
actually yes, after 2 incidence i cant think of another time she hit me.

I guess it worked

i have hit my mum a few times about 6 times i thin, but it was later in life when i wasn't going to take her hitting on me anymore!
Evidence showing that today's kids are more violent than 40 years ago, and I wasn't even looking:

None of them were using firearms, by the way...

Anybody that I know that is around my age (38) all share the same stories with me. We all got hit, some more then others. Some got the belt some got a wooden spoon ( me sometimes) But the stories sound familar. Today you hear about this Time Out. I personally think it is BS!! Kids that I know whose parents use this Time Out, are brats. I have said to ppl more than once, how is it punishment to send them to their rooms for Time Out and they are up there playing with their toys ? :confused: I know someone else who used to put her daughter in the bathroom and close the door for 10 mins.
She was such a whiney, brat too. I don't think it works.

When I am out and see how some kids behave in the store for example. Yelling, screaming and throwing themselves on the floor. I am thinking to myself that kid needs a good smack. I love when the parent actually gives in and buys them whatever they want. What the fuck are they thinking. The kid has them wrapped around their finger. If you don't nip that in the bud good luck to you when they are 8, 12, 16 etc.

When I was a teenager, the kids didn't run around as wild as today. Every second word wasn't F this F that. They have no respect for adults anymore either.
When I pick up my son from school sometimes there might be a few of them walking past me. They see parents walking with little kids right beside them. The don't give a crap
they are swearing their heads off. I have witnessed a parent actually saying excuse me do you mind keeping it down around the little ones. The guy replied Fuck You!!
When I was that age nobody dared talk to a adult like that.
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Anybody that I know that is around my age (38) all share the same stories with me. We all got hit, some more then others.

Aren't you a no hitting advocate? It is strange how it works, because basicly I was only hit 1 occasion (thus never) and I am still a hitting advocate.

otherwise I agree whit what you said. But we have to point out, it is not the kids' fault, but the stupid parents and society who let them go without discipline and teaching them how to behave and show respect.

That's why I was on the cop's side when he manhandled the stupid skateboarder. The moron kid didn't even realize that he was being disrespectful, but again, it is not just his fault...
Aren't you a no hitting advocate? It is strange how it works, because basicly I was only hit 1 occasion (thus never) and I am still a hitting advocate.

otherwise I agree whit what you said. But we have to point out, it is not the kids' fault, but the stupid parents and society who let them go without discipline and teaching them how to behave and show respect.

That's why I was on the cop's side when he manhabdled the stupid skateboarder. The moron kid doesn't even realizes that he is being disrespectful, but again, it is not just his fault...

you can teach kids manners until you are blue in the face, they dont always listen. anyone who has got teenagers will no doubt agree with me.
Aren't you a no hitting advocate?

I am not totally against it. My kids are pretty behaved and I don't need to spank them. I did however like I said a long time ago spank them a few times.

Some children I think do need a spanking when everything else their parents have tried just doesn't work. My mom on the otherhand was hitting me for the most
redicolous things. I think she just had alot of anger issues and took it out on us.
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You can't start to discipline your kids when they become a problem child. They became that way cuz they weren't disciplined as toddlers. And you have to be consistent.
Yeah well I HATE it. Its like symbols and words all over his fingers and hands. You can't wash it off, it looks terrible and dirty in my opinion. I don't think you should draw all over yourself with ink. He knows I HATE it and don't want him to do it. So I expect him not to.
Ink is a very common problem on fabrics and hides and lots of products have been developed that do a great job of getting it out/off. Have you tried OxyClean? It gets just about everything out of our white dog's fur and you know dogs find stuff you didn't even know was out there. If that doesn't do it, try something like Goo-Gone, it excels at getting ink out of cloth. It might be a little harsher on the skin, but hey that might teach the cholito to be more thoughtful about where he tags his placas. (After all, that's what he's doing: drawing graffiti on himself!)
If someone hits me, be them my mother, father, my partner or anyone man or woman i would hit them back. No questions asked. If you want to hit me be prepared to take it yourself. No one should have to put up with pysical abuse
My mother went to a pretty tough inner-city school in the 1910's and for a few months before I went off to first grade she told me several times: "If somebody hits you, hit them back twice as hard." She must have really meant it and expected me to apply the rule to her and my father. I was slapped or spanked about four times during my entire childhood, never actually hit, and they were for things even I knew deserved it.

I must have projected an image of someone who had learned that rule. Except for those four incidents, no one has EVER hit me or even tried, and I have NEVER hit anyone or even tried. It is possible to live that way.
Evidence showing that today's kids are more violent than 40 years ago, and I wasn't even looking. . . .
Sure but I've already spoken to that issue. Today's kids have a lot to be anxious and angry about. The bright and/or privileged ones are pushed so hard with AP classes and extracurricular activities that they're always harried and exhausted and have no time to actually experience their childhood. The underachievers and/or throwaways don't have secure union jobs to look forward to like their elders did and wonder if the world will have a place for them. These kids are walking around with a full load of adult worries. It's no wonder suicide has become one of the leading causes of death for children.
Also: the hitting out of anger thing is a two way street. If it's okay to hit your kids when they're really driving you mad, they can only reason that it's also okay for them to hit you when they're mad at you. Do you really want your kids getting older and thinking it;s okay to hit you?
As I said, it's probably wise for children to learn that if they act like total monsters, they could make somebody so angry that they'll hit them. After all, THAT'S TRUE! Sensible grownups get pushed too far all the time and occasionally they lose their sense of restraint.

I don't think it's exactly okay to hit your kids when you're mad at them. But as I said earlier, if you do that just a couple of times in their entire life, when they haven't made you merely angry but positively enraged, then you can be forgiven for doing it. You should certainly apologize and explain that what you did was wrong, but you should also explain that almost all of us are capable of doing that if someone behaves as outrageously awful to us as your kids just did. You'll try to not ever hit them again because you love them, but you can't promise that someone they meet later in life will be as controlled. The best thing is to behave in a civilized manner and not make people feel that angry.

I suspect that might be the key to this. After hitting a child many adults just keep screaming or walk away or lock him in his room. Perhaps if you sit down and talk about the incident and help him understand why you did it even though you agree you shouldn't have, it would be more productive.
See, then you have it easy. On the other hand at certain ages kids (and dogs at all ages) don't understand REASONING. (like the oven is hot or the open window is dangerous,etc. So physical teaching is more practical.
Yes, you have to use physical discipline on puppies, but it's not because they don't understand reasoning, it's because they don't understand language. Little children don't either, so sometimes you have to treat them like puppies. But a well-raised dog does indeed mature and learns the difference between right and wrong, at least within the context of the little bit of the universe he can be expected to understand. That's one of the many reasons humans and dogs bond so well; it's much harder to achieve that kind of understanding with most other animals. You shouldn't have to use physical discipline on an adult dog, and you shouldn't have to use it on a child once he's learned to talk.
Ok so lets say you were upset with her for some reason.
You would have no problem to telling her to Fuck off or whatever?

I have also seen kids pull a tantrum and start hitting or kicking their mom because they don't get their way. So are you saying that because the kid started it, the parents should hit them back?

No I wouldn't resort to that, I'd use reason. Acting like a brat gets you nowhere.

There's a difference between hitting them back to teach them that you can't go around hurting people to get your own way, and hitting them as a punishment.

I don't think it's exactly okay to hit your kids when you're mad at them. But as I said earlier, if you do that just a couple of times in their entire life, when they haven't made you merely angry but positively enraged, then you can be forgiven for doing it. You should certainly apologize and explain that what you did was wrong, but you should also explain that almost all of us are capable of doing that if someone behaves as outrageously awful to us as your kids just did. You'll try to not ever hit them again because you love them, but you can't promise that someone they meet later in life will be as controlled. The best thing is to behave in a civilized manner and not make people feel that angry.

I know how you mean. It's forgivable to 'lose it' when someone is really pissing you off. Doing it methodically as a punishment on the other hand...that's really not.
Finally something we agree about orleander. That is exactly the point i made ages ago

"if you wouldnt accept it from your partner you shouldnt subject your children to it"
But i don't believe in hitting back either. If my son ever hit his sister, I would never tell her to hit him back. Its never right. My brother tells his kids that and they are forever beating the crap out of eachother. After all, they have permission.
Children who are seriously out of line deserve a swift slap back to reality. I'm tired of idiots who have no future taking away from the instructional time of willing learners. You go to school for a formal education, not to be a clown. If you can't recognize the difference, and verbal warnings aren't getting you on the right track, a backhand is going to. I'm tired of this pussy generation of kids/teenagers who have made it a fad to act disrespectfully to their teachers.

Let these little bastards know what time it is. Chalk in one hand, stick in the other!
Orelander I dont belive that parents who chose to assult there children deserve respect and if those kids have had enough and strike back well they are kids and have no other way out of the situation. The parent is the adult and its THERE responcability to provide a safe enviroment free from pysical vilonce.

Your right hitting back causes a cycle of vilonce but if in the adult world someone hit you then you can go to the police (assuming they belive you), what recorse does a child have?
....Your right hitting back causes a cycle of vilonce but if in the adult world someone hit you then you can go to the police (assuming they belive you), what recorse does a child have?

My children have me. I will not be teaching them violence.
im not talking about if there siblings hit them, your right in that case. I ment when the parent is the one doing the hitting?

Does a child know they can go to the police or a teacher about this?
Do they even know if they will be taken seriously?

What recorse DO they have but hitting back until there parent stops hitting?
...Does a child know they can go to the police or a teacher about this?
Do they even know if they will be taken seriously?

What recorse DO they have but hitting back until there parent stops hitting?

do you seriously think a child who is spanked should go to the police and be removed from his parent's custody? A life in foster care is better than a spanking?

I don't agree with spanking, but certainly don't share that opinion.