Creation Museum Scheduled to open in 2007

Quote Woody:
“realizing that there probably is some kind of afterlife”

* What led you to this conclusion?

Quote Woody:
“The thing that drives faith is what we call "love." Love is a decision to be faithful to something. Faith is like a decision to be married. A person that is truely faithful to a spouse will even die for them if necessary without really thinking much about it.”

* Interesting take on “love” Woody. You are defining “love”, as a “decision to be faithful to something”?
You are saying love is a thought process. Methinks any decent person with a ounce of self-honesty and balls, will be faithful to their spouse. Dying for a spouse or any other is defined by the moment of action. I don’t believe you can speculate on the mechanics beforehand.

Quote Woody:
“This is the kind of faith Christ demonstrated on the cross.”

* Faith to who exactly? Himself?