Darwin's Theory is False

Huwy, well if you ever read the bible which it seems as if you haven’t, you would notice that daughters are not mentioned in genealogies, but I'm not saying I know what happened, but it wouldn’t be to farfetched to consider it a possibility that God did the same thing for Cain as He did for Adam. And Judaism and Christianity, in Gods eyes where supposed to be the same religion, but due to men and the keeping of tradition, and the rejection of the Messiah it is not. And as for Islam yea it’s the same, yea even the part where it says to smite the neck of Judeans, and Christians. Yea also it was written around 500 years AD after the fact, and Mohammad was inspired by the same angle the Mormons got their doctrine from. Anyway why would I even have a religious dispute with you, your unequipped and ignorant in theology and in Trueology.
So why did god never mention this? Seems like a pretty important part to leave out of the 1st chapter of a "perfect" book???

"Behold, I am against thee, saith the LORD of hosts; and I will discover thy skirts upon thy face, and I will shew the nations thy nakedness, and the kingdoms thy shame. And I will cast abominable filth upon thee, and make the vile, and will set thee as gazingstock. I shall pelt you with filth." (Nahum 3:5-6)

"Behold with a great plague will the LORD smite thy people and thy children, and thy wives, and all thy goods: And thou shalt have great sickness by disease of thy bowels, until thy bowels fall out by reason of the sickness day by day." (II Chronicles 21:14-15)

Ignorant in "Trueology"? Hahaha. According to you? The "Yeshua" freak??

Even the "drug injecting homosexuals" you complain about don't get ridiculed, nor are as perverse, bitter, and deluded as you are.

Now that you ask, I'll be glad to tell you. This is just a personal perspective from me, and I'm not telling you what to do with your life .

I am reconciling my own faith with science. The truth sets a person free, and I have heard what I feel to be the truth by S/M. He feels pretty good because he won an argument, I feel good because I have been set free, a third party (on this forum) lost the argument and he doesn't even know it (I won't point it out either -- shhhh). At the same time Darwin wins a little more respect from me, and I continue to have my faith the same as before -- it is not at all threatened by the theory of evolution except in one place -- the origin of man. This could put the old testament of the bible at risk, but it does not change my faith in a Savior for mankind.

I feel good about a God that would make nature able to take care of itself and keep itself in check through adaptation, "evolution" as you will. I still feel that some of the gaps are probably too large to span, but that's just a personal opinion.

Peace be with you.
Wow Woody,

That sounds like a fine general statement of position of someone trying to reconcile a faith based life with some obvious facts of nature. Yes?
MW says:

Rules of other forums do not apply here. Who do you want, Emily Post for Moderator? Because you're such a lousy communicator, you blame this forum for poor communication! What a fricking hypocrite you are! You're also a liar, Woody. From the moment you stepped on a banana peel and fell into this forum, you've attacked many of us repeatedly.

Yes, you are indeed sorry

Woody: see what I mean about poor communication?
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I share that same faith in mankind - but its more of a hope that human beings will acheive their potential to be the best people they can be:
to act morally, ethically, to be fair and just, to be peaceful and loving.
There is something undeniably amazing about humanity and I see its beauty - and I marvel at it and value it.

Peace to you too Woody. I think I could also try to be a bit less defensive.
superluminal said:
Wow Woody,

That sounds like a fine general statement of position of someone trying to reconcile a faith based life with some obvious facts of nature. Yes?

Woody: This is true, and it really doesn't matter what someone else says. I have peace about it.
superluminal said:
Are these dispersions cast against you true, Woody?

Well some of my comments in the past (many months ago) could earn some some bad feelings from others. Hence they carry a grudge, and they feel threatened.

But I am as sincere in my faith as I've ever been (therefore not a hippocrit). As I said, I feel great peace about it. ;)
Maybe so that perverse, bitter, and deluded drug injecting homosexuals like you may, or may not be, might have somthing to complain about.

And as for your nifty display of scripture that you taken out of context, which I bet you would have others assume that you didn’t go to Crosswalk and did a quick word search. Yep I am a Yeshua freak, I’m becoming a new creature in the Anointed One Jesus and, I was once a perverse, bitter, and deluded drug injecting homosexual/heterosexual, now I’m not. And I know, that I know, that I know Jesus is the Lord.
What really fascinates me is the origin of life on this planet, how amazing it is, how rare and special and precious it is - we shouldn't take it for granted.

You should realise that the theory of evolution doesn't threaten Christianity. All the major Christian denominations accept evolution.

Evolution is only a problem for those who take the extreme view that the bible is absolutely inerrant and literally true in every word. Those people assume that God never speaks in metaphors, despite Jesus's common use of parables. Importantly, the literalists all believe that every word of Genesis is literally true in every respect - i.e. it describes things as they actually happened. Thus, if Genesis says God created man out of dust, then that's what happened, literally. As far as fundamentalists are concerned, there's no arguing that this is a metaphor for God defining the laws of physics and chemistry, then setting in train the process of biological evolution, determined by those laws.

The view that the bible is literally true in every word is obviously unsustainable. You only need to read the bible to work that out. For example, even in Genesis, there are two conflicting accounts of Creation, which differ in the order of events and other details. Literalists will, of course, go to great lengths of contorted reasoning to explain away the obvious inconsistencies.

At the same time Darwin wins a little more respect from me, and I continue to have my faith the same as before -- it is not at all threatened by the theory of evolution except in one place -- the origin of man.

That's only a problem if you believe in Special Creation of man as a being totally separate from all other life on Earth. All the science, of course, gives us no reason to suspect that man is fundamentally different from all other animals in any biological sense. If I recall correctly, there's no direct statement in the bible which even says that only human beings have souls.

Literalists take an anthropocentric view. They assume they must be special - that they - and only they - were created in the image of God, separate from all other animals. Like so many of their views, this one is easily dismissed by actual scientific evidence.

I feel good about a God that would make nature able to take care of itself and keep itself in check through adaptation, "evolution" as you will.

Personally, I think a God who designed evolution would be infinitely more admirable than one who created each creature as a one-off production. Such micro-management seems particularly wasteful and unlikely to me.

I still feel that some of the gaps are probably too large to span, but that's just a personal opinion.

Which gaps, in particular? Perhaps we can help.
Woody said:
Well some of my comments in the past (many months ago) could earn some some bad feelings from others. Hence they carry a grudge, and they feel threatened.

But I am as sincere in my faith as I've ever been (therefore not a hippocrit). As I said, I feel great peace about it. ;)

I'm glad you feel peace about it - I've also felt a lot more peace after I realised I wasn't just some atheist who believed in "nothing at all" but that there was something wonderful, beautiful and precious - in the world, nature, and humanity - and that I wanted to discover it and treasure it. I think there IS a meaning of life - and being at peace with oneself and others is part of it.

JeffTheLearner said:
Maybe so that perverse, bitter, and deluded drug injecting homosexuals like you may, or may not be, might have somthing to complain about.

And as for your nifty display of scripture that you taken out of context, which I bet you would have others assume that you didn’t go to Crosswalk and did a quick word search. Yep I am a Yeshua freak, I’m becoming a new creature in the Anointed One Jesus and, I was once a perverse, bitter, and deluded drug injecting homosexual/heterosexual, now I’m not. And I know, that I know, that I know Jesus is the Lord.

I find it interesting that you assume that I'm a perverse and deluded drug injecting homosexual - in fact it is you that have come here to complain, and push your beliefs on others.

Who says your version of context is the right one? I see a lot of things in the bible that I find offensive and ridiculous.

I'm happy to hear you feel you have improved as a human being - but you don't sound like a very loving christian at all! whilst you claim to be so certain of your beliefs:
part of being like Jesus surely is instead of insulting and criticising the drug addicts, the perverse etc like you have, to take pity on them and to try and humble yourself so that you may help them.
What would Jesus have said about them? What would he have done to help them?
Jeff says:

Yep I am a Yeshua freak, I’m becoming a new creature in the Anointed One Jesus and, I was once a perverse, bitter, and deluded drug injecting homosexual/heterosexual, now I’m not. And I know, that I know, that I know Jesus is the Lord.

Amen to that. I am glad you have a better life. Jesus didn't come for the righteous, but for sinners, of which I was one.

You aren't the first person I've heard of that overcame drugs and sexual perversion through Jesus. At least you can be honest about it. The christian culture needs to be more receptive to the people on the edge. I'm trying to work through old stereotypes to this end, to make christianity more approachable to modern culture.
Yea. most people who love others let their loved one walk off the cliff, yep and those evil jerks that say "STOP! your about to walk of the cliff" yea those folk are not very loving.
Woody said:
MW: I have not responded to you even once. Nobody asked you to read my posts. I did not make you read them. Yet you are offended by them because you are offended by Jesus Christ. That's the real problem isn't it? Notice that's the first time I even mentioned His name -- that's who you have a problem with isn't it? Do I even need to ask?

M*W: No, you haven't responded to any of my recent posts, because you didn't have anything to say. You were hoping if you just ignored me that I would go away.

It would be impossible to be offended by someone who never existed. Christianty, although not in anyway related to the fictional character of Jesus, is what I'm offended by. Christianity is nothing but lies based on other lies.

So, no, I don't have a problem with mythical charcters, but I do have a problem with the blathering liars who represent christianity based on their own ignorance. You know, someone like you.