Conservation of souls?

W, I'm not going to argue the point with you. If all you see is the process and not the source, that's your perspective.
Thing is, you've come here to discuss.

To do that, you need to be able to defend your stance. If not, then after 'This is what I believe.', there would be nothing else for you to contribute.
And you know this how?

Has it got a name for itself?

In these peculiar political correctness days can you enlighten us its gender if such is appropriate?

Size wise by any measurement it is

If you're going to be redundant after the answer has been given quite clearly...
Thing is, you've come here to discuss.

To do that, you need to be able to defend your stance. If not, then after 'This is what I believe.', there would be nothing else for you to contribute.
But I have already given my argument. Either people don't grasp it or just won't accept it? I honestly have nothing more to offer other than repeat myself. If I were to hazard a guess, people are clinging to the notion that they are independent of the larger picture.
If all you see is the process and not the source, that's your perspective. You are at liberty to exist as an independent thing, having no relation to the external Universe, or at least in your mind.
You do realize that that door swings perfectly both ways. To wit:

"... that's your perspective. You are at liberty to exist as an dependent thing, thinking there's a relation to the external Universe, or at least in your mind."
Only if the universe breeds sexually. Otherwise, it would be genderless.
Or female, just like the silvery salmander. I have heard of the Cosmic Egg, but never have I heard Cosmic Sperm mentioned....:)
In fact, absent any obvious offspring, we might assume it is pre-adolescent, too.
In view of infinite time, that certainly would seem a reasonable assumption.
But I have already given my argument. Either people don't grasp it or just won't accept it? I honestly have nothing more to offer other than repeat myself. If I were to hazard a guess, people are clinging to the notion that they are independent of the larger picture.
I could make the same argument about the Cosmic Unicorn.
As long as I'm the only one who can "see" my evidence, I can claim the rest of the world is wrong till the cows come home.

So, based on arguments presented, how is God more valid than the Cosmic Unicorn?
But I have already given my argument. Either people don't grasp it or just won't accept it? I honestly have nothing more to offer other than repeat myself. If I were to hazard a guess, people are clinging to the notion that they are independent of the larger picture.
Not at all, that is a false and unsupported assumption. Has anyone said they feel extra-universal or even extra-terrestial? We all came from the priordial soup, no?
On the contrary , that is the claim made by theists about God.
Yes, all of us will die eventually, to be replaced by other people. If you want to consider Life as a sentience, then what is Death?
What happens to your world when you close your eyes and slip into sleep?
It made the above statement, you supply the support for the claim.
Sorry I dont understand what you mean but can you give something to support your alledged properties of the universe or are you just saying you feel it should be like you describe?
Not at all, that is a false and unsupported assumption. Has anyone said they feel extra-universal or even extra-terrestial? We all came from the priordial soup, no?
On the contrary , that is the claim made by theists about God.
There's no need to feel anything extra. Simply being is a carnival of feelings. Simply living is heaven. That's the claim, and we give thanks to God for the gift of life; whereas others see nothing but a process, the grinding of machinery.
What happens to your world when you close your eyes and slip into sleep?
I enter another (internal) world of my own making, neat eh? It's actually my brain sorting and storing or discarding random bits of information.
So, based on arguments presented, how is God more valid than the Cosmic Unicorn?
You can give God any title you want, worship any image you want. My God is the stars in the night sky, the brown summer grass on rolling hills, the green forest along a mountain lake, a young child taking her first steps, etc, etc, etc.

You will find my God everywhere you turn; I've yet to see your Cosmic Unicorn.
There's no need to feel anything extra. Simply being is a carnival of feelings. Simply living is heaven.
All of this can still be true without the invocation of God.

That's the claim, and we give thanks to God for the gift of life; whereas others see nothing but a process, the grinding of machinery.
No, that's a subsequent assumption. That all these things you described are attributed to God.

... whereas others see nothing but a process, the grinding of machinery.
You should not put words into other peoples' mouths.
The beauty of the universe, the reason for celebration of it, is because it is such a wondrous playground for us - for me - not just someone else's concocted dream.
There's no need to feel anything extra. Simply being is a carnival of feelings. Simply living is heaven. That's the claim, and we give thanks to God for the gift of life; whereas others see nothing but a process, the grinding of machinery.
Yes, but you cannot make blanket statements like that.
For me, playing or listening to music transports me into a higher mental state. My bliss is found in music and in the arts in general.

But your metaphor of heaven is incorrect. If you want to use biblical metaphor then we live in Paradise, or more accurately we use the resources of Paradise to fill our desires. That's why God kicked us out of Paradise. God really doesn't like us very much. It's amazing you should worship the One who is trying to kill you constantly and will succeed in the end.
You can give God any title you want, worship any image you want. My God is the stars in the night sky, the brown summer grass on rolling hills, the green forest along a mountain lake, a young child taking her first steps, etc, etc, etc.
So, will you admit that the CU is an objective, extant creature overseeing the universe? His tail is filled with pixie dust. That is what seeds the worlds.

All you have to do is see it and accept it. Right?

You will find my God everywhere you turn; I've yet to see your Cosmic Unicorn.

You are wrong. You are not seeing God's works; you are seeing the benevolent flick of the CU's tail.

And by your own logic, you have to accept that as true.
Yes, but you cannot make blanket statements like that.
For me, playing or listening to music transports me into a higher mental state. My bliss is found in music and in the arts in general.

But your metaphor of heaven is incorrect. If you want to use biblical metaphor then we live in Paradise, or more accurately we use the resources of Paradise to fill our desires.
Have you ever just sat down and felt your feelings? I mean, feel them, live them, experience them. They are absolutely free, and there's no need to travel anywhere to find them.