Brain Implants

Giambattista said:
He went from civil to extremely unreasonable in the blink of an eye.
Reasons, I have none.
I guess it's one of those mysteries. :confused:
Yeah. Right:
Giambattista said:
Today, 04:38 AM

Zounds! From 0 to complete asshole, in no time flat!
Amazing. Simply amazing!
Giambattista said:
03-02-06, 10:26 AM

Mr. Anonymous:

what the hell kind of drugs make a person type in the manner that you do? Jiminy Christmas, sorry is right!
This thread was a very big mistake. I did it on a whim, and questioned myself every step of the way. Apparently the answers I gave myself weren't informed enough to stop me from doing it.
That's quite some blink you've got going for you there.

duendy said:
YES Giam. i am seeing same as you...!
Duendy? Other than shit stirring, y'got anything else to add? Rhetorical question. Run.
Mr. Anonymous:

what the hell kind of drugs make a person type in the manner that you do? Jiminy Christmas, sorry is right!

Is THAT what has your panties in a bind??? :eek:

I was just a little sour at the time, but in no way did I intend to insult you.
I actually wondered if perhaps you had taken offence to that when I was trying to understand exactly why you went completely ape-shit.
Understand this:
I do NOT insult people if they do not deserve it, and I can tell you honestly that what you quoted was NOT an insult. (which indicates that indeed you did not deserve one in the first place!) I am sorry if it was spoken in a manner which would seem otherwise.

I do not stoop to such things. I have a very acute sense of justice, right and wrong, and I value my own judgement very highly. Yes, I am my own judge.
I'm also a rather nice person, and I would never attack someone for such a shallow, petty reason.

What I SHOULD have said there, was that perhaps you were a little too wordy (and I'm not??? :p ) or long in the tooth. Neither of which would ever earn my disdain, believe me.
I was more upset that my somewhat serious thread had kind of flopped, in my opinion.

Again, it may have looked like an insult, but it was not. It was merely a poor choice of words.
And that is the honest truth.
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Giambattista said:
It was merely a poor choice of words.
Let me assure you completely here. Indeed. It really was.

I'll tell you this the one time only Giambattista - stay the fuck out of my face until such time as I cool off. I will, you have my absolute promise about this, very much remain the arbiter of how and when I find myself to have been insulted or not - and you remain absolutely bang on the money only when you relay "indeed you did not deserve one in the first place!"

That's my response to you. My answer, my meaning. That isn't up for debate.

Now, with that at least out of my system for now, here's the bit where I respond like a human being instead of an answer machine. Do whatever you like with it, I'm hoping frankly you've just got the sense to just fucking listen and leave the hell alone but of late I wouldn't put good money on that. Nevertheless...

For fuck sakes Giam - where the fuck is your bladdy head at of late?!

Y'flit around between thread to thread, posting the first thing that comes into your bladdy head with not a single thought for any possible consequence of what it is you're actually doing - when it comes to fuck stupid, pointless, idiot argument's with members about nothing whatsoever, suddenly you develop the capacity to at least focus on where you are with the present moment. But as to all the rest, and there's a crap load of it of late, you're like a butterfly. Flitting from one thing to the next.

I've just spent the last couple of days focusing on one particular problem of how to get a man who came into these forums with a sense of resignation to a fate he hardly feels in the slightest in control of to leaving here with a spring in his stride and some measure at least of possibly hope that something actually practical can indeed actually be done regarding his condition and possibly the course of the rest of his natural life.

Other than positing some of the most dick stupid questions I've ever in my life read from a man over the age of 16 and arguing the shit with SkinWalker ( and no. I. do not. fucking. give. a. shit who started. it) you've accomplished squat all else worth writing home about.

This contained herein not withstanding.

Giam, whoever the fuck you are, you are quite obviously a witty, funny, light hearted sort of a guy occasionally, when you focus, insightful and beneficial to the forum as a whole - a great addition I had always though one I was rather pleased I had the sense to be one of the first on the welcoming comunity when you started settling in down this way and being a regular.

But you carry on like this and you'll be outstaying your welcome permanently. I'm not joking with you here or spinning you any of the usual board rhetoric - I'm been straight with you, even though every bone in my instinct is telling me to just kick your sorry arse from one end of this website to the other, I give a shit enough to tell you straight your pissing on too many peoples shoes just out of habit rather than any form of need, and that's just going to get you dead round here - board-wise, you're going to become the equivalent of the guy in school whose walks around with a Kick me HARD sign cellotaped to his crotch and somehow not getting why suddenly everyones booting him in the nuts.

We're not friends here you and I and you carry on poncing around this way we're never likely to be thats a fact - but fucking me off, and you have make no bones about it, on top of other members around here.

If you're dumb enough to do it, you deserve every last little thing you have coming and more besides.

Snap out of it, sit on that instinct you have to want to trot something smart and thoroughly not-helping-in-the-slightest and give me a day or too to cool down - thats all I ask and in that respect I'm really not asking at all.

Speech over, Cuda's problems been settled this thread serves no continual purpose in remaining open - can I please motion a moderator to lock this thing down now?

I need a drink, a stiff one.

Join me in spirit if you like Giam, you'll be welcome, but if you're going to go at things the way you are of late - I'll see you in hell and quicker than you can believe possible. That's a given.

All I've got to say.

Thanks for your patience everyone, shows over.

really? threats are so tacky, mr a. if the current state of affairs drives you to drink, i would recommend a leave of absence to put things into perspective.
anyways, while the curtains may have dropped on your act, this fat lady aint sung yet.


sock puppetry is frowned on in here. bans are a possible consequence. while i understand the oaf's pathological hatred and need to see me banned from this forum, i am at a loss why you would. are you unaware of the possible consequences of such an accusation? you harbor ill will towards me?

your flamboyant faggotry amuses. another smooch will irritate.
you have been warned ;)

you do not piss me off
the ones that you are alleged to have pissed off? utterly inconsequential, my dear man.
Gustav said:
... this fat lady aint sung yet.
Good Lord G, all this time I really never knew you were a woman to begin with, let alone overweight. Who'd of thunk.... extraordinary!
Then rest assured, I take you at your very word implicitly. Have a good day, G.

A ;)
Cuda said:
Hello all,
I'm new to this site and have an interesting situation I've been dealing with for some time now.
I had a brain scan done in which the Doctor had found several foreign objects within the tissue of the brain. He found it to be extremely impossible and exciting for such objects to be found in my brain, but there they were.

I have never followed up with more test to get a better understanding of the makeup or reasons for these objects and impressions.
The depth interval between each scan could have missed an object and yet exposed a tissue compression near the object, causing the impressions.
In either case, it was confirmed foreign objects are in my brain and possibly more where the impressions are located.
I would like to share a few of these scans with you all and possibly get some good feedback.
I placed 9 snapshot photos of the scans. Simply click on the thumbnails to enlarge the photo to view the objects and/or impressions.


Are you Frankinstien or a part of his family? :eek: :D
Em, Cos'.....? Cuda sort of went on his way a day or so back actually looking for a more medical explanation for his current condition - I just mention it because you might find an answer from the gentleman himself somewhat unforthcoming as a consequence of him not actually being around.

Just, y'know, saying.
Mr Anonymous said:
Em, Cos'.....? Cuda sort of went on his way a day or so back actually looking for a more medical explanation for his current condition - I just mention it because you might find an answer from the gentleman himself somewhat unforthcoming as a consequence of him not actually being around.

Just, y'know, saying.
hmmmmpgh%*...welll i should Imagine hemay have felt un-comfort-able to maybe share the other part of his experience here--even tho i encouraged him to do so--what wid the frikkin 'normalcy'-gestapo about ...know what a mean wink wink?
Mmmm, well actually Cuda's own conclusions regarding how he felt he had spent his time here really actually went more along the lines of:
Cuda said:
Thanks all for your feedback, very very helpful.
While replying here, I've been searching the net for groups dealing with the brain. Thanks to ** *******, I started looking for brain issues instead of implant groups. A couple sites actually have brain doctors that read and sometimes post in those groups. I will be renaming my photos on that site i placed them on as, Cancer growth? Cell damage? etc. In the hopes of getting one of these Doctors to view them and hopefully maybe even be able to send them to one of them. So if anyone happens to view those scans again you will know why the titles are different.
Actually I'm excited as all get up, so after i post this, I'll be joining a couple of those groups.
Thanks one heck of a lot guys!
In actual practice, as it were. So I suppose one really must make of that what one can. Though I can't help but somewhat observe, he does seem awfully chipper for an oppressed minority, don't y'think?

Brainwashing and mental conditioning, no doubt.

wink. wink.... wink.
what people ..saaay, doesn't always reflect the whole of what they mean...
(wink so hard eye stuck)
Em, no m'dear. As with everything requiring even rudimentary cognitive processing, you misunderstand - I was merely trying out your
duendy said:
what people ..saaay, doesn't always reflect the whole of what they mean...
theory on for size, just to see how it works in practice.
Mr Anonymous said:
Em, no m'dear. As with everything requiring even rudimentary cognitive processing, you misunderstand - I was merely trying out your theory on for size, just to see how it works in practice.
what don' I understand?
Well, actually that's a very good question. Why not tootle off and compile a list, I'll help you go through it with you if y'like... ;)
Mr Anonymous said:
Well, actually that's a very good question. Why not tootle off and compile a list, I'll help you go through it with you if y'like... ;)
no. just name one ting and we'll go off from there.