Christianity as the message of love

Aborted_Fetus said:
Bull. She is now mentally unstable, still extremely depressed, and is living a dull life living off the family's support. She looks like she has aged 20 years in the past couple years. Not all hardship makes you stronger. I have seen it first hand.

I'm not saying that everyone who loses their life will instantly be stronger, it takes lots of time, several lives.
Jenyar said,

The irony is that God is called "cruel" both for judging evil and for allowing it. People want it both ways. Just enough tolerance for a little evil, enough to allow some freedom of choice -- a quick lie, a spout of unfaithfulness, a little selfishness -- but not enough for something to go horribly wrong, not enough for the consequences to ever become fully realized. With this mentality, people remain pampered little children who know they could not bear the weight of responsibility once their sins have outgrown them.

You are right on target, and it explains my life before I became a christian. I wanted everyone to obey the laws of God, except, I had a little sin I wanted to continue in my own life. Anybody else that had my flaw was ok, but if they wanted to be a murderer, homosexual, a drunkard, a thieve, no-no-no that was wrong! Without a standard, people pick and choose right and wrong, and nobody can agree. Yet the bible says he that offends on one point of the law has broken the law -- no exceptions.
I'm not saying that everyone who loses their life will instantly be stronger, it takes lots of time, several lives.

Several lives, WTF are you talking about? First of all, there is no such thing as multiple lives. Second, even if there were, memory of previous lives would not carry over to other lives.
Several lives, WTF are you talking about? First of all, there is no such thing as multiple lives. Second, even if there were, memory of previous lives would not carry over to other lives.

It doesn't have to do with memory. The body always matches the inside. In your next life, you will gain a body which matches "you" at the end of this life. If a gorilla wants to become a human in its next life, it first has to achieve the highest state as a gorilla. The self is already complete, only the body needs to devolop to realize the self.
was'nt you beaten senseless by M*W and again by mis-t-highs in regard to your delusions of the self, yorda.
you do clearly need to see a doctor, or a least stop taking the drugs, thay are f**king you up.
was that you I was talking to on the site that misty posted, "we've had AI for 6000yrs"
I think it was.
the preacher said:
was'nt you beaten senseless by M*W and again by mis-t-highs in regard to your delusions of the self, yorda.
you do clearly need to see a doctor, or a least stop taking the drugs, thay are f**king you up.
was that you I was talking to on the site that misty posted, "we've had AI for 6000yrs"
I think it was.

as much as i am averse to literalists, and
science people who will have no openess for spiritual experience. i think you are out of order with the abuse you're givin to Yorda, that she needs a doctor, is fucked up, and in need of drugs

THAt attitude is the eptiome of this era and is commensurate with the preceeding era. where the latter tries to pathologize any views not agreed with, the former called any such dissent, hersy and know the rest
Surely you can debate without making such personal attacks on someone. the only on it shows up is you
the preacher said:
was'nt you beaten senseless by M*W and again by mis-t-highs in regard to your delusions of the self, yorda.


you do clearly need to see a doctor, or a least stop taking the drugs, thay are f**king you up.


was that you I was talking to on the site that misty posted, "we've had AI for 6000yrs"

Jenyar, i was eating a hamburger and reading your first reply to this forum and i literaly lost my apetite. it makes me sick how one person can be so diluted by one idea and totaly oblivious to ones surroundings. You stated many things that are completly idiotic. could you explain a few things to me. You state that god gives us life and without god their would be no life. Please explain this to me because i see no reason why this could possibly be true. Obviously you are addicted to authority I'm sure you used to do everything your mother told you, because you were afraid of the concequences. You also state the there people who chose chaos and destruction as a way of life. give me one example of something that is chaotic in this world. What is so horrible about destruction. As a young child i remember building little buildings with blocks and destroying them with a projectile. What is so wrong with that. But i guess the evil your talking about is terrorists that attacked us on 911. but to those terroists they were making an attack on evil. You assume that everone in the world thinks like you do. well i think im going to stop now because no matter what i say it will never change your opinion.
It says in the Bible to "believe by faith, not by sight", so there is no concrete scientific evidence, but even Darwin rejected his own theory and became Christian and Albert Einstein made a case for the Creator. Hell is for the devil and his angels, and for those who choose not to accept that Jesus took their sins from them when he died on the cross. God cannot look upon sin. By accepting Jesus you become sinless in the eyes of God, for your sins were atoned for at the crucifixion. God does not turn his back on you. If you do not repent and instead reject the gift of salvation, you sins are not atoned for and you will be choosing to go to hell, since God cannot look upon sin.
darlas said:
It says in the Bible to "believe by faith, not by sight", so there is no concrete scientific evidence, but even Darwin rejected his own theory and became Christian and Albert Einstein made a case for the Creator. Hell is for the devil and his angels, and for those who choose not to accept that Jesus took their sins from them when he died on the cross. God cannot look upon sin. By accepting Jesus you become sinless in the eyes of God, for your sins were atoned for at the crucifixion. God does not turn his back on you. If you do not repent and instead reject the gift of salvation, you sins are not atoned for and you will be choosing to go to hell, since God cannot look upon sin.
I have just posted on your thread "Big Bang Theory -Foolish-"
please go there and read about darwin and einstein, because you need to, to get your facts straight. this has been said many times but it needs to be said again, there are over 650 bad deeds in the bible done by or because of your god, and just over 50 atributed to the devil and none of the devils ever killed anyone, the devil gets bad press.
please read your bible, and study other information fully, before making an assertion thank you.
also study up on free will there are many threads about these things and more on sciforums.
I have no belief in god/gods devils/demons, I am an atheist.(just so you dont think I'm a satanist)

deundy do you have a thing about the preacher, as I see no more malice in his statement than in musta and aborteds statements
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TheHeretic said:
Jenyar, i was eating a hamburger and reading your first reply to this forum and i literaly lost my apetite. it makes me sick how one person can be so diluted by one idea and totaly oblivious to ones surroundings.
If you lose your appetite so easily, you should know better than to eat while reading the religion forum! Maybe I can show you how my beliefs make me see my surroundings.

You stated many things that are completly idiotic. could you explain a few things to me. You state that god gives us life and without god their would be no life. Please explain this to me because i see no reason why this could possibly be true.
God gives us life in more sense than one: He created the world and everything in it -- without Him we would not have existed. That accounts for our biological existence, but there is more to a 'life' than merely being able to breathe. Without God, this life would mean nothing more than that. But we are aware of a spiritual dimension to our lives, something that gives meaning. You can attach this dimension to any created thing, make it your 'god' and serve it (usually implicitly). Or you can attach it to something greater than you (usually explicitly) in the hope that it will help you transcend this life. Only the God who created life can logically do that. Only God can restore your biological life, and therefore sustain your "spiritual" life.

Without Him, you lose the life and meaning He gives... much more than just breathing.

Obviously you are addicted to authority I'm sure you used to do everything your mother told you, because you were afraid of the concequences.
I respect them because I love them. They never once "pulled rank" on me, and I never had anything to be afraid of. Their love enabled me to see what real authority was, more than any punishment they ever gave, and it ultimately helped me to acknowledge Who it belonged to.

You also state the there people who chose chaos and destruction as a way of life. give me one example of something that is chaotic in this world. What is so horrible about destruction. As a young child i remember building little buildings with blocks and destroying them with a projectile. What is so wrong with that. But i guess the evil your talking about is terrorists that attacked us on 911. but to those terrorists they were making an attack on evil. You assume that everone in the world thinks like you do. well i think im going to stop now because no matter what i say it will never change your opinion.
You don't know that nothing you say could ever change my opinion, you presume it.

What's so wrong with destruction? Nothing, as long as it's just bricks and blocks. They can be rebuilt, and something better might even come from it. So the terrorists think America is evil, and America think the terrorists are evil.

The difference is that lives are involved, and therefore there is meaning attached. If people really thought of themselves as mere evolutionary fodder, bricks and blocks of nature -- glorified primordial goo -- then maybe such mutual destruction would have been regarded as meaningless at best, necessary at worst. Mere chaos ordering and disordering itself. But if meaning isn't an illusion, and lives have real worth, then we had better think long and hard before we dip into such chaos, and act like some blind force of nature or some enraged animal for whom mere action equals justice. We had better ask ourselves what being human means. Too many people seem to conclude: "nothing" -- not to us, not to God. Because we feel arbitrary, and have made God arbitrary.
It is hard to have patience with people who say "There is no death" or "Death doesn't matter." There is death. And whatever is matters. And whatever happens has consequences, and it and they are irrevocable and irreversible. You might as well say that birth doesn't matter. -- CS Lewis​
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§outh§tar said:
As for God's senseless torture of his "children", we are only given this stroke of comfort by theologians: "We shouldn't dare question God's will and authority"

How convenient.

§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§weeeetie, how many theologians do you know?

* * *

scorpius said:
so the poor fuckers who drown in some flood/tsunami become stronger from that HOW?

Would you rather that the whole planet Earth would always have nice calm weather and (more than) enough resources for everyone?

Do you find it injust that weather conditions can be very dangerous and that resources are limited?

* * *

Aborted_Fetus said:
My uncle died about two years ago at the age of 53, and my aunt is in the worst shape she has ever been in her life. She got really depressed, couldn't go to work, developed Leukemia, had to go through chemotherapy, and now lives with my cousin. She has luckily moved through the disease and is recovering successfully, but had to sell her house, and she now lives with my cousin. She doesn't work, she is on Welfare, and is basically living off the family's support. Ask her if her suffering has made her stronger.

I think you are just being angry.
Your aunt's life isn't over yet, and none of us really knows what she is going through, inside.

* * *

SnakeLord said:
And remember people, if you are bad not only will you be punished - but your children, and your childrens children, and your childrens childrens children, and your childrens childrens childrens children, and your childrens childrens childrens childrens children. They will be punished for your sins.
So sayeth god.

Don't you ever get tired of repeating the same thing over and over again?

* * *

Medicine Woman said:
You've created this image of god to suit your religious addictions.

And you can conclusively prove that your image of god isn't something created by you to suit your religious addictions?

M*W: I can't help but laugh when I read your posts, and believe me, the only reason I read your posts is for a laugh!

My dear Shooshoo, you read Jenyar's post because you find a truth in them -- and it is a truth about you. If they would indeed be so completely and utterly ludicrous as you say, you wouldn't even touch them with a ten-foot pole. But I see you, over and over again, answering his posts, paying your attention and time to his posts.

You paying attention and time to his posts says more about you than anything you say here.

M*W: Talk about a waffler! God kills us and makes us suffer, but he loves us, yeah right. What a friggin' idiot you are. Have you ever heard Shakespeare's quote, "s/he doth protest too much." That's what you do.

Thou dost protest too much.

You have appointed yourself in the defense of your god. He's YOUR god -- not ours, and we know he doesn't exist!

And you have appointed yourself in the defense of your god.

If you look like you have a split personality, and you walk like you have a split personality, and you talk like you have a split personality, by dammit, you have a split personality! Get help!!!

Have you ever seen him walk? Have you any empiric evidence for your conclusions?

M*W: So how will god judge the almighty prophet Jenyar? Seems like Jenyar is the only member of this forum who thinks he knows god personally. Then, that means the rest of us are doomed. After all, this is YOUR god.

If, according to you, he is talking about his god anyway, and that god, according to you, has nothing to do with you -- then you are not addressed by Jenyar's post anyway. So why do you keep fussing? Or will you obstruct the right to have an opinion?

You are so deeply intrapped in the inner dark recesses of your sick mind, there really is no hope for someone like you. If there was a god, he'd definitely freak out when he saw you!

Looked into the miror, huh?

M*W: You have a lot of mixed messages in this post. You have made an effort to show the polar extremes which is obvious that your consciousness is constantly being torn between your options. You are psychologically being pulled apart by your own guilt and fear of no redemption. That's why you defend it so. You defend your fantasy. That's where you live.

It takes one to know one ...

M*W: Jenyar, you need help.

Alright, you have told him to get help for -- what, a few hundred times by now? And he still hasn't done anything to please you.

Did it ever occur to you that your method of approaching him is not successful?
That you are showing that you are the mad one, in that you keep repeating the same thing over and over again, and yet you expect a different result?

* * *

Medicine Woman said:
Bottom line, there is no salvation through xianity!

And you know this *now*, for a fact, while you are still alive?

M*W: Hell is in South Afrika. That's where Jenyar is. Where are you my wooden fiend?

Hell is round the corner.

My man, I warned you about sprinkling holy water on those trolls! Have you ever heard such hateful chatter? Why don't you do like me and send them to the phantom zone where they belong? Use your "ignore list" it was given for a pupose. Don't take their comments personally -- consider the source as my mother-in-law says.

I can tell you one thing, I would never let MW see me as a health professional.

When you speak about Christianity she begins frothing like she has rabies. Is she demon possessed? I wonder.

PS: You've shown me a lot more than any of those clowns that get all bent out of shape about the bible -- ohh don't they hate it though? :cool:
you seem so sure that god created everything. show me evidence of this. o sorry you cant. Your wasting time with your beliefs and you really take your religion too seriously. If you need religion to guide you through life and bieng a decent person ok ill accept that. But you take it to cult status you seriously need help.The funny part is you will never know that you are wrong; that my friend is truly pathetic.
Heretic is in the phantom zone. I don't hear him. too bad. HAR HAR

He prooved something alright -- he has nothing worth listening to.

Dis here is the message of love, Do-Dah Do-Dah -- sing it Jimi! :D

Snicker Snicker
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you can run away from the truth all you want. Do really think christianity is gaining members. The fact of the matter is your god is dying and nothing you can do will save him. 50-100 years god is dead and no one will really give a damn.
TheHeretic: you can run away from the truth all you want. Do really think christianity is gaining members. The fact of the matter is your god is dying and nothing you can do will save him. 50-100 years god is dead and no one will really give a damn.
M*W: Welcome, TheHeretic! I'm sure you will find many birds of a feather here! I've always said this will happen in my lifetime, but I'm running out of time! God, how much I want to see xianity die!!!