Conservation of souls?

I can't give you the justification you're looking for. You want an equation which gives, in your mind, definitive proof. God isn't a mathematical theory, nor are you.

Talk about changing goal posts

You moved to a different playing field

NO ONE is talking about god being a equation or a mathematical theory

Evidence is requested

Have you any? If YES please produce

Life is a conversation with God. All you need do is listen.

If you hear voices that is an indicator of perhaps a mental disorder.

I would discuss the voice in your head with a health professional.

I hope you sort out what is happening to you it certainly sounds concerning.

Do you "see" things that are not there...mmm how would you know?

Take a movie and see if that fits with your recall of events.

Good luck I hope you contact someone who can help I am sorry I did not realize you were managing such problems.

Whats the point all these movies they will be biased put together by believers and therefore unreliable.

If anyone wants proof Matt Delahunty is your man.

He is well qualified having grown up in a religious family and studying to become a pastor before he became a critical e ample of the virtue of being truthful and not being imprisoned by bronze age made up God stories..he is a very clever and intelligent man who is able to dismiss every arguement presented by a confused believer.

Its men like him who will lead the outlawing of harbouring unseen and unevidenced made up entities.

He must cause many to leave their religion so he is really helping humanity escape the horror of living under the supression of religion.

Out of all the movies Jan what would you recommend for me ...a serious one that wont give cause for ridicule.
Whats the point all these movies they will be biased put together by believers and therefore unreliable.

Precisely why there is no point talking about God, to an atheist, they will always choose the atheist occupation (denia and rejection).
It makes no difference what title you assign. Hard, soft, agnostic, atheist. The outcome is always going to be the same, because...

All together now...

''The fool has said in his heart, there is no God''

You always have the choice to choose what you believe.

We create our own hell and our own heaven. The myth of an eternity in fire only serves to create separation. You can't force yourself to love something. Either you do or you don't. Perhaps with understanding comes love, no matter how long that might take.

Has your free will been deterred?

If I told you that God sent me to condemn you, would you believe me?
I do not have any choice of what to believe. If I am convinced of something, I must believe it. If I am not convinced, I cannot believe it.
I do not pretend to know others' minds but I do not see how that can be any different for anyone.

If you hear voices that is an indicator of perhaps a mental disorder.

I would discuss the voice in your head with a health professional.

I hope you sort out what is happening to you it certainly sounds concerning.

Do you "see" things that are not there...mmm how would you know?

Take a movie and see if that fits with your recall of events.

Good luck I hope you contact someone who can help I am sorry I did not realize you were managing such problems.
I hear voices, crickets, rain, bells, whistles & many other sounds near constantly.

Precisely why there is no point talking about God, to an atheist, they will always choose the atheist occupation (denia and rejection).
It makes no difference what title you assign. Hard, soft, agnostic, atheist. The outcome is always going to be the same, because...

All together now...

''The fool has said in his heart, there is no God''

The oldest nastiest trick of con artists. Only fools believe it.

We are told by religious types that we each have a soul. Some believe, in addition, that our souls are recycled through multiple reincarnations.

In the supposed nondualism based religious orientations, what I gather is that a story about "migrating souls" (and probably other kinds of local variations) is apparently what the everyday adherents are receptive to. Due to such being what they're best comfortable with at their initiate level of understanding. Whereas there's actually (in context of the metaphysical concept) no need for such.

Only one underlying identity -- a kind of faveolated solipsism where either some global, generic manifestation or indifferent cosmic subjectivity gives rise to multiple, self-interested points of view that are quasi-isolated from each other in terms of personal experiences and memories. Upon death there's a fading back into the single, underlying ocean of identity that the other still "living" secondary identities ride upon. But the capturing self-interest of each of the latter guarantees a sense of continuance as another human or whatever specific entity, even though no "soul" and personal information migrated to a new body or embodied POV.

Lurking pervasively beneath that epiphenomenal level of separate individuals is the prior-in-rank, generic version of "showing forth"; or existence declaring itself in some manner or feeling that integrates them as a monism at its level. In contrast to such panpsychism, oneirocosmism or monistic idealism of the East... There is of course the "not-even-nothingness" version of monism in the West which endorses oblivion as what the cosmos normally is to itself, at large. One could classify the latter as "nondualism", too, but for Eastern-derived orientations using English the label is clearly intended for a manner of be-ing which would supposedly provide qualitative evidence for itself (or something) even if minus brained creatures eventually arising, with their sensations that represent / map a world.

I hear voices, crickets, rain, bells, whistles & many other sounds near constantly.

So God is talking to you thru voices, crickets, rain, bells and whistles. ..I would get a restraining order.

God is talking to me now...he sounds like a ticking clock but he is telling me the guy next door is satan and I can do him harm.

I have been watching Matt Delahunty ... one christian rang up and didnt know that the bible says slavery is cool and then questioned how could an atheist have morals if they did not believe in God..sure morality from a book that approves of slavery...I was going to say Matt made a fool of him but when I think about it the guy totally made a fool of they all do...the ones here included. .. and they just dont get it how they dont make sense.

I love it when callers say "but the bible says xxxx" and Matt says why should he believe the bible and the caller just about has a heart attack....they just dont get it.

Its just a book written by men I can not see how they cant figure it out.

And God of the gaps reasoning is the only thing these callers have...the universe had a begining and therefore God did no simply dont know...oh well I know its true because of my is concerning so many folk can not think.
Life is a conversation with God. All you need do is listen.
Bows, a connection with God is a deeply personal thing. For all you know, God is conversing with you and not with me, or the rest of us.

The moment you try to tell other people that they should - or even can - follow the same path as you, you stop being spiritual and start being a one-man religion.
The moment you try to tell other people that they should - or even can - follow the same path as you, you stop being spiritual and start being a one-man religion.
Interesting point. I believe all paths are meant to end at the same destination.
So God is talking to you thru voices, crickets, rain, bells and whistles. ..I would get a restraining order.
It's an interplay between the environment and consciousness. I've been spending a lot of time in the city recently. The vibe is very different than that sitting by a mountain lake.
If you hear voices that is an indicator of perhaps a mental disorder.

I would discuss the voice in your head with a health professional.

I hope you sort out what is happening to you it certainly sounds concerning.

Do you "see" things that are not there...mmm how would you know?

Take a movie and see if that fits with your recall of events.

Good luck I hope you contact someone who can help I am sorry I did not realize you were managing such problems.

Is happiness a problem?
What evidence do you need? What would you require?
That's a copout. If you think you have evidence, you know what it is. Tell us.

If you're just going to whine that we won't accept your evidence, stop wasting our time.

If you don't need evidence for your own sake, that's fine - but don't pretend you have any.