Conservation of souls?

My best guess is that the soul occupies space. It is, yet it is not. When you realize your own, there is nothing on which to grasp. Your true self is emptiness filled with everything, or a projection screen on which life plays.

Best guess does not cut the mustard with regards to being evidence (as per Mirriam-Webster)

What is it that disappears in deep sleep and reappears upon waking? When the brain shuts down, does the observer disappear?

What is it that disappears in deep sleep and reappears upon waking?

Awareness. Which does not disappear entirely

When the brain shuts down, does the observer disappear?

I'm going to ignore the detail of there not being a observer just for the purpose of answering

Sleep as shut down no
Death as shut down yes

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What is it that disappears in deep sleep and reappears upon waking? When the brain shuts down, does the observer disappear?
No, but it is not an external observer. It is the sub-conscious motor control part of your brain which keeps your body functioning. If you have taken the time to watch the Anil Seth clip, you know that is part of the level II brainfunction, that motor control function which continues to work even when your conscious level III has been anesthetized. But when you die that subconscious part stops functioning also. It all goes.

I admit these subconscious motor control functions seem magical. They only warn us when something internally goes wrong, but they can't tell us anything else about feeling, shape, or sense of where our organs are located in the body. These subconscious brain functions seem extra sensory, but it they are not. We just do not consciously need to know their 24/7 function of keeping our body alive. Our conscious brain has plenty to do without having to exert conscious control of our body functions. And a good thing it is.....:)
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How about a dumb universe? Unfortunately that would include everyone ever born since there's no escaping our role as universal beings.
Its neither smart nor dumb nor alive. It's just implacably mathematic.
As Seth says, "you don't have to be smart to feel pain, but you probably have to be alive".
How many atoms in a soul? What defines their physical precence or can they only be imagined.
What would you see or touch if a soul was before you we have a slight mist of something to inhabit some part of this space and time or indeed the space and time of the expected second place where the soul will exist.
If a soul was in a big jar what physical things could we observe such that it is part of some reality or world.
To answer that we may work out how many jars we need to conserve these souls.
What is a soul made out of which atoms?
Can't be. They would have to be much smaller than atoms.

Did you know that about 100 trillion neutrinos pass through our bodies every second!!!!! They come from all directions as neutrinos don't even react to the earth's gravity field and are so small they pass through the spaces of our atoms, no problem.
So over the course of your lifetime, about a mole of neutrinos (almost a trillion trillions) will have coursed through your body.

Can you imagine what neutrinos would do to our souls? Soul death by a trillion trillion neutrino cuts, to turn a phrase.
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Call it what you want. I have no definition other than assigned symbols as placeholders. We can give the soul the number 1 and build the universe, mathematically, from there.
No we can give the moment after the BB the number one (t = 1) and build the universe, mathematically from there. This is mainstream cosmology.
No we can give the moment after the BB the number one (t = 1) and build the universe, mathematically from there. This is mainstream cosmology.

No no we can give the moment after the Big Bang the letter A and build the Universe alphabetically from there

A for atom :)

No no we can give the moment after the Big Bang the letter A and build the Universe alphabetically from there

A for atom :)

Would be neat if it were so.
Actually the earliest particles such as quarks, which form the protons and neutrons of atomic nuclei, were formed in the very early quantum plasma fields. Atoms came about 380,000 years later.
According to the Big Bang theory, during the first few minutes after the "beginning," hydrogen, helium, and lithium nuclei formed from the relatively small number of free protons and neutrons that were around. When the universe was around 380,000 years old electrons were able to combine with the nuclei to create atoms.
Since that time, some of the hydrogen and helium has combined to form stars and galaxies. The many other elements that we find on Earth were formed in large stars and then released as the stars burned all their fuel and blew up at the end oftheir lives (i.e. went supernova)
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Do you claim to have/have had an analogous "appropriate reciprocation" with your God? If so, can you show me evidence of that?
If I answer yes, no or anything in between, what criteria would you use to judge it?
Or to go back to the islanders, suppose a military boat encountered one of them in an isolated part and they had some brief communication before they departed. By what standard would the islander evidence their claim to other inhabitants?
It seems to me it would just be accepted or rejected purely on the grounds of faith.
What criteria would you use?

If you were erroneously charged with first degree murder based on an individuals eyewitness testimony, would you think it necessary to corroborate that testimony with additional substantive evidence? Or would you be satisfied with a roll of the dice on a jury’s degree of faith in the word of your accuser?
Would be neat if it were so.

I'm trying to get the kids in preschool :)

Save the

According to the Big Bang theory, during the first few minutes after the "beginning," hydrogen, helium, and lithium nuclei formed from the relatively small number of free protons and neutrons that were around. When the universe was around 380,000 years old electrons were able to combine with the nuclei to create atoms

For Uni :)

I'm trying to get the kids in preschool :)
Ah, but the kids will love the term "quarks", it sounds less threatening that "atoms", besides you can have up-quarks and down-quarks, it like an entire Lego set. Cool stuff.

Can even have a hand puppet and instead of saying "quack, quack", you can say "quark, quark".
You'd have them rolling on floor in no time, repeating over and over; "quark, quark, quark"...:rolleyes:
Did you know that about 100 trillion neutrinos pass through our bodies every second!!!!
Its 101.01543 trillion in the case of someone of normal proportion but varies in accordance with the variable variables including where the Sun is in its eleven year cycle.
The number at the moment could be expected to be less due to lower solar activity but recent out of norm activity could further cause fluctuactiin in the eact number.
Rather than not having a gravitational interaction with matter I believe they are the particles that make up the non existent eather and are the very substance of space presenting an environment of universal pressure which we imterpret as gravity and measure by the geometry of GR.
A soul is no doubt fields of cosmic intensity within the nutrino ocean ... There is no other possible answer and from this I predict that tomorrow when both hands of the clock point to the twelve it will lunch time.
Simple IT = IS

Coffee time


I would love one but I am out of wiskey.

I got a nut case on my case avos and police so humour me the stress is intense.

This is an additional nut case to those hinted at recently.

30 years of nonsense I have nearly run out of patience.
Its so bad I have considered praying.
I think they need places for some people but there are no places so they cause havoc in a neighbour hood.
Anyways two attempts on his life someone should get lucky...soon.
I bet the copper would lend me his gun.
Athiests of course all atheists so what can you expect the end times are near repent ... I am going to the local pub and bet this nutter can beat anyone in a fight... $100 bucks...that should keep him occupied.

I bet you dont get crazy people in Dawin.
I bet you dont get crazy people in Dawin.

The last one who left said he was going to live near you as you painted such a good picture about photographing the stars

Heads up - I think when he heard stars he was in Hollywood mode not heaven

No we can give the moment after the BB the number one (t = 1) and build the universe, mathematically from there. This is mainstream cosmology.
What value would you assign to yourself in the universe?