Christianity as the message of love

People knew the Earth was round way before Columbus. Some greek guy even calculated the size of the Earth fairly accurately. But I digress...

Now that you mention it.

The earliest known reference I have about a round earth comes from

Isaiah 40:

21 Have ye not known? have ye not heard? hath it not been told you from the beginning? have ye not understood from the foundations of the earth?

22 It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers; that stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in:

That bringeth the princes to nothing; he maketh the judges of the earth as vanity.

You wouldn't happen to have a reference earlier than this one would you?

PS here's a chuckle from the flat-earther's FAQs:

20. Does Idaho exist?

No. The existence of Idaho is a lie, fabricated by a conspiracy of cartographers, as is England (see question 10).

21. What about North Dakota?
That doesn't exist either.

22. Any other places which are believed to exist but really don't?
Yes, Australia. And then there are the cryptogeographica, places such as Kadath, Carcosa, Hobbiton, Narnia, Hy-Brasil, Hell and such whose existence has not been satisfactorily proven

How about that? England doesn't exist at all and Hell's existence is not completely proven yet. Well at least now we know Hell is more real than England!

This web site doesn't exist because it comes from australia which doesn't exist. What am I doing here? :eek:
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Woody said:

Now that you mention it.

The earliest known reference I have about a round earth comes from

Isaiah 40:

Have ye not known? have ye not heard? hath it not been told you from the beginning? have ye not understood from the foundations of the earth?

22 It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers; that stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in:

That bringeth the princes to nothing; he maketh the judges of the earth as vanity.

You wouldn't happen to have a reference earlier than this one would you?

Oh G-d.

Do I even need to tell you why this popular apologetic is faulty? READ the verse in context. If you still can't get it tell me.
§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§weeeetie, how many theologians do you know?

I know the inspired ones who penned God's Holy Word. If that isn't enough, I've read up on some of the more recent ones who like to 'expand' on the words written by the inspired.

And then I know Christians.
Southstar says "circle" doesn't mean "round." Are you in with the flat earth gang too? (** just kidding of course)

I know the inspired ones who penned God's Holy Word

Good, how about sharing their names.
Woody said:
Southstar says "circle" doesn't mean "round." Are you in with the flat earth gang too? (** just kidding of course)

Daniel, Isaiah, and John recruited me. Let's not forget good ol' John Alexander Dowie.

Good, how about sharing their names.

You might want to check the New Testament.
Jenyar said:
Then please provide information that says otherwise. We have
Matthew 25:41
Then he will say to those on his left, 'Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels.​
Do you have evidence that outweighs this?

Funny how you of all people should demand "evidence" for a claim.. :D

I'm not sure if you even read the verse in context, but "you who are cursed" clearly indicates God never wrote their names in the Book of Life.

Unless you have evidence that outweighs this.

God is not limited to omnipresence. He can keep his presence from some places, and manifest his presence in others. He may visit all places, and see everywhere, but that does not mean He lives there, or as Woody says, that a relationship with Him is possible everywhere.

Nothing much to say here. I could swear you made all this up - since you have no evidence to support this.

Psalm 5:4
You are not a God who takes pleasure in evil; with you the wicked cannot dwell.​

Deuteronomy 7:2
"and when the Lord your God gives then [the enemies] over to you, and you defeat them; then you must utterly destroy them; you shall make no covenant with them, and show no mercy to them..."

Numbers 31:7
They warred against Midian, as the Lord commanded Moses, and slew every male.

Numbers 31:17
[Moses said to them] "... Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman who has known a man by lying with him..."

Thank goodness for comfort.
Woody said:
OH come now, I see I pressed your hot button. Earth was created for man, hence we are here.

I thought the Earth was created for God.

Self righteous..

Do you really believe he is omnipresent or is this a come-on statement? I believe God is omnipresent, and he knows what goes on in hell, and he is even present there, but nobody there will ever know it. The psalmist, David, made a statement to that effect. Hell is the total absense of a relationship with God. Nonbelievers are granted their one wish for all eternity -- no God.

If nobody will ever know it, then how do you know any of what you are saying?

And how do you know Hell is the total absence of a relationship with God? I have heard some say Hell is the full presence of God, and this is what tortures the souls of the damned, for they loathe His presence.

So what justification is there for your assumption? None?

No contradiciton here at all. Hell is not a gift, it is a place that somebody works for -- some harder than others.

And you arrived at this assumption how?

God also sends plagues in the end times. One of these plagues is wormwood a "star" about 5 miles in diameter (the size of an asteroid that is prophesized to collide with the earth). As a result of the collision about 1/3 of all life on earth will die, and a drastic climatic change will be effected. This is starting to sound like the evolutionary explaination for the death of dinosaurs -- another subject for another day.

The reason I say "wormwood" is probably an asteroid about 5 miles in diameter: there is an asteroid belt in our solar system that poses this eventual threat, there is a group of people in the observatories that constantly monitor this potential threat. A collision with an asteroid this size could conceivably cause the drastic changes mentioned in the bible. In reality it could be a collision with some other heavenly body like a comet, or some other piece of space debris. It's just a matter of time before the earth catchs a big meteor.

If such a catastrophic event did occur, how will you know it is indeed the one that was prophecied in the book of Revelations? Guess?

You are a self-professed atheist. I read your post about those poor starving people in africa, haiti, of whom I have tried to help support.

You conclude that God, if he did exist, is a very cruel God.

Then I read the psalmist David who said:

Psalm 37:25
I have been young, and now am old; yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread.

I'm glad God provides for me, but then again I ask God to provide for me.

The pictures are horrible, but they are pictures of what sin does to everyone -- we all die -- and it is hideous. Those young children, that die before they have a chance to live are in heaven with the father, and they will never suffer again.

Take heed that ye despise not one of these little ones; for I say unto you, That in heaven their angels do always behold the face of my Father which is in heaven.

I would rather be one of those starving children in the pictures, as bad as it looks, than to be an athiest, because at least there is hope for children after they die.
Woody: Southstar, You are a self-professed atheist. I read your post about those poor starving people in africa, haiti, of whom I have tried to help support.

You conclude that God, if he did exist, is a very cruel God.

The pictures are horrible, but they are pictures of what sin does to everyone -- we all die -- and it is hideous.
M*W: Why is death so so hideous to you? I thought the bible said it was a time of joy and celebration.
Woody: Those young children, that die before they have a chance to live are in heaven with the father, and they will never suffer again.
M*W: But this is only a pipe dream. There is absolutely no evidence for it. No one has come back to tell us what its like in heaven or hell.
Southstar said,

No contradiciton here at all. Hell is not a gift, it is a place that somebody works for -- some harder than others. ”

And you arrived at this assumption how?

Rom 6:23

For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

A person deserves wages for the work they do.

Some earn more wages than others:

Hebrews 10:29

Of how much sorer punishment, suppose ye, shall he be thought worthy, who hath trodden under foot the Son of God, and hath counted the blood of the covenant, wherewith he was sanctified, an unholy thing, and hath done despite unto the Spirit of grace?

John 12:

47 And that servant, which knew his lord's will, and prepared not himself, neither did according to his will, shall be beaten with many stripes.

48 But he that knew not, and did commit things worthy of stripes, shall be beaten with few stripes. For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required: and to whom men have committed much, of him they will ask the more.

This is how I know according to the bible.
Southstar said about wormwood:

If such a catastrophic event did occur, how will you know it is indeed the one that was prophecied in the book of Revelations? Guess?

There will be no mistaking about the great tribulation period:

Matthew 24:21

For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.

The wormwood "star" is just one episode of many during the great tribulation.

People will wish they were dead but death takes a holiday:

Rev 9:6

And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them.

And God is super-ticked off:

Rev 6:16

And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb:

There will be no mistaking the great tribulation.
Thread Jack!!

But it does pertain to the title of this thread.

Christianity as the message of love; seems christians have been busy with tsunami rescues, however if villagers want aid, they first must convert; :rolleyes:
Christian love

Ain't that so Christian of them!!. :bugeye:

Welcome to the forum Suzukifrog.

I see you brought your own toilet paper, and you'll need it here.
Woody said:

You are a self-professed atheist.


You conclude that God, if he did exist, is a very cruel God.


The pictures are horrible, but they are pictures of what sin does to everyone -- we all die -- and it is hideous. Those young children, that die before they have a chance to live are in heaven with the father, and they will never suffer again.

And you know this how?
I saw a story on the Discovery channel last year that spoke of Darwin's conversion and of Albert Einstein theorizing that there must be a Creator.

I apologize for not providing a written reference.

There is mention in the Bible that God's children are born with a "knowing" in their heart - I interpret this as being a feeling deep inside oneself that "knows" there is a God. I will not criticize or belittle you for feeling the way you do. But I do have a couple of questions:

If we came from apes and fish, why are apes and fish still in existence?

If everything was accidental or random, then where did conscience and emotion (love) and intelligence come from?

What about death bed visions and near death experiences?

What is the purpose for our existence?

A Christian can answer these questions using God's Word. What source do atheist's use to find possible answers for these questions?

God Bless You All. :)