
how would you mesure that exactly?

You seem to be assuming the answer is today and that this is automatically related to one thing. I would argue that its related to the lack of youth services provided and the sence of alianation alot of people feel in there own sociaty. How would you seperate this???
I don't care what statistics and numbers say. I don't assault my children. I don't care if anyone thinks a smack on the butt is no big deal. I don't assault my children.
LA, how can you dissagree. Most of it was your own words, which i then carried to there logical end. If hitting someone doesnt make them vilonent and you are doing it surposedly because "kids these days are so vilonent" (can i please point out that in this and the NS thread you have started to sound about 80) then its purly torcher which makes you a sociopath (except for the sexual componant). It ALSO (Feel free to contridict me TMC) contrivens the convention on the rights of the child AND how our current laws are written. The exclusion from assult legilation a) only aplied to parents and b) only aplies if they use there bare hand and DO NOT LEAVE ANY MARK AT ALL.

If you do and someone who happens to be a manditory reporter is around then you will rightfully be charged with both criminal assult and child abuse.

Also there isnt any real reason to hit anyone, just look at TV programs like supernanny. Have you ever seen her ONCE hit a child? I bet she could get better results than YOU could out of your own children

the problem is with supernanny is, she's not always there to calm situations, and make sure kids do has they are told, some children just do not confirm to punishments like that whatever you do and say
Orleander you think i take this subject to heart?
Your right, i have seen to many cases of child abuse in all its forms not to. I have also seen elder abuse commited by a child which is apsolutly apaling but doesnt have anything to do with the fact that i would feel apsolutly no pitty intervening in a situation where even a parent was hitting there child more than the law alowed. If you leave a red mark the you just commited assult

I aplaude you that you have found ways to disipline without the use of physical vilonce, the same with shorty.
Orleander you think i take this subject to heart?
Your right, i have seen to many cases of child abuse in all its forms not to. I have also seen elder abuse commited by a child which is apsolutly apaling but doesnt have anything to do with the fact that i would feel apsolutly no pitty intervening in a situation where even a parent was hitting there child more than the law alowed. If you leave a red mark the you just commited assult

I aplaude you that you have found ways to disipline without the use of physical vilonce, the same with shorty.

we are putting a lot of thought about adults hitting children, but what about children hitting mums?
But Asgard, I don't judge. You do.
I have easy going children. Not everyone does. It would be arrogant of me to sit in my ivory tower and tell other parents what to do with their kids, when I don't know them.

I do know my brothers children and I am appalled at the way they discipline them. Their once easy going children beat the crap out of each other. Why? because they were taught to.
Of course i judge, i have been trained to. If i walk into a house or even if im walking down the street and i see something that i belive to be child abuse i have a moral responcability to report it. You dont think that leads to a mindset of judging other people?

I doubt that social workers would just sign off and walk along the road and ignore someone hitting a child either. Maybe im alone in this but i doubt it
Of course i judge, i have been trained to. If i walk into a house or even if im walking down the street and i see something that i belive to be child abuse i have a moral responcability to report it. You dont think that leads to a mindset of judging other people?

I doubt that social workers would just sign off and walk along the road and ignore someone hitting a child either. Maybe im alone in this but i doubt it

you a social worker?

i ahte social workers, they are the lowest people, they come into your home they judge you and in some cases take the children away WITHOUT any hard eveidence of abuse, and WHEN they do come accross abusve perants they do absolutly nothing!
Im training as a paramedic. We are manditory reporters just like teachers, police, firefighters, politions, public servents, lawyers ect

on a side note thats why i was baffled as to how that polition got away with abusing so many kids, he was working in a place where just about EVERYONE has the ethical and legal obligation to report ANYTHING that could be child abuse
Im training as a paramedic. We are manditory reporters just like teachers, police, firefighters, politions, public servents, lawyers ect

on a side note thats why i was baffled as to how that polition got away with abusing so many kids, he was working in a place where just about EVERYONE has the ethical and legal obligation to report ANYTHING that could be child abuse

i bet the social workers didnt evencare!

i really have a problem with social workers
I noticed:p

God i need to get some sleep, i get bitchy when i stay up but i cant sleep:(

Sorry off topic
I noticed:p

God i need to get some sleep, i get bitchy when i stay up but i cant sleep:(

Sorry off topic

all the other people, paramedics, police (some of them) are there to help and they mostly do, social workers just judge!
you do realise that your labling a whole group of people incorectly?

There are alot of social workers who have nothing to do with child protective services that work tirelessly with street kids and adults to get them into shelters and see that they have food and services????

Im assuming your refering to CPS employee's rather than social workers in general
you do realise that your labling a whole group of people incorectly?

There are alot of social workers who have nothing to do with child protective services that work tirelessly with street kids and adults to get them into shelters and see that they have food and services????

Im assuming your refering to CPS employee's rather than social workers in general

yes i know, and that i apologise but, MY dealings with the SS has made me, madder than a fart in abottle with them. I have seen the way they have treated me, and my best friend who lost her kids for 8mths because social workers accused her wrongly of abusing her children,
Im not going to comment one way or the other here. I have no idea how CPS, DOCS, DYFS or whatever its called where you are works so i will stay right out of it

I just wanted to point out that because someone is a trained social worker doesnt mean they work for DOCS
Im not going to comment one way or the other here. I have no idea how CPS, DOCS, DYFS or whatever its called where you are works so i will stay right out of it

I just wanted to point out that because someone is a trained social worker doesnt mean they work for DOCS

no your right i know that.

example they have social workers for old people. (but even under socail worker care, old people are being abused in nursing homes)
There were some really public cases of elder abuse in nursing homes recently leading to a bill in parliment for the same kind of mantory reporting for elder abuse as well. The thing is the statistics on elder abuse show that its more often finantial, emotional and social abuse of elder Australians and its more likly to come from a partner or family member than from a ACW
There were some really public cases of elder abuse in nursing homes recently leading to a bill in parliment for the same kind of mantory reporting for elder abuse as well. The thing is the statistics on elder abuse show that its more often finantial, emotional and social abuse of elder Australians and its more likly to come from a partner or family member than from a ACW

possibly! aren't reports done on the residents before the change of shift?
i dont know what the procidures are in nursing homes. I will try to find them tomorow for you. I do know that there are surposed to be random inspections and inspections if a resident or there family complaine so it could just be that the abuse is finally being picked up but who knows. I have herd some stories that would shock you about nursing homes and i was on a truck that responded to a so called "inderpendent living" accomidation which made me sick. A compleatly deaf elderly woman was locked in her room with break through odema runing down both of her legs from a possable MRSA infection. She was almost in tears when we arived and kept apologising for calling us out (she had used her call direct button and because she was deaf and couldnt talk to the operator she got a lights and sirens responce). I spent about 20 min reasuring her that she did the right thing calling us, it broke my heart to see anyone in that state.
Caning children teaches them that violence or the threat of violence is an acceptable and good way to go about solving problems.

No it doesn't. It teaches them discipline.

Increasing caning probably increases violence when the kids grow up.

Probably. You're saying that just for the hell of it.

If you teach people how to be violent, you can hardly complain when they grow up to be violent.

Everyone has the capability to be violent, we can all lash out, we all have that fire in us however it is only discipline that can stop us. Caning people and other forms of punishment teach people discipline. Teachers don't cane children because they are angry, they don't cane them in order to let out their anger, they cane them in order to discipline them, in order to teach them.

Caning and the beating of children (when they are silly) should be encouraged. It is a good thing.