Crazy things famous Christians say

Most the homosexual rape occurring in prison doesn't involve homosexual men at all. And yet we call it "homosexual rape." Just like we call same-sex pedophiles "homosexual pedophiles." See the difference?

Prison rape is interesting because it shows that under certain conditions heterosexuals migrate toward homosexual behavior. Their natural outlet for sex, is boxed in due to prison, so the inner urge for sex sublimates and finds other outlets. Prison rape may be more common today, than in the past, because the sex behavior (not the rape) is part of the liberal education system. When the closet was closed this was less common. Could a prison of the mind, at an early age, cause a change in human sexuality, too? Someone with life in prison will sublimate permanently.

Is it possible, that the bible was talking about behavior along the line of prison rape, when referring to homosexuality? In Sodom and Gomorrah, Lot visits and mob of men want to have sex with him. Lot's host protects him, by giving the mob a slave girl who they rape until she dies. This sort of describes prison rape more than members of a gay pride parade. Forbidding homosexuality would mean release from inner prisons. One would need to come to terms with being boxed in, instead of remaining unconscious to where it is assumed natural. The mob that went after Lot would need to clear their minds.
Prison rape may be more common today, than in the past, because the sex behavior (not the rape) is part of the liberal education system. When the closet was closed this was less common

Do you have some real data backing up this ridiculous claim, or is blaming gay people such a kneejerk response for you you don't even think about it anymore? "Hey everybody, gay people coming out is causing more prison rape!" lol!

Is it possible, that the bible was talking about behavior along the line of prison rape, when referring to homosexuality?

It's more likely that the Bible is a cornucopia of barbaric outdated crap that has no relevance to any aspect of our lives in the 21st century. To this very day religious nuts blame gay people for natural disasters. Here's Pat Robertson on Disneyworld's Gay Days:

"I would warn Orlando that you're right in the way of some serious hurricanes, and I don't think I'd be waving those flags in God's face if I were you ... It'll bring about terrorist bombs; it'll bring earthquakes, tornadoes, and possibly a meteor."
"There is a race war against whites. But our people - my white brothers and sisters - will stay committed to a non-violent resolution. That resolution must consist of solidarity in white communities around the world. The hatred for our children and their future is growing and is being fueled every single day. Stay firm in your convictions. Keep loving your heritage and keep witnessing to others that there is a better way than a war torn, violent, wicked, socialist, new world order. That way is the Christian way - law and order - love of family - love of nation. These are the principles of western Christian civilization. There is a war to destroy these things. Pray that our people see the error of their ways and regain a sense of loyalty. Repent America! Be faithful my fellow believers. "---National Director of The Knights of the KKK, Pastor Thomas Robb
jan said:
This is interesting. Can you elaborate on ''reality'' which was thrown up?
In this specific thread: All those quotes by famous, common, accepted, representative, and otherwise mainstream-accepted Christians, speaking as Christians.
jan said:
Also could you elaborate on the particular world view in question, and give reasons as to why it cannot handle it?
Not my job. Self awareness would be the main tool there, introspection, etc.
Race-mixing is a sin!

The Scriptures clearly condemn race-mixing, reveals God segregated the nations and peoples, commands us to not commit adultery (adulterate, mix, weaken), to honor our parents (ethnic heritage), to not make an idol out of our feelings and bastard beliefs, to not covet what He has forbidden (race-mixing), we're not to murder (race-mixing destroys both races involved and despises diversity), etc.

Race-mixing is unnatural! This information was common sense for generations, but now, as in the days of Noah and in the days of Lot, confusion reigns. Thankfully, all will be restored in God's good time.

Deuteronomy 32:8
8 When the Most High divided their inheritance to the nations,
When He separated the sons of Adam [even though we're all family],
He set the boundaries of the peoples
According to the number of the children of Israel.

Acts 17:26
26 And [although] He [God] has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth [we're all human]... [yet He] has determined their preappointed times and the boundaries of their dwellings...

FATHER GOD KNOWS BEST, don't you agree?

Race Matters


Diversity Demands: Segregate Now!

Posted by David Ben-Ariel at 4:47 AM
On Women

Church Doctors and Fathers

◾Woman is a temple built over a sewer. –Tertullian, “the father of Latin Christianity” (c160-225)

◾[Women's] very consciousness of their own nature must evoke feelings of shame.–Saint Clement of Alexandria, Christian theologian (c150-215) Pedagogues II, 33, 2

◾Nor are the women to smear their faces with the ensnaring devices of wily cunning. . . The Instructor [Christ] orders them to go forth “in becoming apparel, and adorn themselves with shamefacedness and sobriety, subject to their own husbands.” –Saint Clement of Alexandria, Christian theologian (c150-215), The Instructor

◾In pain shall you bring forth children, woman, and you shall turn to your husband and he shall rule over you. And do you not know that you are Eve? God’s sentence hangs still over all your sex and His punishment weighs down upon you. You are the devil’s gateway; you are she who first violated the forbidden tree and broke the law of God. It was you who coaxed your way around him whom the devil had not the force to attack. With what ease you shattered that image of God: Man! Because of the death you merited, even the Son of God had to die… Woman, you are the gate to hell. –Tertullian, “the father of Latin Christianity” (c160-225)

◾For it is improper for a woman to speak in an assembly, no matter what she says,
even if she says admirable things, or even saintly things, that is of little
consequence, since they come from the mouth of a woman. –Origen (d. 258), Fragments on First Corinthians, 74

◾Woman does not possess the image of God in herself but only when taken together
with the male who is her head, so that the whole substance is one image. But
when she is assigned the role as helpmate, a function that pertains to her
alone, then she is not the image of God. But as far as the man is concerned, he
is by himself alone the image of God just as fully and completely as when he and
the woman are joined together into one. –Saint Augustine, Bishop of Hippo Regius (354-430)

◾What is the difference whether it is in a wife or a mother, it is still Eve the temptress that we must beware of in any woman… I fail to see what use woman can be to man, if one excludes the function of bearing children. –Saint Augustine, Bishop of Hippo Regius (354 – 430)

◾Woman is a misbegotten man and has a faulty and defective nature in comparison to his. Therefore she is unsure in herself. What she cannot get, she seeks to obtain through lying and diabolical deceptions. And so, to put it briefly, one must be on one’s guard with every woman, as if she were a poisonous snake and the horned devil. … Thus in evil and perverse doings woman is cleverer, that is, slyer, than man. Her feelings drive woman toward every evil, just as reason impels man toward all good. –Saint Albertus Magnus, Dominican theologian, 13th century

◾As regards the individual nature, woman is defective and misbegotten, for the active force in the male seed tends to the production of a perfect likeness in the masculine sex; while the production of woman comes from a defect in the active force or from some material indisposition, or even from some external influence. –Thomas Aquinas, Doctor of the Church, 13th century, Summa Theologica

Protestant Reformers

◾The word and works of God is quite clear, that women were made either to be wives or prostitutes. –Martin Luther, Reformer (1483-1546), Works 12.94

◾No gown worse becomes a woman than the desire to be wise. –Martin Luther, Reformer (1483-1546)

◾Men have broad and large chests, and small narrow hips, and more understanding than women, who have but small and narrow breasts, and broad hips, to the end they should remain at home, sit still, keep house, and bear and bring up children. –Martin Luther, Reformer (1483-1546), Table Talk

◾Thus the woman, who had perversely exceeded her proper bounds, is forced back to her own position. She had, indeed, previously been subject to her husband, but that was a liberal and gentle subjection; now, however, she is cast into servitude. –John Calvin, Reformer (1509-1564), Commentary on Genesis, p. 172.

◾Do not any longer contend for mastery, for power, money, or praise. Be content to be a private, insignificant person, known and loved by God and me. . . . of what importance is your character to mankind, if you was buried just now Or if you had never lived, what loss would it be to the cause of God. –John Wesley, founder of Methodist movement (1703-1791), letter to his wife, July 15, 1774
Tertullian was not made a Saint.
His attitude towards women wasn't the problem, it was some doctrinal difference.
Pity. Misogynists could do with one.
He had very definite opinions about lots of things.

Order of last Days Events
The order of last day events, according to Tertullian, are the plagues, Babylon's doom, Antichrist's warfare on the saints, the devil cast into the bottomless pit, the Advent, the resurrection of the saints, the Judgment, and the Second Resurrection, with the harvest at the end of the World; and the sixth seal extending to the final dissolution of the earth and sky, including the stars.
The method of beginning an examination by torture is as follows: First, the jailers prepare the implements of torture, then they strip the prisoner (if it be a woman, she has already been stripped by other women, upright and of good report) [1]. This stripping is lest some means of witchcraft may have been sewed into the clothing--such as often, taught by the Devil, they prepare from the bodies of unbaptized infants, [murdered] that they may forfeit salvation. And when the implements of torture have been prepared, the judge, both in person and through other good men zealous in the faith, tries to persuade the prisoner to confess the truth freely ; but, if he will not confess, he bids attendants make the prisoner fast to the strappado or some other implement of torture. The attendants obey forthwith, yet with feigned agitation. Then, at the prayer of some of those present, the prisoner is loosed again and is taken aside and once more persuaded to confess, being led to believe that he will in that case not be put to death

and it goes on and on.

Malleus Maleficarum, Heinrich Kramer, Dominican Prior and assistant to the Archbishop of Salzburg, 1486.


Protestant versions:

The deposistion of Mercy lewes aged about 19 years who testifieth and faith, that on the 3d. April 1692. the Apperishtion of Dorrithy Good, Sarah Goods daughter came to me and did afflect me urging me to writ in hir book and feuerall times sence Dorithy Good hath afflected me biting pinch-ing and choaking me urging me to writ in hir book. Mary Walcot V. Dorcas Good. The deposition of Mary Walcot aged about 17 years who testifieth that about the 21 March 1691[92] saw the Apperishtion of Dorothy Good. Sarah Goods daughter com to me and bit me, and pinch me and so she continuved afflecting me by times tell 24 March being the day of hir examination and then she did torment and afflect me most gre-viously during the time of hir examination and also feuerall times sence the Apperishtion of Doro-thy Good has afflected me by biting pinching and almost choaking me. urging me to writ in hir book. Ann Putnam V. Dorcas Good. The deposistion of Ann Putnam who testifieth and faith that on the 3th March 1691[92] I saw the Ap-perishtion of Dorythy Good Sarah Good's daughter who did immediately almost choak me and tortored me most greviously, and so she hath feuerall times sence tortored me by biting and pinching and almost choaking me tempting me also to writ in hir book, and also on the day of hir examination being the 24th March 1691[92] the Apperishtion of Dorithy Good did most greviously tortor me dureing the time of hir Examination and severall times sence.

Records of Salem Witchcraft
That's an interesting video.
Do you think the brainwashing will stick,
or will he revert to homosexuality,
possibly when he has a wife in whom he has no sexual interest?

Is it difficult to be un-brainwashed from homosexuality? You tell me. :)

I guess, if sex is the focus of his relationship(s), then he may well go back to his
other ways , as it will be impossible for his wife to satisfy him.
But if he learns that sex is but a part of a marriage, and to be satisfied with
the pleasure he gets from his wife, then he could well grow out of those impulse urges.

Just to be clear, you are saying that you have strong desires to have homosexual sexual intimacy, but you don't simply because you think that it's wrong?

Do I...''have strong desires to have homosexual sexual intimacy, but you don't simply because you think that it's wrong?''?

Erm... no!

Is it difficult to be un-brainwashed from homosexuality?

So who brainwashes gay teens into desiring the same sex? Everything they are raised around programs them to only desire the opposite sex. And yet they don't. Why do you think that is?

I guess, if sex is the focus of his relationship(s), then he may well go back to his
other ways

Or he may just find that he is still romantically attracted to men and finds relationships with them more fulfilling. Attraction to the same gender need not imply having sex with them at all.
So who brainwashes gay teens into desiring the same sex? Everything they are raised around programs them to only desire the opposite sex. And yet they don't. Why do you think that is?

I think it is a good guess that 99% of heterosexuals are adamant that they could not be brainwashed into being homosexuals yet somehow some people want to believe that homosexuals are brainwashed. As you point out, it is usually quite the opposite. Yet they cannot admit that children are brainwashed into religious belief.
Magical Realist,

So who brainwashes gay teens into desiring the same sex? Everything they are raised around programs them to only desire the opposite sex. And yet they don't. Why do you think that is?

I was only joking, but you raise an interesting point.

Personally I never saw desiring the opposite sex as a programme that needed to be institutionalised, only the desire to have sex.

Or he may just find that he is still romantically attracted to men and finds relationships with them more fulfilling. Attraction to the same gender need not imply having sex with them at all.

He's probably come to the conclusion that romantic attractions based on how one looks, or one's gender, is for the most part, a delusion.

I think it is a good guess that 99% of heterosexuals are adamant that they could not be brainwashed into being homosexuals yet somehow some people want to believe that homosexuals are brainwashed. As you point out, it is usually quite the opposite. Yet they cannot admit that children are brainwashed into religious belief.

Children are brainwashed, period. If the parents aren't religious then the children are automatically brainwashed into not being religious.
