are you a doctor? are you a priest/preacher? can you raise the dead? can you be infected with the most deadliest of diseases, (something that kills all human kind) and survive? can you speak new languages instantly?
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The Devil Inside said:
there are none. trust me on this one.

I know that. I wanted Woody to justify;

Woody said:
I believe there is an afterlife. An eternity in hell is no laughing matter

But I know he can't do that, because 'Hell' is a fairly recent invention, convolved from tenuous biblical quotes, and mythos from othe religions.

The Jewish 'Gehenna' certainly isn't a place one would spend 'eternity', so 'Hell' was created after the appearance of Jesus, it would seem. Well, I would say it was created by mortal men some time in the middle ages, convolved from the phrase 'lake of fire' in Revelations, and non-christian texts.

I still want Woody to justify, or I should say, attempt to justify his belief in Hell. It's a commonly held belief, with no foundation. An urban myth, if you like, Hell.