Darwin's Theory is False

Woody said:
I wasn't here to win an argument anyway.

I was here to find out the truth -- and for that I am lambasted.

Depends on the kind of truth you are looking for. If you are looking for the truth of 'faith' you are waisting your time criticizing scientific theories in this way. Science has nothing to do with your faith. Darwin has nothing to do with your faith. Look at the vatican. They didn't stop believing in God by accepting evolution as a scientific theory. Not at all...

start of wild speculation:
You feel threatened by your own doubt. People have been telling you Darwin is wrong, but deep down inside you know he isn't. What else isn't true what they have told you? Maybe your whole world is a fake. And you are trying to protect your world because you feel secure in it (in a way). Like done quichote attacking the windmills.
/end of wild speculation.

I thought that you had told everyone on page 10 that you were 'leaving for a more polite forum'. So why the fuck are you still here?

If you're going to leave, leave. Don't try and hurl empty threats at us. Doing so is nothing more than a cheap rhetorical tactic.
M/H said:

I thought that you had told everyone on page 10 that you were 'leaving for a more polite forum'. So why the fuck are you still here?

If you're going to leave, leave. Don't try and hurl empty threats at us. Doing so is nothing more than a cheap rhetorical tactic.

You're not even here for a civil conversation are you? I'm not hurling threats at anyone, and nobody asked you to read my posts. I never called you names or directed personal attacks against you.

So I might more politely ask you why you are here? You keep showing up to make personal attacks against me. Do you find this entertaining? If so, then grow up.
spuriousmonkey said:
Depends on the kind of truth you are looking for. If you are looking for the truth of 'faith' you are waisting your time criticizing scientific theories in this way. Science has nothing to do with your faith. Darwin has nothing to do with your faith. Look at the vatican. They didn't stop believing in God by accepting evolution as a scientific theory. Not at all...

start of wild speculation:
You feel threatened by your own doubt. People have been telling you Darwin is wrong, but deep down inside you know he isn't. What else isn't true what they have told you? Maybe your whole world is a fake. And you are trying to protect your world because you feel secure in it (in a way). Like done quichote attacking the windmills.
/end of wild speculation.

Woody: I've already fully explained this and you are not listening. Instead you are doing your own speculating. The source of the error came from an atheist on this forum, as I said before. I don't see how that person's view of evolution is compatible with Darwinism. Perhaps you and him should carry on with the arguing since you both love to do so.

While it is true that many Christians have hostile feelings toward evolution, it often comes from the way it has been presented. For example, look at all the hostility I receive on this forum because I am a person of faith. But I perservered to the end to get a better understanding, which I thank you for.
M/S said:

No, you haven't responded to any of my recent posts, because you didn't have anything to say. You were hoping if you just ignored me that I would go away.

Woody: To be honest with you M/W, I didn't feel your hostilities were worthy of a response.
Woody said:
The source of the error came from an atheist on this forum, as I said before. I don't see how that person's view of evolution is compatible with Darwinism. Perhaps you and him should carry on with the arguing since you both love to do so.

While it is true that many Christians have hostile feelings toward evolution, it often comes from the way it has been presented. For example, look at all the hostility I receive on this forum because I am a person of faith. But I perservered to the end to get a better understanding, which I thank you for.

Source of error? The source of error is that you believe in crap websites because peer pressure demands you believe in them.

The hostility you received was not because you are a person of faith, but because you were an arrogant person of faith.
S/M says: Source of error? The source of error is that you believe in crap websites because peer pressure demands you believe in them.

Woody says: I find myself having to repeat myself again, and this is not good. I have already explained that the problem began on sciforums. Some of your peers on this website say there is no way of knowing a fit trait from an unfit trait even after the fact. They could not identify a fit trait. The website I presented makes the statement that there can be no evolution without an assignable cause -- to which I agree. On the otherhand you identifed assignable causes which are provable, therefore that website is incomplete and needs to be overhauled.

I suggest you educate your peers so this won't happen again.
Don't lie. To lie is a sin.

Often a fit trait comes from an unexpected corner, but do not say none can be predicted. I gave you plenty of refs with examples in it.

Ignoring something isn't the same as not existing.
spuriousmonkey said:
Don't lie. To lie is a sin.

Often a fit trait comes from an unexpected corner, but do not say none can be predicted. I gave you plenty of refs with examples in it.

Ignoring something isn't the same as not existing.

Don't tell me, tell them (your peers on sciforums).
Woody said:
To be honest with you M/W, I didn't feel your hostilities were worthy of a response.

M*W: To be honest with you, Woody, I didn't feel your ignorance was worthy of a post either.
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: To be honest with you, Woody, I didn't feel your ignorance was worthy of a post either.

yet you continue to post and post and post. You aren't even honest with yourself.
spuriousmonkey said:
I don't to seem to have any problems with any of their posts.

You won an argument, and I found out what I needed to know from somebody that knows what they're talking about. We both win. Enjoy it.

Peace be with you. ;)
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spuriousmonkey said:
I don't know what you are talking about:
1. I wasted my time
2. You are still delusional.

Perhaps a proverb will explain it:

Reprove not a scorner, lest he hate thee: rebuke a wise man, and he will love thee.

S/M thanks for the tip, and you won the argument, enjoy it.
Woody, you are what I call a "Pick N' Chooser". You accept and use the results of scientific effort, but only what fits into your dogma.

For example, when you look up into the night sky and see the tiny white dots, what do you suppose those white dots actually are? Do you accept the scientific theories that explain the night sky? What proof does anyone really have by your standards of proof?

You pick and choose what factual information you accept as true. Due to your willingness to self-deceive, to pick and choose truth, you can anticipate the kind of reactions you encountered here. Some will try and help you, some will laugh, some will scorn. Many, many others will read your first post and move on without comment, but with perhaps a sad shake of their head.

I ask you this: why post here?

I think you fell the pull of truth, of discovery, of real insight. I think you wish to see your self-deceptions destroyed so that you might more fully experience accumulated human understanding.
A very magnanimous perspective, Cranch. I look at again at the tenor of his opening post and conclude that he simply wished to smugly sneer at those whom he believe are condemned to eternal hell for believing in evolution. If this assessment is accurate he is a decidedly unpleasant person. If it is inaccurate, and his opening post was the result of thoughtlessness, then he is a thoroughly pitiable person for such disregard of his fellows. If the opening post was simply foolish, because he is mentally challenged, then there is nothing more to be said.