Brain Implants

Cuda said:
You gave some very sensible analogies and gave good reason to review the entire incident and I truly wished it applied to me, but it doesn't. Thus being the reason for my frustration of not having the slightest reason for an explanation of the objects.
Well, firstly once again, thank you for your great patience with dealing with me here - I realise entirely how utterly frustrating it must be having endured everything you have to be faced with the prospect of having fool questions put to you endlessly from people who weren't even present and your restraint in giving concise answers only, well that's nothing short of admirable.

I trust therefore you will be able to view the following response with no less patience and equal forgiveness - I merely wish to ensure that in reviewing your account of your experiences I review as much as humanly possible your experiences as they happened to you and not merely some impression formed through any misunderstanding on my part brought about by my reading incorrectly.

There's a point, despite your reiterating, I really must confess I'm not entirely getting here and it's this:
The Doctor did say that it didn't appear that I've had any head trauma...
Nevertheless you remain explicitly clear regarding the scar you discovered and the subsequent behaviour you describe associated with which remains perfectly consistent with head trauma.

One can't possibly have a scar and no trauma - a scar is trauma. If it occurs on the head, the appropriate term remains head trauma. There simply remains no other description for that, medically speaking.

Do you follow point here?

I'm not in the slightest suggesting any error or misrepresentation on your part - but what I am suggesting very strongly that the answers you've to date received regarding this matter, medically speaking, simply don't add up.

Irrespective of the actual nature and/origins of the materials the CT scans you provide indicate as being present - be they either the longterm consequence of a skull fracture or indeed placed there surgically by some undisclosed means - in both instances an entry point must exist and traces of that should remain present.

The problem with CT scans of this nature is that basically they're designed to look more at the underlying soft tissue in more detail, unlike a cranial x-ray which focuses more on solids and solid density.

Now, given your initial reluctance to disclose, even here in a perfectly anonymous environment, the incident regarding the UFO chase - I'm willing to bet the occurrences of the previous day, and possibly even the incident regarding your period of lost time the following, never actually played any part in your disclosures to the specialist whom handled your examination -

Am I at all correct in this?

If so, consequently, in consultation all the doctor you saw had to go on was both your medical records as they stand and what you told him/her regarding your condition. The evening of your return from your "lost afternoon" and the morning after upon discovery of the scar, you make no mention of visiting an ER department despite, I've no doubt here, suggestions from your wife that you do so, therefore I'm willing to bet very little if anything at all regarding the experience as a whole as you relay it here has ever been presented completely for proper medical review.

I can quite understand your reasons for perhaps being reluctant to discuss these events as you describe here face to face with a medical professional - however, with a case history that presents no previous instance of head trauma or possible situation in which such may have in fact have been occasioned, all a doctor has to go on is what the paper work says, what you tell him and what he can see with his eyes - taking into account your age and general condition a soft tissue investigation would prove the most obvious first step course of action take with regards to medical examination and if you've told the doctor you've never had a head wound, they're not going to go looking for one.

But you did. The scar. That presents no other possible description other than head trauma.

Now rather than go round in circles regarding this, can I please be permitted to make a very serious suggestion and it is this - go to an ER.

The reason I state this is for two very pertinent reasons and they are these: the objects in your skull aren't in the slightest the problem you very seriously actually have - its the neurological effect they're having on the tissue they're coming into contact with.

That remains your first and only real priority to attend to.

If you continue to walk around with this objects in your skull thinking them exclusively as being Implants - you will in effect put off indefinitely actively getting the proper medical supervision you patently need dealing with blinding and unexpected head aches and instances of sever vision impairment. You'll rationalise, indefinitely, concerning what possible UFO explanation might adequately address these things origins whilst at the same time doing absolutely nothing whatsoever to get the symptoms their presence is causing you looked at and looked at fully.

I understand implicitly your reluctance to address your experiences directly with a medical professional - really, that goes without saying. However, you can very simply actually do this without actually coming over as sounding like an "alien nut" by making one, count it, one simple adjustment to the way you account for what you actually did in real life and what you actually experienced happening to you -

Instead of being out chasing a UFO that day, you are a chap with a rabid fascination for aircraft and the day you and your wife were out driving in the truck and, y'swear to God, what should have flown right over the hood of your truck was a Mustang or a P27 - something iconoclastic and antique.

If you're dealing with a male resident, they'll take it without batting an eyelid and if its a woman, she'll just isn't going to give a c'hoot, y'follow my drift here? ;)

Anyone presenting your symptoms of head pain and vision impairment is perfectly entitled to walk through the doors of any ER in the County and in telling you story - all of it, including the chase, the time loss, the scar, the whole works (including the previous medical work up and scans) - no resident is going to let you back out those same doors without arranging a series of cranial x-rays and an appointment to see a specialist without you signing a special form exempting the hospital from the subsequent problems resulting from you turning down treatment.

If it is your intention to discover more regarding the objects in your skull, this is your only practical course of action - and its beneficial more importantly because it leads to the possibility of actual treatment - which hanging around UFO discussion boards, frankly, is never in a million years going to get you.

So, pick an aircraft of your choice as the thing you chased that day and get down to the ER and tell your story - all of it and in this manner, ultimately, you will get answers. Not questions which can't be answered, but answers.

Anything less just smacks of someone wanting to be the centre of an apparently insoluble mystery, and I believe in your sincerity that you remain no such sort - so the ER route remains your best and only possible course of action.

Please, do do this.

Once again I trust you fair well and find some form of settlement in your own mind regarding your experience from actively doing something to address the actual problem you have - not the "implants" themselves, but the effects their presence is causing.

That should be your first priority, not the other way around.

Giambattista said:
Which time was the first, might I ask?

>...sigh!<.... You previously addressed it, the second time was you presuming I give a shit regarding you addressing anything at all. Case closed.
Mr Anonymous,
Before I address your questions, let me say WOW, what a wakeup call and thanks.

Scar visual and trauma: The visual of the scar was just that, it looked just like what an actual scar looks like except it faded away. I know, it just doesn't seem possible. Again, there was no actual skull trauma, I didn't bump my skull portion at all and the scar visual was located on the soft area of the temple where no underlying bone is present. This simply eliminates any possibility of any bone contact. The scar visual area had no tenderness to it at all, just simply what looked like a several year old scar, no scab was ever present. As I said before, I sort of thought it might have been a tissue eating type of virus, circular in design.
It drove me nuts trying to figure out how the heck it got there and why within two weeks it was gone, completely gone. It just doesn't make any sense at all.
All I can say was, it wasn't a scar, but it sure looked like a regular scar to myself and my wife.

The Hospital visit: The brain scan was done several years after the incident because the vision problems and the sharp pains in my head actually began to cause me to take days off from work because I couldn't see very well and the frequency between the visual attacks began to increase to where it was happening off and on many times throughout the day. It would happen when I was driving even, and I would quickly pull over before my vision distortion caused me to wreck.
My wife took me to a Doctor, basically a couple of months after the missing time event because of a mental disassociation with reality, (blanking out and sitting for hours looking off into space, like at the wall).

You are correct about my disclosure of the incident. Though it was several years after the incident when I had the scans done, I never mentioned anything about the scar thing or the flying object, simply because it was several earlier and it would have made me seem like I nut because it would have had no bearing on my current situation except to say that the vision problems I was having had been occurring on occasion over the past several years.
All I mentioned to them was, it started happening maybe a month or so earlier. Only because it became more frequent about a month or so earlier.
They did of course ask if I had had any head trauma, car accidents etc... in the past month or so and I said not that I can recall. I actually wanted them to do everything possible to figure out what was going on with me.
Needless to say, yes, they did do x-rays on my neck and head, along with the other test I mentioned before.
X-rays, ink into my veins with a scan on a monitor, and then a CT scan in the big tube.
Results: No head trauma, no blood leaking into the brain. Explanation given was, I simply have some unknown pressure on my brain causing a cord or something (I don't remember exactly) from my eyes to the back of my skull to have pressure on it causing my visual distortion.
The entire examination just simply came to an end with, " Well you're not going to die and that was their main concern".
I thought it sort of strange to have a confirmation of objects being in my brain without any further comments to me about taking more test to figure out what these objects were.

The only comment about further investigating the objects I found, was on the Doctors recording in the scan program on the CD I have. I was sort of pissed after hearing it and wondering why they didn't request more test on me during my examination. What could I do, I didn't even get the Scans CD until well over a year after the scans were done.
I felt and still feel as if they realized the objects are truly foreign, realized there was no explanation for their entry to the locations in my brain and no head trauma giving any explanable reasons for entry. In other words, If you were a brain/head Doctor and found objects in someones brain, in locations impossible to be located without some sort of signs of surgery or head impact or so on and so forth, what would you do?
Send the guy home, or announce you have just discovered solid foreign objects in the brain of a patient that currently exceeds any known explanation known to current technology or even any explanation resulting from any head trauma etc?

I have asked myself many times, why the hell did they not continue with another examination to answer the question of what they were, even though they couldn't figure out how they got there.
A few strange thing also happened when I went to the hospital to get a copy of the scans.
I called the hospital before going there to let them know I wanted copies of my scans. The lady in records I think it was, told me to give her a couple hours before coming there, and she would have time to make a copy for me.
About three hours later, I called again and said I was on my way to get the scans, she said she forgot to copy them but would do it right now and they would be ready when I got there.
Ok, I got there, went to the records office and she was out, a nurse said she should be right back and within minutes she was back. I told her who I was and she said, oh yes, I have them right here as she was opening her desk drawer. She looked in her drawer and they were not there, she said that's funny, I put them right here not more than 10 minutes ago. She started asking everyone in the office who was in her desk and that someone removed a CD she had prepared for me. After several minutes of her asking everyone and seeming to get pissed, she said she would simply make another copy. She went to a big computer monitor setup in the back corner of the office and tried to access my file to get another copy.
She couldn't get access, the file was locked from what she said, and now she was pissed. Two other ladies tried to access my file and couldn't either and then this Doctor lady was walking by and the first lady I was getting my scans from stopped her asked her if she would try to pull up my file. The Doctor didn't understand what the problem was I guess, anyway she tried to pull my file and couldn't and then she tried again, after typing some keys for access I guess, and then she was able to pull my file up. The lady told her thanks to her friend it seemed (the Doctor lady), and then copied the program with my scans in it and handed it to me and apologized for the confusion. All the ladies were talking with each other as I was leaving and looking back at them.
It gave me a feeling that someone didn't want me to have a copy of my own scans. I sort of felt like I had stolen something I shouldn't have and began to walk faster out of the hospital before someone stopped me and took my scans back. It seems sort of funny now, sort of like a spy movie and I'm laughing right now just thinking back to that day.

As for your recommendation, this is the WOW part. Why didn't I think of doing just that! I'm simply not a person that likes to see a Doctor no matter what, unless it is the last possible resort.
I suppose I could say I'm having the visual problems more frequent than am actually having. The biggest thing is the expence, I have no insurance to cover the cost and am still trying to pay for my resent heart attack.
I think I will give another month or so of a bit more aggressively searching the net for a Doctor in the brain field that may have interest in my situation and if no luck as usual, I just may do as you have mentioned.
Thank you very much for this common sense approach that has been right in front of me all the time.
I don't know why I even contenplated having to tell an ER the truth about my situation and looking like a nut.
Sorry for tattling on and sorry for not making it clear that several years had gone by after the missing time before I had my scans done.
Mr Anonymous said:
>...sigh!<.... You previously addressed it, the second time was you presuming I give a shit regarding you addressing anything at all. Case closed.

Zounds! From 0 to complete asshole, in no time flat!
Amazing. Simply amazing!


:) ... Please, I assure you, you're not prattling in the slightest and I knew from looking at your scans some considerable degree of time had passed between the incident as it happened and you getting examined - what the scan are picking up around those objects is basically the formation of a lipid coating, its the bodies equivalent of what an oyster does when a piece of grit lodges in its innards, only in your case these ain't exactly pearls you've got up there in your noggin, if y'follow m'drift.

With your symptoms as they present - County will pick up the tab for head x-ray and CT follow up if you simply walk in and present the full extent of what actually happened to you - correcting only the tiny detail regarding you having been chasing a reconditioned WWII plane the day before the memory loss incident and all the rest - omitting no detail.

This will ensure you at least of getting the actual matter of your condition medically examined, which to date you've only had partially explored.

Treatment, that gets to be a matter of finance - this I implicitly understand, however with a case as unique as yours and a different pair of eyes looking at the problem - get your feet through the door first, worry about the rest later. You have the makings of a good few dozen first class papers in the offing with what you've got up there - so proceeding further, beyond merely the examination stage, might actually be a damn sight easier than you would at first think.

The trick is to make them believe it's their idea, okay? ;)

It's the proximity to the optic nerve that's causing the problem - it's getting a prognosis on this that remains your number one priority. It's not just the pain, it's your eyesight that remains at risk here. Be very clear in your mind that these things in your head really are actually foreign objects, not implants. The truth regarding that issue will, I assure you, reveal itself in good time but only with further investigation so this remains your first best option.

If people mention the term "Implants" to you, contrive to look kind of "What, y'mean like X-files kind of Implants, are y'shittin' me?!" :bugeye: and keep it that way - you're aware only your previous CT scans revealed foreign objects and that literally is all you do know - so you're not having to omit any aspects of your experiences or anything at all which has actually happened to you and its important that you don't - let the medical professional conduct the investigation and trust that in doing do, in giving complete disclosure of everything: all the incidences that have taken place (no matter how small) and all the itinerant symptoms that have presented over the years (bar that one tincture of a detail concerning a plane that was never there and perhaps a little bit of reverse psychology on your part) answers will undoubtedly present themselves.

Now I fully realise my coaching you here is probably quite thoroughly reprehensible on my part, but if it gets you within 3 feet of a house resident, I can live with it and I have every confidence you undoubtedly will too, hopefully with some respite from on ongoing situation that frankly, in anyones book, should remain intolerable to even consider let alone have to endure.

My very best to you, and I wish you success.

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Cuda said:
I felt and still feel as if they realized the objects are truly foreign, realized there was no explanation for their entry to the locations in my brain and no head trauma giving any explanable reasons for entry. In other words, If you were a brain/head Doctor and found objects in someones brain, in locations impossible to be located without some sort of signs of surgery or head impact or so on and so forth, what would you do?
Send the guy home, or announce you have just discovered solid foreign objects in the brain of a patient that currently exceeds any known explanation known to current technology or even any explanation resulting from any head trauma etc?

If I were you, I would probably have been extremely paranoid about it all. I'm that kind of person.
Your difficulty in obtaining the scans is also puzzling. Especially the disappearing CD and the suddenly locked file. Am I correct that she was frustrated because she had just had access, but now she was denied? Do you think someone changed the codes or some type of authorization level?

A couple questions, again, if you don't mind terribly.

Who was the main doctor? Was this your regular physician, or do you not have one?
Who were the other two doctors? Any specialties? Was one of them a neurologist?

What happened to your serotonin problem? You indicate that you had some medication for it. Did it eventually go away on its own?

Did you have any other marks at all on your body at the time? Anything that seemed out of place? I assume you probably would have mentioned it by now, but just checking.

Did your doctors make a specific comment on the rectangular shaped objects? They appear to be positioned in a rectangular formation themselves.
Did they comment on possible composition? I don't know if they could ever tell without actually removing them, but.

Finally, did you ever have any dreams or nightmares about anything that you felt was connected to the flying object, the missing time, or the foreign objects in your brain? You mentioned some type of anxiety or fear, I think in connection with your serotonin deficiency.
I assume that you've never seen any other strange lights or objects since then. Is this correct? Have other people noticed strange things?

Sorry to hear about your heart attack, especially with no insurance. Sounds like you've got it pretty damn rough. Just a little sad, actually.
How are you coping with it? Do you ever feel victimised at all? I do, and I'm not dealing with any implants, either. At least I hope not!

Well, I hope you're not a weirdo with some doctored photos who decided to play a trick! I'd hate to be wasting time and concern on some hoaxer.

Arrivederci, signore!
Giambattista said:
Zounds! From 0 to complete asshole, in no time flat!
Amazing. Simply amazing!
As a matter of fact those exact sentiments do indeed very much express my precise opinion to the very letter - how uncommonly perceptive of you to have figured that out all by yourself. Jolly well done you!

Now bugger off, you bore me.
Mr Anonymous,
Thank again, I have been running it through my mind of how it may take shape and watching how I present my conversation and problems with an ER Doctor.
With the guidance you have offered I'm getting a pretty good idea of what not to say and that I should inform them of how long I have delt with the vision and pain issues.
By the way, I'm not really caring if a little dishonesty has to happen in order for them to begin a medical examination, there are a lot bigger crimes in this world going on than a little white lie, by staying away from implant or ufo discussions.
Besides, I'll have my scans to show them and tell them I'm am still having the vision and pain problems (truth), I'll just explain it is happening a bit more frequently is all.
Thank you again, you have helped me too at the very least, know I can actually go through the process again but with scans in hand this time. :)
Your very kind, but really I assure you, its been a pleasure to have been of some assistance. If you want to say thanks, believe me when I say in going about things this way you are not, in anyway shape or form, telling so much as one single word of a lie in any of it.

The last time you went at this you omitted the necessary through fear of possibly being found foolish - that's not a crime. That's just human. This time around you are only omitting the un-necessary (the UFO, the overtones of UFO Belief).

That isn't a lying. That's allowing the actual truth to possibly, finally, emerge, and you're doing it by disclosing the whole truth about the actual facts actually for the first time. In the real world. Giving yourself an opportunity to unburden yourself of just a fraction of the fear you must have been living with over the course of, how long now?

Must be worth it just for that.

You'll not telling a word of a lie here Cuda. Not a one. Believe that, because it is the truth.

Actually, I have no personal physician, I rarely ever see a Doctor for anything.
The hospital was not even in my location, I was visiting family and had severe pains and vision had been getting worse over the past month. So I went to the hospital there, this is why it took me so long to get a copy of my scans, it was when I was there again visiting that I called them and wanted to get a copy.
The medication the Doctor gave me for the serotonin loss did help out a lot.
No other markings and nothing out of place. I never have had any dreams about any ufos or aliens or any such thing.
They never spoke to me specifically about the objects, but did mention the triangle and object on the recording and their locations.
No, I don't ever feel victimized. I actually work my ass off and when shit happens, I simply look at it like that, shit happens.
I have no need to lie to you or anyone else. If that were the case, I'm sure I would have all kinds of stories I should be coming up with.
My conversations with you people are regarding my brain scans. I don't have fuzzy stuff around the objects in my scans like the photos on the internet that people put together to make a funny picture. I can tell those pictures have been put together.
I'm actually trying to find a medical Doctor or anyone that knows of one that is in the brain field that would take my scans and further investigate my situation, and off to that person my scans will go.
Please feel safe that I have no reason to lie to you or anyone else.

I initially posted my post to get feedback and explain exactly what I'm search for, a Doctor. I have enjoyed sharing my situation with you guys and have received excellent feedback.
Now that I have a direction to go, thanks to Mr Anonymous, I will most likely be gone from here for good real soon.
Thanks all for your feedback, very very helpful.
While replying here, I've been searching the net for groups dealing with the brain. Thanks to Mr Anonymous, I started looking for brain issues instead of implant groups. A couple sites actually have brain doctors that read and sometimes post in those groups. I will be renaming my photos on that site i placed them on as, Cancer growth? Cell damage? etc. In the hopes of getting one of these Doctors to view them and hopefully maybe even be able to send them to one of them. So if anyone happens to view those scans again you will know why the titles are different.
Actually I'm excited as all get up, so after i post this, I'll be joining a couple of those groups.
Thanks one heck of a lot guys!
Don't forget to check back once in awhile with any developments, sir.

Good night. Good luck.
Giambattista said:
And your extreme lack of objectivity regarding what I actually said above is indicative of your unbelief in the space-alien hypothesis, and your need to make your "superiority" on the subject known at every possible point.
Classic pseudo-skeptic tactics.

Indeed. Though, I assure you, the tactic is completely skeptical and not pseudo- at all. There simply is no evidence to support the silly little green man hypothesis, which appears to be largely in the fantasies of the few. Therefore, a distinct bias against such poppycock is healthy. However, should verifiable and testable evidence present itself, we have another matter. Until then, the little green man hypothesis is no more viable than the pink unicorn hypothesis or the invisible-and-non-corporeal, purple dragon in my garage hypothesis.

There is, however, an abundance of evidence for image artifacts in brain scans and physical effects that can cause some if not all of the things cuda believes are present in his images. Some of the things he's pointed out appear to be suculae shadows, which can take a very triangular form and even appear rectilinear or square in some images. Moreover, the software algorithms used to smooth the image are known to create artifacts in the final image. Indeed, the very pixels themselves are geometric and the algorithms fill in missing information with "guesses" or neutral data, giving the appearance of an object. It could also be that there are heterotopic regions that could show up in geometric-appearing suculae as neurons are firing in places the ought not. Heterotopias can cause seizures and can go undetected until well into adult years.

Giambattista said:
Furthermore, I know he has, on more than one occasion, been accompanied by another doctor more appropriate and able to conduct a proper operation during these removals. Leir doesn't do all of this alone. He apparently is able to realise where his expertise is in want.

Leir is a quack. He claims to have "removed" alien implants and devices, yet offers no evidence. Such a thing would surely demonstrate the existence of the little green men, but should he offer an "object" that doesn't show to contain alien isotopes, etc., and that has a very earthly explanation, his fantasies would crumble like a house of cards. The key to maintaining the myth is keeping the evidence at arm's reach of real science. This is the M.O. of pseudoscience.

Giambattista said:
I appears that Cuda already contacted some of the mentioned persons.

It appears so. Yet another wild claim finds its way to sciforums, perhaps in search of the same validation that wild-claimants have traditionally sought as they venture from the back-slapping communities of UFO-Nutters and Woo-Woos into the "science forums." If there was any real scientific validity to cuda's questions and claims, would they not be better served in the Human Science or the Biology & Genetics subforums? Why post here in the pseudoscience subforum?

Giambattista said:
I was about 75% serious in mentioning those people.

Wow. A whole 75%, eh? The problem is, these were your first recommendations and obviously the ones that have resonated the most with cuda. Sure, there's a chance that cuda was abducted by little green men and implanted with some alien technology. There's probably a bigger chance I'll reach down and pick up a discarded lotto ticket tomorrow and it'll turn out to be the Power Ball winner. There's no evidence for the little green men. Lots of evidence for Power Ball. There's even more evidence of real neurological problems, imaging artifacts, mundane anatomical features that are misinterpreted, and people who live a fantasy of alien abduction.

Nice of you to add the "seek medical attention" disclaimer following your woo-woo encouragement, however.

Giambattista said:
I did it mostly because if there IS a connection between these objects and some non-human intellegence,

Non-human intelligence (its "intelligence", by the way, not "intellegence" -but don't sweat it, typos don't concern me)? Are you referring to chimpanzees or bonobos? They're the next most intelligent creatures that aren't human. Are you suggesting that chimps are slipping their cages at the zoo and stealing into the night to implant the little Chiquita stickers from their bananas in the heads of unsuspecting humans? Or do you have evidence of some other "non-human intelligence?"

Giambattista said:
That, perhaps if the objects were anomalous enough to warrant an investigation, perhaps Cuda would find himself the recipient of some financial aid to have said objects removed, ASSUMING it's not too risky.

Of course they warrant investigation. From neurologists and brain surgeons, not draftsmen and podiatrists.

Giambattista said:
I fail to see how I gave him any dangerous, callous, or reckless advice.

Then you are right. I should recant my position. I offer my humblest apologies. I assumed you were being callous and reckless in giving a potentially ill person the advice to pursue his/her potential fantasies about space aliens and abductions that include alien implants by seeking advice from woo-woo's like Streeber, Leir and Hopkins rather than accept his neurologists as valid.

I realize now that you were being sincere and believed yourself to be thoughtful.

Far from being callous and reckless, you were simply being ignorant and, apparently, acted on your own beliefs in space aliens (75% serious, I think you said).

Giambattista said:
Thoughtless? You, dear Skinwalker, are the thoughtless one, I am more than happy to state!

Indeed. Accept my apologies, for it must surely be a sin to deride the ignorant as being willfully incompetent. Truly, you could only have been unwittingly incompetent in your recommendation.

Giambattista said:
The very name of this thread "Brain Implants" implies that they are PURPOSELY put there. After all, what IS an implant but an intentionally inserted object?

Which is exactly the reason why I thought your comments to be callous and reckless, one should not fan the flames of delusion, after all. Not that delusion necessarily exists, but erring on the side of caution when dealing with someone's brain is wise. But, since it is clear that you meant well, albeit quite ignorantly and from an apparently distinct belief in space aliens, I forgive your incompetence.

Let's hope that cuda's situation isn't serious, however. My passion against recommending woo-woo witchdoctors is one based in experience. My wife and best friend has a grey-matter heterotopia (GMH), which was discovered in her mid-twenties when she began having seizures. Her brain scans revealed several very unusual shapes and features, some of them geometric. Had she not received some very excellent care from a very talented neurologist, she would very likely have had more seizures, which could have threatened her life if they occurred while driving or swimming. The brain is not something to take lightly, and if the OP gets encouragement that equates to "dude, they might be alien implants," he could delay treatment. Even if they were some sort of implant, the only person qualified to investigate it would be a neurologist.

Giambattista said:
The fact that several doctors could not explain the objects, that they were considered foreign in nature, the mysterious circumstances under which his problems started, and the sighting of the silver object, are all obvious factors that have led Cuda to wonder if these things are not naturally occurring, and that led him to consider that they may be implants, hence the name "Brain Implants" for this particular discussion.

Do you really think that a neurologist would let something truly anomalous get past him/her? Think about it. Not only would the discovery of something truly unique make for a neat publication, they get paid by the visit. Its more likely that cuda's desire for the things he pointed at in his images to be anomalous is driving him.

Giambattista said:
Skinwalker has been consistently revealing his nature on this board as a true pseudo-skeptical dismisser and naysayer, but it appears he may have stooped to an all new low. Pay close attention to the very one-sided and biased treatment of my words and my position.
I believe I have adequately proven his statements about me to be quite misleading.

Which is why I've revised my statements. I accept your criticisms. I was being unfair. I fully recant my accusations of callousness and recklessness and replace them with the accusation of being an ignorant believer, the extent to which has yet to be determined. My nature on this board is and has always been consistent, moreover, your use of the woo-woo bitch/moan term "pseudo-skeptical" says more about you than I. I dismiss nonsense that has no evidence. Produce the evidence, I stop dismissing it. That's the way science works, whether you like it or not. The supernatural has no place in attempting to make natural explanations of the universe. That would be akin to physicists giving up on looking for evidence of gravity waves and simply announcing "it must be magic." My criticism is, indeed, biased. Its biased towards science and against pseudoscience.

Your words on this board, however, have become increasingly pseudoscientific. If fake science is your bag, don't be surprised when those that actually think critically call you on your ignorance.

@ Cuda: Please accept my apologies for allowing your personal difficulties to take second stage to the on-going disagreement that exists between skeptics and others in this forum. I've no doubt that what you're dealing with is stressful and trying at times. If it appears I've made any assumptions about your intentions in this thread, with regard to the title and implications it holds, accept -again- my sincerest apologies (far more sincere than those I offered Gambattista). It seems apparent in your exchanges with Mr. A. that you are considering all possibilities and are searching for discussion wherever you can find it to obtain leads and direction.

Good luck in resolving your issue and let's hope the anomalies are simple image artifacts or suculus shadows rather than more serious problems such as lesions, heterotopias, or tumors.
Cuda said:
Actually I'm excited as all get up, so after i post this, I'll be joining a couple of those groups.
Thanks one heck of a lot guys!

:) ... Cuda. That is truly is excellent to hear - kind of gives one faith in humanity, there are actually genuine real life people with genuine real life problems out there.

It's we that should thank you. And I do. take every opportunity to give yourself every possible chance of getting to the bottom of this. Seize it, explore it, if you reach a dead end, backtrack and go at it again from a different angle.

You will resolve this and I think I speak on behalf of everyone here when I say, we wish you every possible success. Truly.

Farewell, I have the instinct you will.

My regards,

A ;)
Hello, Skins.

I'm sure you already "feel" the fact that I'm seething with...

guh... guh... guh... gurp?

WOW! LOOK AT THIS MOUNTAIN!!! And to think, just hours ago all we had was a mole hill.
I was done before you, so HA!

You've at least proven that you can beat a dead ox. Did it make that pleasing sound that you hoped for???
duendy said:
YES Giam. i am seeing same as you...!

Brava duendy, BRAVA!!!

I call them as I see them.

He went from civil to extremely unreasonable in the blink of an eye.
Reasons, I have none. I guess it's one of those mysteries.

annd, just let me add. i already told Cuda i trust him.
Skin? i trust YOU about as far as i can throw ya!