Brain Implants

haha freeeaky fruedian slip, not 'with them as in the 'usualy' 'Greys'' i experinced interacting with two humaoids and two mythical looking characterslooking like Satyrs who previous had been wearing human-looking real life 'masks' of people close to me)!
Yes, I have read a few stories about incidents just like what you spoke of and also of what I experienced.
I never have felt that anything could simply happen to me and me not remember at least something about it though.
I can't really say I truly feel that it was an alien craft I saw nor can I say I truly feel the objects are alien in origin.
All I know, is the origins of the objects is unknown and that seems to be true in the most part about the proof of aliens.

Without having the financial ability to pursue this quest of investigating the objects, which would entail more scans etc... I can only continue searching the net in the hopes of eventually finding a medical individual with knowledge in the brain field to view the photos I uploaded to verify the objects as foreign and catch his/her attention to further investigate my situation, and then finding someone else to pay for the scans.

This is a lot to ask, and I may never find such a person in any news type groups or even places like this forum. I was hoping when I found sciforums, that possibly such a Doctor might hang out in a place like this (maybe in a different group of this forum even).
Cuda said:
Thanks for your input and I'll explain further.
Hello Cuda, firstly thank you for taking the time to elaborate further regarding your experience and let me be the first to say, I wholly appreciate your reluctance to be considered or in anyway branded as being just another "alien nut case" as you put it - I presume this to be the reason you make no mention in your initial statements, nor subsequently to Giambattista, regarding having witnessed any form of unusual or else otherwise unidentified aerial objects as indicated by the phrase:
Cuda said:
I have never seen any sort of aliens at all

Anyway, with regards to the rest:
Cuda said:
I don't recall any other times in my life of having memory loss, and have never had any head injuries.
Now I may be being particularly dense here, so please, do forgive me in advance for asking this, but you do very clearly state you became aware of:
Cuda said:
what looked like a partial scar extending out from under my hair line, next to my temple. I moved the hair back and saw the rest of the circle scar tissue.
Now, you are indeed very clear as to your impressions of what this scar looks like and where it's located - I'm not at all questioning your eyesight here, or your ability to recognise a scar when you see one. However, you do very clearly relay that prior to this discovery you were actively engaged in driving a vehicle and some several hours later found yourself still driving the same vehicle yet having absolutely no memory of what you were doing in the intervening time - and you are very clear on this, so in your stating:
Cuda said:
I don't recall any other times in my life of having memory loss, and have never had any head injuries
How exactly can you be sure of that? You describe a scar being present on the side of your head - patently, you must have endured a head injury in order to present a scar.

You drove a car for something over, what... 8 hours? And have no memory of actually driving - clearly you have experienced memory loss, but memory loss by its very definition does somewhat dictate something of an absence in ones capacity to recollect - If you yourself can accept that you drove a car for several hours with no recollection of what transpired at all, would it be in anyway inconstant to consider that one can overlook the presence of a relatively small partially hidden scar?

I'd like to take you back a little bit to your account of your UFO chase the previous day that you and your wife witnessed, and I'd like you to very seriously try and recollect very carefully what transpired. As you state:
Cuda said:
The reason I began towards this type of questioning is because the day before my missing time, my wife and I encountered a shinny looking ball in the sky about a mile from where we were driving. I began chasing after it because we wanted to see what it was, and thinking it might be a silver air balloon. It was very bright and almost like looking into a bright strong light. We chased after it for several miles down a farm road in the corn fields before it just vanished.
Sorry for the repetition here, but I've highlighted the relevant terms. You describe your pursuit of this object as a chase, I gather to relay you were at this point travelling at some degree of speed, correct? You indicate following the object onto a farm road, I gather unpaved? Again, correct?

I should imagine that during the course of this pursuit you were both, you and your wife, excited? Incredulous? Eager to ascertain the nature of what it was you were pursuing. You were driving, you had one eye on the road and one eye on the object, I presume you weren't driving a convertible. At times during the pursuit you would have had to lean forward and crane your neck up to make sure the object was still ahead of you and to the side at others, again still looking up - you're driving at speed over an unpaved road.

At any point do you recollect at all banging the side of your head at all, possibly only very mildly at the time, your main focus would have course been on driving and pursuing the object you were chasing, so indeed a little knock to the side of the head against the inside of the car on the drivers side not going to impinge too much. Perhaps feeling tired, perhaps a headache later after once back home and the thrill of the chase had worn off, but at the time hardly noticeable at all.

Possible, do you think? You describe the scar you subsequently discovered as being circular. Would there have been any fittings at all on the inside of the car that would at all have corresponded to the size and shape of the scar you describe - these are issues you need to be quite clear on here because, any serious investigator worth their salt is going to want to investigate these aspects of your experience and, as you yourself relay, in not wanting to be taken as just a regular "alien nut" - Since this chase incident did infact take place the day before your first conscious recollection of memory loss having occurred - that you present a scar clearly demonstrating head trauma and that the day before you clearly recollect and describe driving at some speed along a lowly maintained road surface - clearly these particular set of circumstances could infact actually have been the cause of the head trauma you later first noticed only after experiencing an incident of memory loss - it's self, a highly strong indicator of concussion.

So, in considering for yourself the nature of your experience, its possibly quite important to view all the aspects of what you do recall happening over the course of that, turns out, 48 hour period relevant to your experience specifically of memory loss.

Now - your CT Scans. I'm surprised, frankly appalled that you relay the specialist who took your scans didn't elaborate further on the material aspects of the items in question. Presumably the fellow involved was more interested in ascertaining that an internal bleed was indeed not the cause of the pressure causing impairment to your vision than elaborating further on the nature of the fragments displayed in your scans.

Basically, when bone fractures the body immediately responds by targeting the fractured bone and forcing it to calcify at an accelerated rate - it's a targeted response designed to affect only area's of bone which have been damaged, not affect undamaged bone at all otherwise you'd get all sorts of problems cropping up all over your body everytime you broke something.

Bone is very tensile, but like Pyrex, once it breaks it doesn't only snap it shatters producing tiny, microscopic splinters of bone that get dispersed quite some way around the area of the sight of injury - these fragments, exactly like the main part of the bone, respond to the body's auto repair system.

Now most bones in the body are surrounded by muscle tissue, quite densely wrapped around the entire length of the bone on both sides and thus, consequently, micro fragments dispersed by the bone breaking calcify but are physically confined within proximity of the bone itself so any tiny bone nodules that form rapidly become incorporated back into the surface stricture of the damaged site - with hollow cavity fractures however, head trauma specifically, micro fragments produced by blunt trauma get dispersed far further on the inside of the wound simply because the skull is basically a hollow cavity.

Granulation of these fragments via the body's auto repair system therefore both can and in fact does produce tiny little "micro-bones" as the material being repaired tries to refashion itself back into the exact form of bone tissue it originally was part of. Most times these themselves will re-adhere themselves to the inside of the skull as irregular, sometimes regular, smoothish nodules of bone - other times however they don't and these can indeed cause problems exactly as you relay.

Now, I am deeply surprised your specialist didn't explain this to you, however since you relay the appearance of a scar which grew over the course of a number of weeks, what you're describing here with:
Cuda said:
As for the scar area, it first was about the size of a dime and expanded larger over the next week to about the size of a quarter, and then it began to fade away over the next week. About two weeks of the visual scar before it was gone.

At the beginning I thought maybe I somehow had a tissue eating virus because it got larger everyday. It was strange to me to watch what looked like a wound scar, growing.
Is basically a description of the over lying tissue of your skull bearing the impact mark of the trauma to the bone bellow responding as the fractured bone underneath began re-knitting and healing back together again.

In short - and I'm sorry for the length of this but this is obviously a matter which has been troubling you for some considerable number of years know ( I can tell that much just from looking at the CT Scans) - you fractured your skull at some point during the course of the day before your memory loss incident - most likely during the course of your UFO chase. Fatigue, headache, memory loss - the presence of blunt trauma injury to the head indicating scaring has already taken place - its all indicative that you cracked your head a good one and actually was walking around for a couple of weeks with a fractured skull as a consequence.

This would also have been the cause of the sensation of movement you experienced centred around the injury - your bones literally were moving, they were loose and only being held in place by the surface tissue surrounding your skull. If you'dve had an itch and given yourself a damn good scratch I perish the thought what might have happened there...

Of course, one might say - fracturing ones skull, kind of a hard thing to miss wouldn't you say and you'd often times be perfectly right. But driving a car for 8 hours and having no recollection of what you were doing whatsoever - that's a considerably harder thing to miss also.

But then again, concussion as a result of blunt head trauma is very much exactly like that. And you had the scar from a blunt trauma impact to prove it.

You don't have to take anyones word on that. You have a bunch of CT scans which speak volumes, assuming of course y'know how to read them.

Sort something out with your GP and get him or her to arrange a consultation with a specialist, if you are still experiencing pain, discomfort vision impairment still after all this time, putting a rocket under someones arse and getting a proper looking over - not the worst idea in the world. I trust your good lady wife remains in no way similarly affected despite being equally present during the course of your brief close encounter?

Perhaps, possibly, in going back over the actual events of those two days and the weeks that followed, you can possibly put your own mind at rest regarding at least one aspect of the incident and at least find a way to address your own physical condition free from any possibility of being branded an "alien nut" - as I believe, quite genuinely from what you relay, you are indeed nothing at all of the sort.

My very best wishes to the both of you and I trust you fair well.

My regards,

A ;)
Mr Anonymous,
Thank you very much for your responce.
Yes, correct, I literally have never seen any sort of alien in my entire life.
As for the missing time, to clarify more clearly. I recalled driving upon the area which I saw the object the day before and remember thinking about it- Then the next thing I remember is seeming like waking up from a sleep and realizing it was night(sunset), I was moving slowly down the road in almost the exact same location that hours earlier my last memory of thinking about the object the day before.
It sort of seemed like time must have stopped for me, but the day continued on and then I woke up or time for me began to move again. It really didn't make any sense at all and this is what made me feel as if something was really wrong.
I had filled my truck up before heading home that day and still had what looked like a full tank the next day when I headed back to work, so I knew I hadn't been driving around while experiencing this missing time.

The chase: I turned off the main county hwy and onto an old country rd, paved but most likely not for the past 20 years or so. I say farm rd because it would have been hardly traveled and nothing but farm land (cornfields) was in sight for miles.
I was initially headed north and the object was to the East. The moment I saw it, it was barely in the right view out my windshield. As I turned east it was diectly in front of me about what seemed like maybe two miles ahead and maybe 1/8 mile in the air. Yes, I began a increase my speed and trying to keep looking at it and my wife spazzed on me, telling me to watch the road and she would watch it. It began to edge toward the south a bit, towards her passenger window, and then it was gone, as she was looking at it. I kept glancing looks at it, and then I glanced back and it was gone. I remember saying where the hell did it go and she looked at me and said it was gone. We both assumed it must have went down some below the distant fields and trees.

The scar: At no time did I ever hit my head against anything, and the scar was on my right temple the next morning.
The next morning while brushing my teeth, my hair was not combed or brushed back, even though it is short, it still had a half inch of movement and was forward of my front ear part. As I brushed it back I was able to see the whole scar looking tissue, a circular scar on my temple area, it looked as if it had been a several year old scar. I actually had to pull my short hair forward to keep it sort of covered during the day, because it looked strange to me.
Never having a scar on my temple, and then bam, I have one right on my temple towards the right front of my ear, not enough of it was under the hair line to cover it or hide it.
The location of it, was in the hollow socket of the temple area where no bone is felt.

I have no skull fractures or damage to the skull bone structure at all and so the question of bone splinters or fragments doesn't apply. If I had a fracture it would have given me a relief, to explain away the objects just as you have mentioned and would have made me happy to know I had an answer to the objects.
As it is, I'm not lucky enough to have such, and so I'm lost for an explanation.
As far as headaches goes, it was some time before I ever felt any sharp pains in my head, and never had any tender or sore spots on any part of my skull.
I remember then and even at times now, when I felt the movement under my skin I would run to a mirror and look into it, move my hair to see if I could see movement under my skin, but never did see anything.

You gave some very sensible analogies and gave good reason to review the entire incident and I truly wished it applied to me, but it doesn't. Thus being the reason for my frustration of not having the slightest reason for an explanation of the objects.

The Doctor did say that it didn't appear that I've had any head trauma nor was any blood found in the brain tissue. They also ran a tube into my leg vein and put a dye into my blood stream to see if I had a busted artery going to my brain, but it was negative, no blood leaking.

It seemed as though they were very thorough in trying to figure out the reason for my vision, except to further investigate the objects.
The nurse that came back to tell the Doctor about the results of the scan and the objects found, had a "oh my god" look in her eyes when trying to tell the Doctor about the objects, and was stressing that he really does need to come see this (the scans).
It didn't go much further than that with me about the objects.
It wasn't until about a year later when I got a copy of the scans, I listened to the recording the Doctor made about the objects and he stated "this is truly a find".

Once again, thank you for a good commen sense approach to an explanation for the objects and I truly wished it applied.
Gustav said:
not true. skinwalker
what part of.....
Giambattista said:
And my suggestions are that he get some REAL medical attention and diagnosis, not this light conversation he appears to have been dealt so far! you not understand?
Thank you, Gustav, for defending the truth of what I spoke. I am not the only one who sees how very partial Skinwalker's position is.
Don't forget, there was also this:
Giambattista said:
You need to see a couple different neurologists, I imagine, so they can brainstorm, if they're into that kind of thing.
Yes, I did recommend a COUPLE different neurologists.
I also did say that he should demand more answers from his doctors, and not simply put up with "We don't really know..."
SkinWalker said:

That you would recommend the woo-woo cretins above for someone that may actually have a serious medical disorder demonstrates either your total lack of regard for human life or that you've been completely duped by their wild claims of space aliens. Certainly this is indicative of your acceptence of their space-alien hypothesis (each has openly proclaimed their belief in it) and, thus, indicative of your lack of any objectivity with the subject.
And your extreme lack of objectivity regarding what I actually said above is indicative of your unbelief in the space-alien hypothesis, and your need to make your "superiority" on the subject known at every possible point.
Classic pseudo-skeptic tactics.

Skinwalker said:
Cuda, if you value your health, you will ignore the advice of the uninformed who recommend ufo nutters as a solution. Seek out the advice and consul from a neurologist -someone actually experienced with the physiology of the human brain and how to treat it.
Giambattista said:
You need to see a couple different neurologists, I imagine, so they can brainstorm, if they're into that kind of thing.

Streiber is a fiction writer;
His name is actually Strieber, not Streiber.
And yes, he does write fiction, and has enjoyed a fair amount of popularity. This implies what, exactly? That all fiction writers lie for a living, and are perpetually enveloped in their imagined fantasy worlds, rendering them incapable of ever stating facts or holding to the truth in any situation?
Hopkins is an embarassment to his colleages;
I don't care, really. Further, I sincerely doubt that Hopkins would endanger someone's life if they had a potentially serious brain injury/disorder/trauma.
Leir is a freakin' foot doctor.
Correct. But just because a doctor specializes in one area doesn't make them incompetent in another. Furthermore, I know he has, on more than one occasion, been accompanied by another doctor more appropriate and able to conduct a proper operation during these removals. Leir doesn't do all of this alone. He apparently is able to realise where his expertise is in want.
Skinwalker said:
None are qualified to look at your brain scans and none are qualified to comment on what could be wrong. Indeed, there is absolutely NO EVIDENCE that Leir has ever removed an object of alien design or even an object of design at all.
I appears that Cuda already contacted some of the mentioned persons. I was about 75% serious in mentioning those people. I did it mostly because if there IS a connection between these objects and some non-human intellegence, then the people I mentioned would probably be interested in it, and like I said:
But, above all, contact some people who are serious about this kind of research. You may have a truly extraordinary case on your hands, whether it's extraterrestrial or not. If you're lucky, you may at least get some funding to have the things extracted, assuming it's not too risky.
That, perhaps if the objects were anomalous enough to warrant an investigation, perhaps Cuda would find himself the recipient of some financial aid to have said objects removed, ASSUMING it's not too risky.
Skinwalker said:
Giambattista acted in a very callous and reckless manner for someone who may have a very real medical condition.
I fail to see how I gave him any dangerous, callous, or reckless advice.
Beyond that, I very seriously doubt ANY of the above persons would make a diagnosis, or even attempt to look at the scans, except for possibly Leir, who undoubtedly at one time in medical training was shown some brain scans. Cuda said even the nurse recognized that something was awry after looking at the scans.
No, I'm actually quite positive (99.999%) that they would consult someone more qualified to make a pronouncement.

Skinwalker said:
See your neurologist.
Giambattista said:
You need to see a couple different neurologists, I imagine, so they can brainstorm, if they're into that kind of thing.
Skinwalker said:
Ask questions. Raise your concerns.
Giambattista said:
...but if you're for real, then please, for yourself and many others, demand some more concrete answers, at the very least.

SkinWalker said:
Ignore the thoughtless and woo-woo advice of Giambattista. He has finally revealed his true nature on this board.
Thoughtless? You, dear Skinwalker, are the thoughtless one, I am more than happy to state! :)
Giambattista said:
You may have a truly extraordinary case on your hands, whether it's extraterrestrial or not.
Giambattista said:
Well, that is quite unnerving, if true.
Giambattista said:
Do you have any idea how these supposedly foreign objects got there?
Notice how careful and tentative I am with the implication that it could be something to do with ETs. Where did I state that these truly ARE implants put there by aliens? I am more than aware that it often takes several doctors to get a correct diagnosis, thus, this statement of mine, AGAIN:
Giambattista said:
You need to see a couple different neurologists, I imagine, so they can brainstorm, if they're into that kind of thing.

The very name of this thread "Brain Implants" implies that they are PURPOSELY put there. After all, what IS an implant but an intentionally inserted object?
I was NOT the person who titled this thread, in case you have missed that fact. The fact that several doctors could not explain the objects, that they were considered foreign in nature, the mysterious circumstances under which his problems started, and the sighting of the silver object, are all obvious factors that have led Cuda to wonder if these things are not naturally occuring, and that led him to consider that they may be implants, hence the name "Brain Implants" for this particular discussion.

Skinwalker said:
He has finally revealed his true nature on this board.

Skinwalker has been consistently revealing his nature on this board as a true pseudo-skeptical dismisser and naysayer, but it appears he may have stooped to an all new low. Pay close attention to the very one-sided and biased treatment of my words and my position.
I believe I have adequately proven his statements about me to be quite misleading.
SkinWalker said:
That should have been the only recommendation. Charlatans and witchdoctors are unnecessary and a waste of precious time. My criticism stands. I retract none of it. Giambattista acted in a very callous and reckless manner for someone who may have a very real medical condition.

It will only further demonstrate how capable you are of making spurious statements heavily infused with bias, and your ability to take a few quotes and construct a lemon tree from an apple.
Mr Anonymous said:

Actually Giambattista, if you read the rough outline of chronology as stated Cuba's account begins actually with an instance of memory loss - subsequent to that the discovery of a hitherto unnoticed scar.

Not a wound. Scar tissue.

Pretty much what I said, yes. You are saying that because it was a SCAR, supposedly, that this implies an injury from some time ago, correct?
Well, actually, Mr. Anonymous, if you read the outline in a little more detail, you see that the supposed "scar" faded away shortly thereafter:

Cuda said:
The next morning I had what looked like a scar next to my temple about the size of a quarter, it faded away over the next two weeks. I had felt movement under my skin and maybe skull next to my right ear.
The movement would last about for 5 to 10 seconds and then stop. This would happen about 20 times a day and lasted for several years.

He implies that it was never noticed prior to that time, and also it is very possible he is confusing "scar" with "scab". Why a longstanding scar would only become apparent the day after such an inexplicable loss of time, only to disappear two weeks after being noticed is a little peculiar. That might suggest that it wasn't really a scar, but that he called it that simply because it appeared to be one. APPEARED.

(edit: a scar, in general, is a mark that reveals where an injury has taken place, and lasts for an indefinite period of time AFTER the injury has healed and scabs have disappeared. Scars often last quite awhile and may be permanent. That is roughly the definition of "scar" that I was going by, to clarify matters.)
Mr Anonymous said:

These so called Implants are actually the consequence of a previous head trauma.

A bold statement that appears to be fact. I am curious to know why you would state so definitively that this is the result of an injury.
Cuda's description of the event, the sudden appearance of the "scar", the object(s), and the "conclusions" of more than one doctor, does not in any way indicate that this so-called implant is the consequence of a previous head trauma.
Cuda said:
The Doctor did say that it didn't appear that I've had any head trauma nor was any blood found in the brain tissue.
(edit: this information from Cuda was given AFTER your statement "These so called Implants are actually the consequence of a previous head trauma." So you didn't have that to rely upon at the time.
This does not change, however, the fact that this statement is supposition on your part, and receives little confirmation or support from the facts Cuda had revealed at that point. Further information from Cuda has decreased the likelihood of your statement even more. I'm just stating the facts as he has given them. You are assuming that the foreign objects were caused by an injury of sorts, namely, bumping his head, yet this assumption is stated as a fact, even though the information tends to discount that.

If, after being reviewed by several doctors, the actual identification of the objects and how they got there is inconclusive, I fail to see how you would declare the "implants" to be the result of a head trauma, when his doctor didn't say that there had been any in the first place, and furthermore seemed to rule it out as a possible cause. You, by all appearances, are making conclusions that even the doctors who examined him didn't make. Puzzling.

Mr Anonymous said:
Frankly Giambattista I have no idea what it is you have been "considering" here, but it isn't at all anything Cuba himself has actually said and it doesn't frankly seem actually very much at all full, whatever it was.
Frankly, Mr. Anonymous, I don't know exactly what this was about, other than perhaps a little common sense, quite a bit of nitpicking, and a very unusually confident statement of an OPINION as a FACT.
I was "actually very much" fully considering everything he had said, and was only going by what he had told me. I neither declared the mysterious objects to be implants, nor, unlike YOU, did I declare them to be the result of an injury at some forgotten point in his past.
The very fact that the "scar" becomes apparent the next day (not at any time before), that it fades away relatively quickly (indicating it may not be any kind of scar in the normal sense), and the fact that his psychological and neurological disturbances all begin AFTER that point, STRONGLY indicates that something related to his missing time is somehow responsible for the "scar" and the mystery objects.
That does not rule out the possibility that the injury occured AT the onset of the missing time. However, the inability of the doctors to reach any substantial conclusions as to the manner of the objects and their origins, coupled with the fact that one of them stated that for all practical purposes, it was not the result of any observable trauma, makes the explanation of a bump on the head unlikely. Not impossible, but unlikely.

Cuda said:
Several doctors all looked at my scans, and the one doctor said I had no serious worry of dying because no blood was leaking.
I was merely going by the facts the Cuda had given. I was not at all making any conclusions as to what had happened, or that the objects were "alien implants". Cuda was the one who suggested that they might be of an artificial nature.
Despite my reasonable assessment of the facts as he relayed them, and my hesitance to rush to judgement regarding them, you seem to have already reached a conclusion that the whole incident was a result of an injury, despite the inability of several medical doctors to arrive at that same destination.

Mr Anonymous said:
Try paying attention.

Likewise, I think that is some sound advice that you could take to heart, as well.
Last edited:
Dear Cuda,

I want to thank you for filling out the blank spots with some details. In fact, I want to thank you for taking the time to share your story with us. I am assuming you are for real and not making things up, though it's always a real possibility.

Please, if you by chance read my recent posts, and you by chance see any faulty assumptions or statements on my part regarding what you have described, do feel welcome to correct me.
I feel I have been very fair and cautious while addressing your little problem. I also note that I was the first person to address you, period.

It seems that at least one person decided to attack me and quite inaccurately portrayed my position. I personally feel he was completely out of line in his actions. I do not feel any of my advice to you was unsound, and I hope you didn't find me as "callous and reckless" as that person insinuated.

As I stated before, if this is true as you say it is, it IS quite unnerving. I had a genuine concern for your well-being, and in no way was I recommending "witchdoctors" as a cure.

I mentioned those people, almost in a humorous way, because I was having trouble believing that it might be true, so in a way I wasn't being totally serious. However, these people ARE very interested in the phenomenon of alien abduction, and would obviously be interested in your case since it appears that to this point, your doctors have not come up with anything concrete.
I also thought that maybe they would aid you in some way towards getting to the bottom of the mystery, and that would include perhaps some assistance in getting a second opinion from a doctor.

I can understand your nervousness at accepting that the objects might be put there by someone or something for some unknown purpose. The prospect makes me nervous, too!

A question: what did your doctors think of the missing time and the UFO that you saw, assuming you told them? Just curious.

Another question: why did you choose Sciforums as a place to tell your story and show your pictures?

I have other questions that I would like to ask, but I will refrain for now!

Keep in touch
duendy said:
haha freeeaky fruedian slip, not 'with them as in the 'usualy' 'Greys'' i experinced interacting with two humaoids and two mythical looking characterslooking like Satyrs who previous had been wearing human-looking real life 'masks' of people close to me)!

Were you eating mushrooms of a different kind at the time? :bugeye:
Hello Giambattista,
Actually I felt as though you offered several options to further my quest for answers and did not in the least try to pursued me towards an irresponcible or reckless direction, and I thank you for the input.

As for your questions:
1. I never memtioned anything about missing time or the strange object to the Doctors.

2. I had been doing searches on the net for science news groups, and looking around them to get a feel if it might be a good place to get answers. I was also trying to find discussions dealing with the brain in different groups to see if my situation would be welcomed if mentioned.
It has actually been very difficult for me to find much in the way of medical investigative interest.

My main objective is to hopefully find a link up with a medical person with knowledge of the brain to view my uploaded scans to verify them, and then proceed further by sending him/her the CD with all the scans on it that is within a medical program along with a recorded message from the viewing Doctor.
I really don't want to send it too an alien/ufo buff unless that person is willing to first, contact a qualified medical brain person to simply click the uploaded site of the 9 photos and view them. If they did this, they would clearly see the objects and impressions and know they shouldn't be there. I would then want to send my CD of scans directly to them for further investigating and analyzing.
I had been told before that most the ufo buffs would most likely be very slow in trying to help because there is a recognition process they would go through in order to have the exclusive right to the photos for books, interviews etc... (money). I did get this very impression after contacting a couple ufo buffs, and thus the reason I had never sent my scans to them.

I simply want medical review (answers) and not a circus.
Cuda said:
Hello Giambattista,
Actually I felt as though you offered several options to further my quest for answers and did not in the least try to pursued me towards an irresponcible or reckless direction, and I thank you for the input.

Well, straight from the proverbial horse's mouth! Thank you for clearing that up!

Cuda said:
I had been told before that most the ufo buffs would most likely be very slow in trying to help because there is a recognition process they would go through in order to have the exclusive right to the photos for books, interviews etc... (money). I did get this very impression after contacting a couple ufo buffs, and thus the reason I had never sent my scans to them.

I simply want medical review (answers) and not a circus.

Completely understandable.

Gosh, you'd think it would be enough for someone to say something like "I was the FIRST person to actually give him and his case the time of day, etc, etc..." without wanting to obtain a "patent"!

I just figured, that if another opinion confirmed that it was indeed a foreign object and not natural, that it would prove very important to the study of the abduction phenomenon, since you had both the missing time, and the sighting of an unusual silvery object.

Question: can you tell me a little more about the object you saw? Size, flight characteristics, etc. In what manner did it disappear, exactly? Instantly, in front of your eyes? Or did it go out of view or pass behind something, and you just didn't see it again?

Question: how many doctors, if you recall, examined you? What were their credentials. General practitioners, or were there brain specialists as well?

Finally, just for my own curiousity, where about do you live in Nebraska, or DID you live, at the time of the incident? I'm pretty familiar with Nebraska, as I have relatives who live there. Just a general description of the area, like major towns/cities within 50 miles or so. Near Grand Island? Valentine? Omaha? Scottsbluff? Eastern? Central? Southwestern?

Only if you feel comfortable giving that information, though! ;)

Well, I felt the same way about them. I assumed they would simply want to help too further their own agenda for proof of alien intervention. They do, but it seems it is a dog eat dog world in the ufo field, for having exclusive proof for financial gain.
If my situation falls into the realm of the ufo field, then I would want all the info free to all with no profits to anyone. I'm not about to be lead around with a collar and leash, like a dog for show and tell sessions.

Size: It seemed like if I got close to it, it would have been about the size bus, but round. It moved slowly at first and then it seemed to move fast, like someone yanked on it and it maybe moved a 1/4 mile in the air to a different spot.
I didn't see it disappear, I turned my head to look at the road and then glanced back and it was gone. My wife said it just went poof, and was gone. We both assumed it went below or behind the trees. We didn't pursue it any further because no other roads gave us access through the cornfields to continue the chase.

If I recall, there are three names on the file in the medical program on the CD. I only spoke with one Doctor. In the recording as the one Doctor is recording his findings, another Doctor is in the background commenting to him.

I lived in Lincoln NE, at the time. I was working around the Freemont NE area.
Cuda said:
Well, I felt the same way about them. I assumed they would simply want to help too further their own agenda for proof of alien intervention. They do, but it seems it is a dog eat dog world in the ufo field, for having exclusive proof for financial gain.
If my situation falls into the realm of the ufo field, then I would want all the info free to all with no profits to anyone. I'm not about to be lead around with a collar and leash, like a dog for show and tell sessions.
Sickening, isn't it? I feel the same way about freedom of information regarding something so spectacular. Though, I don't see how anyone would be in complete control of your story. I think most probably YOU would have to give THEM the rights, because it's your story, after all.

Perhaps NIDS could be of service? The National Institute for Discovery Science is a foundation that will hire scientists to investigate paranormal phenomena. They also don't get as much sensationalistic coverage as some of the other researchers do, as far as I'm aware.

If your "implants" can be truly proven to be foreign objects, as several doctors have already concluded to the best of their abilities, I think there may be a good chance they would be willing to examine your case.
No matter what, if you do decide on a researcher to look into this, I would definitely be up front with them about how you want them to conduct themselves, especially when it comes to publicity or giving out your name.
I sincerely believe that a reputable researcher would be willing to give you a certain degree of anonymity if you insisted on it.

Just a thought I had.

If I felt that hypnotic regression was more reliable, I MIGHT suggest undertaking it, to see if anything can be recalled. If you ever thought about that, you would definitely want to see someone who does not deal with the subject of alien abduction. However, at this time, I would not recommend such a thing.
Hypnosis is controversial, to say the least, especially in the context of memory.

Cuda said:
I lived in Lincoln NE, at the time. I was working around the Freemont NE area.

Cool. I have grandparents that live almost smack dab in the middle of the state. Kind of eerie out there. I always expected to see a UFO, but only a few things have ever hinted at being mysterious. Not enough for me to make any definitive conclusions.
Giambattista said:
Were you eating mushrooms of a different kind at the time? :bugeye:
NO, i had simply gone to bed at night.

CUda.....Have you hard of a surgeon in the States that purports to have a collection of implants from people who claim t have been abducted...?
Giambattista said:
Likewise, I think that is some sound advice that you could take to heart, as well.

Actually, I think you'll find that both now as with the first time around, I really didn't ask you for your opinion in the first place, end of story.
Mr Anonymous said:
Actually, I think you'll find that both now as with the first time around, I really didn't ask you for your opinion in the first place, end of story.

Which time was the first, might I ask?
Frankly Giambattista I have no idea what it is you have been "considering" here

Like I already said, I was doing nothing more than going by what he said.
-He indicates that the scar only becomes apparent the next day.
-No prior headaches or lapses of memory, especially not for hours at a time.
-The doctor(s) considered them foreign objects, as he indicated.
I had a brain scan done in which the Doctor had found several foreign objects within the tissue of the brain. He found it to be extremely impossible and exciting for such objects to be found in my brain, but there they were.
In either case, it was confirmed foreign objects are in my brain and possibly more where the impressions are located.

The details he has released today have only reinforced these notions.

I don't quite understand your attitude, nor the rude tone you seem to have adopted. All I can say is that it is quite typical of many of the persons that frequent sciforums.
Yes, I have. A Derrel Sims and Roger Leir. I guess they were a team for awhile and then seperated over a dispute. I have been in contact with Derrel Sims, but have not sent him my scans unless or until he has a brain Doctor at his disposal or rather on his team. Derrel seems to be a real sincere individual and also has some real interest in my scans. He has saw the uploaded scans, but I still will not send the entire CD until he or someone else has a medical person to view my scans.

I'm just not really into being connected to the ufo exposure thing (regardless of any opinions I may have on the subject), unless if I am able to have professional opinions, reviews and further tests, first, to verify the objects, to prove they are foreign bodies, to prove the impossibility the objects entered my brain through any conventional or explainable means, and that the objects posses any forms of matter not consistent with the human body i.e. bone fragments etc...

It may seem that I am asking a lot, but then again, I'm the one with these unexplainable objects in my brain. It will most likely end up as I have assumed several times, "I will end up dieing before I ever get any answers".
This is why I have thought about putting in my wil,l a request that my brain be given to a science lab to examine along with the CD of my scans.
Until then, I will just keep on trying to find a medical brain Doctor with connections to further investigate my situation.