Conservation of souls?

"Well, it would be nice if your supposed god could get up the courage to come out from behind its mother's skirt & face me. What the heck is it afraid of???"

That's trolling.

Stop insulting people's intelligence. You know that's not a good response. So try again.

Here's Bowser's question again.

"What evidence do you need? What would you require?"

Bullshit. I gave you a damn good answer & you cannot handle it.
I cannot insult your supposed intelligence. Only you can do that.
What the heck is your supposed god afraid of? Why is it hiding?

Bullshit. I gave you a damn good answer & you cannot handle it.

No you didn't, and you know it.
Now give a proper response.

I cannot insult your supposed intelligence. Only you can do that.

Again, you know what I mean. I don't think for one moment that you are stupid.
You were probably a little too impulsive, and just typed the first thing that came into your head.
But you now have a chance to deliver a reasoned request.

What the heck is your supposed god afraid of? Why is it hiding?

Please remember you are an atheist, which means you do not believe in God, because for you there is no God.
So asking questions like the one you ask, is clearly inappropriate. As far as your concerned, God (upper-case g), does not exist.
You should ask with respect, because as far as I can see, Bowser is very respectful of everybody, even though he being met with nastiness.

Be the one to break the typical mode.

No you didn't, and you know it.
Now give a proper response.

Again, you know what I mean. I don't think for one moment that you are stupid.
You were probably a little too impulsive, and just typed the first thing that came into your head.
But you now have a chance to deliver a reasoned request.

Please remember you are an atheist, which means you do not believe in God, because for you there is no God.
So asking questions like the one you ask, is clearly inappropriate. As far as your concerned, God (upper-case g), does not exist.
You should ask with respect, because as far as I can see, Bowser is very respectful of everybody, even though he being met with nastiness.

Be the one to break the typical mode.

Well, I think you are stupid or pretending to be. Which is it? That post is a prime example of your utter stupidity.
It is a good answer & you cannot handle it. And again you ignore the fact that we are not obligated to give such answers. You are responsible for supporting your claim.
Please remember I am a an atheist???????? WTF?
Making claims over&over without supporting them is very disrespectful.
You are inappropriate. I do not respect nonsense & there is no reason I should. You have no respect at all. You must think we are fools if you want us to fall for your bullshit.

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Well, I think you are stupid

I must be. I respond to Alex's novels.

It is a good answer & you cannot handle it.

Why do you think it is a good answer?

You are responsible for supporting your claim.

Fine. I think Bowser asked those questions so he could be responsible for his claim. But when you give silly responses, it turns everything sour.

If there is no God, as you believe, why add characteristics like 'afraid', or 'hiding behind the couch'. Surely if you were seriously interested, you would want to hear what Bowser has to say.

Making claims over&over without supporting them is very disrespectful.

What is disrespectful, is being disrespectful to someone, and mocking their beliefs. Especially if they are respectful towards you. Maybe you cannot truly appreciate what is being said, because you're making too much noise with your atheism. You're an atheist! Fair enough. There's no need to meet everything wit that worldview.
You should just chill, and listen sometimes. Learn to take things in. Don't just gulp it down.

I must be. I respond to Alex's novels.

Why do you think it is a good answer?

Fine. I think Bowser asked those questions so he could be responsible for his claim. But when you give silly responses, it turns everything sour.

If there is no God, as you believe, why add characteristics like 'afraid', or 'hiding behind the couch'. Surely if you were seriously interested, you would want to hear what Bowser has to say.

What is disrespectful, is being disrespectful to someone, and mocking their beliefs. Especially if they are respectful towards you. Maybe you cannot truly appreciate what is being said, because you're making too much noise with your atheism. You're an atheist! Fair enough. There's no need to meet everything wit that worldview.
You should just chill, and listen sometimes. Learn to take things in. Don't just gulp it down.

Take your own advice & stop pretending you can read my mind.
I never said I believe there is no god. What the heck is wrong with you???????

I can't give you the justification you're looking for. You want an equation which gives, in your mind, definitive proof. God isn't a mathematical theory, nor are you.
No, just any legitimate evidence, not proof, will be fine. But you can't provide any justification, apparently.
There were 9 replies waiting for me this afternoon when I surfed this site. Guys, you're great, but I'm a working man and have limited time to spend with you.

To sum up the big question: if you can look at all there is and not see God, I can't give you any other evidence. I think most are spiritually blind. I know I was, always searching for answers that were dancing on the end of my nose the whole time. It really is that simple.

But I'm not a spiritual guide, and there are those who are much better practiced at helping people find the answer. Some are now dead in body but still alive in spirit; others still live with us. It is my firm belief that if you seek, you will find...or it will find you.

I think it best I stop here. Perhaps we are just moving in circles and going nowhere. I had a wonderful day today and am wrapped in the pleasure of it. I wish you the same.

Bowser :biggrin:
you can look at all there is and not see God, I can't give you any other evidence

Here is my list of 5 items I can look at, which are part of your all there is, and not see god

Just like your list I looked and - did not see god - and provided explanations as to origins

  • Eye worm Acanthamoeba castellanii, a parasite which lives in the eye
  • HIV virus
  • Volcano Krakatoa thtps://
  • Cymothoa exigua, or the tongue-eating louse, is a parasitic isopod of the family Cymothoidaeh ttps://
I'm sure we could Ping Pong list - you see god / creator - I see physics / biology / neutrality

There were 9 replies waiting for me this afternoon when I surfed this site. Guys, you're great, but I'm a working man and have limited time to spend with you.

To sum up the big question: if you can look at all there is and not see God, I can't give you any other evidence. I think most are spiritually blind. I know I was, always searching for answers that were dancing on the end of my nose the whole time. It really is that simple.

But I'm not a spiritual guide, and there are those who are much better practiced at helping people find the answer. Some are now dead in body but still alive in spirit; others still live with us. It is my firm belief that if you seek, you will find...or it will find you.

I think it best I stop here. Perhaps we are just moving in circles and going nowhere. I had a wonderful day today and am wrapped in the pleasure of it. I wish you the same.

Bowser :biggrin:

Have a good day Bowser.

If I were working with a philosophy, that might be appropriate.
You may not have a specific philosophy in mind, but if you are talking about the nature of belief and choice, especially together, you are in the realms of philosophy.
Not putting a name to a philosophy doesn't stop that.
People live it. I see them every day, tormented by their perceptions of reality. They are in competition with life, not part of it.
Sure, but perception of reality does not necessarily equate to actual reality.
Are you of the opinion that God, or the notion of souls, is a purely subjective matter or that there is at least some objectivity to it?
You're right. Good point. I don't expect anyone to take it on faith, much less love without understanding.
One can love without understanding.
It can make one highly irrational in the process.
Again, would we be working on faith or true understanding?
Does it matter?
Either we can choose to believe we are in love or we can't.
Or we simply do believe it when it happens, without any choice in the matter.
Is there a definition from which we are working? For me it's an appreciation for the fulfillment that they give to my life.
That doesn't answer the question, though.
How would you know the difference between real love and merely the belief of love?
My appreciation for God is Life and Existence.
Why do you capitalise those words?
The choice would be death or submission. Correct?
It might be anything that simply limits your ability to employ freewill, by cutting down the choices available to you.
If you are able to remove all but one option from someone's direction, you have removed their freewill.
Also not true. Free will is not synonymous with freedom.
I never said it was.
Free will, either illusory or otherwise, manifests through the choice between various options.
The more options the greater the ability to express free will unencumbered by influences.
Putting a gun to someone's head was intended as a metaphor for the reduction of meaningful choice.
Limit those choices to just one and there is no free will.
Tell the man what evidence you need, and what you would require.
Evidence is evidence. What I need is what he has. If he has something, let him tell us what it is. Then we can determine whether what he thinks is evidence is really evidence.

For example, some people think that crop circles are evidence of extraterrestrial vehicles. It isn't.

Similarly, looking out the window and seeing stuff is not evidence of God. It's only evidence of stuff.

The evidence that I need is evidence that can be directly attributed to a god and no other cause.
You won't accept my evidence either way.
How can you possibly know what I will accept? Present it. If I don't accept it, you're proven right. It's a win-win situation for you.

What you find ordinary I find exceptional. Would you say that sums it up?
I find flashlights ordinary. If you find them extraordinary, you're right. But why would you consider them extraordinary?