Brain Implants

Do y'mean with regard to Cuda, the chap with the implants who started the thread here, or are you suggesting a possible explanation for duendy?
Well, given that the chap with the implants who started the thread left here seeking additional medical explanations he hadn't previously considered with the sentiment:
Cuda said:
Thanks all for your feedback, very very helpful.
While replying here, I've been searching the net for groups dealing with the brain. Thanks to ** *******, I started looking for brain issues instead of implant groups. A couple sites actually have brain doctors that read and sometimes post in those groups. I will be renaming my photos on that site i placed them on as, Cancer growth? Cell damage? etc. In the hopes of getting one of these Doctors to view them and hopefully maybe even be able to send them to one of them. So if anyone happens to view those scans again you will know why the titles are different.
Actually I'm excited as all get up, so after i post this, I'll be joining a couple of those groups.
Thanks one heck of a lot guys!
and yet duendy somehow manages to conspire this to be indicative only that:
duendy said:
hmmmmpgh%*...welll i should Imagine hemay have felt un-comfort-able to maybe share the other part of his experience here--even tho i encouraged him to do so--what wid the frikkin 'normalcy'-gestapo about ...
Indeed it's a very singular conclusion to attain given the words used, the manner in which they are expressed and indeed the actual course of the discussion as discussed by the gentleman Cuda himself - but we can't presume drugs here to be the cause of this perception. There remains no physical evidence to support such a supposition whatsoever - We must, therefore conclude, this to be only evidence of actually duendy being simply duendy and best leave it at that.

After all, Dear God. Isn't that enough?
Regarding your piece in the Abduction thread, you noted
Mr Anonymous said:
I think I may have touched on most of what Abduction generally tends to cover in the rather unwieldy piece addressed to Giambattista above - I don't recommend picking through it...

In that same vein, my first utterance to myself upon seeing the length of your post was something like "Goddamn!" You yourself once told me, "I know; I don't talk so much as I drone."
Asking you about drugs, etc. was a half-serious, half-sarcastic remark regarding your propensity to verbosity and a rather long-winded manner of speech.

In response to my "What the hell..." statement regarding abductions, you said this:
Mr Anonymous said:
Just Life dear boy, just high on life. ... ... ... ...
Would you care at all to clarify your above statement in any manner so as a fellow may be able to ascertain quite what exactly the problem is he apparently must have been causing you in order for you to respond in such specific terms - or am I just going to rip you to bits here and now on the grounds that, unfortunately, I too woke up in the most goddawfull of moods this morning and I'm not at all, generally speaking, a terribly nice fellow to begin with?

Curious minds, and all that...

I was wondering why exactly you hadn't brought up your dissatisfaction with my words at the time they were spoken. Lo and behold, I went back, and yes, indeed, I do very well remember having read that, after you posted it, and it was a reasonable response. In times when I feel I may have been wrongfully insulted, I will usually give a response very much like the one you did. I rarely find it necessary to get into a fight if all we're dealing with is a misunderstanding.
As far as the response, I can only say that I completely forgot to address that. I notice that I didn't respond till nearly 24 hours later, and by then, the thread had gone on to a new page, so I must have forgotten to say something. I do miss posts, forget to respond to others, and forget when and where things were said. It happens.

Mr Anonymous said:
Thanks for your patience everyone, shows over.

Having read through the rest of the post that preceded this closing statement, it seems patience is lacking on your end, just a little.
I've already said that this was a misunderstanding. You've felt it completely necessary to remain obstinate and hostile in response to my trying to clear this matter up a day ago.
Why you persist in being unreasonably aggressive, I do not comprehend. Not because I'm in anyway stupid, but because it is completely not in my nature.
Are you informing me here, Giambattista, that I remain in some way not insulted - simple question. Yes or No?
Gustav said:
really? threats are so tacky, mr a. if the current state of affairs drives you to drink, i would recommend a leave of absence to put things into perspective.
anyways, while the curtains may have dropped on your act, this fat lady aint sung yet.

By fat lady, are you referring to Montserrat Caballe, perhaps?

Gustav said:

sock puppetry is frowned on in here. bans are a possible consequence. while i understand the oaf's pathological hatred and need to see me banned from this forum, i am at a loss why you would. are you unaware of the possible consequences of such an accusation? you harbor ill will towards me?

Clue me in, here, Gustavus. Sock puppetry? Is this when a person has more than one name on a forum, and uses one as a stepping stone of sorts, to aid one in their "cause" or what have you?
I had downed a beer or two by the time I said that. Being a part-time alcoholik, I know that it makes me a little bubbly.
But actually, at the time, especially your curious exchange with c7ityi and his/her very peculiar answers to Ophiolite, who was originally addressing YOU.. well, it seemed a little odd.
No ill will. I was not aware that bans are a possible consequence. Sorry?

Gustav said:
your flamboyant faggotry amuses. another smooch will irritate.
you have been warned ;)

How do you know it's MY flamboyant faggotry? What if I had just borrowed it from someone else temporarily?
Did I kiss you somewhere, somehow, sometime???
You have been horned. :p

Gustav said:
you do not piss me off
the ones that you are alleged to have pissed off? utterly inconsequential, my dear man.

That's good to hear. I myself try very hard to take things in stride, even when people are attacking me quite unreasonably. It is apparently a gift that many others, I have found, lack utterly. Santa Claus was biased all those years ago.

Are they really inconsequential, though?

*gift, however, in the German tradition, is poisonous. On Christmas eve, every fireplace is an inferno, the milk and cookies vergiftet in kind to the jolly red elf.
C'mon, Battista!
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Mr Anonymous said:
Are you informing me here, Giambattista, that I remain in some way not insulted - simple question. Yes or No?

I am only informing you of my opinion. A very reasonable opinion, at that.

I apologized already for the unintended insult a statement of mine relayed to you, and I do so again, in case you missed it the first time.
I fully regret that for whatever reason I neglected to address your first inquiry into the matter. It was not at all intentional that I ignored it. That you would be upset about that is fully understandable, and not out of line.

When you finally brought that to my attention, I was very quick to address it. That despite my apology, you persist in your unrelenting anger, that IS out of line. Though on the surface that appears to be my opinion, it is bordering on 100% fact.

Only YOU can truly say whether or not you remain insulted. Based on appearances, I would say most certainly you remain offended. For what reason you continue to grasp so tightly to your anger, I can only surmise.
Em, actually its called "being pissed off" - that's kind of actually how the whole "being pissed" with someone thing really actually, y'know, kind of works....

Actually, bar that last line you added there, you simply acknowledging the fact that by your actions you insulted me actually is really all that was required to completely fix the situation right from the beginning. And, for future reference, try just keeping in mind when a person's insulted they're not interested in excuses, they just want a simple apology.

Thank you, anyway, for at least trying. That I can at least appreciate.

Done now.
Mr Anonymous said:
Okay. Literacy?
you are saying I am illiterate? howww very daaaaare yu
actualy, i have no fear of such an accusation. i am well aware what so-called very literate personages can do. its extreme form is legalese gobblydegook which rips the fuk outta common people

preliterate pople probably had more deeper insight into things than your average so-called liteati--up his arsy acaemicy persona....!

i admit, i do do typos. i usually type wiz passION. and my system is sucks, and keybpoard isz small, and some keys i tap and zey dont give forth letters...orrr i may unconscously tap em o light.
as well aszat, i like to play about wit text like thiiiiiis, etc. which probs dos piss some off. but i feel it expresses better than all-the-time'formaility

duendy said:
i admit, i do do typos.


I admit, Duendy, I do-do doodoo. That is, I defecate when necessary. How bout you?

Let us not be ashamed of such an admission. There is nothing truly wrong with a good bowel movement. Nature DEMANDS it.
Nearly every human does it, quite frequently. Unless you suffer from inedia or are a confessed breatharian.

You know, the breatharians? They don't eat food, because it is "distasteful". Or something to that effect. They instead consume light energy known only as prana. Well, I don't know about prana, but I could definitely eat some prawns. Or shrimp. I don't know enough to distinguish between the two. They're basically tasty ocean-faring insects, and they should be devoured with impunity.

Who are these Breatharians kidding? Food is wonderful. It is not distasteful at all. Strawberries and raspberries are among the most tastiest fruits one could ever lay their hands on. Do you concur?

I am haunted by the statement of one die-hard Breatharian:
"The body is not a trashcan. If food is so good for you, then why is your body continually trying to get rid of it?"

I'm torn. Should I stop eating tasty morsels? I don't want to be a trashcan, but, I'm sure you can understand my dilemma. I guess, I'm addicted.



Toodles, Duendy! We can never have too many toodles in our lives!
duendy said:

Next what, exactly, Ms Tate? I'm still frankly trying to work out here what it is you were actually saying regarding the first.

D, you use this problem you have with your available mode of keyboard arrangement as an excuse - I get it, I've had to speak out on your behalf on numerous occasions to other members regarding it, but the fact of the matter remains duendy - there are people on this board for whom English isn't even their second, let alone their first language - and it comes out legible.

I'm actually using the computers on screen keyboard here to type this, and if you can discern any difference between the way I normally type and now, you're making it up.

Time wise in order to actually undertake? Frankly, even using point and click not that much longer than it normally takes me to type. These "explorations" in typing as you call them - now that's all just part of your charm, I get it, but it still doesn't change the fact that these on top of all the rest means reading you can be a genuine pain in the eyeballs...

The irony of it being, apart from the odd disparaging remark here or there, people around here do generally speaking put up with it and try, make the effort to read what you write, try at least to wrap their brains around the bits of it that seem to correspond to actual words - and yet you still manage to find some way of finding everyone else as being in someway wanting even though they, quite unlike your self, actually try.

You can communicate in simple plain English if you can be bothered d, fact of the matter is you can't be bothered. Its a habit. Sooner or later that gets to cut both ways d, but at least if people could actually read you at least they'd have a chance of knowing the first fuck concerning what you're on about, don't y'think?

Oh, wait.... What's the point in asking, right? You're only going to trot back something illegible, aren't you....
actually mr A, its usually the foreigners who seem to understand me best....
so thers that

u think i am makin itup..../ hummpgh

loook. tiney k.board. internet cutout after short time. not good typit. trying to think off cuff how to challenge such as you'll....AND be creative as same time.
really really can be quite a drama ont u know.....see tat missin d? i had hit the fuker and it didn't show

when i ---IFi get me a comp----am lookin into it. i will give what you say much considerationoni iiii pwomise...but till then. it may be chinese someof the time, but you can get the song of me style if ya try
duendy said:
actually mr A, its usually the foreigners who seem to understand me best....
so thers that

But you *are* a foreigner. :cool:

Don't take this the wrong way, duendy, but whenever I read your posts, I picture Doby from Harry Potter... I like Doby, though.
SkinWalker said:
But you *are* a foreigner. :cool:

Don't take this the wrong way, duendy, but whenever I read your posts, I picture Doby from Harry Potter... I like Doby, though.
i am not a harrry potter fan. i foundit incongrous having a 'witchcraft' 'genre' in a public school setting
duendy said:
and GIAM...that livin on prana stuff is crap--pun intended. it is scam-city.

I know, I know, you bought the 12 tape course, the magical lightworkers wand, and the soy crispies!

Whew!!! :cool:
duendy said:
actually mr A, its usually the foreigners who seem to understand me best....
so thers that

u think i am makin itup..../ hummpgh

loook. tiney k.board. internet cutout after short time. not good typit. trying to think off cuff how to challenge such as you'll....AND be creative as same time.
really really can be quite a drama ont u know.....see tat missin d? i had hit the fuker and it didn't show

when i ---IFi get me a comp----am lookin into it. i will give what you say much considerationoni iiii pwomise...but till then. it may be chinese someof the time, but you can get the song of me style if ya try

:) ... d, if you pay attention, I do continually try and I have every possible intention of continuing to do exactly that - but, and this comes with a not entirely unreasonable condition here, the instant you start lumping me in with whatever it is you consider to be the problem around here, rather than arguing the toss with you or plead my actual innocence to completely zero effect, I'm going to start instead acting exactly in the manner of whatever foible it is I'm accused of being an endemic representation of - and I can do it indefinitely and never get bored and actually really, really well.

You understand me here?

We're getting, every single one of us of late, into this very stupid habit of talking at one another as if we're parts of opposing factions hell bent on the surpassing of the other side.

Actually, we're not. It's fiction. Well, when I say that what I actually mean is I'm not actually a part of any faction or stupid side one way or the other, I'm simply me being me and as far as all things board remain concerned that's really the all about what I remain concerned.

Don't generalise, categorise, label, condemn and find me guilty and I promise to continue to afford you exactly the exact same - I might not actually agree with a single word you ever say d, that isn't important. What I do recognise, and other people see it too otherwise they wouldn't put up with you in the first place, is that you've got a lot of heart and y'mean well, even if you've got a peculiar way of saying it.

These people are all so called "pseudos" d, bear it in mind okay? ;)
i am i spose frank mr A. especially when i am under pressre to get out my post por ellllse--lose the fukin lot in system cutting me off. i have to say shit, and get point across. but even so, i do call a spade and spade too

tere WILL be drams. we are taling worldviews colliding here...d'ya tink i am being dramatik. not.

a lot of time there is and is potentialo impasse. and frustrations arise from the tryting to communicate bout this....mor eharder for 'our camp' --theones called 'believers' .eerr etc.

thee is much passion with me. becaise i am also very aware what a wholly matereialistic outlook is doing to Nature and community. so yes, i CAn get quite dramatic--like tis word dont i---from time to time. ASSSSSS can the 'skeptics'...whoa yeah...beeee honest....?

so i cannot promise you to be gentile Mr A. really irts nuthin prsonal a such. its just that sometimes discussion can get heated. what i LOVE about tese forums is the freedom to dooo so. shit. dont know what xperience you've had on online forums. but soon as anyone goes 'boo' we get red ink moderator cum an dilute any passion. which is a KILLER for creativity and exploration....