Creation Museum Scheduled to open in 2007

American aircraft carriers are 333 meters long. That's twice the size of biblical ark.

the guesses on how many species actually exist vary. We are not even sure how many animal species are actually described already (something between 1.4 million and 1.6 million). That is then not counting the ones that are NOT described.

How are you going to fit 1.5 million species in a 150 meter boat?

How did Noah know about the species that weren't described? How could he distinguish male and female in monomorphic species?

Most species are concentrated in tropical rainforest. How were these species transported to Noah? How about polar bears?
You must also take into account that certain animals do not mix well with other animals. You cannot put a tiger next to a rabbit for example. As a result, a lot of room would be taken up with caged areas.

Further to that you need to look at the added weight of food and specific habitat requirements.

I did start a webpage on this issue a long while back, but found listing all of the known species a seriously hard task to complete. Only an absolute fool would even consider Noah as being a real story.

There would have to be some type of migratory instinct that caused most of the animals to come to Noah.

That "excuse" doesn't work given that the large majority of creatures cannot swim - or certainly cannot swim from one side of the planet to the other.

The Ark measured 300x50x30 cubits (Genesis 6:15), which is about 140x23x13.5 metres or 459x75x44 feet, so its volume was 43,500 m3 (cubic metres) or 1.54 million cubic feet. To put this in perspective, this is the equivalent volume of 522 standard American railroad stock cars, each of which can hold 240 sheep

This site quote would leave Noah oh.. just a good 2.6 million animals short, (minimum). {worked out by the current known list of around 1.5 million * 2 - 522 * 240}
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If God is omnipotent, why did he need the assistance of Noah?

Why did God interfere with all land animals if he just wanted to weed out the bad people? Wouldn't a disease that only affects people be more practical?

If, after the flood, all animals were distributed equally around the Earth, why are the remains of certain species only found in certain places?

If there was a global flood, where did all that water go? It couldn't have gone into the air, since, due to rainfall, it was by definition saturated. If it went into ice, then ice cores would show this rapid accumulation, which it doesn't.
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So did Noah. That is why they perished.
Presuming this was a response about the dinosaurs Ophi, according to some creationist websites, noah took dinosaurs onto the ark aswel, that guy sure does like a challange. ;)
It took about 100 years to build and collect all the animals.

While, being the nice man that I am, I forgive a man for his mistakes - god gave Noah just seven days to get every animal. He was given some notice to build an ark, (although the time frame is not hinted at and thus any "it was 100 years" comment is purely speculative and completely worthless in the grand scheme of things), but had a week to get 3 million animals. I will pay you £1 million right now if you can get a tenth of that in a week, (without getting them from pet stores and they must be male and female). I doubt you'd even manage 1000th of that. Indeed I will up that price if you can get foreign species without use of aeroplane or any kind of modern technology. I will pay you £2 million right this second if you can - without the use of modern technology - get me a male and female polar bear and carry them without food for 40 days on a boat built to Noah specification.

Would you dare take up the challenge? I will allow you to pray as much as you like. The question is, do you trust your god enough to accept my challenge? I am asking for but TWO animals out of 3 million, (minimum).

You claim that Noah had 100 years to get 3 million animals. Being the nice guy that I am, I will give you 1 year for just two animals, (as listed above). Your time starts now..
Obviously Noah must have been the greatest naturalist in the history of the world.
Why didn't he make a list?
What if an animal died on the boat? To prevent the failure of that species, he would have to get more than two! What if he accidently collected an older animal? How long did this voyage last again? What if the lifespan of the animal was less than this period?
What if he had collected a gay animal? Remember that Buddha1 proved without a doubt that 95% of all male animals are gay and only humans suffer from the heterosexual conspiracy.
If all the animals of the earth decended from a tiny population saved by Noah, that lack of diversity would show up in the DNA, and it doesn't. An example of a species that suffered from low diversity was the potato. The lack of diversity in cultivated potatoes made them vulnerable to disease and led to the Irish potato famine.
spuriousmonkey said:
American aircraft carriers are 333 meters long. That's twice the size of biblical ark.

the guesses on how many species actually exist vary. We are not even sure how many animal species are actually described already (something between 1.4 million and 1.6 million). That is then not counting the ones that are NOT described.

How are you going to fit 1.5 million species in a 150 meter boat?

How large of a volume would be required to house all species in cages for 40 days? Remember that aquatic creatures were not taken on board. Have you subtracted them out. Also remember that microscopic creatures would be included -- such as dust mites. Noah didn't have a microscope. So many creatures could come without even being noticed.

What is your shortlist after these adjustments, and be sure to subtract parasites that already came with their hosts.

The ark was 43,500 cubic meters and Noah was 600 years old when the voyage began. He also had 3 sons. The ship was 75 feet tall and had multiple levels.

How did Noah know about the species that weren't described? How could he distinguish male and female in monomorphic species?

He didn't have to know all species. Also remember that a single species back then could have speciated into several that we find today.

As I said before it would require devine intervention to get that many animals on board a ship with co-operation. It would require certain instincts to be evoked -- migratory ones for all the birds to fly in. Predators would have a "rare" truce with all other species -- such as during a forest fire. Some animals would probably have to hibernate -- reducing the food demand.

Most species are concentrated in tropical rainforest. How were these species transported to Noah? How about polar bears?

As I said before, the geography was different. It had never rained on the earth from the beginning of humanity, so there wasn't a rainforest per se, though the same vegetation existed. The atmosphere was considerably thicker allowing less sun to penetrate and a more uniform temperature around the earth. People supposedly lived several hundred years. Continents could have been joined.
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SnakeLord said:
You must also take into account that certain animals do not mix well with other animals. You cannot put a tiger next to a rabbit for example. As a result, a lot of room would be taken up with caged areas.

agreed -- it would require compartments and cages. Noah had afew hundred years to work on it with his 3 sons.

Further to that you need to look at the added weight of food and specific habitat requirements.

Extra animals were caught for the purpose of feeding predators. Vegetarians were provided with food. The habitat was needed for 40 days.

I did start a webpage on this issue a long while back, but found listing all of the known species a seriously hard task to complete. Only an absolute fool would even consider Noah as being a real story.

What would it take to make it credible?

That "excuse" doesn't work given that the large majority of creatures cannot swim - or certainly cannot swim from one side of the planet to the other.

Hence a boat.

The planet never had rain, but was watered by a mist. The atmosphere was a lot thicker.

This site quote would leave Noah oh.. just a good 2.6 million animals short, (minimum). {worked out by the current known list of around 1.5 million * 2 - 522 * 240}

hmmm, and there are about 1.5 million species according to SM?
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spidergoat said:
If all the animals of the earth decended from a tiny population saved by Noah, that lack of diversity would show up in the DNA, and it doesn't. An example of a species that suffered from low diversity was the potato. The lack of diversity in cultivated potatoes made them vulnerable to disease and led to the Irish potato famine.

I wish that theory worked for the japanese beetles in the USA.

All species start from a very low number don't they. There is always the very first one in a species isn't there?
spidergoat said:
Obviously Noah must have been the greatest naturalist in the history of the world.
Why didn't he make a list?
What if an animal died on the boat? To prevent the failure of that species, he would have to get more than two! What if he accidently collected an older animal? How long did this voyage last again? What if the lifespan of the animal was less than this period?

Then I guess it went extinct in a paleontoligist's fossil collection.
SL said,

While, being the nice man that I am, I forgive a man for his mistakes - god gave Noah just seven days to get every animal. He was given some notice to build an ark, (although the time frame is not hinted at and thus any "it was 100 years" comment is purely speculative and completely worthless in the grand scheme of things), but had a week to get 3 million animals. I will pay you £1 million right now if you can get a tenth of that in a week, (without getting them from pet stores and they must be male and female). I doubt you'd even manage 1000th of that. Indeed I will up that price if you can get foreign species without use of aeroplane or any kind of modern technology. I will pay you £2 million right this second if you can - without the use of modern technology - QUOTE]

Wow, you are a wealthy man! I'm not Noah and I don't get to live 600 plus years.

but had a week to get 3 million animals

Are you assuming male and female of each? Are you subtracting all water creatures, parasites that come with a host, microscopic species?

As I said before, the animals would have instincts triggered through divine intervention. Animals behave differently during a great disaster. I remember a cougar, a fox, a jackrabbit, and several other competitors, predators, and tasty morsels sharing a cave during a forest fire. It was a universal truce. Perhaps the flood scenario could be viewed likewise by the animal kingdom.

get me a male and female polar bear and carry them without food for 40 days on a boat built to Noah specification.

Are they allowed to hibernate? If there were polar bears then there were icebergs -- right? icebergs float don't they? Would a polar bear or any other arctic creature need to come on board the ship? The bible doesn't say that all ice melted during the flood.
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Woody said:
Noah was 600 years old.
People don't age to 600 years old. The human body cannot take the strain of maintaining itself for six centuries.
you try very hard, don't you woody =] however, you forget one thing: there is absolutely no evidence for what you claim. thicker atmosphere, mist instead of rain, less sun, contiguous continents during the time of man, ect, are all scientifically out of the question.