Christianity as the message of love

fadeaway humper said:
Your momma is fat!

Why don't we just end this discussion right here and now? You don't believe that my momma is fat and you are just arguing out of spite. Why don't you get a readers digest diet magazine or something?

No hard feelings but let's not waste our breath :)
§outh§tar said:
Why don't we just end this discussion right here and now? You don't believe that my momma is fat and you are just arguing out of spite. Why don't you get a readers digest diet magazine or something?

No hard feelings but let's not waste our breath :)

Ha! Running low on arguments, are we? You loser, you!
I still maintain that your momma is fat (or, if not fat, at least pleasantly plump).

And I already got a reader's digest diet magazine. I ate it.
SouthStar's Rule,

Rule #1

When losing the argument - badly - accuse your opponent of playing Devil's advocate and pretend to be the bigger man by cutting the discussion short.


If you can't say much why say anything? With you it's never more than 2 sentences.
fadaway humper said,

Ha! Running low on arguments, are we? You loser, you!
I still maintain that your momma is fat (or, if not fat, at least pleasantly plump).

And I already got a reader's digest diet magazine. I ate it.

You never maintained anything dude -- I never had a conversation with you. But you'd thought you'd just say something like that anyway to try to make yourself look better.

What does it matter to you about the bible I use? Why should you care about a bible dude?

Yer right dude. if you take away my bible I have nothing to talk about. You are absolutely right.

At religious forum -- bible not allowed. Why don't they change this to the athiest forum? I guess nobody would have much to talk about -- Like zippo.

So why don't I just check out of here and make your life a little more boring?

See yall.
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Woody said:
fadaway humper said,

You never maintained anything dude -- I never had a conversation with you. But you'd thought you'd just say something like that anyway to try to make yourself look better.

What does it matter to you about the bible I use? Why should you care about a bible dude?

Yer right dude. if you take away my bible I have nothing to talk about. You are absolutely right.

At religious forum -- bible not allowed. Why don't they change this to the athiest forum? I guess nobody would have much to talk about -- Like zippo.

So why don't I just check out of here and make your life a little more boring?

See yall.

OK, question: Was I addressing you?

Answer: Nope.

Moral: Shut the fuck up, freak.
Dear Fadeaway,

Fadeaway said:

OK, question: Was I addressing you?

Answer: Nope.

Moral: Shut the fuck up, freak.

It's hard to tell who you are addressing, and your posts don't make a lot of sense.

Don't you have a nicer way to put it than:

Shut the fuck up, freak.

I'll fix this problem by putting you on my troll list.
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Medicine Woman said:
M*W: Don't try to analyze what I wrote. I've already analyzed it to death.

Yes, I know that you have "already analyzed it to death" -- but I'm trying to show you that there are severe holes and gross generalisations in your analysis.

M*W: I'm antichristian because I learned that Jesus wasn't the messiah and that the whole idea of salvation was a myth invented by Paul of Tarsus. If I were to blame anyone, it would be the liar Paul.

This is a bad argument right in the middle of your analysis. How could you prove that Paul was a liar or not?
Just because you have the impression that he was this doesn't mean that it truly is so for everyone else.

You are like a woman who discards the whole idea of marriage and says that all people who are married are liars -- just because her own marriage didn't work out.

Just because your Christian belief didn't work out as ideally as you have probably imagined it back then, does not mean that Christianity is a lie.

M*W: Yes, I had been very hard on myself for being so gullible. I grieved over the loss of something I truly believed in, and I was angry that I'd been duped. I'm sure a lot of people who found the truth felt the same way.

But do you think it is good to be so hard on oneself?

M*W: It wasn't the rituals that I worshipped. I felt they were something I needed in my life since I was raised in a home with no discipline. It was the discipline that I was searching for. In the RCC, however, the rituals are reminders of what the faith teaches. The rituals, however, breed addiction. I wasn't the only person who became addicted to christianity, it was everyone I knew! We all went through the motions of ritual even long after they had been scorched into our minds!

In that case, you have let discipline to become the goal -- instead of developing it as a means to the goal.

And yet you claim the actual goal -- salvation -- to be a lie.

water: But why didn't you stick to what you believed? Why did you give in to the pressure from the outside -- and eventually gave up what you have worked for for so long? Who were those other people to you that they could determine whether you have prayed right or wrong?

M*W: It became meaningless to "stick to what I believed," because it wasn't the building or the statues or the gold everywhere, it was the fact that the whole shebang about Jesus was a myth created by Paul of Tarsus. It was the "death" of Jesus, and I don't mean the death on the cross, that came suddenly to me "like a thief in the night." Those weird folks I met up with in my early days as a christian, well, now I just feel sorry for them. They meant well as human beings, but some of them were actually perverted christians.

You haven't answered my question:

Who were those other people to you that they could determine whether you have prayed right or wrong?

You have believed them, because you were too trusting.
You said so. But how then can you say:

I've always been an independently minded person, and I just didn't allow myself to fall into their twisted christianity.

You contradict yourself. Not so long ago you said that you were too trusting. And that at 22, you were a babe.

You have "fallen into their twisted Christianity". You are saying this all along, when you keep emphasizing how you have saved yourself from it. If you hadn't fallen into it, there would be nothing to save yourself from, would there?

In a nutshell, the reason I didn't "stick to what I believed," is because I learned that what I believed was a lie.

No -- I asked why you didn't stick to what you have believed personally, even though it was in opposition with what other people there were telling you. I am wondering why (while you were a member of the church) you didn't stick to what you personally felt was right, even though other members were telling you it wasn't.

water: You have rejected Christianity for reasons that have nothing to do with Christianity.
M*W: No, I have rejected Christianity for the reason that Christianity has nothing to do with Jesus!

I have no idea how you can support the notion that Christianity has nothing to do with Jesus.

water: You have rejcted Christianity because you were too trusting, didn't take yourself seriously enough, because you didn't take your experience personally.
M*W: Again, please don't even try to analyze me.

Why not?

I know why I left Christianity,

You surely have an explanation for that. But whether what you are saying are the real reasons -- this is what many people here doubt.

and I do take myself seriously!

Back then, wen you were too trusting and a babe at 22, you have not taken yourself seriously. You have not trusted yourself.

water: The credit that they are capable of what you did. You said you have saved yourself from being entrapped, that you have "untrapped yourself" -- why do you think others couldn't do it themselves as well?

M*W: Because other's believe they have found the truth in christianity, and they refuse to read or learn otherwise.

You were exactly the same.

So many have been forever trapped in a circular pattern. But, there are many others who experienced the same thing I did and left christianity. Sciforums is probably the greatest truth finder in the world. There are members who have come here as dyed-in-the-wool christians and have found the truth. They, too, have been set free. My purpose here on sciforums is to bring the truth to as many people as possible.


M*W: Anyone can do anything they want to do. The folks who don't question their churches or their religion are the ones who like being "trapped" just like I liked being trapped in christianity. When I found the truth, I fought it for years! Just like there are christians on sciforums that try to convince everyone else that they need to believe in Jesus, I want to reach those same people to help them face the truth that there is no salvation through Jesus.


M*W: People sometimes set themselves up for trouble. I trust my instincts now instead of trusting an illusion. Your statement doesn't have anything to do with the topic here. If such a thing happened to me and people came after me and my life was in their hands, I would appeal to my innerself, where the source of all my strength comes, and I would utilize my inner strength to stare them down to protect my life.

In other words, you would assume omnipotence?

water: That's odd. You expected to experience salvation right there, in this life? You expected to know, in this life, how the judgedment will be for you? You are contradicting yourself. If
"We CANNOT or SHOULD NOT rely on someone else's description of a savior or salvation." then you can't say anything more after that -- but you are in fact presenting your own solution, when you say "We can only know what is ours from within. Your soul and your salvation will not come from your belief in christianity or a dying Jesus. These were Paul's ideas. Believe in yourself. You are the only one who knows you well."
M*W: I believe these to be opposite of what Paul taught.

You have not addressed my words not even one bit. I'll repeat:


You expected to experience salvation right there, in this life? You expected to know, in this life, how the judgedment will be for you?


If "We CANNOT or SHOULD NOT rely on someone else's description of a savior or salvation." then you can't say anything more after that -- but you are in fact presenting your own solution, when you say "We can only know what is ours from within. Your soul and your salvation will not come from your belief in christianity or a dying Jesus. These were Paul's ideas. Believe in yourself. You are the only one who knows you well."

water: Since we are ultimately limited to our own individual experience in everything, this also means that we cannot know eachother's experiences. Someone's experience may be that he is not the only one who knows him well -- but you may not have that experience.
M*W: True, one cannot really know the depth of another's experience.

But have you considered the implications of this?

water: This "We CANNOT or SHOULD NOT rely on someone else's description of a savior or salvation. We can only know what is ours from within. Your soul and your salvation will not come from your belief in christianity or a dying Jesus. These were Paul's ideas. Believe in yourself. You are the only one who knows you well." is *your* experience, *your* solution. Something that works for *you*. But according to "We CANNOT or SHOULD NOT rely on someone else's description of a savior or salvation." -- *you* can't say that this *your* solution will work for others as well, or is obligatory for them.
M*W: No, absolutely not. My experience would have no affect on anyone else. My experience was mine only. However, what I learned from that experience, and the truth I gained from it, has helped a number of people come to know the truth about false christianity.

And this justifies you to play the messiah here?

P1: "He who has ears, let him hear."
P2: This (P1) does not only mean to listen to what comes in from the 'outside', it means that which we hear from the 'inside.'
P3: The truth can ONLY be found from within.

P3 contradicts P2.
M*W: Well, I'm not the one to say this, Jesus did. Tell him he contradicts himself.

No. You are the one contradicting yourself.

P1 is from Jesus and you have agreed with it. P2 and P3 are from you.
Yorda said:
Suffering exists so that people would learn and become strong enough to stand on their own feet.

yeah, stand on their own feet so their priest can think for them.
Jenyar said:
The meaning of suffering is not that it "makes you stronger". That's looking for reasons where there aren't any.

I agree in the sense that the reasons are created afterwards in the way that we grow and transcend things, rather than set up prior as tests.
Medicine Woman said:
Jenyar: God loves us, but He is also just.
M*W: You know, Jenyar, for nearly four years now I have been reading your posts, and it is becoming more and more obvious that you are consumed by your fantasy god. You believe you know how your god feels and what he thinks about humanity. You even appear to have an inside voice of your god's judgment of sin. You've created this image of god to suit your religious addictions. That's sad, because ultimately you are not existing in a state of conscious reality.
Jenyar: Judgment comes in where there is sin and transgression, which are exposed by laws. God's laws show his nature -- it shows us where we stand with Him. This is a relationship, and like any relationship it can be soured or strengthened. God gives us life; without God there is and would be no life. It is that life that we had in God that dies when sin owns us, and without God, we will die with it. Whether by natural causes or by natural causes (is there such a thing as unnatural causes?), violent or peaceful, during wars, famine, or in our sleep; we all die. We could ask why God allows it, but then we must also ask why God allows life. This earth, sometimes hostile and overwhelming as it is to us, nevertheless fostered and sustains biological life. But it is unaware of us; its forces do not act around us. It does what it needs to and gives what is has, but it is not God. We can't have nature and not need God.
M*W: You fantasize knowing god's 'nature,' and this is ridiculous. This even goes beyond reality! Please explain to the members of this forum god's 'nature.' We'd all like to know how the insane perceive god.
Jenyar: There is also little doubt that there is real evil in the world. There are people who choose chaos and destruction as a way of life, and there are people who choose their own will above God's will. Now we come back to God's laws. If God's will that we love Him, and each other, were only a preference, then we could rightfully ask why there are consequences. But God requires it, love and peace requires it; fairness requires justice, and justice requires a judge.
M*W: I can't help but laugh when I read your posts, and believe me, the only reason I read your posts is for a laugh! You write as if you are god's lawyer. You're explaining how god works! You try to defend god's 'preferences,' even those with 'consequences!' It's ludicrous.
Jenyar: The question is now why God allows people to act against Him, and therefore against other people. The answer is that God also allows people to act for Him, according to His will.
M*W: Here, you're speaking for your fantasy god. How the hell do you know who/what god is, and why do you fake your knowledge/perception of a god? You can't even prove a god exists -- but it truly does exist -- in your mind!
Jenyar: To love and to show their character. The world isn't divided into criminals and saints, there are only people. Some voluntarily place themselves under a law, they regulate their own behaviour and have their behaviour regulated, others live according to their own law, or outside the law. What they do show who they are, and God will judge them accordingly. But we shouldn't confuse our justice with God's justice. The existence of evil doesn't mean it is tolerated, only that its final judgment is delayed.
M*W: Talk about a waffler! God kills us and makes us suffer, but he loves us, yeah right. What a friggin' idiot you are. Have you ever heard Shakespeare's quote, "s/he doth protest too much." That's what you do. You have appointed yourself in the defense of your god. He's YOUR god -- not ours, and we know he doesn't exist!
Jenyar: The irony is that God is called "cruel" both for judging evil and for allowing it. People want it both ways. Just enough tolerance for a little evil, enough to allow some freedom of choice -- a quick lie, a spout of unfaithfulness, a little selfishness -- but not enough for something to go horribly wrong, not enough for the consequences to ever become fully realized. With this mentality, people remain pampered little children who know they could not bear the weight of responsibility once their sins have outgrown them.
M*W: Jenyar, get psychiatric help! You've created this fantasy god in your head, and that's the only place it is! You're imagining what other people do and how/why they sin. Bottom line, I think you have a god-complex! Kinda like the one Norman Bates had with his Mother. This is how I see you and your god. You're a mighty arrogant SOB. If you look like you have a split personality, and you walk like you have a split personality, and you talk like you have a split personality, by dammit, you have a split personality! Get help!!!
Jenyar: And the consequences for sin is death, and death without God is hell. Hell has become the symbol of everything God cannot tolerate, everything He despises, everything that is not Him and away from Him. The Jews and Christians, like Jesus himself, borrowed from sources around them to describe this state.
M*W: You really believe you are god! From where do you get your knowledge of god? Did he come to you in a dream? Did you see angels hovering over you? You really are deep into your fantasies.
Jenyar: Although atrocities committed in the name of Christianity are not automatically more evil than those committed under any other name, they are evidence of the same degeneracy, and the people involved are no doubt subject to the same judgment. The criterium will not be whether one professed to know God, but whether God in fact knows you.
M*W: So, you're saying that god knows you. Um huh. So please tell us how god knows you and you alone. How easy is that? God knows you. Tell us what god thinks about you, Jenyar, and what he would like to see you do with your life. And, while you're at it, cite some evidence, please.
Jenyar: What we should learn from such examples is not to confuse man's application of justice (or lack of it) with God's judgment. That we can judge such crimes with some objectivity is a clue that we rely on a higher justice, but it should also be a clue that we should not rely too much on our own objectivity. It's that "superiority" that would deny that we will be judged by the same measure we use. God has the final word.
M*W: So how will god judge the almighty prophet Jenyar? Seems like Jenyar is the only member of this forum who thinks he knows god personally. Then, that means the rest of us are doomed. After all, this is YOUR god.
Jenyar: This "message of love" is based on a shallow understanding of the Bible, and more specifically a misunderstanding of Christ himself. The hippies also advocated "love and peace", yet their 'message' was far removed from Christianity.
M*W: You have no idea what the hippies advocated. You weren't born then. I was there, I wore the beads and headbands. I burned my bra. I went to Woodstock. You are so deeply intrapped in the inner dark recesses of your sick mind, there really is no hope for someone like you. If there was a god, he'd definitely freak out when he saw you!
Jenyar: Jesus did not preach love first, He preached judgment and repentence. He was the answer to the problem posed by the law: are you perfect? He was God's answer to the problem of suffering and injustice. When we suffer, we do not want scientific reasons and philosophical explanations, we want love, care, and healing. The healthy do not need a doctor. If you are perfect, you do not expect punishment or fear justice, but no perfection makes you immune to being a victim of sin or death. It's no coincidence that we feel life at its most glorious and meaningful when experience love, not when our conscience is clearest.
M*W: You don't know what Jesus preached! All you know is what Paul wrote. If you want to know what Jesus actually said, read the Gnostic Gospels. Your last sentence says an awful lot about the split in your psyche. It's obvious that you are a lost soul.
Jenyar: While we focus on the ideal, on "heaven", the contrast of suffering, pain and injustice become shockingly evident and offensive. But without such a backdrop we would not notice it. Even the word "conscience" means "with knowledge". In fact, we are so confident in our ability to discern between right and wrong, that we would even hold God to it if we could. But if we put man up as the ideal, the individual becomes supreme and the law loses, and if we put the law up as the ideal, control and authority becomes supreme and man loses; there is no man just or powerful enough to trust with enforcing the world.
M*W: You have a lot of mixed messages in this post. You have made an effort to show the polar extremes which is obvious that your consciousness is constantly being torn between your options. You are psychologically being pulled apart by your own guilt and fear of no redemption. That's why you defend it so. You defend your fantasy. That's where you live.
Jenyar: People question God's wisdom for choosing to suffer with us and for us, rather than simply take us out of the world or "fixing" it (us). But instead of admitting defeat -- as if God cannot deal with suffering or imperfection and therefore neither can we -- God came to be with us. In the first place, He became sin for us, satisfying the requirement of perfect law, and He gave us the comfort and hope of knowing that our suffering is not in vain. Now He is not only waiting at the other end of life -- the perfect, righteous and enlightened end -- He also came under us, below us, to the death-end, to patiently support and catch us when we fall. So God is the beginning and the end, encompassing all. Everything from the worst sinner to the angels themselves. This is His love: that He enabled, not disabled us; gave meaning, not sidestepped it; He did not take away the victory from us, and through Christ we never have an excuse to admit defeat...
M*W: This is your fantasy -- not ours. It is really offensive when you preach in between the lines of your posts. All you're doing is trying to convince yourself that there really is a god. You protest too much, so you're obviously in conflict with your own mind. Get help!
Jenyar: This frees us from whatever we fear, and permits us to love. "There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment." If we have to be freed at such a terrible cost, then it must mean that what we must be freed from is otherwise very real and threatening.
M*W: Jenyar, you need help. You are propagating your fantasies of a god onto the rest of us. Your god is not who we want to hear about. You've created an entire personality of your god and are trying to sell it online. You've failed miserably. If you want to do some good, prove that a god exists. If a god existed, it wouldn't be yours alone, and we would all understand it. But to create a god in your mind, and then try to rampantly sell your creation is delusional. Seriously delusional. Good typing and sophisticated vocabulary cannot a true god make, and its a waste of the forum's time.

Medicine Woman - What the f##k are you doing on a Religous forum if all you want to do is criticise someone giving an opinion or attempting to answer a religious question with a religious answer. Stay off this subject if a religous answer bothers you so much!!!! Or give your opinion in a more civilised manner without resorting to insults!!!
Silvertusk: Medicine Woman - What the f##k are you doing on a Religous forum if all you want to do is criticise someone giving an opinion or attempting to answer a religious question with a religious answer. Stay off this subject if a religous answer bothers you so much!!!! Or give your opinion in a more civilised manner without resorting to insults!!!
M*W: First, it's none of your business what I write.

Second, Jenyar can speak for himself. Unless he's retained you as his lawyer, shut the fuck up.

Third, this forum is for anyone who wants to discuss religion.

Fourth, this is not a Christian forum.

Fifth, if my stance as an Anti-Christian bothers you, then don't read my posts. It doesn't bother me that you're incapable of learning the truth.
Medicne Woman, in full power, on yet another anti-Christian crusade!

You, Medicine Woman, are so smart. So good. So compassionate. So full of understanding. So much everything that you would rather see your fellow person dead than acting on your self-proclaimed compassion and understanding.
Actually M*W never "self-proclaimed" anything.

However she is understanding. Compassionate and full of passion, for what humanity could achieve, if only they quit beliving in fairy tales.

As for seeing her fellow man dead, "Hasn't that been the religious way all along?" If you don't believe in our god, you might as well be dead. Us against them, we are better than you because we believe in this god, or that god or what not?.

Religious rhetoric is cripling humanity to insanity, if only "theists" took their head out of their ass!! they may realize that they are being manipulated by the elite, with religious rhetorical bull shit!.

water: Medicne Woman, in full power, on yet another anti-Christian crusade!

You, Medicine Woman, are so smart. So good. So compassionate. So full of understanding. So much everything that you would rather see your fellow person dead than acting on your self-proclaimed compassion and understanding.
M*W: melted ice, you are wrong once again. I'm still on my original anti-Christian crusade.

My anti-Christian crusade shows my compassion for my fellow human being. I have compassion for all the lost sheeple.
Medicine Woman said:
Silvertusk: Medicine Woman - What the f##k are you doing on a Religous forum if all you want to do is criticise someone giving an opinion or attempting to answer a religious question with a religious answer. Stay off this subject if a religous answer bothers you so much!!!! Or give your opinion in a more civilised manner without resorting to insults!!!
M*W: First, it's none of your business what I write.

Second, Jenyar can speak for himself. Unless he's retained you as his lawyer, shut the fuck up.

Third, this forum is for anyone who wants to discuss religion.

Fourth, this is not a Christian forum.

Fifth, if my stance as an Anti-Christian bothers you, then don't read my posts. It doesn't bother me that you're incapable of learning the truth.

Can't help yourself can you. Read the title of this thread - It is "Christianity as the message of love". So surely someone of your intelligence should expect someone to answer with something about christianity and in doing so they have only tried to answer what the thread is asking. You disagree fine. Disagree - but try not to resort to immature insults, write a counter arguement. All you are doing here is making us "Xtians" think, well there is no speaking to these people, which is wrong. You disagree with what Jenyar says, tell us why, don't just insult, that is all I am asking.

And no your stance as an Anti-Christian does not bother me, otherwise I would not be on a forum where the majority of posters are Athiests. I enjoy a good debate - but you are just being plain rude.
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: First, it's none of your business what I write.

Second, Jenyar can speak for himself. Unless he's retained you as his lawyer, shut the fuck up.

Third, this forum is for anyone who wants to discuss religion.

Fourth, this is not a Christian forum.

Fifth, if my stance as an Anti-Christian bothers you, then don't read my posts. It doesn't bother me that you're incapable of learning the truth.

don't say that or i might cry
christianity is a fuking blasphemic word,for 2000 years it has persuceuted and deprived many thousands of innocents,for 100's of years it has lead many to become like sheep,looking for their lost leader,what a cruk of crap,dont let it envelope you.... :m: