Darwin's Theory is False

woody said:
sciforums.com. belligerent community
Hopefully less one bigot.

"The scientist believes in proof without certainty, the bigot in certainty without proof." -- anthropologist Ashley Montagu

"There are those for whom it is one's duty to offend." -me
SkinWalker said:
"There are those for whom it is one's duty to offend." -me

M*W: And there are those of us who are willing to fight and die to protect your right to do so! ~ M*W
SkinWalker said:
Hopefully less one bigot.

"The scientist believes in proof without certainty, the bigot in certainty without proof." -- anthropologist Ashley Montagu

"There are those for whom it is one's duty to offend." -me

I hate to break the news dude, but you are not my judge.

Words of wisdom for you:

Usually, in a well-conducted debate, speakers are either emotionally uncommitted or can preserve sufficient detachment to maintain a coolly academic approach.
Woody said:
I hate to break the news dude, but you are not my judge.

And yet I judge you to be incompetent in ability to discuss science; inadequate in education to understand the arguments presented to you; and an overall wuss who keeps claiming to leave sciforums only to return when you can't get enough argument to satisfy your needs from the "civilized" forums you keep going on about.
From his last post
Woody said:
Usually, in a well-conducted debate, speakers are either emotionally uncommitted or can preserve sufficient detachment to maintain a coolly academic approach.
From his first post, where he threatens non-believers with eternal damnation.
Darwin's theory of evolution is logically flawed. I'm not the first to bring it up. I hope everyone that believes it is prepared for their eternity......(much nonsense edited out)....So have a happy eternity.

You might want to take your own advice Woody. I have never claimed to be anything other than a short tempered, irrascible, cynical, sceptical, ill mannered old fart. You have taken a higher moral ground, lecturing us for name calling and bad manners. So how come, standing on this moral high ground, do you appear to be below me?
What are you still doing here?

You have been proven wrong. And you can't even write an argument down to refute it. although that is what you seek in the 'new' forum. The only thing you can do is to complain about manners. Is that your way you argue? You can't win the argument and therefore you whine like a baby about the evil forumers who weren't nice to you.


Stop whining and write down that argument that disproves all we said.

And otherwise just piss off to that other forum.
Darwinism is retarded, and his books are somewhat reminiscent of Muslim based anti-Semitism. I mean many of the supporters of Darwin’s endeavors where those looking to justify slavery and ethnic superiority likened to Nazi based theology. It wouldn’t surprise me that many here looking to degrade Judaism and Christianity by these scientific babblings of a racist man proficient in sounding articulate and professional and uses these babblings to fit their liberal/socialist view which in most cases feed on minorities and tell them that someone is oppressing them, are hypocrites who are akin to those who constantly publish lies until it becomes mainstream in doctrine among the peasantry. Well I guess if the more important thing is to “feel better” when you kill your baby or the babies of others, and rather practice abhorrent sex practices, then contribute to the population of mankind, I guess if its good for you then it must be alright.
Except that Islam opposes evolutionary theories aswell -

Face it JeffTheLearner,

Judaism, Christianity and Islam are all the SAME religion.
They are all based on the same original beliefs, same magical old man in the sky,
the same concepts of creationism - stem from the same region, share the same moral judgements. They are the SAME - just in different languages, from different books (which all say the same thing) with different songs, and different food and clothing.

What has killing children and "abhorrent" sex practices have to do with Darwinism?
You know what I think is abhorrent? Only have sex with your wife through a sheet which is placed over the entire length of her body - with a tiny hole in it.

Don't you remember in Egypt when god came and took the first sons from every home that did not have blood or red paint above the door? Sounds like child killing to me.
S/W says:
Its just proof that bigotry and ignorance are often welcoming bedfellows to each other.

Woody says: and you're not behaving like a bigot? That's all I've gotten from you since I returned. What did I say this time to deserve this remark? I certainly have not directed a personal attack against you or anyone else, Though a lot of responses to me just amount to personal attacks against me, and it's downright immature -- hardly even worthy of a response. Could you please be a little more civil? If you can't then could you please just chill out?
And tell me JeffTheLearner -

If Adam and Eve only had 2 sons Cain and Able, If Cain killed Able, (genesis) then how were all the other children conceived? If the bible comes from God's word, then did it forget to include something? Sounds flawed to me, or sounds like "Able" had to have incestuous sex with his mother "Eve" to create mankind.

Sounds like child fucking/incest to me, in the very first chapter.

What are you still doing here?

You have been proven wrong. And you can't even write an argument down to refute it. although that is what you seek in the 'new' forum. The only thing you can do is to complain about manners. Is that your way you argue? You can't win the argument and therefore you whine like a baby about the evil forumers who weren't nice to you.


Stop whining and write down that argument that disproves all we said.

And otherwise just piss off to that other forum.

Woody says:

OK, you just proved someone else wrong on this forum as well, and I'm gentleman enough not to disclose his name. I thought his knowledge was credible, and unfortunately it was not. You just won my argument with him by the way, so for me it's a wash -- win one lose one. I wasn't here to win an argument anyway.

I was here to find out the truth -- and for that I am lambasted.
Ophi says: You might want to take your own advice Woody.

Woody sasy: It's not my advice. It's someone else's advice on the other forum where they have rules of etiquette. I notice there are no such guidelines on this forum, hence the extremely poor communication. No, I'm not a great communicator, but I never directed a personal attack against someone, and if I was preceived that way then I am indeed sorry.
Woody said:
I was here to find out the truth -- and for that I am lambasted.

M*W: Quit your fricking lying, Woody! You did NOT come here to find out any truth -- you came here to push your evil christianity down everyone's throat.

You said you were gonna leave... so leave already. There is nothing novel or refreshing that you have offered this forum. Don't you have some old junk cars you could apply your professional engineering degrees on?
Hey, this is fun.


What exactly is still bothering you about natural selection and Darwin in general, If I may ask? I promise to be cooly detached.
MW: I have not responded to you even once. Nobody asked you to read my posts. I did not make you read them. Yet you are offended by them because you are offended by Jesus Christ. That's the real problem isn't it? Notice that's the first time I even mentioned His name -- that's who you have a problem with isn't it? Do I even need to ask?
I'm not surprised people reacted so viciously, you threatened them to an eternity of damnation for believing in a process that has been shown to exist.

Sounds a bit like the persecution of Galileo to me - You know what he said in the 1500s? That the earth was round, and revolved around the sun.
Know when the Vatican apologised and conceded he was right? 1992.
Woody said:
It's not my advice. It's someone else's advice on the other forum where they have rules of etiquette. I notice there are no such guidelines on this forum, hence the extremely poor communication. No, I'm not a great communicator, but I never directed a personal attack against someone, and if I was preceived that way then I am indeed sorry.

M*W: Rules of other forums do not apply here. Who do you want, Emily Post for Moderator? Because you're such a lousy communicator, you blame this forum for poor communication! What a fricking hypocrite you are! You're also a liar, Woody. From the moment you stepped on a banana peel and fell into this forum, you've attacked many of us repeatedly.

Yes, you are indeed sorry.