Crazy things famous Christians say

So you aren't sexually attracted to anyone except by choice? You are definitely a strange outlier.

I've no idea what a ''strange outlier'' is, but if it is an insult, cut it out.
Now can you explain why you believe or know one cannot choose to be sexually attracted to someone?

I've no idea what a ''strange outlier'' is, but if it is an insult, cut it out.
Now can you explain why you believe or know one cannot choose to be sexually attracted to someone?

I just rely on sociology. There seems to be ample evidence that when people reach adulthood, they cannot make a conscious choice as to whom they find attractive. You seem to be far outside the norm on this, being equally attracted to men and women and able to make a conscious choice to turn on your attractions. (If we accept your description.) I certainly cannot. I know a few bisexual people, but they are not attracted to everyone.
jan said:
"No human can choose who or what they like or who or what they are attracted to or interested in."
You want the evolutionary explanation, or the theological one?

Because humans are not made that way. Fill in the details for yourself.

It is entirely possible to lose interest in sexual attraction if you want to. It is no different than giving up smoking, or eating chocolate.
Another entry for the thread topic!

Giving up chocolate, while difficult, does not usually require castration - a minor detail, perhaps, for the truly Christian.

The relevant question, of course, is whether or not it is possible to gain a particular and specific sexual attraction if you want to. That's what choosing a sexual orientation would require.

I just rely on sociology.

How does it know?

There seems to be ample evidence that when people reach adulthood, they cannot make a conscious choice as to whom they find attractive.

Can you cite this evidence, and it's methodology?

No ''we scientists or psychiatrists just happen to agree'' over a few pints, entries, if you don't mind.

You seem to be far outside the norm on this, being equally attracted to men and women and able to make a conscious choice to turn on your attractions. (If we accept your description.) I certainly cannot. I know a few bisexual people, but they are not attracted to everyone.

I've already said, my sexuality is already designated, as in 'male', and is naturally inclined to 'female'. You know male + female = off-spring. Anything outside of that is mine or some other person(s) own doing.

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You want the evolutionary explanation, or the theological one?

Because humans are not made that way. Fill in the details for yourself.

Another entry for the thread topic!

I see you decided for me, opting for the non explanation.
I'll have the theological one please.

Giving up chocolate, while difficult, does not usually require castration - a minor detail, perhaps, for the truly Christian.

Castration? Pray do elaborate?

The relevant question, of course, is whether or not it is possible to gain a particular and specific sexual attraction if you want to. That's what choosing a sexual orientation would require.

Why are some males not what you would term 'heterosexual'

Jan Ardena:

Am I to take it that you believe that people choose to whom they are sexually attracted and, moreover, that it is possible to 'turn a person gay' or 'turn them straight'? I'm moderately interested in your research methodology that has led you to this conclusion, but let's start by clarifying your basic position.

I've already said, my sexuality is already designated, as in 'male', and is naturally inclined to 'female'. You know male + female = off-spring. Anything outside of that is mine or some other person(s) own doing.

Who designated your sexuality? Nature? Or God? Or God through Nature, perhaps? And what research methodology led you to that conclusion?

Is it only people who could turn you gay, or do you think God could have made you gay? Does God make other people gay?

If only people can change their sexuality away from the "natural inclination" (which I take from you to mean male-female attraction with an aim to procreation, only), then could you please outline the factors that might cause such a change. Also, please include some details of your research methodology that led you to your conclusions.

Why are some males not what you would term 'heterosexual'

Intriguing. What word do you prefer to substitute for "heterosexual", Jan, and why?
James R,

Am I to take it that you believe that people choose to whom they are sexually attracted and, moreover, that it is possible to 'turn a person gay' or 'turn them straight'?

If you mean, do I think that people are born being attracted to blondes, or short fat hairy blokes? The answer is no.

I'm moderately interested in your research methodology that has led you to this conclusion, but let's start by clarifying your basic position.

And I yours. Remember I asked first.

Who designated your sexuality? Nature? Or God? Or God through Nature, perhaps?

Does it matter?

Is it only people who could turn you gay, or do you think God could have made you gay? Does God make other people gay?

You tell me.

If only people can change their sexuality away from the "natural inclination" (which I take from you to mean male-female attraction with an aim to procreation, only),

Natural default.

then could you please outline the factors that might cause such a change.

Natural designation.

Also, please include some details of your research methodology that led you to your conclusions.

That's your job, not mine.

Why are some males not what you would term 'heterosexual'?

Intriguing. What word do you prefer to substitute for "heterosexual", Jan, and why?

Sorry, I missed off the question mark.

So you agree that attraction between humans is not limited to 'sexual attraction'.
Of course,
In control of their sexual urges? In a sex obsessed society?
Yes. 99.9% of the people out there (including heterosexuals, bisexuals and homosexuals) are in control of their sex drives, and express it only when they choose to.
You'll have to be more explicit about what you don't understand.
I've already said, my sexuality is already designated, as in 'male', and is naturally inclined to 'female'.
Ah, so you were born attracted to females. That's fine. Some people are born attracted to females, some to males. When the person is born attracted to the same sex we call them homosexuals.
You know male + female = off-spring.
Uh - no, not always.
Anything outside of that is mine or some other person(s) own doing.
It's nature's doing, actually.
I've already said, my sexuality is already designated, as in 'male', and is naturally inclined to 'female'. You know male + female = off-spring. Anything outside of that is mine or some other person(s) own doing.
Well, no. You might have stuck your fingers in your ears, but there are lots of homosexual activities in nature among animals. So there we find males naturally inclined to males and females naturally inclined to females. We also find far more to sexuality than "male" and "female".
Well, no. You might have stuck your fingers in your ears, but there are lots of homosexual activities in nature among animals. So there we find males naturally inclined to males and females naturally inclined to females. We also find far more to sexuality than "male" and "female".

What do you mean by ''homosexual activity''?
