Crazy things famous Christians say


They can be taught about religion more objectively then decide for themselves when they are mature enough.

Decide what?

Decide what to believe or not believe about godfantasy, obviously.

Godfantasy ? Yeah, really objective man.
You're not a brainwasher are you? Noooooooooooo! :rolleyes:

People have been doing it for thousands of years.

You can only, actually believe, if you believe. Otherwise you are pretending.

I did not say or imply that.

Then come out and say what you mean. Duh! :)

Attracted, you mean.

One way is by MRI brain scans. Another way is by using variants of the methods researchers use to determine pedophilia in unreliable subjects (and most are) - blood flow in the genitals is not under voluntary control, as it turns out.

There are all kinds of approaches and threads of evidence one can employ, if actually interested - and they have been employed, and they all agree: a normal human population will include a certain percentage range of homosexually oriented adults, and this will be true regardless of culture or upbringing or any other factor amenable to conscious choice and manipulation. Interestingly enough, the percentage is about in the range of lefthandedness - a similarly stubborn, similarly despised and frequently persecuted minority, with similarly inexplicable origins and similarly universal distribution.

You still haven't answered the question. ''How do you determine that one is naturally not attractive to the opposite sex?''

1 That doesn't answer the question. What makes it his orientation?

Science currently has narrowed down the cause for sexual orientation to genetics, intrauterine hormonal levels, epigenetics, or combinations of such.

2 Not according to Cynthia Nixon. Apart from that, why do you think you can't choose whic gender you are oriented to, assuming we are using the definition of orientation

Cynthia Nixon may be bisexual. The definition of sexual orientation is as follows:

"Sexual orientation is an enduring personal quality that inclines people to feel romantic or sexual attraction (or a combination of these) to persons of the opposite sex or gender, the same sex or gender, or to both sexes or more than one gender."

Out of curiosity, when did YOU choose to be sexually attracted to women? Assuming ofcourse you are.
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Craziest thing a creationist has ever said:

I had to laugh when the narrator said “Uranium decays into lead”. Was anything added in this process? Why did he use the term decay? I am sure he knows why he used the term and is because that is what is happening. And nothing was added in that process. Is this correct?

Now, can we also say that the uranium process was actually a de-evolution? After all, we are not adding but actually subtracting. So where was the crazy thing the other guy said?
I had to laugh when the narrator said “Uranium decays into lead”. Was anything added in this process? Why did he use the term decay? I am sure he knows why he used the term and is because that is what is happening. And nothing was added in that process. Is this correct?

Now, can we also say that the uranium process was actually a de-evolution? After all, we are not adding but actually subtracting. So where was the crazy thing the other guy said?

Uranium DOESN'T decay into lead? lol!

I laughed that he was using that as an example.

The other guy seemed intelligent and made interesting points, as a spoof video i really don’t see how it worked. The narrator does not understand the use of analogies or where things have meanings other than literal.

The OP is weak anyway, I did enjoy that video though. It was very telling.
I laughed that he was using that as an example.

The other guy seemed intelligent and made interesting points, as a spoof video i really don’t see how it worked. The narrator does not understand the use of analogies or where things have meanings other than literal.

The OP is weak anyway, I did enjoy that video though. It was very telling.

Are you a creationist? You sound like one...Talking snakes, magic trees, and Noah's miraculous boat?

Godfantasy ? Yeah, really objective man.
You're not a brainwasher are you? Noooooooooooo!

You can only, actually believe, if you believe. Otherwise you are pretending.

Then come out and say what you mean. Duh!


I am objective. Are you pretending? I meant exactly what I said.
"Not normal" has a bad connotation as well. Perhaps "abnormal" is best 'translated' as "out of the ordinary," "uncommon," or something like "not of the majority" or "not the norm."

It has a bad connotation because X number of hateful idiots think not normal is bad. We should not give in to the idiots. No problem with your translations. No 1 is 100% normal & many of our most admired people are less normal than most.
Magical Realist,

What makes it his orientation?

Science currently has narrowed down the cause for sexual orientation to genetics, intrauterine hormonal levels, epigenetics, or combinations of such.

IOW, you have no idea.

Cynthia Nixon may be bisexual.

And she may not be. It depends on her. According to her, she is homosexual by choice, despite the negative backlash from the homosexual society.
She has, however, made a compromise by stating that bisexuality is not by choice.

Apart from that, why do you think you can't choose which gender you are oriented to, assuming we are using the definition of orientation

The definition of sexual orientation is as follows:

"Sexual orientation is an enduring personal quality that inclines people to feel romantic or sexual attraction (or a combination of these) to persons of the opposite sex or gender, the same sex or gender, or to both sexes or more than one gender."

This is basically saying sexual orientation is nothing but sexual attraction, conveniently leaving out sexual attractions that are deemed unacceptable.

Out of curiosity, when did YOU choose to be sexually attracted to women? Assuming ofcourse you are.

Well, firstly I regard being male as as designation, not a choice, and the same with females. This designation defaults to a single, natural purpose, which is to procreate, although not exclusively.
That being said, I am not sexually attracted to all women, or just any woman, so within that there is an element of choice.

The appropriate question is, or should be: when did I choose to be sexually attracted to the woman/women I am sexually attracted to?. And the answer is, after spending some time with her.

The error in this line of questioning, is that it presupposes heterosexuality to be nothing but a sexual orientation, that it serves no purpose than sexual gratification.

IOW, you have no idea.

I know it's not a choice. I remember being sexually attracted to Tarzan and Adam when I was a little boy. So what do you think causes sexual orientation?

And she may not be. It depends on her. According to her, she is homosexual by choice, despite the negative backlash from the homosexual society.
She has, however, made a compromise by stating that bisexuality is not by choice.

Good for her. So what?

This is basically saying sexual orientation is nothing but sexual attraction, conveniently leaving out sexual attractions that are deemed unacceptable.

Actually it said romantic or sexual attraction. So of the three sexual orientations, which do you deem "unacceptable."

Well, firstly I regard being male as as designation, not a choice, and the same with females. This designation defaults to a single, natural purpose, which is to procreate, although not exclusively.

So sex is only for procreation? Are you Catholic?

That being said, I am not sexually attracted to all women, or just any woman, so within that there is an element of choice.

So you chose to be sexually attracted to certain women but not all women. When did you choose to do that?

The appropriate question is, or should be: when did I choose to be sexually attracted to the woman/women I am sexually attracted to?. And the answer is, after spending some time with her.

So you weren't sexually attracted to that woman when you first met her but only later chose to be sexually attracted to her after spending time with her? That's sounds really weird. Do you think you're normal?

The error in this line of questioning, is that it presupposes heterosexuality to be nothing but a sexual orientation, that it serves no purpose than sexual gratification.

Sexual attraction covers all attraction to your lover, even love. You love a woman because of your heterosexuality. That's how powerful sexuality is.
Linda Harvey has never been a person with any degree of integrity, but she reached a despicable new low with her latest radio bulletin wherein she made the astounding claim that gay parents would be more likely to abuse their children than straight parents:

"And yes there are adults who molest children. It’s not every adult in this lifestyle, of course, but it certainly seems acceptable to some. Where are the built-in protections? Homosexual groups are busy dismantling them in schools and in public places with parents seen as obstacles. Why? When you are open to sinful, God-defying behavior in one profound way, violating other boundaries happens more easily."

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Magical Realist,

I know it's not a choice. I remember being sexually attracted to Tarzan and Adam when I was a little boy. So what do you think causes sexual orientation?

So for you it's not a choice, but that's not true of everyone.

Good for her. So what?

Read above.

Actually it said romantic or sexual attraction. So of the three sexual orientations, which do you deem "unacceptable."

I don't deem them sexual orientations, I only use the terminology for these types of discussions.

So sex is only for procreation? Are you Catholic?

Maybe you should go back, and read what I wrote this time.

So you chose to be sexually attracted to certain women but not all women. When did you choose to do that?

Here is a definition from the Oxford English dictionary on being attracted to...
...(be attracted to) Have a sexual or romantic interest in: Now for me, the keyword in there is interest. I find one definition which captures my position, The feeling of wanting to know or learn about something or someone: So it's not necessarily choosing to be romantically, or sexually involved straight off the bat. It can be about liking the person,and choosing to take things slow or fast.

So you weren't sexually attracted to that woman when you first met her but only later chose to be sexually attracted to her after spending time with her?

I didn't have to be sexually attracted. It is possible to find someone attractive without being attracted to them. I chose to take it to that level.

That's sounds really weird. Do you think you're normal?

It's normal for me.

Sexual attraction covers all attraction to your lover, even love. You love a woman because of your heterosexuality. That's how powerful sexuality is.

Heterosexuality is nothing but a word that describes sexuality between males and females, distinguishing it from homosexuality. I just see the whole thing as sexual attraction without any designations. You have sex with men, and I have sex with my wife, some may choose to have sex with dogs and horses, some may choose to have sex with children and so on.

Sexual attraction: Sexual attraction is attraction on the basis of sexual desire or the quality of arousing such interest...

You still haven't answered the question. ''How do you determine that one is naturally not attractive to the opposite sex?''

He did. Attractiveness is measured via involuntary sexual arousal when presented with heterosexual vs homosexual situations and imagery. If someone experiences no arousal when presented with images of the opposite sex, but does experience arousal when presented with images of the same sex, then they are not naturally attracted to the opposite sex. (To put it another way, the opposite sex is not attractive to them.)