Creation Museum Scheduled to open in 2007

spidergoat said:
Traditional Christians tend to take the bible literally, and think the Earth is relatively young.
No, I don't agree. My mother and sister are devout Catholics, that I would certainly regard as "traditional Christians". One of my closest friends is a fairly regular churchgoing Anglican. He's a "traditional Christian". Many Evangelical Christians who, as you describe would take the Bible literally, would describe themselves as antithetical to "traditional Christians", stating for one thing that you have to be born again, and baptised as an adult, not a small baby when you can't make your own decision.
Jan Ardena said:

Are you a traditional christian, Woody?


I believe Jesus is God, and that he is resurrected from the dead. I came to this conclusion on my own. My motivation for becoming a christian is to have peace with God. But I have to admit that eternal life is a great benefit, and it certainly beats the alternative.

I suppose that answers your question.
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spidergoat said:
Watcha gonna do with eternity, woody?

I wouldn't know where to start:

There's supposed to be some fine dining with great company.
The whole universe is a playground.
You can snooze whenever you want.
You'll know everything you wanted to know, and then some.
Be able to play any music instrument.

But that's just me talking.

The bible says I Corinthians 2:9

But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.

In other words its going to be a good surprise.
That is childish to the extreme! I can understand why people would want to believe this, I can even see why it is so easy with the human mind to believe it. But it is just so damn childish!

It is impossible to believe in it when you exercise logic. Can't anyone see that such beliefs exist purely because it's what we want? When a loved one dies, nobody wants to say that they are nothing but dust now. Nobody wants to think what short time we have on Earth is all our conciousness has, but I'm afraid that's life. Like it or lump it.
KennyJC said:
That is childish to the extreme! I can understand why people would want to believe this, I can even see why it is so easy with the human mind to believe it. But it is just so damn childish!

It is impossible to believe in it when you exercise logic. Can't anyone see that such beliefs exist purely because it's what we want? When a loved one dies, nobody wants to say that they are nothing but dust now. Nobody wants to think what short time we have on Earth is all our conciousness has, but I'm afraid that's life. Like it or lump it.

As I already said, my motivation was peace -- that is what I wanted. Do you have peace?
Oh, I see... I don't believe in heaven or invisible pink unicorns so I have no 'peace'...
Woody said:
As I already said, my motivation was peace -- that is what I wanted. Do you have peace?

yeah i think people with a hold on reality have more peace eventually. they dont lull themselves to sleep with escapism or have to prop themselves up with a god crutch during hard times, therefore they know themselves and their capabilities and do not deceive themselves about the real nature of the world and humanity, once they learn to live in the real world and accept it for what it obviously is, they are more at peace than people who go around living under a cloud of delusion that nothing here matters and you will be rewarded with treasure in the end for eating buckets of shit during the only life you can ever be sure exists.
Science would tell you you are wrong, Charles!! We in the world of reality are going to die sooner of stress-related illness. Rationalists very definitely have less peace than the religious.
Rationalists very definitely have less peace than the religious.
Why do you think so? I'm a scientifically minded rational individual and I meditate more than I read news or watch movies.
You probably base your argument on the idea that religious people don't have to worry about dying, because they are offered an afterlife.
Whereas I don't have any problems with death and the end of my consciousness in the first place, and I don't require any wishful thinking to make my life a very enjoyable experience.
KennyJC said:
Oh, I see... I don't believe in heaven or invisible pink unicorns so I have no 'peace'...

No, you don't see, that isn't the way it works. Rationalisation doesn't bring peace.
Avatar said:
How would you know? ;)
Ain't that another wishful thinking?

"Selective" thinking is required. Phillipians 4 -- Try it -- it works:

8Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. 9Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.

Peace doesn't "belong" to me. It is a thought process whereby "peace" is the result. It is the ABCs of psychology: action, belief, emotion.


action: bad things are going to happen
belief: God is in control and I can trust him
emotion: I feel peace no matter how bad things get
action: bad things are going to happen
belief: God is in control and I can trust him
emotion: I feel peace no matter how bad things get
Here is Avatar:

action: things are going to happen
perception: things are going to do harm to my mind or body
knowledge: whatever happens I don't gain or lose anything (law of the conservation of energy),
good and bad are subjective categories and nonexistant in nature
emotion: relaxation
Woody said:
No, you don't see, that isn't the way it works. Rationalisation doesn't bring peace.

Even if that is true, which I know for a fact it isn't, it doesn't disguise the fact your beliefs are false...
I'm back

Dee Cee

I don't understand creationism.
could somebody explain it to me?

Crunchy Cat

Sure... get ready... here it comes... 'God' did it.

Yeh but where did God come from.
I guess he must have been alive when he created us so what is the origin of life? Thats the question I'm asking. If the creationist can't offer an explanation then what are they doing here? Evolution may not be fully proven but at least it attempts to answer the question at hand.

Perhaps Woody can explain
Dee Cee
Avatar said:
Here is Avatar:

action: things are going to happen
perception: things are going to do harm to my mind or body
knowledge: whatever happens I don't gain or lose anything (law of the conservation of energy),
good and bad are subjective categories and nonexistant in nature
emotion: relaxation

So if things get really bad for you -- like you lose your job, your health, your financial well-being -- this system works for you?
KennyJC said:
Even if that is true, which I know for a fact it isn't, it doesn't disguise the fact your beliefs are false...

For a fact it doesn't work for you, but it does work for other people.
Of course it does,
I have a good understanding on the nature of reality and existance,
animal consciousness including.
I've no need to imagine a god, because I've walked past it.
Avatar said:
Of course it does,
I have a good understanding on the nature of reality and existance,
animal consciousness including.
I've no need to imagine a god, because I've walked past it.

and peace comes from that?