Conservation of souls?

That's a copout. If you think you have evidence, you know what it is. Tell us.

No. Tell the man what evidence you need, and what you would require.

If you're just going to whine that we won't accept your evidence, stop wasting our time.

He's asked you two questions. Answer the man. Let's see what it is you need, and require

If you don't need evidence for your own sake, that's fine - but don't pretend you have any.

Blah Blah Blah!
Answer the man already. :rolleyes:

No. Tell the man what evidence you need, and what you would require.

He's asked you two questions. Answer the man. Let's see what it is you need, and require

Blah Blah Blah!
Answer the man already. :rolleyes:

Well, it would be nice if your supposed god could get up the courage to come out from behind its mother's skirt & face me. What the heck is it afraid of???

That's a copout. If you think you have evidence, you know what it is. Tell us.

If you're just going to whine that we won't accept your evidence, stop wasting our time.

If you don't need evidence for your own sake, that's fine - but don't pretend you have any.

You won't accept my evidence either way. What you find ordinary I find exceptional. Would you say that sums it up?
Oh goodie goodie you have some

Can I please have a pick from your to 5?

That pile of bricks I mentioned.
The stars in the night sky.
The touch of a lover's hand.
The taste of a bowl of oatmeal.
The moment you awoke this morning.

Are those miraculous enough to satisfy your doubtful mind, or do we need to bring a plague of frogs and flies?
That pile of bricks I mentioned.
The stars in the night sky.
The touch of a lover's hand.
The taste of a bowl of oatmeal.
The moment you awoke this morning.

Are those miraculous enough to satisfy your doubtful mind, or do we need to bring a plague of frogs and flies?
Every thing which exists & happens is a miracle???

How about flogs & fries.

I suppose if you are hoping to find your own destination, that's possible. I would hope your trail leads to happiness.
So this raises a dilemma.

Which do you see as the destination? Happiness? Or God?

You may find both in the same place, but if I find happiness without God is that acceptable to you?
No. Tell the man what evidence you need, and what you would require.

He's asked you two questions. Answer the man. Let's see what it is you need, and require

Blah Blah Blah!
Answer the man already. :rolleyes:

Despite my giving you a good answer, the valid point remains that when you make a claim it is your responsibility to support it. It is not others' obligation to prove you wrong.

Or if your life is ordinary and mundane, nothing has significance.
That does not answer my question.
Things can be significant without being miracles.
If everything is a miracle, the word miracle does not mean anything.
Disregarding that for the moment, if the things you mention are miracles then god must be a huge miracle & must have been created.

It's an interplay between the environment and consciousness. I've been spending a lot of time in the city recently. The vibe is very different than that sitting by a mountain lake.

Yes I miss living full time in the bush you get a better quality of thinking.

For me the city is too noisey others dont hear what I hear and notice.
In the bush I love to sit quietly and think of the wonders of nature and the universe away from the lies of believers who claim it as theirs by tiresome suggestion that you cant appreciate the world unless you believe in God.

What arrogant nonsence.

They fear the snakes and spiders in fact I think they are afraid of the dark the ones I have met.
Probably dont know where the Sun went and become confused and frightened as superstitions run around that part empty head space.

Astronomy is far to clever for them and when one talkes about size and distances in space you can see its news to them.

I enjoy the bush and sky all without filling my head with made up bullshit that treats you like you are an idiot...I mean religion...
I often sit and wonder why certain folk are taken in...sometimes intelligent of probably the smartest believers I have met spent time in my presence ...we are talking about astronomy and he launches into a rant something about Gods new covenant? ???? ....and how that had anything to do with what we were talking about I still do not know.

All of a sudden I realised he was a delussional religious nutter... and so a little later the subject of this other chap comes up who suffers schizophrenia ( he hears voices that tell him folk are trying to throw him out of his house) and believer boy says some nasty things..I say JC says we should love our fellow man..believer boy answers "not people like him just people like us"...
And yet this character had a bible quote for most all situations which illustrates his brain stores stuff but is down on the ability to offer original thought.

One day the cattle prices were rather good and he just happened to be selling that day...guess who put up the cattle prices?
Yes believer boys invisable friend...just for him.

Who was never mentioned on days where prices were low.

What a ding bat and all because he was raised in a religious home and educated in a church school.

I think he majored in stupidity...they certainly teach it well.

I think he majored in stupidity...they certainly teach it well.
And you look at the sky and appreciate its beauty?

Last night while waiting for my train a young fellow was standing on the steps of the square, ranting about Hell and Jesus. My temptation was to take a stand at the opposite side of the square and start ranting about Life and Heaven. It really is a matter of perspective, either God is your friend or your enemy.
Is happiness a problem?
I am not a health professional it is best you present your symptoms there.

If you go from very happy to very sad that is a worry as it may be bi polar but again see a health professional.
Micheal here probably wont tell you because he does not see it as his business but you could ask him about hearing things and seeing God everywhere.

There may be nothing wrong but you seem far too preoccupied with God being everywhere to sound mentally healthy...If you can tell the health professional what you tell us then ask what he thinks is the matter with you.

Sometimes mental conditions can be the result of something growing and putting pressure on part of the brain that causes strange thinking...and with the greatest of respect looking at a pile of bricks and thinling its God does not sound promising.

You may need a life saving opperation to remove some growth on your brain.

You seem to have become somewhat obsessional about spiritual things of late. Well I see warning signs and maybe God has choosen me to point it out...if that helps..

But please look into it.

You smoke and the type of thing that I am thinking about is the sort of thing smokers has to do with restricted blood circulation brought on by the effects of nicotine addiction and poor breathing habits.

Good luck but please do something before its to late.
