Conservation of souls?

I am surprised you reached for God in your answer.

Would the answer to the question be honestly answered by "We dont know that there should even be a reason" or "We dont know".

We are being exposed so much to God speculation that it seems to creep into the conversation like you let it just now...
But guess work is not an option.

I agree, but it is scripture that assigns sentience and motive for the miracle of creation.
The Creation
30…"And to every beast of the earth and every bird of the air and every creature that crawls upon the earth—everything that has the breath of life in it—I have given every green plant for food.” And it was so.
31.. And God looked upon all that He had made, and indeed, it was very good. And there was evening, and there was morning the sixthday.
Clearly motive and satisfaction.
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I can agree with that. And I welcome a healthy discussion on possible metaphysical (latent) conditions and causalities.
The problem with Jan is that he is a true and unconditional believer and unfortunately there are many (billions) with that mind set. Their scripture transcends secular law as well as science.
Discuss with Jan Ardena what Jan Ardena says. Discuss with others what they say. When discussing with others, who cares what Jan has said or hasn't said - unless he is directly involved in your discussion with the other person.
We are told by religious types that we each have a soul. Some believe, in addition, that our souls are recycled through multiple reincarnations.

I have a question.

Is the number of souls that are in existence fixed?

The human population of the world is steadily increasing, so that the Earth now has 7 billion people. But in the past there were far fewer people. So, my question is: where did all the extra souls come from? As the population continues to increase, are new souls being created all the time? Or is there a store of spare souls somewhere, ready to be put into new bodies?

Once again, I thank the theists in advance for your help on this question.

Not religious myself so playing Devil's advocate

There are 'old' souls which are evident because those people are more 'evolved' in terms of their wisdom, conscience, moral code etc etc

There are 'new souls' evident by their lack of 'moral' evolution.

Something 'alternative' to ponder ...

Soul = being of energy living in symbiotic harmony with its organic 'animal' host, hence can go from body to body (incarnation) and can return also to 'base' where only energy beings reside ... whatever that is.

It is possible there are human animals that are not 'hosting' a soul ..........

In terms of religion and souls ... if souls are separate entities ... religion has nothing to do with it. In terms of limited numbers of souls ... I wonder how they reproduce? How they cease to exist?

Not a believer in any of the above just pondering alternatives given there are no absolutes
I have no objection to the civility of that statement, but it tacitly condones a false way of life, IMO.
Religion offers deniability of responsibility, Atheism does not, it assigns responsibility.

I think outright rejection is the more honest and demands a different, more realistic perspective on the universe, life and society.

The one thing I will stipulate to is that my opinions are indeed my opinions , but are based on certain known facts in "mainstream science", as well as on deeper and more "speculative theories".

Let me put it this way, while one can insist that we shall never know for sure, it does not mean that one belief system of values and functions is equally valid as the other.
That's misleading and disingenuous, IMO.
Never said one belief is as good as another. And I do indeed have my own opinions, I just don't claim ultimate knowledge.

Personally, I find the biblical concept of god absurd. But when it comes to the more generic question of "where did any of this come from", I will be the first to admit that I do not know. And I have given it much thought through my life, and will continue to do so.

I have also realized that the more I like a hypothesis, or find it aesthetically pleasing, the more critical I must be of it. It is much too easy to succumb to confirmation bias.
Then I guess we have to hope that your expecting God to humble Himself before your regality is not a stupid position.
I am not expecting anything. I cannot expect anything of something I do not know exists.
It is not a matter of anyone being humble or not. It is a matter of believing something that either does not exist or does not want me to know or is playing childish games.

How so? If there is a purpose to life, might it simply be to just live. Does there need to be any grandiose meaning to it? Think of all the things in life that have no meaning, yet they exist anyways, and they are quite beautiful just being what they are.
If there is no need of grandiose meaning, why attribute anything to god(s)?

I do not recall any scripture with the exact term, eternal soul but many theists claim such for us. I do not know whether they know what eternal means. Eternal means always existing, without beginning or end.
