big red bulls eye on the wtc in 9/11

AJ doesn't lie sir.
I don't know anything about Alex Jones so I had a quick listen to that video. I didn't make it to the end.

He talks of videos of police and firemen admitting that the building is about to be blown up. If he is not a liar perhaps you can show me this video.

He also mentions a countdown going over the radio at the time. Some evidence of this?

NASA thermal imaging of temperatures of 3000 degrees? Right.

This guy is a liar, poorly informed and probably an idiot.
AJ used to have a photo of firemen looking into a hole in the debris and he claimed that they were looking at a pool of molten metal. At least he had the courtesy of pulling that lie off his website and out of his presentation. But he still points to aluminum cladding coming off the building in the collapse and calls it steel amongst a thousand other lies.

It had some interesting points.

It states that the collapse was not due to melted steel.
Here is a cutaway of the WTC.

You see there are two things that happened.

One is that steel loses half of its structural support capability around 500-650 degrees celsius, the fire burned at around 1000 degrees celsius.

But of course such a contingency was planned for, so even if they lost that much they could barely keep the building standing so long as nothing else went wrong, unfortunately there was another thing.

This idea was designed with the plan that the fire would be evenly spread like an office fire, because at that temperature the steel actrually began to expand significantly, but if it had been a diffused (evenly spread) fire, all of the columns would have expanded as one; so other than growing a few inches there would be no problem. but it wasnt an even fire, the airplane hit from one side, so that side facing the plane was significantly hotter than the other so what happened is several sets of steel expanded but the others didnt.

Kind of like the effect of ice cracking in the winter, as the ice freezes in a crack it expands, so the crack gets larger.

Now on its own, this may have been a large problem, but the other pillars could support it. Unfortunately, the other steel bars had already lost 1/2 of their structural capacity, this meant that the building was ready to fall, but it did not fall because of the above two reasons.

The bars meant to hold up the actual floors were much thinner and weaker than the vertical bars, long story short, when these collapsed, tens of thousands of tons fell ontop of these pillars that were at 1/2 their capacity and suffering from extreme heat distortion, and than they quite simply, snapped.
The bars meant to hold up the actual floors were much thinner and weaker than the vertical bars, long story short, when these collapsed, tens of thousands of tons fell ontop of these pillars that were at 1/2 their capacity and suffering from extreme heat distortion, and than they quite simply, snapped.

They're called floor trusses...and here's an image of them.


You can see how delicate of a structure they are made of. When they heated up, they sagged in the middle, pulling on their connection with the perimeter columns. When enough of the connections failed, the perimeter columns lost lateral support, buckled and failed. Gravity took over from there.
Combine that with the fact that the steel was at 1/2 its load capacity and that 1/3 of the structure was expanding from heat faster than other parts straining the structure, and you have a total failure of structural integrity.

Hell, it's a miracle the tower stood for 2 hours.
And not one name from the Asia-Pacific region.
Astute observation. They tend to be inherently racist. But then, this IS generally common knowledge. A great majority are monarchy, yes? Or so I have come to understand. Who knows?

Currently the ancient Chinese secret societies of the east, and the ancient ninja families of Japan are now locked in a life and death struggle against them. Apparently the Chinese Communists are Neutral, b/c they like the ruling position, money and power, and nobody wants it to erupt into a full out war. According to Benjamin Fulford:
He has given a number of interviews to conspiracy theorists, and therein claimed amongst others that:

* AIDS and SARS are bio-engineered weapons designed to reduce the African ("Black") and Asian populations. AIDS was created to reduce the African population, and SARS was meant to reduce the Asian populations of the world.
* A Chinese secret society with a membership of 6 million (intellectuals like professors in various fields, scientists, politicians, etc.), this includes 1.8 million gangsters, and 100,000 professional assassins has issued an ultimatum to the Illuminati, warning them that if they persist with their plan to depopulate the earth, they will be killed. The society has created an alliance joining China, Russia, India, South America, ASEAN, the free Muslim nations and Africa that is united in stopping the Illuminati. [7]
* The 9/11 terrorist attacks were an "inside job" carried out by the US government as a false flag attack to bring about new imperial mobilization.
* The Pentagon, the oil industry, banking elite, and the pharmaceutical industry suppress inventions including free-energy and anti-gravity technology to maintain power.
* In 2009 Fulford has stated that the US, using a secret military program known as HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) have been able to alter the climate, and using high power microwave energy induce earthquakes including the Asian Tsunami and earthquakes in Japan and China.

I applaud you for taking the time to carefully read the list, it is an interesting read. And, if you have money and care about your future, you can learn some interesting things. A couple things of note stand out. First off, that governor of South Caroline really screwed up his life by having an affair with the Argentinian woman. He was probably had shot for president the next time there was an opening. Notable attendees have included the Clinton's and Mr. Obama.

I looked through the list much too fast, but somewhere on there is another governor. . . that would be my bet for the next President now that the governor of South Carolina is out of the running. But, there is always next years meeting.

Likewise, there is a reasonably new fund that was set up in 1996, called the "Persius LLC" I had no idea what this was, but it has three members attending. . . . If you have some spare cash for investing, it's probably a good bet this fund will do extremely well in the coming months.

Likewise, I've always known that Novartis (a biotech company) is always a safe bet. They are the maker of the Swine flu vaccine. The head of their company was in attendance too. Probably not a bad idea to move some cash that way too. :rolleyes:
Wow, wonderful explanations guys, it all makes sense now. Um. . . what happened to the Tower ABOVE where the airplanes Impacted?
Astute observation. They tend to be inherently racist. But then, this IS generally common knowledge. A great majority are monarchy, yes? Or so I have come to understand. Who knows?

Currently the ancient Chinese secret societies of the east, and the ancient ninja families of Japan are now locked in a life and death struggle against them. Apparently the Chinese Communists are Neutral, b/c they like the ruling position, money and power, and nobody wants it to erupt into a full out war. According to Benjamin Fulford:

I applaud you for taking the time to carefully read the list, it is an interesting read. And, if you have money and care about your future, you can learn some interesting things. A couple things of note stand out. First off, that governor of South Caroline really screwed up his life by having an affair with the Argentinian woman. He was probably had shot for president the next time there was an opening. Notable attendees have included the Clinton's and Mr. Obama.

I looked through the list much too fast, but somewhere on there is another governor. . . that would be my bet for the next President now that the governor of South Carolina is out of the running. But, there is always next years meeting.

Likewise, there is a reasonably new fund that was set up in 1996, called the "Persius LLC" I had no idea what this was, but it has three members attending. . . . If you have some spare cash for investing, it's probably a good bet this fund will do extremely well in the coming months.

Likewise, I've always known that Novartis (a biotech company) is always a safe bet. They are the maker of the Swine flu vaccine. The head of their company was in attendance too. Probably not a bad idea to move some cash that way too. :rolleyes:


So what you're telling me is that even though I live in an area ostensibly controled by the 'anti illuminati' somehow i'm still being brainwashed by the illuminati?
Wow, wonderful explanations guys, it all makes sense now. Um. . . what happened to the Tower ABOVE where the airplanes Impacted?

Hot air rises.

One of the biggest contributing factors to the (vertical) spread of the 1975 fires was the roof space, and the HVAC - although the HVAC was designed to shut down in case of fire to prevent it's spread, and it did indeed shut down, the fire was still able to spread through the exhaust air system.
Wow, wonderful explanations guys, it all makes sense now. Um. . . what happened to the Tower ABOVE where the airplanes Impacted?

nothing their still standing their today, just hovering there, 90 stories in the air.

Rhetorical question= sarcastic answer.

Serious answer= they fell.
Trippy good sir? NO ONE brain washes you, you are ostensibly allowed to think what ever you wish. However, me thinks you just choose to keep lock step with your family, friends, co-workers, and those in your life.

Those we socialize with have a powerful influence on our beliefs. Likewise, I think our personalities are predisposed to either conformity, taking the path of least resistance, or, when things don't absolutely make sense, seeking answers, non-conformity, the consequences be damned.

You seem to be intelligent. I really do have a very hard time believing that there are things about this issue that haven't raised doubts in your mind. That you haven't seen the inconsistencies, that all the evidence that has been presented to you, visual, statistical, video, photographic, etc. is mind boggling. Yet, two things, TWO solid facts remain that you, and others of your ilk will NOT be persuaded from. ONE, the official government story says it is one way. And TWO, the press, the legal establishment, "the money men" and hence the masses, accept what is the official staged conspiracy. So, there really is no hope. You are one of those that will not feel comfortable ever walking your own path or dancing to your own tune. Rather, it is that magnitude of that unbelievability that confounds you and thus prevents you from asking questions and digging a little deeper. As such, that is your right.

Either that, or you and your ilk are shills. Who am I to say? lol
Also, how much was the structure weakened by the impact of a jet airliner into the side of the building? I've never had any reason to question what I saw on television on that day, or since then, so I've never gone beyond skimming the sites debunking the conspiracy nuts. But those large aircraft had to have caused a substantial amount of damage all by themsleves.
Trippy good sir? NO ONE brain washes you, you are ostensibly allowed to think what ever you wish. However, me thinks you just choose to keep lock step with your family, friends, co-workers, and those in your life.

Those we socialize with have a powerful influence on our beliefs. Likewise, I think our personalities are predisposed to either conformity, taking the path of least resistance, or, when things don't absolutely make sense, seeking answers, non-conformity, the consequences be damned.

You seem to be intelligent. I really do have a very hard time believing that there are things about this issue that haven't raised doubts in your mind. That you haven't seen the inconsistencies, that all the evidence that has been presented to you, visual, statistical, video, photographic, etc. is mind boggling. Yet, two things, TWO solid facts remain that you, and others of your ilk will NOT be persuaded from. ONE, the official government story says it is one way. And TWO, the press, the legal establishment, "the money men" and hence the masses, accept what is the official staged conspiracy. So, there really is no hope. You are one of those that will not feel comfortable ever walking your own path or dancing to your own tune. Rather, it is that magnitude of that unbelievability that confounds you and thus prevents you from asking questions and digging a little deeper. As such, that is your right.

Either that, or you and your ilk are shills. Who am I to say? lol

The United States has been bullying the country I live in for nearly 23 years over certain stances that our government has taken in foreign policies.
We've had European security agencies conduct acts of terrorism in our national waters.

What makes you think that I feel I owe any loyalty to the 'official story' in any sense other than evidenciary?
nothing their still standing their today, just hovering there, 90 stories in the air.

Rhetorical question= sarcastic answer.

Serious answer= they fell.

no no no, I mean, how come they disintegrated like the rest of the tower, you know, collapsed. There was no fire there, nothing to "collapse down from above." The top should have remained in crumbled ruins on top of the pile, yet, it was dust.

For that matter, this explanation should have left the core columns as well, yet. . . mysteriously, they were reduced to molten iron. Funny that.

And. . . . funny, this doesn't really explain why WTC 7 was pulverized to dust either? Hmmmm. . . strange that, eerie. Puuuhhhleaze. We have already been through yours, NIST's and the government's crazy bazaar conspiracy theory/fairy tale a zillion times. Engineers, Architects, hell, even NIST originally said it wasn't possibly, so don't feed me a line of crap, mmmkay? Can't happen, won't happen, and didn't happen that way.

They couldn't recreate it, you know? I'm not having this discussion again. Scott had that thread, it was decided, The NIST report is a phoney piece of Pseudo Science, they found the evidence at the scene, end of story. If you choose to stick your head in the sand and not to accept it? Not my problem.
The United States has been bullying the country I live in for nearly 23 years over certain stances that our government has taken in foreign policies.

What makes you think that I feel I owe any loyalty to the 'official story' in any sense other than evidenciary?

Oh? What country?
Why would I divulge that much personal information to you (see the bit about terrorism)?

One more crumb - we've also arrested and expelled MOSSAD agents from our soil for conducting illegal operations.
Also, how much was the structure weakened by the impact of a jet airliner into the side of the building? I've never had any reason to question what I saw on television on that day, or since then, so I've never gone beyond skimming the sites debunking the conspiracy nuts. But those large aircraft had to have caused a substantial amount of damage all by themsleves.

Actually, the architect that designed the buildings designed them them to withstand several direct impacts. So, in the final analysis, this statement couldn't be more false. The structure wasn't weakened hardly at all. Once the structure was punctured, the load was immediately redistributed. It was a revolutionary and brilliant design.
Why would I divulge that much personal information to you (see the bit about terrorism)?
Why would you? Because it doesn't seem all that personal. . . even the smallest country seems, well, awfully large. And, I was just trying make friendly discussion. I apologize for offending.

Um. . no, what bit?