Brain Implants

Cuda said:
Several years later, I had been having some intenseheadaches and then my vision began to alter very strangely. It seemed like I was looking through a crystal prism and I could place my hand in front of me and not see it.
I went to the hospital and told them what was going on and they rushed me into do a CT Scan. The Doctor said this happens when pressure is on the brain and he felt I had a major blood vessel leaking into my brain.

They found no blood leaking into my brain, just these objects. Several doctors all looked at my scans, and the one doctor said I had no serious worry of dying because no blood was leaking. So I left the hospital and have simply had to deal with the problem.


I had the identical vision problems about 10 times a few years ago, with the attendant partial blindness. In some cases the blindness was almost total. Tell me, the areas that were blank, were they just that, no darkness just a blinding white?

The third time this happened I was with a friend and we just happened to be driving past the local hospital, so I breezed in and had an emerg doctor look at me, as I was curious and slightly worried it might be a stroke. He told me it was a wicked pre-migraine aura and that I could expect to get a headache sometime during the day. You might be experiencing these and the objects in your head could be areas of local damage caused by inflammation triggered by an allergic reaction. The allergic cascade response type of migraine is often heralded by an intense aura, followed by milder headaches.

Did your blindness preceed your headaches? Are you also bothered by sinus problems?

Your agoraphobia could be the result of brain injury or allergy.

Can you think of any prosaic explanations for your scar and the area of redness on your temple? A wound from a spider will get larger and larger, necrotizing flesh and then shrink in size. Most people think that only "poisonous" spiders have this effect, but in truth, all spiders are poisonous.

I would resist the alien abduction explanation until I exhausted other possibilities.
Which is what he did Agit', he buggered off a couple of days back to do just that.
Gustav said:
please dont go?


I haven't gone anywhere, but if you're looking for a fight, I'm afraid I don't have one.

What was it we were "debating" earlier?

I was very drunk, and I think possibly a mite confused. Scratch possibly.