Conservation of souls?'s after midnight and I just got home from work. I want to reply to each of you, but if I tried, they would not be very thoughtful replies.

I suppose if I try to explain myself that might help. I've always been on a spiritual journey, a spiritual person. It wasn't until recently that I hit the mark and found what it was that I had been searching for. The funny thing is, it's always been right there with me the whole time, never lost.

It doesn't require acts of kindness or sacrifice on your part. There's no need to become the Pope. Everyone has it, and it's free for all who are searching. It's very natural to live a normal life (no need to shave your head or grow a beard and join an ashram).

The one thing to keep in mind is that we do not control life.
What wasn't lost? It's lame that when called to justify belief in God, religious people get all vague and "spiritual". Where's the God part? I've had similar revelations and I'm still an atheist.
I suppose if I try to explain myself that might help. I've always been on a spiritual journey, a spiritual person. It wasn't until recently that I hit the mark and found what it was that I had been searching for. The funny thing is, it's always been right there with me the whole time, never lost.
It doesn't require acts of kindness or sacrifice on your part. There's no need to become the Pope. Everyone has it, and it's free for all who are searching. It's very natural to live a normal life (no need to shave your head or grow a beard and join an ashram).
Sounds like you found something that works for you. Great! Just keep in mind that other people find things that work even better - many of which do not involve god.
The one thing to keep in mind is that we do not control life.
We can control large parts of our OWN lives. We cannot, of course, control everything.
I've always been on a spiritual journey, a spiritual person. It wasn't until recently that I hit the mark and found what it was that I had been searching for.

Good for you that you finaly “got it”.!!!

Myself… ive never had a need for a spiritual journey… ive always “had it”.!!!
Sounds like you found something that works for you. Great! Just keep in mind that other people find things that work even better - many of which do not involve god.

That's good. If people are content...well, whom am I to say otherwise?

We can control large parts of our OWN lives. We cannot, of course, control everything.
We can make choices, but the outcome is never certain.
What wasn't lost?
The magic that is life. It's always there, just forgotten. People forget it and go looking elsewhere for answers, only to realize on their deathbed that this is

It's lame that when called to justify belief in God, religious people get all vague and "spiritual". Where's the God part?
You have to see him in yourself to understand he is everywhere. There's no way I can explain it other than to point directly at you.

I've had similar revelations and I'm still an atheist.
That's cool. As long as you're not walking around angry at life, you're probably doing fine.

It limits personal opinions and puts the idea (which religious nut cases push all the time) of free will over the cliff
You always have the choice to choose what you believe.

Go forth Minions you all have free will. BUT if you don't do as I command you will burn in hell
We create our own hell and our own heaven. The myth of an eternity in fire only serves to create separation. You can't force yourself to love something. Either you do or you don't. Perhaps with understanding comes love, no matter how long that might take.

Really? Free will with a choice like that?
Has your free will been deterred?

Words of a despot
If I told you that God sent me to condemn you, would you believe me?
You always have the choice to choose what you believe.
Many philosophers would disagree with you.
Just google "Ethics of belief", and the subject of doxastic voluntarism / involuntarism etc.
We create our own hell and our own heaven.
Then they are surely just mental sticks and carrots that we create for ourself, with no reality beyond that?
The myth of an eternity in fire only serves to create separation. You can't force yourself to love something. Either you do or you don't. Perhaps with understanding comes love, no matter how long that might take.
Yet you believe you can choose what you believe?
Seems an inconsistent viewpoint: being able to choose what we believe yet not what we love?
If you are right, then can we not choose to believe that we love someone?
How would you differentiate between real love, and merely the belief of love?
Has your free will been deterred?
When you put a gun to someone's head regarding a choice, they generally suffer a restriction of any freewill they might think they have.
Many philosophers would disagree with you.
Just google "Ethics of belief", and the subject of doxastic voluntarism / involuntarism etc.
If I were working with a philosophy, that might be appropriate.

Then they are surely just mental sticks and carrots that we create for ourself, with no reality beyond that?
People live it. I see them every day, tormented by their perceptions of reality. They are in competition with life, not part of it.

Yet you believe you can choose what you believe?
Seems an inconsistent viewpoint: being able to choose what we believe yet not what we love?
You're right. Good point. I don't expect anyone to take it on faith, much less love without understanding.

If you are right, then can we not choose to believe that we love someone?
Again, would we be working on faith or true understanding?

How would you differentiate between real love, and merely the belief of love?
Is there a definition from which we are working? For me it's an appreciation for the fulfillment that they give to my life. My appreciation for God is Life and Existence.

When you put a gun to someone's head regarding a choice, they generally suffer a restriction of any freewill they might think they have.
The choice would be death or submission. Correct?
Ask him yourself...
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My God Thor just grumbles and I cant make out what he said.

Ok lets approach this another way.

Are you saying God spoke to you or are you playing lets pretend.

You always have the choice to choose what you believe.

No. I have a choice because of DISbelief in god
However a impressionable person may well have the brown stuff scared out of them
It's called compliance via fear

The myth of an eternity in fire only serves to create separation

The religious nut cases are the ones claiming that myth as real as their god

Has your free will been deterred?

Ditto No. I have a choice because of DISbelief in god

If I told you that God sent me to condemn you, would you believe me?

No but I might invoke the Joy Behar option

If we chatting on a friendly basis fine
If I think you are strange I am only a amateur in the field I would suggest go get professional help

The choice would be death or submission. Correct?

Not correct

You are going to get death anyway

Submission first choice then death - but eternal joy in heaven after death
You're getting reward on the never never

Non submission second choice then death - but you forgot the eternal suffering after death aspect

We can make choices, but the outcome is never certain.
You can make pretty close to certain. If you jump off a 30 story building, you will probably die. If you never go to school, you will probably have trouble finding a job. If you smoke, you will probably die much earlier than you would otherwise.

We were talking about the pluses and minuses of religion before. Another very big minus is the religious mindset that "well, God willed that to be, I guess." So they figure they won't go to school because if god wills it they will get a great job. And if not - who are they to question god's will?
You have to see him in yourself to understand he is everywhere.
No he isn't, that's delusional.
That's cool. As long as you're not walking around angry at life, you're probably doing fine.
Great, but you can't justify belief in God or a soul and yet you can't shut up about it. At the same time you encourage the same faith that is so dangerous to the practice of reason.
You always have the choice to choose what you believe.
Nonsense, belief is not a choice.
When you put a gun to someone's head regarding a choice, they generally suffer a restriction of any free will they might think they have...
Also not true. Free will is not synonymous with freedom.
Great, but you can't justify belief in God or a soul and yet you can't shut up about it. At the same time you encourage the same faith that is so dangerous to the practice of reason.
I can't give you the justification you're looking for. You want an equation which gives, in your mind, definitive proof. God isn't a mathematical theory, nor are you.
You can make pretty close to certain. If you jump off a 30 story building, you will probably die. If you never go to school, you will probably have trouble finding a job. If you smoke, you will probably die much earlier than you would otherwise.

We were talking about the pluses and minuses of religion before. Another very big minus is the religious mindset that "well, God willed that to be, I guess." So they figure they won't go to school because if god wills it they will get a great job. And if not - who are they to question god's will?
Jumping off a tall building would have a certain outcome, but then you are ending life, not living it. As for the other two, if happiness revolved around a job and healthy habits, we'd all be in agreement.
Not correct

You are going to get death anyway

Submission first choice then death - but eternal joy in heaven after death
You're getting reward on the never never

Non submission second choice then death - but you forgot the eternal suffering after death aspect

You seem to be operating on scripture. If that's the chip on your shoulder, I understand. There's no shame.