Conservation of souls?

So if you should ever rise to the position of believing there is no God, what new behaviours do you think you might adopt?
I will never descend to the stupid position of believing in a god until some god gets up the courage to come out of hiding & show itself.
What idiotic or nasty behaviors did you adopt when you sunk to being a theist?

You keep building a God personality "Sky Daddy." The only person that can be associated with God is you, and even that is a an artificial wrapper.

The church builds god as a holy loving father in heaven

My nick name for god, aa artificial wrapper if you will, is Sky Daddy

And I invoke Shakespeare's rose in my defence

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I will never descend to the stupid position of believing in a god until some god gets up the courage to come out of hiding & show itself.
Then I guess we have to hope that your expecting God to humble Himself before your regality is not a stupid position.
The whole experience is special, Bob.
As I said, if everything is special then nothing is really special. It's like giving every kid in the class a A+. There's no incentive to look for something extra special.

We have hospitals to extend life so we can look for the extra specials, not just so we can have more of the same old same old.
There's nothing wrong with enriching life's experiences. There's nothing wrong with enjoying everyday experiences. Opportunities for both are always with us.
And there's no reason to attribute either to something "other".
That would make you a child of God, wouldn't it?


That is a fantasy reserved for those who believe god is real

Atheists like myself see the Universe as being a result of physics

Are you an expression of the physical universe?

I would put it more as I am a product of the Universe (which not being any sort of entity has no idea of anything it produces). Expression for me has connotations of an intelligence behind the production

Jan, do you think that empiricism necessarily implies atheism? Or perhaps that theism implies a rejection of empiricism? Or both? How is it for you?
At the risk of jumping in, it is atheists who bring empiricism as a foundation for their critiques/beliefs.
IOW you are asking the wrong persons. You need to ask atheists whether empiricism necessarily implies atheism, etc, since they are the one's introducing it as the highest ontological platform, the means for defining key terms in the discussion, etc.
Asking "Why are you bringing empiricism to this discussion?" is not a rejection of empiricism (except perhaps in the minds of people who hold certain beliefs about it).
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Sure, it's worth asking atheists, but I'm also interested in clarifying what Jan thinks.

And you? Would I be right in saying that you believe that empiricism won't get anybody to knowledge of God (specifically, his existence)? That is, that God can only be discerned via non-empirical methods of investigation?

What else is there, by the way? A priori assumption, perhaps? A magical (non-empirical) means of direct perception of the reality of God? Or some kind of philosophical argument, such as the Ontological Argument, perhaps?

What gets you to God, seeing as empiricism can't do the job?
Sure, it's worth asking atheists, but I'm also interested in clarifying what Jan thinks.

And you? Would I be right in saying that you believe that empiricism won't get anybody to knowledge of God (specifically, his existence)? That is, that God can only be discerned via non-empirical methods of investigation?
Its more that there are a host of things that empiricism cannot deliver. God is but one of them.

What else is there, by the way? A priori assumption, perhaps? A magical (non-empirical) means of direct perception of the reality of God? Or some kind of philosophical argument, such as the Ontological Argument, perhaps?
We went over this before, discussing briefly the pros and cons specific of different epistemologies.

What gets you to God, seeing as empiricism can't do the job?
That discussion culminated in the example of the scope the Andaman Islanders have for recognizing the technological, cultural and political superiority of the Indian sovereignty they are currently existing under.
You concluded they would have no scope beyond a sort of primitive ruminating equivalent to "magic" which is necessarily inaccurate.
I concluded that they could potentially come to proper and full knowledge by appropriate reciprocation with Indian officials on the grounds established, 100%, by the said Indian officials.
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Taken at face-value, this sentence seems to contradict the notion of God.
How so? If there is a purpose to life, might it simply be to just live. Does there need to be any grandiose meaning to it? Think of all the things in life that have no meaning, yet they exist anyways, and they are quite beautiful just being what they are.

That is a fantasy reserved for those who believe god is real

Atheists like myself see the Universe as being a result of physics
Physics being the result of what?

I would put it more as I am a product of the Universe (which not being any sort of entity has no idea of anything it produces). Expression for me has connotations of an intelligence behind the production
So your intelligence, emotions, and consciousness is the product of a stupid universe? Okay.